The Whispering Verses Chapter 886: The Witch of Time


Miss Carina talked about the relationship between the witches in the parliament, and suddenly smiled:

“If nothing else happens, Lesia will be accompanying Queen Diana today. You will rarely have the chance to meet, right?”

She teased Shade.


Shad nodded.

Although we rarely met face to face, it was much easier to meet in Dorothy’s body.

“When I usually see Lesia, I often see Princess Agelina with her. Miss Carina, what do you think of Agelina?”

Xia De asked curiously again. The duchess put down the newspaper she just picked up from the coffee table and thought for a while, but asked Sha De:

“What do you think of Agelina?”

“A very young girl, not very mature, naive, and still has illusions about life, trying to get rid of the control of Larus III through Lesia, but she does not dare to directly resist her father’s authority.”

Shad concluded, thanking Tifa for pouring the tea, and the black-haired maid smiled at him.

“Rather, she not only wants to live a free and pampered life like this now, but also wants to be free and able to control her own life in the future. Relying on Lesia now is just that she found that no matter what, she can’t It is impossible to be better than this sister.”

Miss Carina said that she knows the current generation of Cavendish’s descendants very well:

“Not only them, you will find that the young people of the Cavendish royal family each have their own ambitions. Remember Saxe Cavendish who was executed for treason in the summer? He Not the most ambitious one, but definitely the unluckiest and stupidest one.”

The witch has never been shy about talking about her views on the heirs of the kingdom in front of Shade:

“Breaking into the Yodel Palace with a gun, do you really think it was just because of stupidity? Even I can’t fully see what happened in the summer, but the truth of the matter definitely involves more people, but it’s just that My nephew, His Majesty the King of Delarion, believes that this is enough for now.”

After speaking, I looked at Xia De’s expression, only to find that Xia De was not surprised at all, but nodded:

“It’s true.”

“You can always show qualities that ordinary people should not have.”

The witch smiled and said:

“The times are really different. This is not a dull era, this is an era of change and development. The heirs of the kingdom all have their own ambitions. Although it will lead to political instability in the country, in some aspects Look, it’s actually a good thing, otherwise why would we lead the people?”

“So are you optimistic about a certain heir?”

Xia De inquired curiously, but this time Miss Carina shook her head slightly:

“I will not participate in this kind of thing. I just take care of my own Saladir County. What good will it do to me to participate in the fight for the throne? Although mortal power cannot be said to be worthless, at least it is worthless to me. It’s not that tempting.”

“So, which one is higher in succession, Lesia or you?”

Shad asked while holding the teacup. The witch looked at Tifa aside, and the maid replied softly:

“According to the royal family’s inheritance law, the succession order of the young lady is far lower than the direct descendants of the current king. Not to mention, King Larousse III and many brothers and sisters are still alive. Elders like the young lady are ‘Behind them.”


Miss Carina was a little dissatisfied with this very accurate term, and glanced at her maid and apprentice angrily. Tifa lowered her face slightly, but Shade clearly saw her secretly winking playfully at him.

“That’s probably it, so generally speaking I won’t stay in Tobesk for too long. If it weren’t for the divine descent and the poem this year, I should have returned to Saladir County after the summer.”

While he had time this morning, Shade did not forget to mention his experience after opening the key to the Fifth Era 3177 yesterday, Sunday morning.

Throughout the autumn, the Witch Council has been investigating the seal on the mountainside of Mount Sikal in the narrow room, so of course Miss Carina knows about the Witch Emperor Miss Violet.

Shad knew that Miss Carina was pursuing power beyond the thirteenth level of witch, but regretfully told her that although Miss Violet was a thirteenth-level witch like Miss Feliana, at least At the time of Fifth Era 5177, she did not possess powers that mortals did not have like Miss Feliana.

“So, does the Witch Emperor want stronger power when she goes to visit the gods?”

Miss Carina asked, Shade shook his head:

“She wants to pursue eternal beauty.”

He repeated Miss Violet’s point about looks, strength and power.

Miss Carina snorted and said rather dissatisfied:

“This is really in line with what those women do.

At the end of the Fifth Era, although civilization was still developing, the witches at the top were already in decay. Judging from the information of the parliament, the conflict finally broke out at the end of the Fifth Era, and the resulting war between the Witch Emperors was the main reason for the change of the era. But this is not bad, otherwise we don’t know what will happen if the Fifth Age continues to develop. ”

After saying that, he complained rather disgustedly:

“I obviously found a way to visit the good god, and even had the opportunity to ask questions, but I didn’t know how to cherish it. In today’s era, you can’t find such an opportunity.”

After all, in the modern era of the Sixth Age, except for the five righteous gods, there are no good gods. The opportunity that the Witch Emperor did not value was something that Miss Carina wanted but could not get.

Shad continued to talk about his experience in Lost Lake. After finishing speaking, he walked out of the Obsidian Tower, and Miss Carina asked curiously:

“So, you’re going to write a math paper yourself?”

“Of course, I can’t make the Philosopher’s Stone or other top alchemy items on the spot.”

But Shade didn’t feel embarrassed, and said while playing with little Mia’s paws:

“The two witches of the fifth era are also thinking of a way. My thesis is just to make a final insurance. After Miss Sylvia arrives, I plan to ask her for help. Miss Sylvia’s mathematical skills Very good.”

The actual situation is that Shade needs mathematicians who understand the development of mathematics in this world to help him correct the format of the paper and the writing of special symbols. Otherwise, one week will not be enough for him to complete the paper:

“But Miss Sylvia won’t let me pay, right?”

He asked with some worry, Miss Carina shook her head with a smile:

“Although she is short of money, she is not short of your coins. But you might as well have more contact with her. She is very good at the power of space and is a very good teacher.”

“Speaking of the witch of space, who is the witch in the council who corresponds to the power of time?”

Shad asked this question again. He thought that Carina would refuse to answer on the grounds of “protecting the witch’s privacy”, but unexpectedly she thought about it for a moment and said:

“Of course he is the Speaker of the Parliament, the strongest ring warlock in the material world in this era.”

“One of the strongest?”

Xia De tentatively said, but Miss Carina looked at him with a smile, and saw a look of surprise gradually appearing on his face, and then said with satisfaction:

“Although I have not seen all the elderly thirteen-ring warlocks of the Zhengshen Church, I have always believed that the Speaker is the strongest person in the material world of this era.”

Xia De held the cat with a surprised expression, and his curiosity about the speaker became more intense.

They did not wait too long, but at half past nine, the servant from the Jodel Palace knocked on the door of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square and informed Duchess Carina that the steam airship Having successfully landed at 9:03, the delegation will take a short rest before setting off on a special train. It is expected to arrive at Tobesk Railway Station in 20 minutes.

So everyone took action immediately. Shade had already changed into formal clothes, and forced Mia, who was unwilling to go out, to get into the carriage with Miss Carina. At this time, Yodel Palace’s motorcade had just left Silver Cross Street, and Miss Carina’s motorcade quickly caught up with it.

After the two parties met, they rushed to Tobesk Railway Station according to the original plan. The City Hall and the Kingdom’s Railway Department have made plans in advance. Because Queen Diana was shot outside the station in the summer, everyone around the station has been cleared in advance this time and will arrive at Tobesk Railway Station this morning. The trains have made temporary journey adjustments.

In short, the security this time has reached the highest level. When Shade and Miss Carina arrived at the door of Tobesk Station together, they could only see the carriages of local nobles almost filling the street, while uniformed Royal Army soldiers stood at Tobesk at even intervals. On the street in front of the train station.

Shad even saw his boss, Director Anlos, wearing a police uniform and hurriedly walking past the station entrance together with the superintendents of Ridwich Field.

At 9:51, Shad and Miss Carina got off the bus at the entrance of the station. After Miss Carina took Shad out of the queue, she said goodbye to him and took Tifa to meet the queen. They are the protagonists of this welcome ceremony.

Xia De held Mia in his arms, glanced at the crowd behind him who were waiting to be searched to enter the station, and then walked inside.

At nine fifty-seven, Shade entered the Tobesk train station and walked inside with the gentlemen in formal suits and the ladies in fashionable clothes who had been searched. The Tobesk train station was very clean today, obviously it had been cleaned in advance.

In addition to the local nobles, the Five Gods Church also sent representatives to attend the welcome ceremony. Priest Augustus, as a highly respected clergy member of the diocese, of course also appeared at the train station.

It was not Shade who discovered the priest, but the priest who discovered Shade among the crowd in front of the platform. He discussed it with Father Nicholas, who was leading the team, and then sent someone to invite Shade to stand with them. Shade is considered a well-known senior believer of Dawn Church in this diocese. Having Shade appear on such an occasion can also demonstrate the influence of believers to other churches.


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