The Whispering Verses Chapter 867: Divination, Princesses and Agents


Shad originally just wanted to chat with Miss Sylvia for a few words before returning to the banquet. After all, Mr. Bernhardt was still waiting for him, and he also intended to get more local information from the “local bats” information.

But when it comes to their respective incomes, the topic seems to be unstoppable. Although Miss Sylvia is a classy and elegant lady, like Shade, she is also troubled by the lack of a stable income that can be earned normally.

As ring magicians, the two of them often receive large amounts of unexpected income, but they both prefer the kind of very stable income that although the one-time income is small, is very stable every week.

During the chat, Miss Sylvia once again confirmed that Shade came to this city for the “Goddess of the Lake”, so the young witch proposed to help Shade do some divination. She is not a witch who is good at divination, but she does have certain divination abilities.

The divination cards that Shade is more familiar with are still used, but Miss Sylvia’s divination process is to ask Shade to randomly write three two-digit numbers, average the three numbers, and round off the decimals. Count the numbered cards from the top of the stack of fortune-telling cards.

Take out this card and the adjacent four cards above and below, for a total of 9 cards. Calculate based on today’s date and the current time, and finally only three cards remain. Shade randomly selected one of the last three cards. This complex but interesting divination method also interested Shade very much, so he curiously chose the middle one.

Miss Sylvia turned over the card. On the card was a clown with a red nose, holding a red cardboard box wrapped with a ribbon. Shade blinked and looked at the red-nosed clown’s clown hat, feeling filled with emotion for a moment.

“Divination cards – unexpected gifts, good omens.”

The witch smiled and said to Shade:

“The meaning of this card is that the answer you are pursuing may not be found in the direction you are looking for. But when you turn around by chance, you find that the answer has already appeared around you. Card correspondence The moon phase of the full silver moon, the waning yellow moon, and the waning red moon belongs to the 23rd hour of spring in the constellation of the Clown in the astrology, and fortune-tellers consider this to be a better divination result.”

“By my side?”

Xia De looked around, but of course he didn’t find divinity under the soft sofa cushions:

“Then I hope I can find the answer as soon as possible, although I don’t have high hopes…”

Dong dong dong~

While he was talking, there was a knock on the door. Shade immediately closed his mouth, and Miss Sylvia frowned and looked at the door:

“It’s Margaret. It seems that the speech is over. Time flies so fast.”

She was a little dissatisfied with the interruption:

“Margaret will stay in the banquet hall before boarding the airship tonight. After all, this is her farewell dinner. Come to me now, probably to discuss the time of departure. Shade, you are temporarily Avoid it.”


Shad turned his head and looked around the room, then took a fancy to the wardrobe in the corner. Hiding in the bathroom was risky, but Shade was sure no one would open the closet.

I stood up and was about to walk over, but after thinking for a moment, I took out Lecia’s prank note with the sentence “purple cabbage” written on it, and threw it on the red carpet between the sofa and the coffee table:

“Please help me explain in a moment. This note was there before you entered the room.”

“No problem.”

Miss Sylvia didn’t ask any questions, and then watched Shade hurriedly run to the closet. After confirming that the closet door was closed, he signaled his maid to open the door.

Outside the door, it was indeed Princess Margaret dressed up and wearing a silver crown:


She stood at the door and greeted, and then walked in with her servants. After walking to the sofa, the first thing I saw was the fortune-telling cards on the table and the half-drunk cup of black tea:

“Teacher, did you have a guest just now?”

She asked curiously, Miss Sylvia nodded:

“Yes, very important guest.”

The princess sat down, then blinked. She clearly felt that there was still warmth on the sofa, which meant that the so-called guest had not left when she knocked on the door. I looked into the room very covertly, and felt that the bathroom and wardrobe were both possible, but even the guests that Miss Sylvia valued were most likely in the bathroom.

“I hope I didn’t disturb you.”

Margaret Anjou said softly, feeling relieved when she saw Miss Sylvia shaking her head. She knew how great her nominal tutor was.

Just when I was about to talk about taking a carriage to the steam airship after the banquet, I found a note lying under my feet:

“Huh? What is this?”

The maid picked up the note with the back facing up for the princess, Miss Sylvia said:

“After I entered this room, I didn’t sit where you are now. The guest just now probably saw it, but she didn’t pick it up. It was not important after all.”

Princess Margaret took the note curiously, but her expression changed drastically after just one glance.

“What’s wrong?”

Miss Sylvia asked curiously, the princess pursed her lips tightly, and then put the note away:


She looked very ugly, but she was still unwilling to say more to Miss Sylvia to prevent the past events from many years ago from damaging her impression in Miss Sylvia’s mind.

“Teacher, can you divine for me? The origin of this note is that it was left by the servant who was cleaning the room.”

The princess whispered, Miss Sylvia nodded:

“There are two unopened cards on the table. Please open them.”

The princess with long pale golden hair carefully opened the first card, which showed the number six.

“Divination card-spiritual number 6?”

Miss Sylvia is interested:

“I am best at dismantling spiritual numbers. Margaret, please wait a moment and let me do the math for you.”

“No, teacher, you said…does this represent MI6?”

Marguerite Anjou asked with an ugly face. Miss Sylvia wanted to laugh but had to hold back:

“Yes, it’s possible. After all, Delarian’s agents are indeed very good… Open the other one too.”

The princess nodded and opened another one. On it was an eagle standing high on the cliff.

“The eagle on the top of the mountain indicates that your ambition will continue to expand, but this will not lead to bad results.”

Miss Sylvia explained again, but Princess Margaret of Anjou stared at the cards uneasily, and took a long breath after at least half a minute:

“Teacher, the card is a gray eagle.”

“Yes, in this version of the divination cards, the card of [Mountaintop Eagle] is a gray eagle, while the one I used before was a pair of bald eagles…”

The witch looked at her student curiously:

“You don’t think that this card means that the note appearing here is related to our legendary agent?”

Princess Margaret nodded with difficulty:

“I ventured to Fort Midhill in the fall and actually met Mr. Grey-headed Eagle. Yes, I’m pretty sure it was him. He completed the difficult task and even helped me lure him away. MI6. I tried to win over him, but he never contacted my people in Tobesk. This gentleman didn’t seem to be easy to win over.”

“Actually, I’m just not short of money right now, so I didn’t go get the 1,000 pounds.”

Xia De in the closet was thinking, sincerely admiring Miss Sylvia’s divination ability. The fortune tellers in this world are always able to obtain extremely accurate results, but the problem is that most of the time the interpretation of those results is in the wrong direction. But this time, Princess Margaret got it completely right.

“I probably understand.”

The princess held the note tightly in her hand:

“Before this party, Mr. Gray Eagle had definitely come to Huntington. He and MI6 fought many battles in the shadows that I didn’t even know about. While I rested, read, and socialized, I carried out Responsible for tasks related to the visiting delegation.”

She unfolded the crumpled note:

“This note appears in front of me now. I can’t imagine how many complicated and dangerous stories happened in it.”

It’s not complicated actually, Shade just threw it on the carpet.

“I can’t imagine how many conspiracies there were surrounding this note.”

In fact, there was no conspiracy, but Lesia was dissatisfied that her date time was being taken up and wanted to “retaliate” against the princess of the Kingdom of Kasonlik.

“What you said makes sense. It sounds like the Grey-Headed Eagles of the Gray Gloves organization are really capable.”

Shad in the closet admired Miss Sylvia who was speaking at this time for not laughing out loud.

“Teacher, I believe that my judgment is not wrong. I have already planned to win over this ace agent, and even asked my father to give an order to Gray Gloves, so that the Gray Eagle, who had originally entered the incubation period, would secretly Protect me.”

“How come I don’t know?”

Shad thought in the darkness of the closet, and then realized that the order would not arrive so soon, but he would probably receive that strange letter again soon.

“Since that gentleman was able to appear in front of me at Fort Midhill, I believe he will also appear in Tobesk. At that time, we will be able to determine whether there is anything behind this note. His fight with MI6.”

Princess Margaret said firmly, convinced that her judgment was correct. Moreover, she also planned to hand the note to the gentlemen from Gray Gloves accompanying the visiting delegation. Maybe someone from MI6 had been placed in the visiting delegation.

Because of their discussion, Shade immediately knew that Baron Lewis, who was nominally the accompanying secretary in the visiting delegation, was actually the leader of the Gray Gloves team. Therefore, even before the delegation arrived in Tobesk, Shade had already made contributions to Director Anlos, who appreciated him very much.

Of course, Shade will not tell MI6 this news directly, at least not yet. After all, he is not really a Delarian. Although he receives a salary from MI6, he is also favored by Detective Sparrow.

So, this time he still wants to achieve a “win-win” situation similar to the one where the big city players passed on information during the period.

【Do you want to win twice? 】

“Her” laughter came to my ears.

“Of course not, Gray Gloves and MI6 all win.”

Xia De hid in the darkness and whispered in his heart.



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