The Whispering Verses Chapter 2817: Letter and Ring


Chapter 2816 Letter and Ring

Miss Denister was joking:

“And if you invite me here so late, at least treat me with the best black tea.”

“This. Not yet, but you can go back with the tea later. I’m afraid you will smash my teacup later.”

Professor Pigman said very cautiously that the current principal of St. Byrons is an elegant middle-aged man. He looks like he is in his forties, does not wear glasses, and has black hair. And because he doesn’t have a beard, he looks younger.


The red-haired girl raised her eyebrows, and the principal behind the desk immediately smiled again:

“Don’t be so anxious. I said it when I was your “Ether Mechanics” teacher, only by being calm can things go more smoothly.”

The red-haired girl then reminded:

“But most of the students who have taken your “Aether Mechanics” course can’t keep calm, right? What was the passing rate of our first-year students at the end of the semester? Oh, it seems that there are only two people besides me. Pass.

I still don’t quite understand the ‘Hilbert Ether Space’ theory, but I have been studying the ‘System Composite Verification Ceremony of Time Perturbation by the Particleization of Spirits’ when I have nothing to do recently. ”

So the book that Shade often sees her reading recently is this:

“I remember that because the passing rate was too low, your “Ether Mechanics” was changed from a compulsory course to an elective course for the whole college. And after you no longer have the teaching responsibility, it seems that only two professors can teach it so far. This course.”

“Ahem, let’s not talk about this. In fact, I have always felt that there is no harm in exposing students to some cutting-edge theoretical knowledge. Although ring magician is a more practical major, theoretical work also needs to be done.”

As he spoke, he bent down and took out a red lacquered wooden box from the drawer in his office, and then pushed it from the table to the college librarian.

The pet white mouse lying on the table immediately wanted to get closer, but the principal, Professor Pigman, waved his hand, and a silver door appeared under the mouse, and it fell into the lower drawer:

“That’s why I came to you tonight.”

“What is this?”

She reached out to lift the lid, and then heard the principal across the table say:

“Many years ago, also in this office, your teacher, Professor Helena Carter, the Moon Spellcaster, gave this to me and asked me.”

Even though he was well prepared, he still tilted his head back slightly when facing the sorceress’s slightly gloomy expression when she suddenly raised her head:

“You are much worse-tempered now than when you were in school. I know you are very angry. I know you have been looking for Professor Carter. I also know that there may be relevant secrets in this box, but this is Professor Carter. Don’t let me tell you.”

Seeing Miss Danister take a deep breath to adjust her mood, he recalled:

“At that time, Professor Carter said to me, let me give this to you in the early morning of Thursday after you go to the Vesta Grove and apply to the college to purchase the relic [Edgeless Blade]. It’s a very strange request. Right? I don’t understand either, but since it’s Professor Carter’s request, I can’t refuse. Speaking of which, she disappeared not long after she put this with me.

I don’t know if the contents of this box are related to the professor’s departure and disappearance, and I have no intention of destroying the professor’s arrangements, so I didn’t take it out until today. ”

The box has the seal of the moon engraved on it. This is a seal that only Helena Carter and Denise Gustave can break.

After opening the box, Miss Daniste first saw a folded note. The handwriting on the note was all too familiar to her, but there were only two short sentences on it:

[Xia De is fine and will return to your time soon. 】

[Give this to him. 】

Taking away the note, there was a silver ring in the box, with a thin and short silver chain wrapped around the ring’s ring to store it. Seeing Miss Danister pick up the ring, the principal across the table said:

“Oh, isn’t this the [Ring of Our Couple]? I’ve seen Professor Carter wear this ring several times, but she doesn’t use it often, and she never lends it out. She’s keeping this ring. Do you think of it as a souvenir? Speaking of which, does this ring have a suppressive effect on your curse?”

The red-haired girl continued to have a gloomy face, and she seemed to be in a worse mood than before:

“She didn’t mention me at all in her letter, and she asked me to pass this ring on to someone else. She knew she was going to leave and never return, but she didn’t leave anything behind. I won’t use this ring. This Not for me.”

So the principal behind the desk shut his mouth, while Miss Denister silently put the ring and note back, and then asked:

“How are the preparations for the college’s team to support Vista Grove?”

“The ‘time proves’ ritual is very effective, and most people have completed the ritual. However, the Yuexi clan will also send people this time, and they still need to prepare, so they will probably set off next Monday.”

“Where’s Miss Siam Nord?”

“She will leave the team one day in advance and deliver it directly to you. The college will contact you then. She wants to take the unicorn with her, so you must also think about where Miss Siam Nord will live in advance.”

Miss Danister nodded, didn’t ask for any tea, said goodbye, grabbed the box on the table and left.

The principal sitting behind his desk listened to her voice coming downstairs, took out his memo again, and crossed out the top line of letters.

Almost at the same time that Miss Danister set off to return to Vista City, in the deep forest where the flames were gradually extinguished, a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, causing the limping woman to search for her in the forest. Dr. Bill Schneider of Shade was shocked.

The thunder struck almost directly in front of him, just missing him. At the location where the thunder fell, a gap opened in the space almost immediately. Then Shade walked out of the white mist behind the gap with the [Night Watcher] in hand and looked around cautiously.

The frightened doctor breathed a sigh of relief and immediately greeted him:

“Don’t be so vigilant. The battle is over. You finally showed up. I was just thinking if I told Anat that I lost you when I returned to Tobesk, would she curse me? , making me even worse off than I am now.”

The forest fire has almost been extinguished, and the late autumn night wind is blowing through the forest. The moonlight illuminated the woodland, and there was indeed no danger here.

Xia De looked at his finger to make sure that he had not brought the ring back:

“Did that tree disappear on its own? And doctor, are you okay?”

This was already a day ago for him. He originally thought that there would be a fierce battle after coming back.

The doctor shook his head:

“I couldn’t move after being knocked away. I rushed back immediately after I was able to move. At that time, you and the tree disappeared. What happened? That tree is what you said. Why do I feel that you are always there? Encountering this kind of enemy becomes more and more exaggerated every time.

Also, don’t worry about me, I’m fine. ”

But the doctor’s situation is not as easy as he said. Shade was exiled from the current time by the tree, and the doctor was not just knocked away.

There are still bruises on his face that have not subsided, and he was limping when he met Shade just now. However, the doctor was not cursed by the power of the tree. It was just that the tree had the power to inhibit the natural recovery of living bodies. The doctor knew this very well:

“This is not limiting my natural ability to recover, but more like stopping the concept of ‘recovery’ in time.”

But he didn’t care at all:

“This is not permanent and will get better after a while. Detective, compared to me, the target of that tree was obviously you. I was just chased away like a fly. Probably even the evil thing was also You don’t want to get involved with me.”

He even had the intention to joke at this time. Shade was speechless for a moment. He wanted to apologize for causing trouble to the doctor just now, but he didn’t know what to say at this time.

“I was exiled from the present time, but I found a way in the past so I came back.”

The return of Shade also means that this “Devil Hunting” event was a complete success, so although he was injured, the doctor was still in a good mood at this time. His goal of many years has taken another big step forward, something he couldn’t even imagine before meeting Shade last summer:

“It’s good to be back. Before you go back, come with me and have a look. When I was looking for you just now, I found a strange place nearby.”

As he said that, he waved to Shade again, then took off directly into the air, and Shade turned into a group of butterflies and followed him.

The strange place the doctor mentioned is about two miles away from where the two met just now. The location has not been hidden by any means. Theoretically, as long as someone can walk to this location in the dense forest, and open it Anyone can see this place except for the demon that is wandering nearby and has almost become a natural phenomenon in the forest.

The doctor landed in the forest, and Shade turned back into his human form and discovered that there was a path in the forest. The path only extended to this location and stopped, and ahead was the destination of the two of them.

The doctor explained:

“You have to walk on this road to get to that place. If you are flying in the air, you can’t reach it even if you know the location.”

After walking forward for more than twenty steps, the front suddenly became clearer.

The two of them released some light **** to illuminate the large clearing in the forest. When Shade looked around at the edge of the clearing, he immediately discovered that there was a giant tree facing the end of the path. .

Shad has seen many big trees in the Vista Grove, but the “giant tree” mentioned here is really a “giant tree”. In his impression, only the size of the big tree that he planted on the top of Sikal Mountain, symbolizing the seal of the “Kiss of the Tree” [edge of life and death], could be compared to this tree.


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