The Whispering Verses Chapter 884: The role of affinity


The “resurrected” wolf leads the way, and the knight leads the horse through the forest at sunset.

As the strong sunset gradually became dim, Shade went deeper and deeper into the forest farm.

Time and space seem to become chaotic here, and the rippling light makes everything in the forest farm seem to have a strange brilliance. Suddenly, Shade seemed to have walked into the light and shadow of the old era, like a real knight, holding a sword and leading a horse, pursuing everything he desired.

He watched the wolf intently. As the woods became denser, it finally got into the grass deep in the forest and disappeared. Shade also subconsciously quickened his pace, and when he led the horse out of the grass, what he saw was the rippling forest lake under the last ray of sunset, as well as the island in the center of the lake.

The wild wolf stood by the lake and stopped moving forward. Shade opened his mouth in surprise and heard the horse behind him snorting from its nostrils and stamping on the ground impatiently with its shoe.

He stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes. The last sunset on the horizon reflected red on Shade’s face, and Shade couldn’t believe that he actually found this mysterious lake under such circumstances:

“But why did [Swamp Witch] lead me to this place?”

He let go of the reins and subconsciously walked towards the lake with his sword in hand. But at this moment, the mysterious lake under the setting sun suddenly began to shake like a projected phantom, and then the image of the lake faded little by little. The changes show the true appearance of the forest.

The keen Shade has noticed the change in space and knows that this is because the lake will only appear during the day, and night has arrived.

The wolf that was closer to the lake had already plunged into the lake, and then swam to the island in the center of the lake with a dog paddle. Although Shade didn’t know what would happen if the lake disappeared together, he still thought anxiously. To get closer:

“Space Stable Halo!”

Invisible ripples spread around, but the thaumaturgy has no effect on the lake that is about to leave.

After all, Shade was a step too late, and watched helplessly as the mysterious and peaceful lake disappeared before his eyes, leaving only an empty forest farm, bathed in the moonlight above his head.

There are genuine miraculous elements around the mysterious lake, but these elements have also been lost with the disappearance of the lake. In fact, because of the departure of the wolf, the surrounding whispering elements completely disappeared, leaving only the maroon horse behind him still waiting for Shade.

“The experience of Mr. Gretel in Lower Luther Village is like a fairy tale, and what I experienced today is also like a fairy tale.”

He took up the reins again and prepared to set off back to Huntington. He was not without gains. At least he was certain that the “Lake of Cherubim” where the “Lady of the Lake” lived in the west of Huntingdon City in the Sixth Age was not the Lost Lake when the Witch Emperor visited the gods in the Fifth Age.

Leading the horse for two steps, he reluctantly looked back at the forest, where the lake should have been:

“Is this luck good or bad? I have obviously found it, but because of the wrong time, I watched it disappear. The lake may not appear here next time, but I can find it for the first time , you will definitely be able to find it the second time.”

Although he failed to set foot on the lake, Shade subconsciously felt that what he was looking for was on the island in the middle of the lake. Although this mysterious lake is completely different from the terrifying Lost Lake in 5177 of the Fifth Era, it still hides the power that Shade wants to pursue.

The task of pursuing divinity has become increasingly clear, and Shade knows that he has found the right direction. All he has to do next is to find the lake again, and then face the test that awaits him.

After riding back to the city, Shade did not immediately go to the White River Valley Vineyard, but once again found Mr. Kansas Drake, a retired folklore professor who lived in the old city west of Huntingdon.

When Shade rang the bell outside the fence gate, the gas lights were already on in the entire neighborhood. The air pollution in the old town is better than that in the main town of Huntington, so you can see the brilliant starry sky in early winter.

It was still the fat maid who opened the gate for Shade and led him to see the professor in the study. The maid had already prepared dinner and was about to push the professor’s wheelchair to the restaurant. However, when Shade entered the study and seriously stated that he wanted to talk about the “Lady of the Lake”, the professor hesitated. , then looked at him in surprise, waved his hand for a long time and said:

“Okay, Mrs. Sendy, you go out first. We will call you after we finish talking.”

The fat maid closed the door in the corridor, Shade sat on the chair outside the desk, and the professor struggled to turn the wheels of his wheelchair back behind the desk:

“Mr. Watson, have you found it now?”

The warm yellow light of the grape-shaped gas lamp in the study room illuminated Professor Drake’s face with various expressions of worry, surprise, fear and expectation. The old man has received countless young people who are eager to find the legend, but this is the first time he has the expectation of this moment.

Xia De nodded slightly, but then shook his head:

“It can be said that I found it, but I didn’t find it. To be precise, I saw the lake at the last moment before sunset. But when I got closer, it disappeared. I can be sure that that It was not an illusion, the lake really appeared in front of me briefly.”

He described to the professor the scenery of the lake and the appearance of the island in the center of the lake.

The professor in the wheelchair widened his eyes, leaned back slightly and took a deep breath:

“This is really Mr. Watson, you found it so easily, but you found it at the last moment of sunset, such luck”

His face turned red, and then he suddenly covered his forehead. When Shade saw this, he stood up immediately. The professor waved his hand to tell him not to worry. Instead, he took out a small bottle from the desk drawer and shiveringly put a black pill the size of a pile of sesame seeds into his mouth:

“In the past few years, my blood pressure has been a little high and I have had some heart problems, but my friends prepared herbal medicine for me. I never thought that you could bring me such a surprise before I died.”

He stabilized his emotions, closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing, then shook the small bottle towards Shade, and then asked:

“Can you tell me what you encountered today?”

“Of course, I also have some questions to ask you.”

Shad started talking about arriving at Lower Luther Village today, omitting his experience of riding a horse around Luther Lake to see the scenery, and directly talked about encountering a pack of wolves in the evening.

This shocked Professor Drake:

“I know there are wolves outside the city, but you actually encountered them?”

“Yeah, luckily I have a gun.”

Xia De said, and then mentioned that he was chased into the forest by a pack of wolves. After he had no choice but to shoot and kill one of the wolves in self-defense, the other wolves dispersed. But the wolf that was supposed to be dead came back to life and took him deep into the forest until he saw the mysterious lake.

Professor Drake sighed after hearing Shade’s “story”:

“Every story I have recorded about encountering the ‘Lady of the Lake’ is so fascinating. Mr. Watson, your story is also so fascinating. Of course, it is also the most dangerous one among them, the one in early winter. Wolves are extremely aggressive and if you didn’t have a handgun, I really don’t know what would have happened.”

After obtaining Shade’s consent, he decided to add this story to his record. The reason why Shade came here specifically was to ask another question:

“I heard that in recent years, more citizens have encountered the ‘Lady of the Lake’ in the eastern part of Huntington than in previous years.

Do you have more specific information about them here? I want to visit them. Since I was able to actually find the lake nearby based on the experiences of the villagers in Lower Luther Village, maybe I can also find the lake in areas where other people have encountered the ‘Lady of the Lake’. ”

The information Professor Drake gave to Shade respected the privacy of those who provided stories, so only a few old records such as the old Grave who lost one eye contained the true identities of those people. .

Xia De wanted to know from the professor the true identities of the citizens who encountered the “Lady of the Lake” in recent years or even this year, but the professor hesitated and said:

“Mr. Watson, I know you want to actually go to the island in the middle of the lake. But in the current records, no one has ever been able to see that mysterious lake twice.”

“But my experience this time was obviously different. I was the only one who saw the lake but couldn’t walk across it.”

Xia De emphasized seriously:

“So, that lake might give me a second chance. In this way, I might also be able to help you find out what happened to you back then.”

The old professor pursed his lips and frowned slightly, as if he was thinking. Although he was eager to know the truth about what happened to him, those who shared their experiences with him also told their stories because of their trust. Professor Drake wants to know the truth, but he doesn’t want to violate his principles.

I wanted to refuse the young man in front of me, but looking at his serious look at the moment, I subconsciously thought that he would succeed. Neither of them spoke. Under the bright gas light in the study, Professor Drake suddenly felt that this guest was so approachable and reliable.

Finally sighed:

“Okay, young man, you have convinced me. But I must tell you in advance that I have hired people to investigate all the locations mentioned in the records, and nothing has been found.”

Not only the professor, Shade believes that the Orthodox Church in this diocese must also have sent a team of ring warlocks to investigate the situation, but nothing has been gained:

“It doesn’t matter, you just need to give me your name and address, and I will take care of the rest.”

He stretched out his hand to the professor, and the professor closed his eyes:

“Some people don’t hand over their stories so easily.”

Xia De smiled:

“It doesn’t matter, you just need to tell me one thing.”

“What happened.”

“Does any of these people like to play Rhodes?”


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