The Whispering Verses Chapter 892: Dinner at the auction house


The “wedding banquet” refers to the wedding of Lesia’s sister Mona Cavendish tomorrow, Tuesday. As for how the other party knew about this matter, Shade didn’t think about it at all. The “Lady of the Lake” even knew that he wanted divinity, and she could naturally know about such trivial matters as the wedding.

At this time, the setting sun has dyed half of the sky red. The water surface of the island and the lake in the center of the lake reflects the setting sun, making the small fish at the bottom of the lake turn red. The evening breeze blew and the lake water rippled. Being here, Xia De actually felt an inexplicable calmness:

“Excuse me, do you know who I am?”

He actually wanted to ask this question from the beginning, but in order to prevent the lake from disappearing after asking the question, he held back until now.

“No, I don’t know who you are.”

The lady in white robe shook her head slightly, her silver hair turning red under the setting sun:

“When you step onto the lake, I understand everything.”

Xia De nodded:

“So you are…”

He asked probingly.

“You may call me Lady Cherubim.”

The lady in white robe smiled and replied, but Shade wanted to know more than a simple name.

Since the other party didn’t want to say anything, Xia De didn’t dare to continue asking. He probably had an idea that the other person was not a god, but was related to gods. Moreover, after passing by the lake yesterday, Priest Augustus said again this morning that he had a familiar smell… Xia De feels that he probably needs to read more literature to confirm his ideas.

“I will complete the task, but when I complete the task, how will I come to see you next time?”

Although the stories of those witnesses were very interesting, he did not want to find a new witness of the “Lady of the Lake” and ride around trying his luck

“When you complete the test, take a wise animal with you, and it will guide you and lead you to the Lake of Cherubim again.”

This also sounded like some kind of fairy tale. Shade nodded slightly and decided to bring his cat with him next time. Little Mia was the smartest animal he had ever seen.

“One more thing.”

Xia De added that of course he had not forgotten the people who had helped him in his pursuit of this mysterious lake:

“Two of my friends have also arrived in front of you. One is an old professor of folklore, he wants to know what happened to him; the other is the poet Mr. Roland, he wants you to take back the share Good luck he couldn’t afford.”

After saying that, he quickly looked towards the sunset. Although it was already a little late, fortunately the lake had not disappeared yet.

The lady in white robe holding the staff smiled and shook her head:

“It’s just a small thing to take back the good luck I once gave you, but I will slightly increase the difficulty of the next three tests.”

Xia De hesitated:

“No problem.”

Since Mr. Roland, the poet, trusted him and paid his reward in advance, of course Shade had to keep his promise.

The lady in the white robe took out a collection of poems from the pocket of her robe and handed it to Shade:

“This is the reward he paid. As for the limbs, there is no redemption.”

“It doesn’t matter, just take back his extra luck.”

Xia De shook his head indifferently and put away the poem manuscript as proof of completing the commission.

“What exactly did Professor Drake go through with you?”

Since the other party could withdraw the blessing so easily, Shade felt that this lady would not mind telling the things that the professor had forgotten.

But the lady in white robe holding the staff shook her head unexpectedly:

“I will answer this question next time. Not because this visit is over, but because it is related to your next test.”


“You still have time next time, don’t you?”

The lady in white robe asked, her golden eyes facing the sunset, shining brightly. Unlike the common dark golden eyes of witches, her eyes were pure gold.

Looking at those golden eyes, Shade felt that his heart became calmer, and he let out a long breath:

“Okay, so that’s it for this visit… Oh, I almost forgot about this. Next time I come, can I bring my friends here?”

Xia De asked again, and the lady in white robe agreed this time:

“No problem, but you can only bring one extra person at a time. Moreover, if they ask me questions, they will consume the gifts I originally gave you after you completed the first three tests.”

The surrounding scenery is gradually becoming transparent, and the Lake of Cherubim and the island in the middle of the lake seem to be melting into the strong sunset.

“Yes, I understand. Thanks for your help and see you next time.”

Xia De saluted respectfully on the lake again.

“Please remember that knowledge is sometimes power, and your wisdom is your greatest wealth.”

The lady said softly.

“Can the three gifts after completing the first three tasks be replaced by things about the chosen ones who have knowledge and wisdom?”

The lake had almost disappeared in the light, and while the surrounding bare apple trees gradually emerged, Shade heard her last words with a smile:

“Of course, strangers who follow the epic, may wisdom be with you.”

The scenery of the Lake of Cherubim completely disappeared, and Shade found himself standing next to the maroon horse, who was looking around boredly, as if nothing around him had changed at all.

“The Lady of the Lake is definitely related to the ancient **** [Secret Keeper]. Well… the style of the events I encountered in Huntington City in the South is really completely different from that in the North.”

Not only is the scenery here pleasant, but the things we encounter are more like fairy tales. Compared with the evil gods of Tobesk, the ugly murlocs of Coldwater Port, and the various evil spirits of Fort Midhill, being able to lead a horse to visit the “Lady of the Lake” on a comfortable winter afternoon is what Shade imagined himself to be. Something that should be experienced.

“The next focus is tomorrow’s wedding banquet.”

Riding the maroon horse, Shade faced the setting sun and returned to the city from the west of Huntington to visit the poet Mr. Roland. In the latter’s astonished look, he threw the volume of poems to him. .

Because Professor Drake’s matter has not been settled yet, Shade did not go to the old professor, but rode back to the White River Valley Vineyard. After entering the hidden wall deep in the wine cellar, he first returned home and “captured” little Mia, and then went to Fort Midhill.

I walked out of the abandoned tower in the mountain and went down the mountain along the mountain road facing the last ray of the setting sun.

The first destination was the Home for the Blind in Rufu Lane. After contacting Sister Devlin, she first explained that the “evil things in the Pantanal” could be used as firewood by the Primordial Fire, and then informed The story of the blind nun “Lady of the Lake” and what just happened:

“The evil things in the Pantanal are related to the Great Swamp. I currently have no more clues. You can arrange for the cult to investigate this.

But the Lady of the Lake is the key point. Since the fairy tale “Water of Wisdom” written on the stone slab in the [Spiritual Cult] sacrificial site is related to the legend of the Lady of the Lake, why don’t you follow me next time? Let’s go to that mysterious lake together. I think the Lady Cherubim can most likely tell us the location of the first fire of division. ”

Xia De held out three fingers:

“The three wishes after the completion of the first three tests must of course be of maximum effect. The news of the chosen ones, the first fire of division, demons, angels…ahem, you are looking for Just pretend I didn’t say the last two words.”

Although the weather has turned cold, Sister Devlin always seems to be dressed in this black and gray nun’s robe. However, after becoming the chosen one of death, her skin seemed to be fairer than before, but it was clear that Iluna had not changed at all at that time.

The silver crown-style eye mask is still so gorgeous and amazing. Sister Devlin sat on the sofa of the Home for the Blind and nodded gently:

“Whether it’s for firewood or the location of the First Fire of the Split, I should go to Huntington in person. Moreover, it seems a bit impolite to use a clone to meet the ‘Lady of the Lake’.”

“The sacrificial site on the top of the mountains, is there an exit in Carsonlik? You can take the train to Huntington City. Although I can complete the test tomorrow, I can wait for you for a few days.”

Shade suggested, Sister Devlin put her hands together on her lap, showing a quiet smile:

“Firebearers bathed in the first fire, we have other ways.

Grandma Cassandra has been looking for a relic that can safely travel through space. It seems that she has found something. Shade, let’s go to Cassandra’s Auction House for dinner together. My mother-in-law will be very happy with our visit. ”

Just like Sister Devlin said, the old witch who runs a chain of auction houses is very happy about the arrival of Shade and Sister Devlin. She asked her apprentice, Miss Rita Swift, to rearrange tonight’s dinner, and then asked the servant to inform Grace and Helen that Shade had arrived.

Shad actually comes here every week to visit the twin girls, and the space relics that Granny Cassandra is looking for are also to allow Grace and Helen to visit No. 6 Saint Teresa Square. After all, they are restricted by their own curses and the characteristics of the relics, and currently can only move around Fort Midhill, No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, and around Shade, and the girls have always wanted to visit Shade’s home.

Dinner was arranged in the restaurant on the top floor of Cassandra Auction House. As the headquarters of a famous chain auction house in the entire Old World, there is no shortage of restaurants with such functions.

The street scene of Fort Midhill in early winter, when viewed from the window, is somewhat different from that of Tobesk. The sun sets, and above the hazy fog layer is a brilliant sea of ​​stars.

The restaurant on the top floor of the auction house is lit by a maple leaf-shaped gas lamp. The old witch smiles happily, Sister Devlin, who seems to have the same expression forever, Shade who is very lucky to have brought the cat so that he can eat with her, and the farewell Grace and Helen, who were sitting on Shade’s left and right, took their seats respectively. After Miss Swift arranged for the servants to serve the food, Granny Cassandra made an exception and agreed to eat together. This made the somewhat unconfident young man The apprentice was very happy.

Of course it’s not just eating at the dining table. Although Shade didn’t know why the ladies at the table were waiting for him to speak, he still talked about how he met Miss Sylvia, the great witch at the thirteenth table, last week. things.

Grandma Cassandra spoke highly of the young witch, believing that her intelligence and talent were among the best in the parliament, and encouraged Shade to take advantage of Miss Sylvia’s visit to Tobesk to ask her Learning space knowledge:

“Now that Sylvia has met you, she will definitely think that you and her are the same kind of people.”

The old witch is very accurate in reading people:

“I wouldn’t be surprised even if she invites you to be her apprentice, so since you have the opportunity, you can learn more from her. Sylvia is willing to share knowledge with people. Although she can be very paranoid sometimes, she is suitable for learning. Most people are like this.”


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