The Whispering Verses Chapter 897: While the wedding is in progress


Miss Carina seemed to be in a good mood. She glanced at Lesia, who was dressed as a bridesmaid. Although she didn’t know what happened just now, she saw the seats near Shade and guessed what Lesia was doing. .

“Good afternoon, little Lesia.”

She kept an elegant smile, and her bright red dress particularly highlighted her beauty today. And Lesia, who was wearing a bridesmaid dress, also maintained the elegance of a royal lady:

“Good afternoon, Aunt Carina.”

In the church auditorium where the wedding was about to take place, both of them restrained their emotions, and on the surface everything seemed very etiquette. Lesia quickly walked towards the door again. She should now be staying with today’s bride.

Miss Carina turned her head to watch Lesia leave, and then glanced around. She did not go to the other seats reserved for the royal family in the first three rows. Instead, after saying hello to Shade, she sat down On the other side of the aisle, next to Miss Sylvia.

In this way, the two great witches from the [Witch Council] sat together.

Of course Tifa did not have a seat. After confirming that Miss Carina had found a seat, she temporarily left the auditorium and waited outside. It was still some time before the wedding started. In the slightly brisk tone of “Grass of Summer”, Shade wanted to continue chatting with Dorothy, but he did not expect that Dorothy actually struck up a conversation with Princess Margaret. .

The princess of Kasenlik has also learned the Drarian language, so she knows the Tobesk female writer who has recently become famous. They talked happily, and Dorothy even drew Shade into the conversation.

Although Shade had already been in contact with the princess in Huntingdon City, he still had to pretend to meet her for the first time, and follow social etiquette to praise the beauty of her outfit today. Princess Margaret first thanked Shade for yesterday’s gift, then praised Shade and Dorothy, and even mentioned that the formal suit on Shade looked quite good.

She blinked suddenly and said jokingly:

“I saw another gentleman from Delrayon at a farewell dinner in Huntington, wearing a formal gown of similar fabric and workmanship, which seemed to be the fashion in Tobesk this winter.”

She probably didn’t realize what this “coincidence” meant, but Shade almost broke out in a cold sweat. The suit he wore that was damaged by lightning when he attended the farewell party last Saturday was the same as today’s suit, which was custom-made for him by Lesia.

Fortunately, the topic quickly passed by, and Dorothy cleverly talked about literature with this foreign lady.

In order to prevent himself from exposing any flaws, Shade voluntarily withdrew from the conversation between the two ladies. But it was not a good idea to sit there in a daze, so while customers were coming in one after another, he stood up and walked to the other side of the aisle and said to Miss Sylvia:

“Madam, are you Miss Emma Sylvia?”

“Sir, do you know me?”

Miss Sylvia asked hesitantly, with a cooperative expression of aversion to social interaction on her face, while Miss Carina next to her smiled.

“Yes, I have read your paper, and you took photos when you attended the Yalta Mathematics Summit two years ago.”

Shad said according to the plan, this is the method prepared by the witches to allow Shad to get to know Miss Sylvia reasonably:

“I have always admired your academic achievements, and I have been reading your papers. I didn’t expect that you would also come to Tobesk with Her Royal Highness Margaret.”

“This is Rejed’s Hamilton Knight.”

Miss Carina introduced her, and Shade reached out to shake hands with Miss Sylvia, but the latter hesitated and refused to extend her hand, so it was Miss Carina who smoothed things over again:

“Knight, this Miss Sylvia from Carsenlick is Princess Margaret’s math teacher. If you have any questions and want to ask, you can wait until the banquet in the evening.”

“Yes, I do have some questions I would like to ask.”

Xia De said softly, then said goodbye to the two ladies and returned to his seat.

“Mr. Hamilton, the teacher has always been kind to men. It’s not against you.”

Princess Margaret, who saw the scene just now, explained softly, and Shade nodded.

The scene just now was purely for the princess to watch. After the brief conversation just now, Shade had reason to continue to know Miss Sylvia, Miss Carina had reason to invite this lady to her manor, and Princess Margaret also gave up her suspicion of Shade’s sudden relationship with Sylvia. Miss Via is suspected of being connected.

This is all Miss Sylvia’s plan. It was originally planned to be used at the banquet at Lakeview Manor tonight, but the current occasion is more suitable. When Shade got up just now, the two witches immediately started to cooperate in a tacit understanding.

Shortly after Shade took his seat, the last group of guests arrived at the wedding venue. The last group of guests were none other than King Larus and Queen Diana. Their arrival not only caused other guests to stand up, but even the Duke and Duchess of Asperger, who were sitting on the right side of the first row, stood up to greet them – according to tradition , the first three rows on the right are all the male family members, and the first three rows on the left are all the female family members.

While passing by Shad, the king and queen stopped to talk to Princess Margaret and invited the princess to sit in the front row, but the princess refused:

“This is a big day for the Cavendish family. As an outsider, how can I disturb you?”

Her answers were generous and her sentences and titles were quite appropriate, causing everyone around her to nod.

Of course, His Majesty the King also saw Shade, but only nodded to him slightly. This did not prevent Shade from seeing a look of approval in the eyes of the king who was slightly shorter than him. His Majesty the King was very happy that Shade could faithfully complete his mission.

After the queen and king also took their seats, the voices of the guests were slightly lowered, because the wedding had entered the final stage of preparations.

At 1:45 p.m., an old priest wearing a white robe with a huge white dove hanging on his chest walked out from the corridor at the back of the auditorium, arranged his hat and came to the pulpit, holding his arms in his hands The Peace Church’s canon “The Code of Peace” was placed among the flowers.

The wedding of the princess of our country is qualified to have the diocesan bishop as the officiant, but for some reason, in the end, only the eldest priest of the Peace Church in the diocese was invited. This priest is three years older than Priest August. .

“Weddings are always so exciting.”

At this time, most of the conversation was over. Dorothy said softly to Shade. The blonde girl was infected by the atmosphere at the moment. She put her handbag on her lap and looked at the pulpit and the platform in front of her with bright eyes. The priest making final preparations:

“Xia De, your faith is Mr. Dawn, right?”

Dorothy suddenly asked again, and Shade nodded. Little Mia’s daily nap time has come, and the cat is now sleeping on Shade’s lap.

The blonde girl muttered:

“I believe in the Lady of Creation, Lesia believes in the peaceful and loving father…”

【Do you know what she is thinking? 】

The voice in my ear chuckled.

“Of course I know.”

Xia De replied in his heart.

At 1:48 p.m., when the gray-haired old priest was officially ready, he suddenly coughed, and then the band played the penultimate measure of “To My Love” in the front corner of the church. Suddenly the tune changed, and then smoothly began to play “Wedding March”.

The guests all turned to look at the door with smiles on their faces. After waiting for a moment, outside the double doors of the auditorium, which was originally unoccupied, there were two boys in red coats who looked to be only seven or eight years old. They were wearing black shorts. Leather shoes, each carrying a flower basket filled with petals, walked in a little shyly, and then sprinkled red, pink and white petals on the red carpet at the door.

“It’s begun, it’s begun.”

Dorothy said excitedly.

After the two little flower girls scattered two or three handfuls of flower petals, the groom, Randolph Asberg, wearing a red army uniform, brown leather boots, and a tall black bearskin hat, finally appeared. door.

He had a smile on his face, but he could still see a little panic, and even his limbs were a little stiff, but he still pretended to be calm. The golden ribbon on the shoulders is pulled towards the chest. In addition to the necessary corsage for weddings, there are also two small medals on the chest.

While everyone stood up, the groom officially stepped onto the red carpet accompanied by the chief groomsman in a black formal dress accompanied by the “Wedding March”.

Two boys probably hired from the church choir were throwing flower petals in front, while Mr. Eisberg walked neither fast nor slow, giving people the opportunity to send their blessings.

Mr. Randolph Asberg was wearing a hat, so Schade could not give a rough estimate of his height, but he was no taller than Schade. His skin is not very smooth, and the distance between his eyes is a bit small, but overall he looks like a very resolute gentleman.

Amidst the music and applause, he took the chief groomsman to the front row at the end of the red carpet, then opened his arms and hugged Duchess Asberg who seemed to be crying, and then walked up The high platform in front stood to the left of the old priest.

“It’s so beautiful.”

Shad heard Dorothy sigh softly.

As the wedding march continued to play, three pairs of groomsmen and bridesmaids appeared at the door amidst the music and stepped onto the red carpet. Their walking speed and posture were obviously much more normal. Shade only knew one of the three best men, a nobleman who had played Rhodes with him. The three bridesmaids were all sisters of Mona Cavendish. , which naturally includes sixteen-year-old Agelina Cavendish. They all wore plain long dresses similar to Lecia’s, but the style of the long dress was simpler than that of the chief bridesmaid.

The people who stood up did not pay much attention to them, because behind the groomsmen and bridesmaids, the ring boy, each holding a ring box, came in a little shyly, followed by a small basket and a white robe. Four little girls dressed like little angels walked in carrying flower baskets.

At this moment, all the gas lamps temporarily hanging outside the window were turned on, and the light passed through the magnificent stained glass of the church, shining colorful light at the door of the auditorium.

With a dull explosion, petals and ribbons flew above the red carpet. While the “Wedding March” was playing, two musicians in red coats at the door simultaneously raised their golden horns and blew a loud sound.

Amidst the sound of the horn, the bride wearing a white bridal dress, a silver crown, a pearl necklace on her chest, diamond earrings on her ears, and a bouquet composed of white lily of the valley in her hand, was covered with tears. At last Na Cavendish appeared.

The crown even looked more gorgeous than Sister Devlin’s eyepatch, and the pearl necklace made her skin look so white.

Her face was filled with a happy smile, and her layered white wedding dress made her the most beautiful woman at the moment. Mona Cavendish and Lesia are not similar in appearance, but their nose is very similar to Agelina, and their eyes are like the prince Shade saw at the station yesterday.

The long red hair is a symbol of the Cavendish royal family. At this time, the long hair is braided into small braids, and then woven together into complex patterns at the back of the head.

People clapped their hands, and the bridesmaid Lecia led the way. The bride smiled as she walked onto the red carpet. The hem of the long, exaggerated dress was held up by a total of eight little girls with blond hair also wearing white robes.

The steam pipes laid out in advance sprayed fine steam mist from the holes in the ground onto the red carpet. The soft light at noon was projected from the stained glass windows higher up in the auditorium. Faint, in the music of “Wedding March”, in the eyes of envy and blessing, Mona Cavendish walked through the long red carpet, passing everyone who sent her blessings, and finally Arriving at the front row of seats.

She hugged her mother, Queen Diana, and then looked at her father, Larous III, the current king of the Kingdom of Delarion.

Unlike the queen who was wiping her tears with a handkerchief, the king’s expression was calm:

“Mona, remember to be happy.”

He whispered, just a simple sentence, and the bride shed tears.

The king took the bride by the hand and sent her to the high platform behind the pulpit, then turned and left. Lesia stood behind the bride.

“Oh, this is really…”

Dorothy bit her lip slightly, her eyes a little crazy. She closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, the cat being held by Shade softly “meow~”. Little Mia seemed to be afraid of disturbing this sacred moment, so she deliberately lowered her voice.


While people were sitting down, Shade asked softly, masking the sound of the chairs moving. “Dorothy” wiped her eyes and ignored Shade.

“God bless the newlyweds, who have been approved and blessed by relatives and friends, to be united under the Holy Emblem!”

The old priest announced loudly. On his right was Mona Cavendish holding a bouquet, and on his left was Randolph Ellsberg in military uniform.

As the priest made the announcement, the sound of the “Wedding March” gradually became lower, but did not disappear completely:

“In the name of our Lord, the loving father of peace, I give you blessings. Bless your marriage, and may you become God’s servants, and in the teachings and grace of peace, obtain eternal happiness in this world.”

The priest took a deep breath and looked at the people who were already seated:

“Excuse me, does anyone object to the marriage of this couple?”

Of course no one can speak at this moment, otherwise the other party will never be able to walk out of the Peace Church alive.

But the old priest still waited for ten seconds before he smiled and said loudly:

“No one objects to this marriage. May God bless everyone. The loving father will witness everything here and all the vows. Praise the loving father of peace! Praise war and peace!”

Delarion’s wedding tradition is quite complicated. The normal process requires the choir to appear and sing the hymns of the Peace Church, such as “White Shepherd” or “Song of Peace”, but royal weddings have always had a simplified process-for To prevent accidents, the children in the choir did not appear. Instead, the priest read aloud an excerpt from Chapter 5, Section 3 of the Code of Peace, about the Peace Church’s view on marriage. During this period, the band played “Song of Peace” .

After all this was over, the priest performed the most critical part. People looked at the groom and bride behind the pulpit with bated breath:

“In the name of God, I ask you under the holy symbol——”

“Dorothy” quietly held Shade’s hand. Mia climbed onto Shade’s shoulder curiously and looked at the priest across the crowd in front with wide eyes.

“Randolph Johnson Ellsberg, will you let this woman be your wife, even if she grows old and loses her youth.”

The priest asked.

The young Mr. Eisberg’s eyes subconsciously looked at the king sitting below, and then quickly said:

“Yes, I am willing. May my loving father witness that I am willing.”

His hand was placed on the holy book held by the priest. The priest smiled, turned around and asked:

“Mona Fran Cavendish, are you willing to be this gentleman’s wife, whether rich or poor, whether in life, old age, sickness or death?”

“Yes, I do.”

There were tears in the corners of her eyes, but there was just a smile on her face, and she reached out and pressed it on the holy book.

Shad seemed to hear Queen Diana in the front row finally cry, and his hand was squeezed firmly by “Dorothy”. “Lecia” behind the bride was looking at her sister with a smile, but among the bridesmaids behind the main bridesmaid, Agelina’s expression was normal.

I was very curious about the expressions of the witches at this time, so Shade carefully turned his head slightly and looked at the other side of the aisle with his peripheral vision.

Miss Sylvia raised her head and looked at the bride and groom in front of them who were taking vows, as if they were doing some academic research. Miss Carina happened to be looking at Shade at this moment, and the red-haired witch glared at him completely unreasonably.

“Huh? Did I do something wrong?”

Xia De was thinking, and then heard the priest loudly announcing at the climax of “Wedding March”:

“My Lord Peace and Father, witness that this marriage is valid. You make a vow to each other, witnessed by the gods. Please exchange rings with each other, and may God bless you. Your marriage has begun. This is a new beginning, a new family, New continuation! ”

The ring boy presented the ring, and the priest gave way. Amidst the applause of the people, Mona Asberg and Randolph Asberg looked at each other, and then put on each other’s rings. .

The sunshine at noon was just right, and the atmosphere in the church auditorium was strong. There was a continuous round of applause, and everyone was smiling.

So, as the atmosphere reached a climax, Mr. Asberg embraced his bride and then kissed her.

After that, there was a speech by the priest and a gift to the church, as well as brief speeches by the parents of both parties, but Shade no longer cared about listening to these.

“Dorothy” suddenly turned her head and hugged his neck, and then kissed him. Of course, this was not a deep kiss, just a light touch. Not many people noticed this scene, not even Dorothy, who was concentrating on Princess Margaret on the stage, noticed.

But Shade can be sure that the two witches must have noticed it. At least, Miss Carina definitely saw this scene. Shade felt that the other party’s eyes seemed to be “shooting” him in substance.

The priest’s blessing still sounded in the front. After “Dorothy” kissed Shade, she immediately turned her head and continued to look at the people on the stage, as if nothing had happened.

Shad didn’t dare to look in the direction of the witches at all. He could only lower his head and touch his lips, and then saw the cat lying on his lap twisting its neck and raising its head in an awkward posture. Look at him with big amber eyes:


Shad thought he understood what Mia said, so he reached out and scratched its little head. The cat squinted its eyes with an expression of enjoyment, and then lay down peacefully, its two furry white front paws resting on the little head. head.


Xia De was thinking during the most exciting last section of the wedding march. When he heard the people around him start applauding again, he clapped his hands too.

However, when he looked up at Randolph Asberg and Mona Asberg, who were holding hands with each other and showing happy expressions, Shade still pursed his lips, thinking about the meaning of love and marriage. .

“May God bless them.”

He said softly, but his voice was drowned in the sound of applause around him.



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