The Whispering Verses Chapter 895: Wedding Eve


This world does not have the familiar culture of “betrothal gift” to outsiders, but it does have “dowry”. That is, when a woman from a noble family gets married, the family will provide a large sum of money as a dowry. It might be jewelry, it might be a property title, it might even be a large territory.

Especially for the prominent nobles, the dowries given by the women of the family when they get married show the strength and prestige of the family.

This was not the first time that Larousse III married a daughter, so the dowries of the Cavendish family’s princesses had long been agreed upon.

Shad asked Dorothy curiously, and Dorothy raised her fingers and counted:

“First, it’s a large piece of land, but not around Tobesk. The land here is too expensive. Then there are two or three royal estates across the country. Lesia said that sister Mona wants the Arctic Ice City. The fact that Lake View Manor was purchased by the Eisberg family is also related to this. There is also an estate. The king has prepared a long-term profitable estate for his daughter. In theory, it only belongs to Mona, but after marriage, The family has nothing to do with it.”

The possessions she spoke of are things that most people in this world will never get in their lifetime.

“The Cavendish family does not have a tradition of dowry with cash, but the family has inherited a lot of jewelry, which has been accumulated from generation to generation. Mona picked out a sapphire tiara left by her grandmother when she got married. I had worn it before. Agelina said privately that she originally liked that tiara. In addition to the jewelry, there were also some antiques. Lesia didn’t elaborate, but they could probably fill three carriages. I mean, Queen Diana will also give you some jewelry. For example, if she didn’t give you the ruby ​​ring in the summer, Mona will most likely take it away this time.”

Shad can no longer calculate how many gold pounds these things are worth. Even if calculated with the larger face value of “Mia”, the Mia can probably fill the entire No. 6 Saint Teresa Square.


The cat walking around on the floor glanced at Shade curiously.

“How did Her Highness Mona Cavendish and Mr. Asberg meet?”

He inquired curiously that this kind of topic is always of great interest:

“Or is this a political marriage?”


Dorothy held the teacup, and the hot air made her feel very comfortable:

“Mona and little Mr. Eisberg met at an open-air dance three years ago in the summer, and then slowly began to write letters to each other every week. After hearing about this, His Majesty the King thought that It was a good thing for the royal family to marry Duke Asberg, so they acquiesced to this exchange. They got engaged this spring, and have been preparing for the wedding since then. I heard that at the banquet at Lakeview Manor tonight, there will be people specially starting from spring. The specialty of the Arctic ice cap is stored in it.”

“Sounds great.”

Xia De praised:

“This is a marriage that can be blessed by God.”


Dorothy’s eyes fell on Mia’s tail, which was walking on the floor. The soft and flexible tail was dangling like a huge orange and white worm:

“Agelina envies her sister very much. Of course, what she envies even more is… these three rings, aren’t they all relics?”

“Huh? What? Oh, yes, they are all relics.”

Xia De waved to the cat, and little Mia rushed over and jumped neatly from the ground to the sofa. Shade smiled and reached out to touch Mia’s little head. The cat squinted its eyes and meowed in harmony.

The blonde girl said helplessly:

“I know you are very kind to your cat, but sometimes you have to remember that it is just an ordinary cat. Even normal people cannot wear three relic rings at the same time. Shade, what do you mean to Mi Yahao is too much.”

Because they had to attend a grand wedding in the church in the afternoon, they went out for lunch at eleven o’clock. But as soon as she reached Silver Cross Avenue, Dorothy was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then said to Shade:

“Wait a moment.”

As he said this, he closed his eyes and leaned against Shade. But it only took a few seconds, without even making the passersby curious, Dorothy opened her eyes again.


The cat on Shade’s shoulder immediately meowed, and “Dorothy” looked at the cat angrily:

“Its sensitivity surprises me every time.”


Shad was even more surprised and glanced at the Yodel Palace a few hundred meters away:

“Why are you here?”

“There are too many things to do, and I am really exhausted. Let Dorothy do the work for me first, at least during lunch time, I want to have a good rest.”

She showed a sense of laziness at the moment, but soon a smile appeared on her face again. When Xia De and Xia De walked towards the restaurant where they had reserved a seat, their steps seemed much brisker:

“It feels so good to walk freely on the street without having to think about what to do next. Shade, do you know what time I got up this morning? I have never felt like a morning. It’s been so long, and now I think of Mona’s wedding dress…Oh, my god, luckily Agelina can still help me.”

“But since it’s already this time and the wedding preparations are over, what else do you have to do?”

Shadow asked again, feeling that Lesia was exchanging with Dorothy as if she was “escaping”.

“Lunch, Mona Cavendish’s last lunch at Jodel Palace. After this afternoon, there will be no Mona Cavendish, only Mona Asberg.”

Speaking of this, she turned her head slightly to look in the direction of Yodel Palace, paused for a moment, and then caught up with Shade who turned to look at her:

“We have to hurry up, I don’t want to miss the wedding in the afternoon.”

The topic of marriage is always so heavy, but Shade also wishes the newlyweds who are about to get married. At noon in early winter, when he walked into the restaurant with the blonde girl, Shade, like Lesia just now, turned his head and looked at Yodel Palace again.

“Maybe a few years from now, or many years from now, I will also welcome Lesia who walks out of here.”

[But it is more likely that Lecia Cavendish is there to greet you. 】

After lunch, the two quickly returned to Saint Teresa Square with their cat. It only took Shade twenty minutes to change his clothes and do his hair, but Lesia was in much more trouble.

But according to her, Dorothy’s gown was more cumbersome than her bridesmaids’ dresses. She enjoyed herself arranging her clothes and asked Shade to help check whether the lace edge of the skirt had been torn during transportation.

Because he was going to take Mia to the wedding, Shade prepared a blue bow for the cat.

It’s a pity that the cat, who has always been very docile, is not cooperative at all this time. In the end, Shade had no choice but to give up, but still combed its hair with Mia’s special comb, then sat on the sofa and waited for Lesia to finish dressing.

After Lesia finally looked in the mirror in the bathroom and confirmed that Dorothy’s long golden hair was completely smooth, she tied her hair together with a blue ribbon, and then held Shade’s arm With her arms and high heels on, she followed him down the stairs.

There are many guests invited to attend the grand banquet held at Lakeview Manor tonight, but only a few people are invited to attend the afternoon wedding, because the church auditorium can only seat a limited number of people at one time.

Shadow’s invitation was given by Queen Diana. The Queen had a very good impression of Shad and was interested in contacting Duchess Carina’s only “lover” to maintain the relationship between the king and Miss Carina. Even though Dorothy, a commoner girl who is a well-known writer who has recently become famous, is unlikely to be invited to the princess’s wedding, she will appear as Shade’s female companion.

Because “Hamilton Detective Stories” was written by her, people know that the writer and the detective have a good relationship, and it is suitable for her to be the female companion.

The Peace Church of Tobesk Diocese is located in the east side of the city. When Shad first came to this world, if it hadn’t been for “Mrs. Lasoya”, he almost went to the church to receive relief food.

The specific location of the church is on St. Aesop Street, which is the main street in the east side of the city. The street is about two miles long (about 3.2km) and wide enough to accommodate five or six carriages passing through at the same time. Black wrought iron fences are erected at both ends of the street, serving as the beginning and end of the street, while the street floor is made up of small gray ashlar stones.

The legendary “Saint Aesop” was a saint who lived in the Peace Church thousands of years ago. It is said that that lady relied on her own lobbying to promote the establishment of the first unified human empire in the Sixth Age of the Old World, allowing peace to last for many years. This street was named in her honor.

The carriage soon brought Shade and Lesia here. When Shade came down holding Lesia’s hand wearing a white long-sleeved glove, he suddenly realized a problem:

“Will you and Dorothy come back this afternoon?”

Lecia subconsciously raised her hand to touch her ears, and then shook the red butterfly pendant hanging on her waist to Shade:

“Maybe it will change, maybe it won’t. Shade, how many times can you tell?”


Shad immediately raised his hand to touch the cat, and Mia barked energetically in the afternoon sun.

The steam pipe central heating in Tobesk will start soon. Due to the burning of coal, the haze in the city has been very heavy in recent days. Even in the afternoon, the streets are foggy and extremely choking. people.

Under the steps of the impressive front door of the church, the blonde girl smiled:

“It would be great if we could have such peace every day.”

“Yes, I will one day.”

Xia De said softly and climbed up the steps together with the believers of the Peace Church. Although weddings will be held in the auditorium, the church remains open to ordinary believers.



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