The Whispering Verses Chapter 2842: Halfling Killer


Chapter 2841 Halfling Killer

In the air behind Emilia, a short figure suddenly jumped out of the void, and the black dagger in his hand stabbed directly into the back of Emilia’s neck.

But now the elf has experienced so many things and has made progress. She fell down without even having the time to say a word, but then the “corpse” immediately merged into the ground and turned into a small tree, and Amy Leah herself is missing.

“There is a killer!”

The girl protecting Emilia shouted, and in the next moment at least five different thaumaturgy techniques landed on the short figure, but he also disappeared immediately.

“Oops, I’ve used up one of the five ‘surrogate tree species’ that grandma gave me.”

In the forest one kilometer away from the battlefield, Emilia walked out of a cracked tree hole in the trunk of a big tree with some annoyance. The elves master the ancient alchemy skills, allowing them to make some precious alchemy props.

“Substitute tree species” is one of them. Once the holder is in danger and he is aware of it, he will automatically replace his body with the sapling, and he will appear in a safe area within one kilometer. This prop is not only troublesome to make, but also has strict site requirements for a “forest environment”, but it is suitable for use in the Vista Woodland.

“The person who wanted to kill me just now appeared directly using a space jump. This kind of killer is really unstoppable. Where is this place?”

Because it was a random transfer, Emilia couldn’t identify where she was at the moment. But she soon found the direction in which the battle took place, and then calculated the current approximate location.

While he was hesitating whether to move towards the city or stay where he was and wait for the battle to end, there was a sudden sound of wind behind him again. However, Emilia, who had already suffered a loss once, was not hit this time. As the emerald green light curtain behind her flashed past, she was immediately shattered by the dagger, but Emilia still staggered to avoid this attack. attack.

She turned to look at the attacker, but only saw the short figure disappearing into the air again. The elf girl was shocked:

“Not human, halfling?”

This time the cold light of the dagger appeared directly in front of her, and when she wanted to step back, she found that her head was surrounded by more than a dozen daggers. These attacks originating from different points in time almost hit Emilia at the same moment, but there was a flash of light on Emilia’s right arm, and all the daggers that did not belong to this time and space disappeared.

Emilia herself turned around at the last moment to avoid the dagger stabbed from the front, but still got a **** mark on her left cheek.

The poison and curse attached to the dagger immediately infected the body and soul. Fortunately, the power of the right arm quickly drove them away.

The halfling disappeared immediately after missing a hit, and Emilia immediately touched her left arm to her right arm. After casting the spell, the dead leaves under her feet seemed to be swept up by a whirlwind, and hundreds of leaves quickly rotated around her to expand her perception and limit the transformation of nearby space to a certain extent.

So when the attack from behind was about to hit her in the back, Emilia, who had already put the crown on her head, activated its power very accurately, and the shock wave of pure energy suddenly burst out. The attacker was forced out of the gap in the space.

There were a few strands of green hair on Emilia’s original golden hair. The crown of [Elf Kingship] on her head shone brightly, and the big golden gem in the center radiated forward as she turned around. A ray of emerald green light emitted.

The halfling who was unprepared and forced out by this unreasonable and powerful force immediately felt that the surrounding space and time were so solid that there was no gap at all. He cast a spell to summon a shield to block the ray, but it was just Shifting its direction allowed him to barely avoid the attack.

But immediately the big trees under the autumn afternoon sun all moved under the power of the crown, and the ancient tree guards surrounded him. Looking at the young elf through the gap between the trees, she looked particularly majestic with the crown on her head.

The halfling with brown hair and a height of about 1.2 meters then smiled and said:

“I originally thought that casually encountering a thirteenth-level witch in the sixth era was too much, but I didn’t expect that I could even encounter a treasure like [Elven Kingship]. So, where are you going? Is time and space the heyday of the elves? ”

Although he spoke Kasenlik, his accent was very strange, as if a foreigner who was completely unfamiliar with this language was repeating Kasenlik.

Emilia did not answer his question. With the power given by the crown on her head, more and more tree people were revived by her, while she herself was slowly retreating.

The halfling who was surrounded was not panicked at all. Since the space-time rift could not be opened for the time being, he jumped into the shadow of the tree men.


Emilia hurriedly summoned the light to disperse all the surrounding shadows, but it was too late. The halfling holding a dagger in the shadows behind her stabbed her in the back of the head accurately. But with a clang sound, silver light splashed out, and the weird curved dagger collided head-on with the silver moonlight sword.

Before the halfling had time to see where the sword came from, he felt a huge force that bounced his dagger away. He did not lose his balance because of this, but took advantage of the force to flip backward and jump back. After standing firm on the trunk of the big tree behind him, he saw a young human holding a moonlight sword protecting the elf.

The owl flew over the forest area, and Shade could clearly see what the enemy was through the moonlight. The short man’s ears are slightly pointed but not as exaggerated as those of the elves. His feet are extremely wide compared to his body. This is a typical “halfling” racial feature.

He appears to be a male, since Shade is not human and cannot accurately determine his age. But looking at the way he held a dagger in each hand, you knew he was a seasoned killer.

“Be careful, he is good at the power of time and space, and can use shadows to jump.”

Emilia whispered behind Shade, but she had already taken off the crown on her head, and this power was also a burden for her. But the revived tree people did not disappear, but guarded her.

The halfling on the tree didn’t mean to talk nonsense with them. He jumped back and fell from the tree like a back dive, and then disappeared into the air.

Xia De turned around without thinking and executed a roundhouse slash. When he released the dagger with a ~ sound, his right foot stepped heavily on the ground:

“Space Stable Halo.”

The black chain in the left hand without the sword shot out in a swish, but it only passed through the halfling’s phantom.

“Truth Crystal!”

Then the glowing white crystal was thrown by Shade. The enemy’s figure was not shown where the light swept, but his footprints on the ground were reflected.

So the silver thunder gun was thrown out, but was immediately swallowed up by a large group of shadows. Emilia controlled the tree man and wanted to hug the shadow, but the halfling waved his dagger to his side, and the power of cutting the space split the three-meter-high tree man into two.

He said to Shade again:

“You can also control space? Okay, I admit that you are the type of enemy I hate most.”

Shad ignored him, stretched out his hand to grab Emilia and appeared directly at a height of twenty meters. The owl flew over and grabbed his shoulders, shaking its wings desperately to keep the two from falling. At the same time, the flames in Shade’s left hand rotated, then fell to the ground and detonated the entire forest.

The impact of the air wave almost prevented the owl from catching the two of them. When the smoke and dust fell, the ground under their feet had turned into a small magma lake.

The owl held Shade and flew in the air for a while. After Vanessa brought people over, it flapped its wings and put Shade and Amelia down.

The witch of the earth looked at the lava lake and shook her head in distress:

“Don’t use this kind of thaumaturgy casually.”

As he spoke, he manipulated the earth to send the magma to the ground, and then closed the earth to make the pit disappear. Emilia whispered to the tree people that the mission was over, so the tree people took root again in the “flat land”. In this way, although the trees nearby became much sparse, at least it could not be seen that the area had been damaged.

They did not stand there and communicate. Vanessa did not even tease Flora about her current owl form. Seeing that only two or three of the girls were slightly injured, the group immediately moved from where they were. Almost at the same time they left, the church ring warlock team in the city and the teams from the three major colleges stationed in the forest also came after hearing the news.

The location at this time was very close to the city. Shade originally wanted to let the group go first into the city, but Emilia said awkwardly:

“I seem to be being followed by something. If we go into the city, they might know where we live.”

The elf girl grabbed Shade’s sleeve. She didn’t want to injure others, but Shade and Vanessa felt it didn’t matter:

“So are you going to wander around in the woods because of this?”

The witch even said:

“She ran fast this time. Next time I meet her, I will make her look good.”

Actually, Vanessa didn’t really defeat the “Clockmaker” just now. After all, Vanessa had just been promoted to the 13th level Great Witch, and the 12th-level “Clockmaker” was a candidate for the Chosen One.

But it’s okay for Vanessa to say that she has all the advantages. No matter how powerful the power of time is, she can’t do anything when facing the Mystery Lock. The space constructed by the Mystic Lock is completely the caster’s own world. The power of time affects the Mystic Lock much more difficultly than in the real world.

Although he said to reassure Emilia, Shade did not take them directly into the city after all. After checking Emilia in the woods and even asking her to change all her clothes, everyone returned to the Accordion Hotel.

The injured girls went to treatment, and Emilia apologized softly to them. It wasn’t until Shade and Flora sat down on the sofa in Miss Denister’s room that they discussed what had just happened.


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