The Whispering Verses Chapter 734: Strange gift


Chapter 734 Strange Gift

[Outlander, do you have a new view on death? 】

“She” suddenly asked softly.

“Maybe death is not the worst ending sometimes”

Xia De replied in his heart, and then felt the box he was carrying shaking slightly. Only then did he realize that it was already Monday night in the material world, and even according to the somatosensory time, it was already time for little Mia to eat.

So many things happened along the way that Shade almost forgot about the cat in the box.

So, under the curious gaze of the people around him, Shade threw the woman tied with chains behind him to the ground, then squatted down and put the box down, and carefully slid the lid open. In order to prevent the [Challenge of Life and Death] from affecting the still living cat, Shade pressed his hand on little Mia’s head in the box to prevent it from rushing out.

Looking down at the box again, I found the cat curled up in it, with its face raised and its big amber eyes looking pitifully at Shade outside.

“Oh, my little Mia.”

Looking at the red butterflies flying around, I carefully took the cat out of the box and held it tightly in my arms. Sure enough, whether it was the effect of the red butterfly or the afterglow of Shade’s body at this moment, Mia was not affected by Hazama.

However, when the cat was completely taken out of the box, its tail actually had a copper-colored hook tied with white thread.

“Oh, what is this?”

Shade then realized that this was this week’s “gift”, and Mia had “got” it again. The requirement for this gift is to give gifts to two different friends this week. There is no requirement for the value of the gift, but it must be a sincere gift.

“It seems that the **** wants the children to learn to make friends.”

He stood up with the cat in his arms, his depressed mood slightly improved after hearing the story about the twins. Just as he was about to explain to Grandma Cassandra why her cat appeared here, her hand had already touched the copper-colored slender hook:

“Oh? Miracle factor?”

The hook is neither a relic nor an ordinary item. Instead, it seems to be a special material containing magical power. Before Shade could make further guesses, the voice in his ear had already given the answer:

[The material of this metal hook is exactly the same as the material of [God’s Gift Box]. 】

“I see, this is the leftover material left over from when the [Innocent Creator] made the box.”

Now Shade understood:

“But why give me such a strange thing? The material has different effects in the hands of different people. In the hands of mortals, it is at best an extremely strong, hard-to-break, sacred hook that can easily transmit spirits. It.”

The reason why [God’s Gift Box] is a “God’s Gift Box” is not because of the material, but because of the maker.

But Shade suddenly frowned and glanced suspiciously at Grace and Helen, who were still hugging each other among the red butterflies not far ahead. Then he opened his mouth and looked at the sky in surprise:

“?,?Is it really that boring?”

The surprise and panic in my heart reached the extreme, and at this time, the voice of Granny Cassandra came from beside me:

“Xia De, who is this?”

She was asking about the woman bound by [Sin Chains].

“Oh, this is one of the four ‘nails’ that have been resurrected from the dead. When Miss Helen Black and I went up the mountain, we met people from the Truth Society. They were trying to make a location-type relic out of control and extract it from it. Caught this woman.”

Xia De held the cat, and the cat squirmed in his arms:

“I think it’s better to throw her into the big crack over there and let her return to death. Only death can fight death. This is what the ancient one on the top of the mountain told me.”

“That’s good.”

Grandma Cassandra nodded, of course she would not pity this innocent woman. Ashes to ashes to dust, the dead should not return.

Shad was about to manipulate the chain to send the woman to the edge of the gap, but stopped because Sister Devlin spoke:

“Mr. Hamilton, please let me come, so that I can help the ancient ones suppress the narrow space.”

Shad nodded, so the nun calmly bent down and picked up the woman from the loose chain. Then, under the **** of Shad, she walked around Helen Black and Grace who were hugging each other in the red butterfly group.・White comes to the edge of the crack.

The dark wind blew, blowing Sister Devlin’s clothes and long hair. She raised her hands flat in front of her, supporting the woman who had fallen into a coma in shock. But the nun did not directly throw the woman into the crack. Instead, she gently asked Shade to stay away, and then she whispered in ancient grammar:

“Fire, burning.”

First, the back of the white hand appeared cracked, and in the cracks was the glow of the original fire. The cracks and glow then spread to the whole body, forming a red gesture on the clothes and skin similar to Shade’s current “divine afterglow” state.

However, when the flames touched the woman she was holding, the flames immediately began to burn. The crackling sound even drowned out the howling wind, and the light of the burning flame actually temporarily illuminated the surroundings, even brighter than the red butterfly beside it.

The nun looked serious, but Shade could see that her hands had been burned by the flames. The light traces of the first fire were pulled back by the shrill wind, and the nun seemed to be ignited herself.

She did not continue to wait, but gently threw the woman in her hand forward into the large crack on the top of the mountain in front of her.

The flames went out as the burning body disappeared, and she lowered her arms. Shade saw that the burn marks on the nun’s hands were slowly healing.

“Let Grandma Cassandra bring me here to witness the ceremony, in itself, to pass some warm flames to the ancients on the top of the mountain. In the past, it gave me the fire of the Phoenix, and now, I am willing Repay her with the warmth of the first fire.”

Although Sister Devlin is also very powerful, she cannot open the road to here casually like Helen.

“Can this suppress Hazama’s loss of control for a long time?”

“It’s only temporary. It still depends on the church’s ceremony.”

Probably noticing that Shade was looking at her hands, Sister Devlin retracted her hands into the sleeves of the gray-black silk nun’s robe without leaving a trace:

“Grandma Cassandra knew you were the one her teacher was waiting for when you first arrived at Fort Midhill.”

She said softly to prevent the witches behind her from hearing:

“In the Witch Council, if there is only one person who will never harm you, it must be Grandma Cassandra.”

After saying that, she turned around and left the crack, with Shade following her. Now he knew the reason why the old witch was friendly to him, but he wanted to know more about the reason why the Spiritual Cult had been so kind to him.

He was very sure that, at least so far, none of his actions in the past had anything to do with the [Spiritual Cult].

When a group of people left the narrow room and returned to the top of Mount Sikal in the real world, the moon was already hanging in the night sky.

Shad had a lot to say to Grace and Helen, who were nestling together, and a lot of things he wanted to ask them. But it was already late, and the whispering element in the two of them was frighteningly strong, so it was not the right time to talk.

Sister Devlin and the witch master and apprentice went down the mountain with the twins, while Shade turned back to the ruined tower on the mountainside. Although he didn’t engage in too many fierce battles, he had experienced so many things today and it was time to go home and take a rest.

“You can go see Dorothy.”

He held Mia in his arms and looked at the moon on the top of the mountain in front of the abandoned tower:

“She might like this story. No, she hates being sad.”

Chapter 734 Strange Gift

[Outlander, do you have a new view on death? 】

“She” suddenly asked softly.

“Maybe death is not the worst ending sometimes”

Xia De replied in his heart, and then felt the box he was carrying shaking slightly. Only then did he realize that it was already Monday night in the material world, and even according to the somatosensory time, it was already time for little Mia to eat.

So many things happened along the way that Shade almost forgot about the cat in the box.

So, under the curious gaze of the people around him, Shade threw the woman tied with chains behind him to the ground, then squatted down and put the box down, and carefully slid the lid open. In order to prevent the [Challenge of Life and Death] from affecting the still living cat, Shade pressed his hand on little Mia’s head in the box to prevent it from rushing out.

Looking down at the box again, I found the cat curled up in it, with its face raised and its big amber eyes looking pitifully at Shade outside.

“Oh, my little Mia.”

Looking at the red butterflies flying around, I carefully took the cat out of the box and held it tightly in my arms. Sure enough, whether it was the effect of the red butterfly or the afterglow of Shade’s body at this moment, Mia was not affected by Hazama.

However, when the cat was completely taken out of the box, its tail actually had a copper-colored hook tied with white thread.

“Oh, what is this?”

Shade then realized that this was this week’s “gift”, and Mia had “got” it again. The requirement for this gift is to give gifts to two different friends this week. There is no requirement for the value of the gift, but it must be a sincere gift.

“It seems that the **** wants the children to learn to make friends.”

He stood up with the cat in his arms, his depressed mood slightly improved after hearing the story about the twins. Just as he was about to explain to Grandma Cassandra why her cat appeared here, her hand had already touched the copper-colored slender hook:

“Oh? Miracle factor?”

The hook is neither a relic nor an ordinary item. Instead, it seems to be a special material containing magical power. Before Shade could make further guesses, the voice in his ear had already given the answer:

[The material of this metal hook is exactly the same as the material of [God’s Gift Box]. 】

“I see, this is the leftover material left over from when the [Innocent Creator] made the box.”

Now Shade understood:

“But why give me such a strange thing? The material has different effects in the hands of different people. In the hands of mortals, it is at best an extremely strong, hard-to-break, sacred hook that can easily transmit spirits. It.”

The reason why [God’s Gift Box] is a “God’s Gift Box” is not because of the material, but because of the maker.

But Shade suddenly frowned and glanced suspiciously at Grace and Helen, who were still hugging each other among the red butterflies not far ahead. Then he opened his mouth and looked at the sky in surprise:

“?,?Is it really that boring?”

The surprise and panic in my heart reached the extreme, and at this time, the voice of Granny Cassandra came from beside me:

“Xia De, who is this?”

She was asking about the woman bound by [Sin Chains].

“Oh, this is one of the four ‘nails’ that have been resurrected from the dead. When Miss Helen Black and I went up the mountain, we met people from the Truth Society. They were trying to make a location-type relic out of control and extract it from it. Caught this woman.”

Xia De held the cat, and the cat squirmed in his arms:

“I think it’s better to throw her into the big crack over there and let her return to death. Only death can fight death. This is what the ancient one on the top of the mountain told me.”

“That’s good.”

Grandma Cassandra nodded, of course she would not pity this innocent woman. Ashes to ashes to dust, the dead should not return.

Shad was about to manipulate the chain to send the woman to the edge of the gap, but stopped because Sister Devlin spoke:

“Mr. Hamilton, please let me come, so that I can help the ancient ones suppress the narrow space.”

Shad nodded, so the nun calmly bent down and picked up the woman from the loose chain. Then, under the **** of Shad, she walked around Helen Black and Grace who were hugging each other in the red butterfly group.・White comes to the edge of the crack.

The dark wind blew, blowing Sister Devlin’s clothes and long hair. She raised her hands flat in front of her, supporting the woman who had fallen into a coma in shock. But the nun did not directly throw the woman into the crack. Instead, she gently asked Shade to stay away, and then she whispered in ancient grammar:

“Fire, burning.”

First, the back of the white hand appeared cracked, and in the cracks was the glow of the original fire. The cracks and glow then spread to the whole body, forming a red gesture on the clothes and skin similar to Shade’s current “divine afterglow” state.

However, when the flames touched the woman she was holding, the flames immediately began to burn. The crackling sound even drowned out the howling wind, and the light of the burning flame actually temporarily illuminated the surroundings, even brighter than the red butterfly beside it.

The nun looked serious, but Shade could see that her hands had been burned by the flames. The light traces of the first fire were pulled back by the shrill wind, and the nun seemed to be ignited herself.

She did not continue to wait, but gently threw the woman in her hand forward into the large crack on the top of the mountain in front of her.

The flames went out as the burning body disappeared, and she lowered her arms. Shade saw that the burn marks on the nun’s hands were slowly healing.

“Let Grandma Cassandra bring me here to witness the ceremony, in itself, to pass some warm flames to the ancients on the top of the mountain. In the past, it gave me the fire of the Phoenix, and now, I am willing Repay her with the warmth of the first fire.”

Although Sister Devlin is also very powerful, she cannot open the road to here casually like Helen.

“Can this suppress Hazama’s loss of control for a long time?”

“It’s only temporary. It still depends on the church’s ceremony.”

Probably noticing that Shade was looking at her hands, Sister Devlin retracted her hands into the sleeves of the gray-black silk nun’s robe without leaving a trace:

“Grandma Cassandra knew you were the one her teacher was waiting for when you first arrived at Fort Midhill.”

She said softly to prevent the witches behind her from hearing:

“In the Witch Council, if there is only one person who will never harm you, it must be Grandma Cassandra.”

After saying that, she turned around and left the crack, with Shade following her. Now he knew the reason why the old witch was friendly to him, but he wanted to know more about the reason why the Spiritual Cult had been so kind to him.

He was very sure that, at least so far, none of his actions in the past had anything to do with the [Spiritual Cult].

When a group of people left the narrow room and returned to the top of Mount Sikal in the real world, the moon was already hanging in the night sky.

Shad had a lot to say to Grace and Helen, who were nestling together, and a lot of things he wanted to ask them. But it was already late, and the whispering element in the two of them was frighteningly strong, so it was not the right time to talk.

Sister Devlin and the witch master and apprentice went down the mountain with the twins, while Shade turned back to the ruined tower on the mountainside. Although he didn’t engage in too many fierce battles, he had experienced so many things today and it was time to go home and take a rest.

“You can go see Dorothy.”

He held Mia in his arms and looked at the moon on the top of the mountain in front of the abandoned tower:

“She might like this story. No, she hates being sad.”


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