The Whispering Verses Chapter 2826: Slevin Mine


Chapter 2825 Slavin Mine

Xia De continued to look through the account books, and finally saw those very unexpected and large amounts of money in the “income” item. Each purchase amounted to more than five thousand crowns, which was more than fifty thousand pounds even at that year’s exchange rate, and was described as a “silver ore transaction.”

“Silver ore trading?”

The suspicious Shade frowned and thought for a moment, and then remembered that the demon hunter said a hundred years ago that he found the demon here when he was tracing a mithril vein.

“So this is how the Hoy family made their fortune. This is quite reasonable, at least more reasonable than making money by exploiting lumberjacks. However, the Hoy family is just an ordinary family. Where did they find the sales channels? .Probably the devil’s handiwork.”

The account book also records the location of the mithril vein, because it states the monthly expenditures for the “Slavin Mine”.

Of course Shade didn’t know where this mine was, but it was marked on the map sold by the hermits. Shade checked it and found that there was a mark of “Abandoned Mine – Slavin Mine” in the dense forest. The location there was very, very far away from the cave where the treasure was hidden. Because it was in the west of the city, Shade took the gold first. They were all turned into toys and went straight home.

It was almost lunch time when we got home. Shade went to see Vanessa first, and the Witch of the Earth gave Shade an alchemy tool that could be used to detect mithril ore to facilitate his actions in the afternoon:

“But didn’t you ask me to help you find the mineral vein when I get to the Vesta Grove? If there is really enough mithril, everyone will be happy.”

The beautiful golden eyes looked at Shade with a questioning expression:

“Xia De, you had a party at home last night, why didn’t you call me?”

“What party?”

Xia De asked the beautiful blond female opera singer doubtfully, and then thought about the daily routine at home last night and suddenly understood:

“Who told you this?”

“Humph, of course it’s Carina, who else can it be? Don’t leave in a hurry. Do you want to have lunch with us? Sirius is already making arrangements for lunch. You can’t leave now that you’re here.”

Of course Vanessa didn’t just want to keep Shade for lunch. After lunch, she said that she had recently conceived a new script with Dorothy, and invited Shade to watch it in her room. At this glance, I saw that it was half past two in the afternoon. When Shade was getting dressed and ready to leave, the blond lady who was lazily lying on the bed and refused to move commented with a smile:

“Look, even if Carina doesn’t call me, I can call you here myself. Shade, you’re so awesome. I thought they had **** you last night.”

The second half of the sentence was obviously flirting with Sha De. Sha De said while buttoning his shirt:

“Vanessa, if I didn’t have something to do in the afternoon, just based on your words, you wouldn’t want to do anything this afternoon.”

“Is it so fierce?”

The witch with a blush on her face smiled ambiguously, then bit her lip and asked:

“Can I go to your house again tonight?”

After Shade returned to the woodland, he went into the city to say hello to the ladies, and then heard from Miss Bell that the Slavin Mine was abandoned a hundred years ago. The silver veins there are exhausted, but before they were exhausted, they weren’t actually very rich.

It is not complicated to find the Slavin Mine. In the era of Brookwood Town, it was deep in the dense forest, but in the current era of Vista City, that location is not far from the western edge of the city.

After the mine was abandoned, the city hall filled in the entrance to the mine for safety reasons and blocked it with large rocks. Because there was concern that the ground in the mining area would collapse, warning signs were placed nearby by the city hall to keep people away.

Of course Shade didn’t pay attention to the warning, but when he was looking for the entrance to the mine, the first thing he saw was the abandoned miners’ camp. After the mining area was abandoned, the woods gradually merged with the buildings that had not been demolished and the things left by the miners. However, before Shade had time to appreciate the scenery here in the bleak late autumn, he saw a familiar figure in the camp walking from behind the house. out.

“Professor Uke Wood?”

The old folklore professor who met Shade at a charity auction and recommended him to buy “Ximu Town and the World Tree” was holding a notebook as if he was recording something. He was already very old, so he still carried a cane to prevent him from falling in the overgrown camp.

Hearing Shade’s voice, he raised his head and looked at him. He was startled for a moment, and then he walked over with a smile. The two stood in the grass in the center of the camp and talked. The fallen leaves of autumn have covered the ground. After several heavy rains, the leaves rot and are absorbed by the soil, but the grass is still luxuriant before winter comes, but they will disappear after a heavy snow:

“Mr. Watson, what a coincidence. Are you also here to inspect the Slavin Mine?”

He took the initiative to introduce without waiting for Xia De to ask:

“Ximu Town is a lumberjack town, and the second most popular occupation is hunters. Miners are rare here. Most of the workers used to develop the Slavin Mine were outsiders. So among these miners During this period, some very unique cultural phenomena were formed, which are different from miners in other areas.”

He works at “Vista City University”. This school and his own folklore major are mediocre, so Professor Wood mainly does local folklore research, which makes it easier to apply for funds from the city hall.

“Is that so? Professor, I heard some local legends about this mine. It is said that someone once dug a road to the so-called ‘underground world’ deep in this mine. I want to explain it. Check this out. ”

Xia De also explained the purpose of his visit. The excuse was of course made up, and the old professor immediately shook his head:

“I have heard too many legends about the underground world. I really don’t know where similar urban legends came from. I can guarantee that this is definitely not true. But don’t you know? Now the entrance to the mine It’s completely closed, and there’s no way to get in.”

After speaking, he added:

“But speaking of which, I have seen some information. Before the mine was abandoned, there were indeed some strange accidents. But the official said that it was when the miners were digging underground that they encountered seepage from underground cracks. Unknown hallucinogenic gas

I don’t know who discovered the method at first. As long as you put a green leaf in front of your eyes, you will soon be unaffected by the hallucinogenic gases. But this method soon became useless, so in addition to the depletion of the mine itself, the closure of the mine was also related to the constant occurrence of production safety accidents. ”

Fashad has never heard of this:

“Mining has uncovered hallucinogenic gas. Have you ever been in a mine?”

The professor immediately shook his head:

“Of course not. Although I am very old, I am not as exaggerated as a hundred years old. The Slavin Mine was already like this when I was born. It is said that when it was prosperous, it could almost be regarded as a small Villages, but minerals are not like fruits on a big tree. The latter will always reappear over time, while the former will be gone once it is dug.”

But even though he said this, he still told Sha De the specific location of the mine entrance so that Sha De could go and have a look, but don’t expect to gain anything.

The mining area back then was not very far from the miners’ camp, but now the appearance of the mining area is no longer visible. Without human interference, forests and nature can easily be restored to their original appearance.

After Shade found the big stone blocking the entrance in this bleak dead forest, he first used “Powerful Space Perception” to determine the size of the space behind the stone, and then directly used “Raglai’s Jump” into the mine.

There is no oxygen in the completely enclosed mine, but this is not a big trouble for Shade. The mine tunnels extending in all directions are as complicated as a maze, so Shade chose to move toward the deepest part along the main mine tunnel.

A hundred years have passed and many of the mine tunnels inside the mine have collapsed, so Raglai’s jump or fossils turned into mud must be used again from time to time during the journey.

The alchemy tool Vanessa gave Shad was not specifically used to detect mithril ore. The palm-sized compass could theoretically be used to detect any metal vein. Just grind some purified metal into a diamond shape and place it in the center of the compass, and the compass can detect the corresponding ore.

After the Green Lake incident, in order to thank the “God Caller” for his help, the church not only gave Shade the “Star Trace” longbow, but also gave him a lot of rare metals. Shade still has part of the mithril left in his hand, so he can also use the compass.

While walking in the darkness, he watched the needles on the compass rotate irregularly. As he went deeper and deeper into the mining area, in addition to encountering the resentful spirits of several miners on the way, the compass pointer actually gradually narrowed the shaking range, until it finally pointed out the direction clearly:


As an important strategic material, Mithril is never too much no matter how many Shades you have. Top-level alchemy props and weapons often require the participation of mithril. Even a piece of ordinary metal mixed with mithril is enough to directly affect a spirit body that is completely immune to physical damage.

For this reason, if a mithril vein can be discovered that has not yet been exhausted, its value will be much greater than Shade’s gold mine shares in the Randall Valley.

With expectation, Shade walked faster towards the depths of the mine. During this period, more areas collapsed, but this could not stop him. Until finally he reached the deepest part of the mining area, and the pointer was still pointing forward:

“Sure enough, it is an ore that has not yet been discovered. If people had known that there were ores deeper down, this place would not have been abandoned.”

The efficiency of the “Fossils to Mud” spell is too slow, and Shade is naturally unwilling to mine it himself. So he switched to “Feliana’s Witch’s Light”, which was more expensive but also faster, and continued to dig deeper into the ground according to the guidance of the compass.

After digging for about a hundred meters diagonally downward, the sound of gravel falling to the ground was heard, and then Shade discovered that he had actually dug a large hole in the ground.


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