The Whispering Verses Chapter 2859: Happiness and redundant memories


Chapter 2858 Happiness and Superfluous Memories

Xia De didn’t know why, but he found this scene quite funny. After all, not long ago they were fighting a dangerous thing, but now they were all frowning because of the bitterness of the tea.

But watching everyone chewing tea leaves together and listening to the sound of the bonfire in front of him, the last chill was dispelled. For some reason, he felt a strange sense of security, but this sense of security was not enough to turn Shade away from the bitter taste. It frees him to feel the so-called “happiness”.

“So what is happiness?”

Xia De recalled while chewing and touching little Mia:

“Having breakfast at home with little Mia on a sunny morning? It is indeed happiness, but it seems not enough;

On a late winter night when snowflakes are falling, hugging Luvia and covering yourself with a quilt while reading a storybook together? Very warm, but not enough;

When I wake up in the morning, I see ladies washing up or reading newspapers, and Tifa says “good morning” to me? Speaking of which, I haven’t had the chance to have a few words with Tifa recently, I’m just too busy;

Or is it a gift they prepared for their birthday this year? No, no, now is not the time to think about this. ”

“She” chuckled in her ear.

This kind of memory had no effect. Instead, Xia De felt that the skin in his mouth was dry and tight because of chewing tea leaves.

Others probably had this problem too. Iluna puffed out her cheeks and frowned, chewing as if taking medicine; Gray Wolf girl chewed extremely hard, as if the tea had turned into something that was difficult to swallow. Cooked beef; the movements of Miss Metz, who wears glasses, are not that exaggerated, but she obviously has not found the trick.

But Miss Wilder’s own progress was quite smooth, because Shade had already felt the traces of spellcasting on her body.

The green dragon girl was chewing tea leaves with a very happy look, and she was secretly looking at Shade while chewing. However, Shade didn’t notice this because he was concentrating on meditation. In order to select the best tea leaves, the dragon maids often chew tea leaves to distinguish the quality of each batch of tea leaves. She is more tolerant of the bitter taste of tea leaves than others.

“It’s really bitter. Speaking of which, is tea considered food?”

Shad then remembered that his [Toymaker] spirit rune was also related to the thaumaturgy of “candy making”. This thaumaturgy allowed Shad to transform things he thought were food into candies he had tasted. .

Thinking of this, Shade had a new idea. The next time the mouth chews and the teeth part, the tea leaves have been turned into candy.

It’s just that if you don’t control this thaumaturgy attentively, the “made” candies will be transformed into Shade’s favorite flavor at the moment according to his mental state. Amidst the bitterness in the mouth and the depression caused by the environment, the taste of the tea changed into a faint sweetness that outsiders had almost forgotten after the next time the teeth were closed.

It is not the high-end chocolate from my hometown, nor is it the high-end pastry made by Tifa herself, that taste.

A certain memory that had been dormant for a long time came up again. It was a summer afternoon when a foreigner was just a child. He bent down and picked red flowers from the potted plants celebrating the festival on the street, and then placed them Suck the nectar into your mouth.

At that time, he did not understand the difficulty of life, the suffering in the future, or the troubles that were destined to come. He only remembered that amidst the sounds of traffic, the taste of nectar was indeed sweet. Although it was not very sweet compared to real candy, it was still flooding in his memory at this moment, making outsiders remember that moment. of happiness.

He understood why the “happiness” he just thought of could not touch thaumaturgy, because those “happiness” would happen again. There is only the faint sweetness of childhood, even if he returns to childhood or even his hometown, he can never find it again.

After all, he already knows what life is all about.

[Outlander, you have obtained the thaumaturgy “Tea Extraction Method”, which allows you to restore some spirit by chewing tea leaves, corresponding to the “Toymaker” spirit rune. 】

The voice of “her” in his ears was light and gentle. The success of thaumaturgy did not excite Shade. He continued to taste the faint sweetness slowly, trying to catch the fading memories that were surging.

Miss Wilder sensed Shad’s success in some way, and when “she” reminded him softly in her ear, she already looked at Shad, and then congratulated him with gestures.

Iluna had been inattentive just now because the tea was too bitter. Now that she saw that Shade seemed to have succeeded, she wanted to congratulate her in a low voice. But maybe the continuous chewing action made her make a mistake. She opened her mouth and was stunned for a moment, then she said to the green dragon witch in an embarrassed lowered voice:

“Can you give me some more tea?”

“Yes, but the amount of tea will not make learning any less difficult.”

The dragon maid reminded, Iluna pursed her lips:

“Well, sorry, I accidentally swallowed the tea.”


Hearing this, the gray wolf **** the other side of Iluna failed to adjust her breathing rhythm and made obvious swallowing movements, and even choked because of it. Seeing that both Iluna and Miss Wilder were attracted by her coughing, the wolf behind her swung its tail to hide it, then blushed and whispered with the same embarrassment:

“I want some more tea, too.”

Fortunately, the only remaining Miss Metz was emotionally stable. She just chewed tea and looked at these people. When she recalled the happy scene just now, she somehow thought of many things that she didn’t know.

That was her early memory. She seemed to have lived in a huge academy. But she had no idea that she had such an experience.

The forty minutes this time seemed to be plenty, but because I went out once, it came to the end in the blink of an eye. And before the time came to an end, except for Shade who really learned the power through a tricky method, the other three girls just felt that the dry tea leaves were really bitter when chewed.

However, they have more time to stay here than Shade, so what limits their study is not time, but the total amount of tea brought by Shade.

Fortunately, based on this calculation, the “courses” of the gray wolf girl Miss Bister and the green dragon witch Miss Wilder should be considered completed. Iluna’s course can be carried out while Shade is away. She is still concerned about this. Very confident.

The last one left is Miss Metz wearing glasses. As long as she completes her course next time, everyone can listen to the teachings of the gods, and then return to their starting points safely with their respective gains. In this way Speaking of which, although this time adventure requires diving and fighting, it is actually not very complicated.

Before Shade was about to leave, he did not forget to remind Metz to write a new list of required materials. At this time, Iluna and Miss Bist were still chewing tea leaves hard, and the latter even wanted to have a better “feeling” “Happiness” has turned into a small gray wolf huddled on the mat, while little Mia is lying on Shade’s lap looking at her curiously.

In a small corner of my heart, I hope that little Mia can learn something from Miss Bister.

The green dragon girl, who had put on her apron again, was standing by the fire making new black tea. She seemed to be in a really good mood. Miss Metz, who took the pen and paper from Shade, turned her head and spit out the tea leaves before saying:

“I originally thought about what I needed, but when I was chewing tea leaves just now, I recalled some things from the past.”

Speaking of the companions this time, Shade almost knew the origins and stories of the gray wolf and the green dragon, but he and Miss Metz had barely exchanged a few words:

“This is a strange statement. Have you ever experienced amnesia?”

Xia De asked curiously. The human witch wearing glasses hesitated for a moment before shaking her head:

“At least I don’t know that I have ever lost my memory. My memory of my life experience is very complete. But just now, for some reason, I suddenly remembered that I lived in a very large college for a long time. But I have no idea which stage of my life that belongs to.”

Shad immediately looked at Miss Wilder, and the dragon maid who was wagging her tail and making tea immediately denied:

“No, these teas have no hallucinogenic effects!”

“It has nothing to do with tea. I feel that those are not hallucinations, those are very real memories.”

Miss Metz shook her head vigorously and then began to write on the papers:

“There are many scenes of my learning in those memories. I found that the content in the memories overlapped with the content in “The Blessing of Books”. So I adjusted the original teaching content, so you might Can learn more useful knowledge. ”

Iluna quietly spat out the tea leaves and said:

“But are those memories really okay? My job is to investigate and deal with abnormal events. When strange memories suddenly appear like this, and there is also knowledge attached to the memory, there is usually no good result. .”

So the gray wolf on the cushion also spit out the tea leaves quietly. Although the werewolf’s sense of taste is similar to that of humans, it is more sensitive. She has long been unable to stand the bitter taste of these specially processed tea leaves:

“Miss Metz, in which college do you remember your college life?”

As he spoke, he changed from the gray wolf form back to the human form, which made the cat’s big amber eyes brighter.

“Sorry, that memory is not particularly complete.”

She hurriedly wrote a few more lines in the notebook that Sha De handed over, and then handed the notebook to Sha De:

“After those memories appeared, they became clearer and clearer like a spring. I need time to sort them out, but I am very sure that those memories are not some kind of mental pollution.”

Shad nodded worriedly, and used his eyes to signal the strongest gray wolf witch here to ask her to pay attention to Miss Metz’s situation.

After doing this, this time has come to an end.



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