The Whispering Verses Chapter 856: The witch who is short of money


“You will really cause trouble for me.”

That evening in the southern suburbs of Tobesk, in the Duchess’s manor, Miss Carina held a tea cup and said to Shade who was sitting on the sofa.

At this time, Shade has just returned from Huntington City. The murder that occurred at the White King Club ended with Miss Martha being arrested, the tobacco merchant and the university lecturer being taken away, and the dead earl being ruined. However, Shade still followed the instructions We made an appointment to visit Mr. Bernhardt’s estate.

Holding the cat, Shade thanked Tifa who was pouring tea, with a very sad expression on his face:

“I don’t know how I met her. Now that I think about it, it’s really not a good idea to touch a relic that brings luck. I feel that since I walked out of that wine cellar, it seems that fate has guided me. I was involved in that inexplicable thing and then met Miss Sylvia. Is this good luck or bad luck?”


The cat opened its mouth and meowed, dissatisfied that Shade’s stroking speed had slowed down.

“This should be considered good luck. The young witch seems to have a very good impression of you.”

Miss Carina had finished listening to Shade’s description, she took a sip of tea with her red lips, and then added:

“Every great witch who has seen you so far has a good impression of you.”

“Oh, Miss Carina, please stop teasing me.”

Shad said, then heard Tifa laughing. But when he looked up at the beautiful black-haired maid, she clearly had no expression. Instead, she opened her beautiful big eyes and blinked twice in confusion.

“Speaking of good luck, is it okay if I stay overnight at the manor today?”

Xia De asked, Miss Carina raised her eyebrows:

“What does good luck have to do with staying overnight? Are you going to take advantage of your good luck today and come to my bedroom to try your luck?”

She must be teasing. The relationship between the two is still close now, so a joke of this level is not too much.

“No, no, I used the relic [Golden Lucky Rabbit Leg] today, and I am worried that there will be problems at night. If I stay overnight at the manor, if I run into trouble, you can help me.”

“Of course there is no problem, but the [Golden Lucky Rabbit Leg] Secret Keeper-level one? You are really amazing, you can even find such a thing.”

“But why did the Pantanal Voodoo Society use an ordinary person to poison and murder the Earl of Huntingdon?”

Xia De said again.

“According to what you said, the count’s social relations and interests are so complicated, there must be many people who want him dead. However, the Pantanal Voodoo Society is also unlucky this time, specially letting a six-ring warlock The purpose of the response was to prevent accidents, but in the end the count actually died in front of the princess, and even bumped into you, and then bumped into Sylvia. I can’t think of anything more unlucky than this.”

The Duchess chuckled. She had nothing to do with this matter, so she could joke about it as a funny thing:

“However, the Ringman organization attacked ordinary people and was discovered. This directly violated the rules set by the church. I am afraid that the Huntingdon Diocese will not be peaceful for some time to come.”

Miss Carina looked at Shade lazily:

“I’m not sure if you have anything else to do when you go to Huntington besides bringing me a few bottles of local red wine and snacks.”

Shad didn’t come empty-handed, and the red wine was a gift from Mr. Bernhardt.

“But Shade, try your best to get involved as little as possible in matters involving nobles and ring warlocks, otherwise you will get into big trouble.”

“I understand that I went to Huntington to find something, not to cause more trouble.”

Shad nodded, but he didn’t remember why he went to that strange city today until he took the carriage back to the White River Valley Vineyard. Fortunately, the vampire clan that Mr. Bernhard belongs to is well-informed in the local area and can help find out the news, so Shade’s time today is not a waste.

Outside the study is the brilliant starry sky at night in early winter. As the frost moon passes halfway, winter has really arrived. However, the first snow in Tobesk usually appears at the end of the Frost Moon, so it hasn’t snowed yet and the night temperatures are not unbearably low.

At least in the study room of the manor, even if the fireplace is not lit yet, it is still warm and cozy. Miss Carina chatted with Shade about her encounter with Lesia in Yodel Palace today, and then asked Shade about preparations for the next time key.

After these topics, Shade mentioned the bounty on “Poison Ivy Magis” and said with some uncertainty:

“Is that Miss Emma Sylvia very short of money? It may be my misunderstanding. She is a little concerned about the reward of 3,000 pounds.”

“She is different from us. Although the young Thirteenth Seat has inherited a large amount of inheritance from the previous generation of witches, she does not yet have a sustainable profitable industry in her hands. I once told you that Sylvia is the kind of person who is very A girl who is smart and has a far-sighted view of things. From the perspective of assets, she is not particularly short of money, but from the perspective of the future, she is indeed short of money. After all, a witch also needs to develop her own followers. Spend money.”

Miss Carina smiled at Shade and said:

“Furthermore, she shouldn’t particularly care about such a small amount as 3,000 pounds. The 3,000 pounds you mentioned should only be a reward from the Natural Church family. A guy like this who has been highly rewarded by the Righteous God Church will definitely not have anything on his body. He only carries a wanted order. Calculating this, the ring warlock from the Pantanal Voodoo Society is worth at least five figures in gold pounds.”

“Oh, this is really not a small amount.”

Xia De sighed softly, but did not feel that Miss Sylvia had embezzled his money. After all, she caught the bald man alone, and she also had to find a way to collect the reward on her own, which Shade couldn’t do.

“Tifa, when is the appointment time for Sylvia and me to meet?”

Miss Carina, who was looking at the starry sky through the window behind Shade, asked her personal maid, Tifa replied:

“Miss, it’s eight o’clock sharp.”

“Five minutes left.”

Xia De reminded.

“Shad, then you go to the parliament with us. Sylvia asked me to meet alone. No other people in the parliament will enter at this time. You don’t have to worry too much, young Sylvia, than Sivi and Granny Cassandra are much easier to deal with.”

Miss Carina said confidently, stood up, took off her gold necklace, and asked Tifa to hand it to Shade:

“This time, you open the door.”

With the cat on his shoulders, followed by Tifa and Miss Carina, with Shade’s somewhat off-key singing, the group of three entered the long ancient corridor together in the corridor.

After passing through the fog door at the end of the corridor, they entered the white mist. Tifa and Miss Carina reached out and grabbed Shade’s arm. Shade held the witch necklace in his hand and said softly:

“May the hidden chaos protect me, who is also a witch!”

The white fog dissipated, and an unknown light illuminated the somewhat dark interior of the parliament. An ancient stone round table is placed in the center of the circular flat ground, surrounded by steps leading upward. There is no one in the parliament now. It seems that Miss Sylvia did not arrive early.

“We discussed something during a meeting some time ago.”

After taking back the necklace from Shade, Miss Carina found her own stone back chair and sat down:

“Sister Devlin has become an important partner in the Parliament. Your Excellency the Speaker is discussing with us whether to give her the qualification to attend the Parliament.”

There were many more real witches in the Fifth Age than there are now. Although there are only thirteen people who are eligible to hold seats, other witches can also be qualified to attend the meeting, but they do not have the right to vote.

“Attending the meeting? What good does this do to the nuns?”

Xia De asked while looking around.

“You can participate in our discussions on important issues, and you can obtain limited qualifications to enter the parliament alone.”

Miss Carina said, Tifa stood behind her, the cat on Shade’s shoulder looked around, and Shade looked at the witch suspiciously:

“Entering Parliament alone?”

“Yes, in addition to the thirteen pieces of gold jewelry, ring warlocks attending the meeting can enter the parliament with restrictions through the voucher issued by the Speaker. Oh, Shade, don’t look at me, I am not the Speaker, Moreover, if I give you the certificate, what can you do if you enter here?”

She thought she had seen through Sha De’s thoughts:

“To enter the parliament, you need to sing the song completely in an environment with no one, so it cannot be used as a temporary refuge when encountering enemies. Even if you are given a voucher, you will not use it here.”

“I understand.”

Shad nodded. He was just thinking that if he could enter here at any time, then the voting rights he obtained through the two witch reverberations might be able to explore more uses.

The two were talking when footsteps were heard, and Miss Emma Sylvia, who had short black shawl hair, appeared in the parliament as if she had walked out of the air. She was still wearing a long red dress, but the style was different from the one in the afternoon. In addition, she also had a long-sleeved and half-length white fur shawl on her upper body. The night in Huntington City must have been quite cool.

She first saw Miss Carina who was already seated, and nodded very respectfully. He was not surprised by Tifa’s appearance, but after seeing Shad, his brows furrowed deeply:

“So, this gentleman is really a lady?”

While talking, I found my seat. And when the second great witch took her seat, the surrounding light became stronger.

“No, of course it’s a man, I checked.”

Miss Carina said, seeing Miss Sylvia looking at her suspiciously, she added:

“I am only sure that he is a male from the perspective of body structure, but I think my judgment should be correct. So, let me tell you what the situation is now.”

Miss Carina motioned for Shade to come over, and then under Miss Sylvia’s gaze, the red-haired duchess raised her arm to ask Shade to lower his head, then took Shade’s neck and kissed him , it took a long time to look at the surprised young witch again:

“Shad Suellen Hamilton, a male, a man who can be contacted by a witch, a man who can use the power of a witch. According to the rumors about Tobesk, he is my lover.”

Miss Sylvia did not expect to hear such news as soon as she came up, so she hesitated:

“Then the reality is”

“Similar to the rumors, but not as extreme as the rumors.”

The red-haired duchess smiled, but it was a scary look with a smile on her face but no smile at all in her eyes:

“Sylvia, I think you should know what Mr. Hamilton’s existence means to Parliament.”


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