The Whispering Verses Chapter 2809: Thirteen rings of the moon thaumaturgy


Chapter 2808 Thirteen Rings Moon Magic

“I didn’t know, ahem, you also use the power of the sun.”

Seeing Ms. Helena Carter grinding herbs at the table, Shade tried his best to smile and said to her. The latter immediately stood up and brought the prepared potion, and asked Shade to drink it and then became very happy. Worried, I helped him lie down again:

“Don’t say anything yet. You are seriously injured, and the curse has not been driven away yet.”

After Xia De lay down obediently, she answered Xia De’s question:

“You have to know that as the level gets higher, everyone wants to learn something different to open up their own ideas. My teacher once imagined the joint use of the power of the sun and the moon, but later found that a person’s energy is always limited , and based on the legend of the two ancient gods, the sun and the moon, she wanted to train a pair of twins as students, but unfortunately she never found a suitable candidate.”

She pressed Shade’s eyebrows with her fingers, and the mark of the silver moon flashed across his forehead, so Shade felt that his headache was much better.

“You were unconscious for two hours. What happened to you? Even the No. 1 holy water stored in the academy was unable to expel the curse on you. However, although ordinary methods are ineffective, this curse is not effective on natural herbs. There is not much resistance to the healing effect.

You can rest easy and sleep for a while. The herbs can temporarily suppress the curse and make the pain less intense, and then we will find a solution. ”

She said very gently, but Shade refused to rest:

“Is it night outside?”

The black-haired lady nodded:

“Yes, the moon is very full tonight.”

“Can you help me go outside? Cough, cough, cough, I can feel the power of this curse. Fire cannot burn it, and life force is useless to it. I want to go outside.”

Then the lady carefully helped Shade out of bed. After pushing the door open and going outside, Shade discovered that this was a tree house built on a giant tree. Of course, it’s not in the same location as the woodland elf’s treehouse.

She did not help Shade to go to the ground, but helped him to the bright place on the platform in front of the tree house.

The moonlight in midsummer was so charming. Bathed in this moonlight, Sha De even felt that the pain on his body had eased a lot.

He sat down cross-legged on the platform, and then closed his eyes towards the moon. The black-haired lady took a few steps back with a worried expression, and then she saw silver flames rising from Shade’s body until it seemed to ignite him.

The flame was silent and had no temperature at all. The pure silver swayed slightly with the midsummer night wind. The effect of the “Moon Fire” at this stage was only to expel the curse. And Shade was indeed right. Using this spell under the moon would really be effective against this strange curse.

The source of this curse, the giant tree with vertical pupils on its trunk, should be the evil thing transformed from the remains of the World Tree that appeared in York Bronte’s dream. It is more powerful than the evil thing in Pantanal and the “Songer of the Seven Tails” in Biyue Bay. Under normal circumstances, he doesn’t even have a chance to fight back.

“Secret Fire.”

The lady next to the tree house murmured softly. The moonlight illuminated her rose-red eyes similar to Miss Daniste’s. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Subconsciously, he moved forward to touch the pure flame, but immediately stepped back, not wanting to disturb Shade’s healing process.

As the tree’s curse was expelled, Shade’s pale complexion gradually turned rosy. In the flames, he closed his eyes and looked at the moon, thinking about everything that had happened recently, and then had to admit that he really couldn’t defeat the evil thing.

Although it only showed its face, the power it showed was no less powerful than all the opponents other than evil gods that Shade had encountered before. Unless his divinity is ignited, Shade can’t imagine how much power he can use to defeat the opponent – but when he faces opponents who are not evil gods, he usually restricts himself from using his divinity.

“But since it is so powerful, it has never taken the initiative to show its power in the Vesta Woodland for so many years. Is it a pure heart, or is there a force here that limits it?”

While thinking in my mind, I suddenly felt the spirit flowing through my body suddenly stagnated, and then even the thirteen-ring sorceress beside me felt that the elements in Shade’s body immediately became disordered. The uncontrollable spirit leaked out, causing a sourceless strong wind to blow in front of the tree house.

Xia De opened his eyes and spat out another mouthful of blood in front of him. The moonfire that burned his body immediately stopped, and the traces of tree roots twisting like earthworms reappeared under the skin of Sha De’s face. out.

He fell down on the wooden platform, and Ms. Carter hurriedly ran over to help him up. She knelt beside the trembling Shade, and didn’t care about the defense between men and women, and directly hugged him in her arms:

“Okay, okay, the curse you are infected with is too old. If the object of the curse was not a ring warlock like you, whose body is extremely powerful, someone else would have died long ago. Yours Although Moonfire is pure, it is still weak and cannot deal with this curse.

It’s okay, it’s okay, if you endure the pain for a while longer, I will find a way to help you. ”

She tried to keep her voice soft:

“I know it hurts, but I will find a way no matter what. The moon will bless you, Shade, and the moon will always treat you gently, just like you treat the moon.”

Shad, who was in a semi-conscious state, didn’t know what was happening in the outside world, but Miss Helena Carter saw it. A silver light slowly rose from Shad’s chest, and then it didn’t move very quickly. It flew deep into the forest.

She was slightly startled, and then immediately helped Shade back to the house. She first took her relics and spell-casting materials, and then took the long sword that appeared with Shade and the [ Demon Hunting Seal], and then lightly stepped on the carpet on the ground with high heels, and the carpet carried the two of them flying out of the house, chasing the moonlight above the forest under the moon.

She sat on the flying carpet and let Shade lie down on her legs. Although she blushed slightly, she still lowered her head and looked at the frowning young man, and then stretched out her hand to smooth his brow. She was very worried about his future in more than thirty years that she was destined to be unable to see with her own eyes. What kind of powerful enemy did you encounter:

“If there is really no other way, I will go to the future to help you.”

The moonlight leading the way was neither too fast nor too slow. No matter how the speed of the tapestry flying above the forest sea changed, it would always appear in front of the black-haired lady’s field of vision.

She had no intention of exploring the reason for the appearance of this moonlight, but she just hoped that it could help Shade.

The flying carpet moved very quickly, and within a few dozen minutes it reached a deeper part of the forest that she had never set foot on. In the forest filled with moonlight, a huge creature suddenly rose into the sky in the calm night and grabbed the flying carpet in the air.

Deer antlers, horse hooves, tiger body, leopard tail, cow face, monkey ears and human hands, compared to the hundred meters tall when he fought the doctor, the devil in the forest is now only ten meters tall.

It soared into the air very quickly, but before it touched the flying carpet, its wrist was cut off by a bright sword light.

The monster fell towards Lin Hai, and Ms. Helena Carter also stopped flying on the flying carpet. She stood on the edge of the flying carpet holding the [Night Watcher] and looked down, and then looked at the long sword in her hand in surprise.

Just now, she just pulled out the weapon from the scabbard and swung it out with the moonlight attached to it. Only then did she realize that the sword was unusual.

The runes of [My heart is clear, my sword kills demons] are surging on the sword with the light of the silver moon. Although the lady under the moon complained in her heart, she actually disturbed the monsters entrenched in the forest during the flight. Although she She also sensed that it was a demon, but she didn’t panic at all.

With a gesture of his hand, he put the [Demon Hunting Seal] on his finger, and then he jumped into the air lightly. Just as he was about to raise his sword pointing downwards, he suddenly looked up at the night sky.

At this moment, the stars are twinkling in the midsummer night sky, and the month of March hangs high above the head. While raising the long sword in his hand, the light of the moon and stars seems to have all converged on the long sword.

Helena Carter did not feel that she had gained any power, but her condition at this time was extremely good. Even when she was meditating for the longest time alone under the moon in the wilderness, she never felt that she was so close to the moon. .

So she followed her own will, holding the sword with both hands and slashing down the [Night Watch] attached to the moonlight. The arc-shaped holy silver moonlight gradually grew larger, until it turned into a hundred-meter-long sword mark sweeping across the forest below.

With a rumble, the sword mark fell to the ground, and the forest and ground were engraved with the color of the blood moon. But it was not over yet. She held the long sword and flew higher into the night sky. The thirteen holy silver swords above her head spread around until they formed a circle in the air.

As the thirteen life rings emerged behind the sorceress, amid the rumbling sound and huge smoke and dust, the thirteen thin swords turned into giant swords the size of mountains one by one and fell into the forest in a circular layout. The demons were surrounded.

The giant sword and the giant sword resonated with each other, and the light curtain gradually formed in the forest. The seriously injured monster in the forest wanted to break out from here, and took advantage of the cover of the giant trees that were leafy in summer to slam into the silver barrier between the giant swords, but the collision didn’t even make a sound, and it was just the barrier. Ripples were left on the surface.

The sorceress in the sky continued to hold her sword and recite incantations. With her as the center, under the sea of ​​twinkling stars, a huge ritual array with the Moon God’s holy symbol as its core covered the night sky.

First, the brilliance of the silver moon dyed the forest land with silver light, and then the bright yellow moonlight filled every corner of the forest land. Then, when the light of the sword in the black-haired lady’s hand almost reached its limit, the holy silver moonlight made it impossible for the demon to escape.

This time she did not raise the sword, but gently held the sword in her arms and closed her eyes.

So against the background of the thirteen-ring life ring, the light of March weaved and outlined an even bigger figure with her as the center.

The huge female figure radiates moonlight. Although her face is a little blurry, she can still be seen looking at the forest below with a gentle expression, just like looking at an ignorant child. The figure was completely woven with moonlight, sacred yet maternal. It raised its arms to grab the moon in the night sky, and then threw it into the forest surrounded by thirteen giant swords:

“Thaumatology-Forgiveness of the Moon Goddess!” (682)

First, a silent shock wave completely cleared the forest, and then a huge explosion and mushroom cloud appeared. The brilliant sea of ​​stars was extremely bright at this time, and the three-round moon appeared behind the huge figure.


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