The Whispering Verses Chapter 2855: Underwater Tower


Chapter 2854 The Underwater Tower


In fact, the Green Dragon Witch, who did not belong to this era at all, turned her back to Shade and blinked. Of course she did not know about the “future”. But if she was just making it up, the werewolf next to her said last time that she had applied for St. Byrons Witch Academy. There was no way the werewolf didn’t know the name of the principal.

I was still hesitating whether to tell the truth, but I didn’t expect that the gray wolf girl actually took the initiative to introduce:

“The current principal is Ms. Hitler, the demigod ‘Twilight Star’. She is the great witch of the Moon Seat. The librarian is Ms. Erinos of the thirteenth level. I received it. The letter about failing the entrance exam was signed with her name.”

Shad has never heard of these two names. After all, more than seven hundred years have passed since the establishment of the academy. The names of Miss Feliana and Miss Olanode must have become legends.

Suddenly the boat rocked, and the four people chatting immediately closed their mouths. Shade took the oar that the gods asked him to keep for a while and swung it in the water. After the unknown creature that was moving underwater just left, he accelerated towards the destination.

In the rest of the journey, everyone concentrated on observing their surroundings and did not continue the conversation. When the group arrived at the tower pointed out by Iluna, they discovered that only the top floor of the stone black tower was left untouched. The water flooded.

Iluna even pointed out:

“Although the tower tilted a little when we last came here, it was definitely not as serious as it is now. It doesn’t look like it can hold up for much longer.”

“Why are there no windows on the top floor? Where did you get in last time?”

“At the bottom of the tower, we dived underwater, and then entered through the door at the bottom of the tower. At that time, the tower was only half submerged. We tried that the outer wall of the tower had been ritually treated, and it could not be easily broken.”

Miss Wilder said, then gave advice;

“Don’t let everyone go inside, we should leave people outside to respond. It’s not just to watch the ship, we want to prevent the people inside from being trapped and unable to get out.”

There were exactly four people on the boat at this time, so it was appropriate to divide them into groups of two. Shade will definitely go in, and everyone has no objection to this. And one of Iluna and Miss Wilder who had gone in before had to go in, so the Gray Wolf girl must be outside, and she had no problem with it.

“I’ll stay outside too. Shade, you and Miss Wilder go into the water together.”

Of course Iluna wants to act with Shade, but considering that the Green Dragon Witch is higher than her level, now that it is inconvenient for her to use the power of the chosen one, the high-level pure-blood green dragon is still stronger. , following Sha De could ensure Sha De’s safety, so she took the initiative to stay on the ship.

However, Iluna gave Shade her slate of “The Glorious Sun” and asked him to take it in with him.

After the four people discussed it, Miss Wilder gave Shade some tea leaves from last time and put them in her mouth, and then the two of them set off immediately. After jumping into the water, the big-tailed dragon girl led the way, and they continued to dive until they reached the deepest part of the tower.

Iluna and Miss Wilder closed the door when they left last time, but now the door was actually covered by a pile of rubble. Miss Wilder did not hesitate, and the golden light in her hand radiated forward, silently melting all the stones in the way.

This time Shade recognized it, it was “The Witch’s Secret Technique: Feliana’s Witch’s Light”.

After opening the door at the bottom of the tower, a stream of black water with a foul smell rushed out from behind the door. And the Green Dragon Witch was not a “novice adventurer”. She was well prepared and breathed forward, and then the dragon flame actually started to burn underwater.

The flames did not completely destroy the black water, but divided and surrounded them. The tail behind her shook towards Shade, signaling Shade to follow quickly.

“Really reliable.”

The single floor of this tower is very large. Judging from the layout, it was probably used to teach astronomy courses. An elevator connected each floor, but the machine was completely unusable at this time.

Miss Wilder still remembers the direction of the stairs. While carefully observing and moving debris in the water, she led Shade up one level at a time.

When the two reached the third floor, a huge shadow suddenly hit the green dragon girl in front of them in the dark water, and was blocked by the green dragon’s powerful power.

In the dark vision, it was a creature as big as a whale and similar in appearance to a black catfish, but its beard was not long, but something slender that resembled a deformed human hand.

As he breathed, foul-smelling black water gushes out from the gills of the fat catfish. The dragon witch, who loved cleanliness because of her profession as a maid, immediately felt suffocated. She wanted to breathe forward and breathe dragon breath, but she couldn’t persuade herself to open her mouth.

Fortunately, the silver sword in Shade’s hand was thrust forward. The weird catfish’s skin was very slippery and elastic, but it was still pierced by the sword.

Black smelly water flowed from the wound, and the “catfish” also made an indescribable scream. It gave up on the witch in front of it, struggled to get the sword away from its body, and then flicked its tail and hit Shade again.

The chaos of the water flow and the cover of the black water made the underwater environment chaotic. At this moment, Miss Wilder felt that she heard a familiar dragon roar, and then saw Shade also forcefully resisting the fat catfish. .

“Thumbs – Black Moon Talisman!”

The huge black moon mark appeared in the turbulent water, and Miss Wilder who was nearby felt that the hairs all over her body were about to stand up. Under the power of destruction, the catfish also turned into ashes floating in the water.

The two did not stay to discuss but continued upward. Fortunately, they reached the top of the tower further up. The end of the stairs was not completely submerged in the water, but the two people who came out of the water did not immediately start drying themselves, because the two stone slabs automatically floated out after they left the water, and the golden light pointed directly at the stone slab in front of them. behind the door.

“Are you really ready here? I’m opening the door.”

“Prepare for what? Oh, you mean. Wait!”

The green dragon girl immediately realized what was happening next, and after ducking behind Shade, she even rolled up her tail to prevent it from being exposed. Although she is also a high-level witch, this does not mean that she has seen gods before?:

“Open the door, be careful. Maybe there is a monster behind the door that can emit intermittent golden light spots, leading people to open the door. If there is a **** behind the door?, I don’t want to blaspheme you, I wish you The glory will last forever. Okay, open the door.”

As he spoke, he retracted his head. Shade couldn’t feel the power behind the door at this time. He recalled the opening spell he had just seen, put his hand on the door and recited the spell.

So the door rose upwards silently. It was not pitch black behind the door. On the dome at the top of the tower was a brilliant silver star map. Starlight fell in large swaths, illuminating the circular astrology room, illuminating the books stacked on the wall, the huge telescope placed in the center, the red cushioned stools surrounding the telescope, and the figures who were looking up at the direction with their hands behind their backs. The dark-haired **** of the ancient star map.

? Didn’t look at the door because the door was opened. Shade took a deep breath and bowed slightly:

“Hello, the patron saint of knowledge inheritors-the Lord of Black Robes, we meet again in this college.”

Then Sha De heard Miss Long behind him take a deep breath.

After adjusting his expression, Shade walked into the door. Miss Wilde shrank nervously behind him and followed him in. She successfully covered Shade’s entire body, and even her tail was careful not to be exposed.

She actually wanted to look over Shade’s shoulder and try to take a look, but then she felt that she should not do so. But she was soon attracted by another discovery – scars were showing on Shade’s body, and golden light radiated from those cracks.

“When it’s safe to go back, you must fully report this matter to Teacher Fiona. I don’t know what Teacher Fiona thinks of people like Mr. Hamilton.”

The green dragon girl was thinking, while Shade pushed the two floating stone slabs forward:

“Did you find anything interesting in this academy?”

He asked, the **** still looked up at the star map:

“Everything here has stopped at the dusk when the students and teachers left. For a college, no matter how many outstanding students it has taught in the past, no matter how glorious it has been in the past, in When it ceases to function as an academy, it is dead.”

The gentle **** raised his hand and pointed at the star map:

“Do you know the starry sky of what era this is?”

Shad’s astrology came from the courses Miss Danist asked him to take, but he still didn’t recognize it:

“First Era?”

God smiled and shook his head:

“This is the star map recorded when the last batch of students of the academy used this place. It was in the late Fourth Era, about four thousand years ago.”

“Four thousand years.”

Shad also looked carefully at the starry sky at that time. Although powerful astrologers could know what happened that year just through star charts – such as Mr. Euclid, Shad did not have such ability. But Luvia and Miss Belindel do, maybe they can gain something by bringing the star map to them:

“So how did this place become like this? We know that the arrival of other believers seems to have made the students no longer like staying and becoming new teachers, but judging from the stone tablets found, it seems Is it also related to the end of the Fourth Age? ”

He made no secret of his curiosity, and the green dragon girl behind him obviously thought that his curiosity was too serious, so she had to grab his clothes as a reminder.


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