The Whispering Verses Chapter 331: The fishman’s elixir


The ship was shaking, and Shade squinted at the captain across the table:

“You were cheating. After I announced the answer, you moved the position of the tattoo.”

“No, I’m just taking advantage of the rules, it’s not against the rules I said.”

The captain of the pirate ship, whose face was so ugly that it could almost scare an adult to death, pointed to the white bread:

“Now, eat them, and we will continue the second game. If you don’t eat them, I think you and your companions want to stay on the ship, she will become my lord’s food, and you will be with us forever. Together. Don’t worry, the food is not poisonous, I don’t want to poison you, that would be too boring!”

The evil spirit pirates laughed loudly, approached the guy with the plate of white bread, and enthusiastically pushed the plate in front of Shade.

The fluffy white bread looks extremely tempting, but in this humid cabin where human bones and jewelry cover the ground, and the walls are covered with fungi and blood, no matter how you think about it, you know that this thing is not normal food.

Xia De took a deep breath and bet against this guy. He should have expected that the other party would cheat. But in this case, he will not abide by the so-called rules in the future, eat the bread this time, and then look at the second round of gambling. If the opponent also cheated in the second game, Shade would have to turn the table over. Of course, if there are other ways, he will try to avoid doing this. Losing divinity means the disappearance of the afterglow of divinity. This loss is too huge:

“What are these foods?”

Xia De asked, thinking that the other party would not say anything, but unexpectedly the captain actually gave the answer:

“This is desire, the desire to eat, the desire to be greedy for wealth, the desire to live. This ship captures souls, digests flesh and blood, and grasps desires. This is our food. I think you will like it.”

As he spoke, his narrow eyes narrowed:

“Of course, I will give you a chance. If you are willing to give up the companion behind you and hand her over to me, this round will not count. We will gamble in other ways.”

Xia De looked down for a while, then reached out to grab the bread and swallowed subconsciously.

[I can’t tell you what this is, but if it is really the so-called pure desire, your spirit will still be affected even in the current state of divine afterglow. The feeling of craving for food will become stronger at this moment. 】

“How intense?”

[It won’t break you down, but it’s close. 】

The “Captain” was looking at Shade, and Shade knew what he was looking forward to. But since Shade has made up his mind to take the blond girl away with him, he will never go back on his words.

“Xia De”

The girl behind him wanted to **** the bread, but Shade seemed to grab the hand and shook his head in refusal:

“You promised to treat me to something to eat, not me to treat you to something.”

He said, then tore up the piece of bread that was enough for him for two breakfasts and ate it bit by bit.

Although there is no smell, it tastes like real white bread. It’s very soft to the touch, and even by the standards of my hometown, it’s quite delicious.

“When we get out, remember to tell me who you are. Although I have already guessed it, I hope you will admit it yourself.”

He clutched his stomach that was aching from hunger and said to the blonde girl behind him who wanted to stop him. The latter looked pale and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Shade, who stared at Prince. The lady’s eyes are afraid that the other party will do something stupid:

“What you have to do now is stand behind me and watch me gamble with this captain. When I can’t hold it anymore, I will tell you.”

Miss Princess bit her lower lip with her teeth.

“What to bet on in the second round?”

The bread turned purely out of desire brought Shade more spirituality, and even gave him the illusion that he would be able to obtain spiritual runes such as “bread” in the next moment. But at the same time, the rising hunger made him want to bite off his lower lip.

In two periods of life, he has lived for more than twenty years, but he has never missed the days when food could fill his stomach so much, and he has never felt that ordinary food in daily life is so valuable.

After experiencing this adventure, he at least fully understood the preciousness of food.

“Second game?”

The skull lanterns hanging above the head were shaking violently, and pale green light and shadow flashed alternately on Shade’s face.

The captain squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then stretched out his right hand and put it into his mouth. The hand opens the throat, and after the elbow, the entire forearm enters the mouth.

He dug around in his stomach for a long time before taking out a small box of pure gold.

Although it is a “small box”, it is larger than the mouth, so when it passes by the mouth, the lower part of the head is more than doubled in size.

He threw the box filled with disgusting white-green mucus on the table. It was extremely delicate in shape, like a jewelry box used by noble women. The box was locked with an old-fashioned small copper lock, with runes engraved on the lock. I don’t know if it was used for sealing or to prevent theft.

This was not over yet. After taking out the first box from his stomach, he then used the exact same method to take out two other identical boxes from his stomach and threw them on the table.

After finishing all this, he wiped his mouth politely with the white handkerchief in the pocket with the medal hanging on the outside, like a gentleman wiping his mouth after eating:

“It’s really strange. You don’t seem surprised at all by my actions. Aren’t you curious about what I am?”

The captain asked Shade, who covered his stomach with one hand and said unceremoniously:

“I’d probably be surprised if you took them out from underneath. Stop talking nonsense, what’s the bet this time?”

“Three boxes, two empty, one containing a bottle of fish-man’s elixir, which can keep you young forever. This is the treasure I got at sea before this ship was blessed by my Lord. Now tell me, Where is the magic potion? If you answer correctly, the potion is yours. If you answer incorrectly, choose a dish and eat it. This is the second round. If you lose, this dish can be regarded as your joining meal. ”

The evil spirits laughed again, and Shade felt that the girl behind him was a little unsteady because her hair rubbed against his head.

“Eternal youth”

“Yes, this is an ancient potion, very precious in any era.”

The nine rings on the captain’s fingers reflect the terrifying green light above his head:

“In the name of my lord, the bet will not be false.”

Shad nodded and looked at the three boxes. This time they were potions, not the weird tattoo just now, so “she” couldn’t tell Shad the answer.

“Can I take a closer look?”

“Of course.”

So the pirate who had just dueled with Shade took the three boxes and put them on the table in front of Shade.

Shad put one hand on the table and looked at the captain:

“You just didn’t say you couldn’t open the box to confirm, so it’s not a violation of the rules if I open the box and look at it before giving the answer.”

This is the inspiration that Xia De got from the opponent using the rules to cheat.

The middle-aged pirate captain on the other side of the wooden table didn’t know what the thing was and said with a smile:

“It does comply with the rules, but do you think I can’t think of it? If you are not afraid of the curse on the box that can harm your soul, you can give it a try.”

Xia De raised his hand and placed it on the middle box. The golden light on the cracked palm skin slightly illuminated the metal box under his hand. Sha De raised his head and said:

“Looks like it doesn’t work for me.”

Shad would only be worried if the box was coated with poison that would kill if touched.

“You will never be able to open that lock. It is a lock made by a transcendent being who lived longer than me. It is also the treasure I plundered before this ship was bathed in divine grace.”

The captain said again.

Xia De, who was so hungry that stars were about to appear before his eyes, and who also had an extremely huge spirit in his body, stretched out his right index finger and tapped the lock.


Although the spell [Key to the Door] sounds like it only functions to “open a lock”, it is actually an extremely precious spell, because even the “mysterious lock” can be regarded as a kind of lock. Of course, the specific use is also limited by the amount of Shade’s own spirit, his knowledge of locks, and the level of the ring warlock.

In its current state, the lock is no different from a tied noodle with Tobesc sauce.

Shade didn’t wait for the captain to express other opinions and directly opened the lid of the box. The first thing he saw was that it was empty. So he used the same technique to open the one on the left. Inside the small solid gold box, there lay a flat glass bottle quietly. The bottle contained a magical potion with a dreamy purple liquid.

Of course, in order to prevent the third box from also containing something, Shade also opened the third box, which was empty.

“My answer is, the potion is here.”

Shad said, reaching out and taking out the potion and stuffing it into his pocket. Although the opponent’s bet was full of malice, at least he didn’t despicably poison the bottle. He didn’t expect Shade to be able to open the box so easily:

“I won the second round, what should I bet on in the third round?”

Xia De spoke quickly, without giving the other party a chance to refute.

“Okay, you win the second round.”

The captain squinted his eyes and looked at Shade, grinned, and then said.

Putting his right hand on the table, he waved to the evil sailors around him. Pieces of green light flew from them to the captain’s hands, and then a whole deck of cards appeared in the captain’s hands:

“We played the card game of your era. If I remember correctly, the game you played was called Rhodes.”

The back is the group of Rhodes cards, and then he twists the deck to separate the overlapping cards inside, so that Shade can see the card surface. Each card comes from the power of a different evil spirit, so the face of each card is the true appearance of the monsters that can drive people crazy.

The fifty-four cards are fifty-four different card faces. Shade tried to find the card belonging to the captain, but the other party only showed it briefly, without giving Shade a chance to take a closer look.

Shad reached into his pocket and took out his deck.

Hand out his hand to the evil sailor sitting closest to him. His right hand is an iron hook. In addition, his entire lower body looks like an octopus, constantly secreting disgusting mucus. Most of the black stains on the corners of the table come from this stuff.

“Check it out.”

Xia De said.

“No need.”

The captain said, reaching out to slap the deck of cards in his hand on the table, and then gently pulled it open evenly, placing it in an arc in front of him.

Looking up at Shade:

“As long as you are not caught cheating, it is not cheating. Let’s play it simply. Each person draws nine cards from the deck, does not open the cards, and makes a three-three combination. You choose the order of opening the cards. Nine cards are three. Groups are opened in sequence, and the one with the most wins wins.”


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