The Whispering Verses Chapter 2861: Lingquan Enlightenment


Chapter 2860 Spiritual Spring Revelation

This time the angel did not reject Sha De. She slightly raised her head and looked at the clear sky in late autumn, paused before saying:

“Although I was also in the material world when the war happened, I was dealing with other things and did not participate in it, nor did I witness it with my own eyes, so what you heard from me was not first-hand news.”

“It’s okay, please tell me.”

The calm transparent lake surface rippled as the lady walked. She only moved two steps and then stopped:

“That was one of the most dangerous things that happened in the era after the ancient gods left. The collapse of the World Tree caused the originally united and powerful Elf Empire to fall apart. The fanatic believers who refused to accept the reality were once inside the Elf Empire. A rebellion broke out.

But this is certainly not the most dangerous thing. The role of the World Tree in supporting the temporal stability of the material world cannot be replaced by any other existence. Although the tree father had prepared a backup plan, it still caused the material world to experience a A period of extreme danger that is completely unrecorded today.

Among them, the evil objects born from the debris that fell into various parts of the material world are one of the manifestations of that danger. ”

She nodded to Shade:

“Yes, of course there are more than one wreckage after the collapse of the World Tree. You have never seen what the World Tree looked like at its peak. Naturally, you can’t imagine how tall and huge the World Tree was when it existed in the material world. You are surprised by this. ”

She asked Xia De, and Xia De shook his head hastily;

“Just keep talking.”

“As a digression, haven’t you actually seen the remains of a World Tree a long time ago? In the fifth era.”

Shad quickly recalled his 15 time adventure experiences so far:

“Is there any?”

“Ash Valley – Strange Tree Academy. What do you think the ‘abnormal tree’ means?”

Xia De took a deep breath:

“Is there a piece of the World Tree’s remains in that college?”

“No, the academy itself was built on the remains. The remains of Yishu Academy were suppressed quite thoroughly. The academy existed since the First Era, but after that, it separated itself from the remains. Fusion. Relying on its power, college professors can compress or expand the time stream to allow students to learn more efficiently.

I know what you are thinking, no, the formation of the special space in the Valley of Ashes has nothing to do with that piece of debris. The college fell into it after it was ruined. But I do not deny that Yishu Academy did not wither in the material world but appeared there, which is related to this.

As for that piece of debris, it has also been eliminated with the collapse of Yishu Academy. I just want to tell you that some of the wreckage was processed and used by the ancestors, but the wreckage of the Vesta Grove could only be sealed because it was too powerful. ”

She paused for a few seconds to give Shade time to digest the information:

“During the ancient war in the Second Age, only the mortal demigods who were blessed and watched by the old gods were qualified to enter the frontal battlefield, because only they could barely face that in the chaotic flow of time. Enemy. But fortunately, although the overall power of mortals is weakening in this era, the power of the sealed tree is no longer as strong as it was originally.”

“So what did the ancestors rely on to defeat their opponents? Was it by the stronger power of time?”

Xia De asked, but the angel shook his head:

“At the beginning of the Second Era, except for a few old gods, no time power was stronger than the evil things born from the wreckage. They relied on earth, wind, water and fire, or in other words, the world itself.”

“Sorry, I don’t quite understand.”

“The extraordinary power system of the material world has changed several times, and mortals under different systems have different perspectives on understanding the world. In the first and early second era, people more recognized that the world is composed of four important elements: earth, wind, water, and fire. This basic elemental power theory can still find traces in today’s era.”

In addition to moving objects, the basic spells of ring magicians are to manipulate basic elements to perform attacks such as “fireball” and “wind blade”. The basic elements mentioned here are earth, wind, water, and fire. It’s just that the ring warlock system is quite large and complicated, so except for low-level warlocks, basically no one mentions the term “basic elements”.

“Earth, wind, water, and fire represent the world, so using the power of the four elements to symbolize the world can suppress that powerful evil. It’s just that the material world is different from what it was back then, so you don’t need to try to imitate the methods of the ancestors.”

The angel reminded, and Shade thought about whether the way the evil thing hides itself today is related to the damage it suffered during the ancient war.

But now that this was mentioned, Shade asked the most important question:

“Since the tree father had anticipated what happened after his departure, did he leave a way to deal with it? Is the way to deal with it an arrow?”

The angel looked at him with a smile and did not answer the question:

“There are actually many ways to fight against the tree today. If the nun next to you can make the first fire stronger, she can completely free herself to burn the tree. Of course, this will also make this generation of nuns To wither.”

Xia De shook his head decisively:

“Since there are many methods, I will just look for other methods.”

“Then let me give you some little hints about this chosen ceremony. This may allow you to make a choice that is more in line with your ideas at the end of the story. But there Before, I want to talk to you about another thing. You have already met the old **** in the fifth era, right?”

The angel asked again, since she had already mentioned “Odd Tree Academy” just now, Shade also understood that she knew about it:

“Yes, the guardian of teachers [Lord in Black Robe], he seems very kind, and he also said he would teach us lessons.”

The [Lord in Black Robe] is obviously related to the “Ancient God of Knowledge and Wisdom” [Secret Keeper], and the wise angel in front of him is the most important angel of the Ancient God. The two may have something to do with each other. What connection.

“Okay, please accept this.”

The pure white wings behind the wise man holding the staff suddenly spread out, and his free right hand pointed at Shade.

So dozens of glowing white feathers in the wings floated towards Shade, but these white feathers were not real, because little Mia couldn’t catch them even when she stretched out her claws.

After the white feathers floated into Shade’s body, the pure miraculous element stimulated the life ring to appear behind his back. The life ring rotated under the clear sky and above the clear lake water. The four-ring enlightenment rune [Water of Wisdom] lit up with aura, and Shade also heard “her” voice at this time——

[Outlander, you have come into contact with a “miracle”. 】

[Outlander, you have mastered thaumaturgy – spiritual spring revelation. Put water droplets on the eyebrows of humanoid creatures to calm the mind and enlighten wisdom. Corresponds to the [Water of Wisdom] spiritual rune. 】

It was only ten o’clock in the morning this Wednesday, and Shade already had two different magic tricks:

“What do you need me to do?”

He asked, and the lady holding the staff withdrew her wings and shook her head:

“Although you can affect time and space at will without causing a time paradox, anyone who uses you is equivalent to trying to exploit loopholes in the rules of time, so I don’t ask you to do anything.”

Xia De nodded and didn’t ask any more questions:

“So what do you want to remind me about the ritual of the Time Chosen?”

“This world still needs a World Tree after all.”

She saw Xia De’s eyes widened, but then shook her head and said:

“But it doesn’t need to be. After all, no matter what, the end is coming, and it cannot be stopped by a World Tree, otherwise there is no need for the ancient gods to leave.”

Xia De heard her hidden meaning:

“You don’t mean to say that if the chosen one of time really appears, she will become”

The angel shook his head and didn’t want to say more:

“Now the great prophecy consisting of thirteen poems has turned to the eighth page, and the following story will become more and more difficult.

This not only means that the enemies are getting older and more powerful, but also that more troubles that have not been resolved in the ancient era will emerge. After passing the test and obtaining the title of wise man, you may encounter some choices that must be faced. The end is approaching, and the world is becoming unfamiliar to everyone. ”

“Wait a minute, I still want to ask, won’t it be that whoever becomes the chosen one of time will become a new world tree? I don’t want Emilia to become a tree, I promised her to let She becomes the person she wants to be, but I can’t do it with my own hands.”

“Calm down, a wise man will not give up thinking because of impulse.”

She said softly, and the cat on her shoulder meowed worriedly. Shade then closed his eyes and took a deep breath, waved his hand to let a drop of water fly up from his feet, and then touched it between his eyebrows.

He didn’t feel any enlightenment of wisdom, but his anxious heart did calm down:

“The story I hate most is that I want to do good for the one I love, but I don’t know that I am pushing her into the abyss step by step.”

But if you think about it carefully, Luvia has also been a chosen one in time, but she never said that she had turned into a tree.

After adjusting his mood, he said again:

“Sorry, I think I just lost my temper. What else can you tell me about this chosen ceremony?”

“For the rest, you need to find the answer yourself. But please remember to follow your own ideas to make decisions. After all, all of this is a story that you have witnessed with your own eyes. This The story will continue until the end of time, so don’t leave yourself with regrets before you reach the end.”

With many worries on his mind, Shade said goodbye to the lady in the lake. However, after he returned to the White River Valley Vineyard on horseback, he did not go to the Vista Woodland immediately, but returned home first.

Today, it was raining lightly in Tobesk City. Shade, who was wearing a black coat, had a gloomy face. He opened his umbrella under the eaves of his house with a bang, allowing the water droplets falling from the eaves to be bounced away. Then we entered the “Steam City” in late autumn.


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