The Whispering Verses Chapter 2840: The real opponent


Chapter 2839 The real opponent

Agelina nodded with determination:

“In the next few days, I will actively participate in things on the ship. Although I don’t know how to completely overcome the fear of being ignored, I think if I can be needed by everyone, everyone will say ‘ Why didn’t Agelina come to help? I can also find some sense of presence.”

Xia De leaned over slightly and looked at her:

“When I first met you last year, you still looked like an ordinary princess. Sometimes I also wonder if these changes are a little too harsh for you.”

Agelina shook her head quickly:

“What’s the point of being an ordinary princess? Become a sister who has both strength and power.”

She was a little embarrassed again, but she did feel that the current changes were actually very good.

Xia De then promised:

“I will never forget you, Agelina, I will definitely keep you in my heart.”

“Really, you actually said such things. Can you kiss me?”

Her Royal Highness the Princess pointed to the side of her face, and Shade kissed her gently. Agelina immediately blushed and held back her laughter, said “I sent little Mia to take a nap”, and ran straight away. dropped.

“I said, why haven’t you gone to find me yet? It turns out you are here to lie to Agelina.”

Luvia’s voice came, and when she turned around, she was standing at the corner of the corridor. It was obvious that she had not just arrived.

“Just give her some encouragement, Lecia and Dorothy will also agree with me.”

As he spoke, Shade waved the letter in his hand to Luvia:

“There is news in the city, do you want to take a look together?”

The church’s willingness to share such important information this time can be regarded as a reward for the Witch Council’s contribution in recent major events.

The letter describes the entire process of candidates belonging to the church opening their qualifications, disappearing, and reappearing with others, which provides a strong guarantee for Emilia’s next actions.

It’s just that the church did not explain in the information provided what era their candidates went to and who they brought back. However, the church has given information about prepared rituals, symbols, etc., so it is not difficult to infer that the era where the candidate went is the Sixth Age.

“But what valuable power can the Sixth Era have? I thought that the church would invest a lot of resources to allow candidates to reach the upper limit of the Sixth Era in the oldest era. So far, isn’t it just the Thirteen Rings? ?”

Shad was very confused about this. When he sat down in Luvia’s cabin, Luvia smiled and said:

“I do have a bold idea, but this is also a guess: Is it possible that the era the other party went to was the era when the righteous gods descended?”

Xia De was slightly surprised, the purple-eyed fortune teller smiled and shook his head:

“Okay, let’s not talk about it for now. The church is still our ally. Iluna will definitely come when you open the key on Wednesday. Won’t you know if you ask her then? Take out the coins Okay, let’s officially start the divination.”

Currently, there are a total of five special coins in the hands of the two of them, including the remaining [Language Expert], [Pure Light], the two [Sorrow of the Lute] given by Xiwei just now, and the two coins Luvia received from The poet-level relic [upright coin] obtained by the association, this kind of relic Shade also obtained (593).

According to Luvia’s request, the first thing to do is to make Shade immune to the effect of “time banishment”.

This divination is actually very difficult, because the matter involves Shade, and even special divination using coins will encounter obstacles. Luvia thought that relying on her current close relationship with Shade, she would be able to succeed even if she used more coins, but she tossed three coins in succession without getting any results.

Seeing Luvia reaching out to get the fourth coin, Shade quickly stopped her:

“How about changing the question to divination: If I am exiled again, how can I come back as soon as possible and without any cost. Since we can’t prevent the exile, let’s start by returning.”

Luvia nodded and threw the [Language Expert] and the [Upright Coin] into the air. This time it finally worked. The two coins collided with each other in the air. After they bounced off each other, they gradually turned into fly ash and disappeared completely before landing on the ground.

Luvia opened her eyes with joy on her face:

“The key lies in your thaumaturgy [Journey Back in Time]. This thaumaturgy currently has two limitations. One is that it does not work on you, and the other is your timestamp.

Let’s talk about the second question first. This is actually easy to solve. As long as you leave a part of your body in ‘now’, don’t you have two timestamps? ”

Xia De pointed at himself in surprise:

“Although my ‘active clay’ can reshape the body’s organs, it would be too much to leave a part of the body behind. The hair is definitely not enough. Do you want my heart? Or, can I apply for an appendix?”

“Why choose the appendix?”

Luvia asked curiously, and then comforted Shade:

“Don’t worry, I don’t really want you to cut off a part of your body. I won’t let you part with it. What I mean is that you leave a part of yourself in another person, which is equivalent to binding you to With a time anchor, you will know the direction when you return.”

Then she saw Shade looking at her belly. The female diviner’s face turned red and she pushed the teacup to Shade:

“What are you thinking? This is a very serious ceremony. The ‘moon mark’ you left on us can actually be regarded as a part of you. You can sense us because of it. This is already an anchor point.

Next, we only need your blood to strengthen this connection, and the six anchor points of Xiao Mia, me, Carina, Vanessa, Dorothy and Lesia to support it, so that you can be considered real Even if you are lost in infinite time, you can still know the direction home. We are always waiting for you. ”

Xia De smiled and nodded:

“Yes, yes, you always guide me in the direction of home. So what can I do if the thaumaturgic effect doesn’t work on me?”

“Then enhance the effect of the ritual. You also know that although the basic spell ‘Moving Object’ does not work on itself, there is a ‘Dance in the Sky’ among the advanced spells of this basic spell.”

“How do I need to enhance it? It’s not convenient for me to say the origin of this magic, but at least I don’t have the means to enhance it at the moment.”

“That’s why I need to spend two coins.”

Luvia said, took the notebook and started writing on it:

“You need to perform a complex ritual to sublimate this unique thaumaturgy, but don’t worry. Although this ritual requires two powerful enough World Tree materials as the core of the ritual, we don’t have your keys and elves. [Ocarina of Time]?

You can take this list to Granny Cassandra later and ask them to help prepare it. We will go to the woods to hold the ceremony tonight. ”

“So, this problem is solved?”

“What else do you want? If I can’t even solve such a trivial matter, isn’t my value a little too low? Oh, I also need to remind you that even if thaumaturgy sublimates, returning from the past time Not a simple matter.

If you don’t want to consume too much, it is better to use thaumaturgy at the next moment of being exiled, before entering a time point that does not belong to the present, rather than casting magic after reaching an unknown time. ”

Luvia joked;

“But then you won’t be able to visit Ms. Carter like last time.”

“It’s not like I always meet that time. Why do you make it sound like I’m secretly dating Miss Carter?”

Luvia smiled happily.

Shad didn’t intend to stay with the remaining three coins. There were too many things he needed to know now. But Shade didn’t let Luvia divine what the seats he and the doctor saw in the woods corresponded to. He wanted to know another thing:

“I want to know what those chairs mean. Although the probability is very small, if those chairs correspond to seals, and the sealed things will come out after we kill the four monsters, then it will be a big joke. ”

“It doesn’t look like a seal.”

As she spoke, Luvia twisted the [Sorrow of the Lute] again, threw it into the sky, and successfully completed the divination. This also showed how difficult it is to divination things related to Shade. :

“I said this is not a seal. But it is indeed part of the ceremony. Shade, you are not a student of our Astronomy College. You probably have never taken the course “Self-Concealment and Self-Proof.”

She described it a little bit, but not very deeply:

“Specifically, the owner of the largest chair under the tree hides his existence in the existence of the owners of the other four chairs.

Those four things are equivalent to four keys, and they are keys that take effect together. They need to sit back on the chair at the same time before you can know what the hidden things are. Otherwise, as long as the other party is not willing, even if You won’t recognize it when it’s in front of you. ”

“If you can’t persuade them to sit back on the chair, then you can kill them, right?”

Shad asked, Luvia nodded:

“Of course, the identity of the keys they represent is related to the power they were given, and the same is true for sending the keys back.

It seems that the branch with Mars you got is really amazing. If you find a way, others can also reabsorb that branch and gain the power of the World Tree. ”

“But it can also be manipulated. This hidden ritual sounds really powerful.”

“It goes without saying that hiding one’s own existence is a conceptual operation. Shade, what we are facing this time is not an evil thing with only power, what we are facing is a real

Stronger than the evil thing in the Pantanal, stronger than the Seven-Tails Player in Moon Bay, smarter than Audrey and Megan’s ancestors, but not yet a god. ”

As she spoke, she picked up the second [Lute’s Sorrow] and threw it directly without asking Shade, but the coin fell as usual and had no effect at all:

“Sure enough, it is impossible to directly know who the opponent is by relying on divination. Look, he is so powerful yet so cautious, this is the real opponent.”

PS: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to everyone! ! !



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