The Whispering Verses Chapter 2833: Longing and Worry


Chapter 2832 Desire and Worry

The outside of the hull shows a darker color as a whole, and the dragon scale pattern that was originally only visible at a close distance is now completely visible in the sunlight. The volume of the ship has increased by about 1.5 times, while the internal space has grown by about twice.

The huge blue dragon wings curled up on both sides of the hull now have an extra layer of dark gold color. The original figure of Miss Elisa’s own bow has disappeared, and instead there is a huge brass-colored cannon at the bow.

This is not a naval gun used by the army, but a collection of the technology accumulated by the Aurora family for many years, coupled with the technology brought by Miss Eleser herself from the Fifth Age, and finally even used the [Witch Council] The top-level alchemy weapons can only be made from the precious metal materials stored in it.

It took nearly three months to complete the preliminary upgrade of the “Brilliant Messenger”. According to Miss Aurora, the birth of Miss Elisa and the Radiant Messenger is a miracle that cannot be replicated, and the transformation potential of this ship is almost unlimited.

She still has many ideas that have not been realized. If she does not need to participate in the big event in the Vista Woodland, according to her idea, it will take at least until the end of this year to truly complete the first phase of the ship upgrade.

But in Xia De’s view, it was good enough to transform it into this in just over two months. At this time, under the late autumn sunshine in the woodland, he was standing on the deck, talking to Miss Elisa, whom he had not seen for a long time.

The blue-eyed boat girl with black hair looked at Shade with a smile. Her figure is second only to Tifa among all the girls Shade knows, and she also has a gentle temperament that Tifa does not have.

Long time no see, Miss Elisa herself doesn’t seem to have changed much. This morning, after Shade met everyone on the boat and had lunch, he talked with her about the help he received from Miss Aurora in recent months. Experience in ship upgrades.

“I originally thought that the upgrade of this ship would also affect your appearance.”

Xia De said with his back against the outer railing of the highest deck of the ship. The ship girl smiled and pointed to her most prominent part:

“You don’t mean the bridge, do you?”

Seeing Sha De’s face turn red, she added:

“This ship is not my body. You know this best as you witnessed my ‘birth’ process on the sunless sea.

The Radiant Messenger is more like a ‘companion weapon’ that was born with me. Its increased power can be fed back to me, but unfortunately the current level is not enough to support my promotion from the twelfth ring to the thirteenth ring. ”

“Take your time and don’t rush. You see, most modern witches are still trapped in the eleventh level. You are more special than them, not to mention that you can also be regarded as a dragon, so promotion is a matter of ”

“Miss Dorothy Louisa seems to have something urgent to do with you.”

The blue-eyed girl suddenly said:

“And he looked very anxious.”

Shad, who returned to the cabin, soon saw Dorothy in the banquet hall of the cabin, but she just said:

“Lecia is coming to you with Agelina. They are in trouble.”

After saying that, she quickly left. After she had gone far enough, a red butterfly suddenly appeared around her, and Lecia appeared with butterfly wings on her back and holding Agelina in her arms. The two landed on their feet, and Shade looked at the cat huddled above Agelina’s head in surprise.

Carina, who happened to be nearby, smiled and said:

“Good afternoon, Lecia, Helen, Grace Agelina, what are you doing with little Mia on your head?”

Lecia and the Hongdie sisters separated. Grace and Helen said hello to Shade because they would bring Granny Cassandra and the others over soon. Anyway, the intimacy was not short of this moment. .

Lecia said with a very bad expression:

“Shad, please take Mia away from Agelina’s head and try.”

In fact, there was no need for Shade to do this, because when he saw Shade, the cat jumped off Agelina’s head.

So in the eyes of Carina, Lesia, and the maids including Tifa, Agelina disappeared almost immediately. Miss Elisa has a better perception of the inside of the ship than anyone else, so she still stares at Agelina’s position, but in her opinion, Agelina is slowly becoming transparent.

Xia De also held the cat and looked at Agelina’s position suspiciously:

“Have you noticed it? Now I feel that Agelina’s presence is disappearing, but it is disappearing very slowly. I didn’t notice it when little Mia was lying on top of her just now. Why does she have the element of whispering in her body?”

He was not able to see Agelina directly like Mia, but he had to first “illuminate” Agelina by the cat before he could continue to see her. If she disappears again and then appears in front of Shade without Mia, Shade will still be unable to observe Agelina’s existence.

“Actually I can’t see her at all.”

Carina said, and Lesia nodded worriedly.

Shade then reached out and took Agelina’s hand again. This time, in his opinion, Agelina’s disappearing trend stopped, and Miss Elisa, Lesia and Carina I also saw Agelina again just like before.

The little princess held Shade’s hand pitifully, fearing that she would be ignored again.

“Yes, it is indeed the whisper element. Agelina has encountered a relic.”

Xia De judged, and holding Xia De’s hand, she found that as long as he didn’t let go, everyone could see him, and the little princess was not so nervous. She originally thought that she would have to spend the rest of her life carrying a cat, which she couldn’t accept, but if she had to hold Shade’s hand for the rest of her life, Agelina thought it was actually not bad.


The cat said she wanted to be beautiful.

“Agelina, think about it carefully, what was the last thing you encountered before the problem occurred?”

Carina asked from the side based on experience, and the little princess who was just thinking wildly gave the answer immediately:

“After I left Shade with my sister in the morning, I went to the Black Raven Library and bought a book. Then I kept reading in my study. At noon, when I wanted to ask the maid to bring snacks, Only then did I realize that everyone was ignoring me.”

Lecia naturally brought the book, but she just checked it and found no problems. Shade then asked Tifa to find Luvia who was out inspecting the forest with Vanessa, and then placed the cat on Agelina’s head so that she could free her hands to check the book.

The “Black Raven Library” is a black market that sells knowledge. Every book it recycles or obtains through other channels will be strictly inspected before being sold. It is said that it has a good reputation over the years and has a good reputation in the quality of the books. Nothing has ever gone terribly wrong.

After careful inspection, Shade even tried to interpret the patterns on the edges of the book as text, but found no problems.

Carina also reached for the book to check, but also found nothing, but she made a suggestion:

“This book has only 21 pages in total. How about taking it apart and checking it separately? I’m just worried that other people will encounter the same problems as Agelina.”

“21 pages?”

Xia De asked her doubtfully:

“Wait, it looks to me like this book has 22 pages.”

Agelina, who had the cat squatting on her head again, immediately nodded. For the safety of little Mia, she did not nod, but she also remembered the page number of the book:

“I remember it was also 22 pages. I studied hard this morning and was not lazy at all.”

As she spoke, she looked at her sister, and Lecia held her hand, feeling that she had indeed been a little too harsh on Agelina recently.

“Carina, check with me to see which page you can’t see.”

This job is very simple. Shade and Carina respectively describe the contents of the pages they see for comparison. Of course, Shade had been holding Carina’s hand during this period to prevent her from disappearing too.

But the witch is willing to take such a risk. After all, Agelina is also her grandniece.

Under such forced comparison, the problematic page was finally found. In fact, even Shade’s perception failed to detect the problem on that page, because before checking with Carina about the problem, his description was:

“On the front of this page, the circular ritual array occupies two-thirds of the page, and the remaining one-third is a specific description of the ritual. This is to demonstrate the enhancement of thaumaturgy [Disorder] To achieve the effect of “Energy”, you need to draw a ritual with your own blood on the palm of your hand, and then push your palm forward to emit energy.

On the back of this paper, there is a warning about enhancing the effect of the ritual. Disordered spirits and energy can also cause harm to the caster himself, so strong control is required to try the method on the previous page. ”

After realizing the problem with the piece of paper, Shade’s description became:

“There are two lines of text on the front of this paper, and it seems to be Agelina’s font. The first line: [I long for amazing wisdom]. The second line: [I am afraid of being ignored by others]. And then there’s Agelina’s autograph.”

The little princess with the cat squatting on her head immediately blushed, and she immediately denied:

“I have never written such a thing!”

But she immediately remembered the random thoughts she had while reading in the morning, such as “If you want to become smart, you can learn all thaumaturgy immediately” and “Worried about being ignored by my sister”:

“Yeah, but I did think about something similar. I swear I just thought about it.”

“It’s probably related to this. So Shade, what’s on the back?”

Carina asked again, and Shade continued:

“There is no Agelina’s handwriting on the back of this paper. There are decorative lines on the four sides of the back, and the word ‘Contract’ in an unknown language is written in the center. There is also a line of small words at the bottom of the page. :【Conquer fear to gain strength】.

He opened the book and took out the page alone. And when separated from the book, the whispering element of the page is fully revealed.

Neither Lesia nor Shade knew what kind of relic it was, but judging from the concentration of whispering elements in this relic, the lowest danger level of the relic was Sage level (Level 2).



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