The Whispering Verses Chapter 841: The returning priest


Chapter 838 The Returned Priest

Priest Augustus set out from Tobesk Station in early autumn and returned to Tobesk Station on Sunday morning in late autumn. Although Shade knew that Priest August had experienced many dangerous things at Fort Middlehill, and the dangers he encountered during the Fort Middlehill incident were no less than his own.

But when Shade put his hands in his pockets and joined the welcoming team of Dawn Church, he was still in a daze when he saw the old man smiling and carrying his suitcase as he stepped off the train that sprayed steam from the bottom to both sides. I thought the priest was on vacation.

Of course the priest’s luggage is not just a suitcase. Other large luggage is piled in the truck compartment and will be taken to Dawn Church by a dedicated person.

The weather at the turn of autumn and winter is not bad, but polluting fog is still lingering in the city. The chaos on the platform made this life-like scene even more hazy and unreal, but at least Priest Augustus was really back.

A total of 7 local old priests returned with Priest August, belonging to the Five Gods Church. Although the fatigue of the journey could not be concealed on their faces, everyone was very happy to return to Tobesk, the pearl of the north.

“Even the smell of pollution in the air is so kind.”

Priest Augustus even said such words, and then choked and coughed. The air pollution level in recent days is indeed outrageous. Although the nearby Fort Midhill also has a steam industry, the overall level of air quality is far better than that of Tobesk City.

On the platform, which was dark and dim, filled with travelers carrying suitcases, and filled with strange smells in the air, the Five Gods Church held a brief welcome ceremony for the returning old priests, and then each returned to the church. .

Of course, Priest Augustus would not follow Shade to No. 6 St. Teresa Square, but he still knocked on Shade’s door at two o’clock in the afternoon.

“Welcome back, Priest Augustus!”

Xia De said with a smile after opening the door. The old man outside the door also had a smile on his face:

“Yes, Tobesk is better. I will never go out like this again in the future. Oh, your gift.”

The gift that Priest August prepared for Shad was a black hat with colorful feathers on it, which were dyed with dye.

Shad hugged Mia and led Priest August to the second floor to talk. The tea had been prepared in advance, and the first words of Priest Augustus were a question:

“Have Joey Patton and that Marilyn Handel left Tobesk now?”

“Yes, the last time I saw them was at the Tobesk Public Cemetery seven days ago.”

Xia De replied, the priest nodded and did not ask any more questions about them:

“When I was at Fort Midhill, I promised you that I would tell you about my pair of wings. Detective, you already know that those wings belong to an angel, but maybe you don’t know, who Angel is”

“The original angel, the first angel born in the world, the angel of death.”

Shad added, signaling to Priest Augustus to sit down. The priest sat on the short sofa and looked at him in surprise:

“It seems that you know more than I thought. Well, I don’t need to introduce too much. Of course I am a human being, but I can borrow the power of angels. Well, a long time ago, Because of an accident, I obtained part of the remains of the Death Angel.”


Somewhat surprised, but not particularly surprised. Compared with other possibilities that Shade thought of, such as Priest Augustus being an angel, this answer is not particularly outrageous:

“That angel is dead?”

The priest shook his head and smiled:

“It seems that you don’t know everything, otherwise I would think that although your angels are not the great ones who created them, they also have nearly immortal lives and are existences higher than humans and mortal creatures. Most of the angels are accompanied by The ancient gods left together, and the Death Angel left its body in the material world. The body collapsed, and when I was young, I accidentally fused part of the remains, including the wings.”

The story of Priest Augustus’s youth should be the incident of Tobesk’s Level 0 relics getting out of control that the academy once mentioned. But the priest still did not explain why everyone died, but he not only survived but also gained strength. This should be a secret that priest August did not want to tell.

Fortunately, everyone, including Shade, has secrets, so he will not explore too much.

“Then the right arm bone of Joey Barton was implanted by the [Truth Society]”

Xia De raised his eyebrows.

“Detective, you are very keen, yes. The remains of the angel gave me the power to tell the angel part of the death. With this power, I am not only extremely keen on death, but also can rely on the continuous collection of other parts. of the remains to perfect that power.”

The priest stretched out the palm of his right hand, and some gray mist was beating in the palm of his hand.


Mia instantly became furious and made a low threatening sound at Priest August, which startled both Shad and Priest August.

Xia De comforted his cat and hesitated:

“But you don’t look like someone who is seeking power. Sorry, I mean, usually once such extremely difficult to collect items are aggregated, unimaginable things will happen. Priest August, why do you Want to collect the remains of angels? I’m worried that once you collect them all, the angels will revive in your body.”

Outsiders have seen many similar stories.

The priest shook his head:

“Detective, do you think the departed ancient **** will return easily?”

“Of course not.”

“Then why did the angels who left with them return so easily?”

The priest said, Shade was relieved now, this does make sense:

“Then why did you collect these wreckage?”

“They are very dangerous, extremely dangerous. Don’t look at me like an ordinary person now. In fact, I have paid a lot of price to suppress the power of the angel. This is not something that should be left in the material world. Power, so I want to seal them by myself. Moreover, with the return of this power, I can also know more information, the information of the ancient gods.”

He glanced at Shade:

“Aren’t you seeking this knowledge?”

Xia De smiled:

“Yes, I am also pursuing those ancient myths. In the dust of history, I learn the stories of the past. This is what I should do as an investigator in the School of History. So, you have been searching for Are there many remains of the Angel of Death?”

The priest shook his head, picked up the tea cup and leaned back on the backrest:

“I’ve been looking for this information over the years, but you can imagine how difficult it is. In addition to the initial remains and the right arm bone removed from Joey Barton’s body, I accidentally obtained it 12 years ago I got a small piece of leg bone and two phalanges three years ago. It’s far, far away.”

The priest took out his pipe again, but it was just for wiping. Of course he would not smoke in Shade’s house. Shade noticed that the priest did not mention how many of the remains he initially fused.

“If you don’t have to worry about the risk of angels resurrecting in you, I will also help keep an eye out for information about the remains of angels.”

Xia De then nodded. In addition to demons and flames, he had another collection item.

“I knew you would help me, Shade. As the Angel of Death continues to be completed, I can also gain more knowledge and information. I think these are the most important things compared to power. After all, Knowledge is priceless, knowledge is power, and I am willing to share this power with you.”

He took out a small glass bottle from his pocket. Shade pushed away the cat that stretched its neck to sniff. He picked up the glass bottle and shook it:

“Holy water?”

“Yes, I made it myself. In terms of effect, it is roughly equivalent to No. 3 and No. 4 holy water.”

Shad looked at the priest in surprise:

“I always thought that only the Church of Nature can make holy water. The Church of Nature relies on the relics of five angel statues from the poet level (level 5) to the angel level (level 1) to make holy water. Therefore, the production of holy water Something to do with angels?”

“Yes, the power of angels can make holy water. Of course, this requires knowledge.”

The priest smiled and pointed to his head:

“Now, I can make large quantities of No. 4 holy water, with almost no additional consumption except for material costs and time. The bottle of holy water in your hand is stronger than No. 4 but weaker than No. 3, but it is still a bit laborious to make. But From now on, you can buy holy water from me, I only accept ?br/>

“That would be great.”

Holy water is a strange potion that can expel negative energy, expel curses, detoxify, restore the spirit, heal wounds, add sacred effects, etc. Although the effect of No. 4 holy water is far less than the two bottles of No. 2 holy water in Shade’s drawer, it is still quite valuable.

“In addition, I also learned to make some strange objects, related to angels and death. The most powerful alchemy item, the ‘Death Horn’, even has a large-scale instant death effect. However, I want these strange objects If you want to try making it again, some materials may be difficult to find in a short time. If you are interested, you can take a look at my potion workshop.”

The priest added that it seemed that the amputated arm bone really helped him a lot. It’s a pity that Shade and the priest can’t ask the [Truth Society] about the origin of the bone, otherwise they might be able to find more angel remains based on clues.

Priest August opened the sale of holy water and special alchemy items to Shade, which also illustrates the value of the knowledge of those ancient beings. Thinking about it now, Dr. Schneider should also be able to make some alchemical items with demonic characteristics, such as the amulet that allows Shade to use demonic power in his dreams.

The reason why the doctor rarely mentioned his knowledge to Shade is obviously because the power of the devil cannot be used easily. Being discovered by the church using angelic power will not cause trouble, but being discovered by the church using demonic power will really lead to big trouble.


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