The Whispering Verses Chapter 2808: The exiled stranger


Chapter 2807 The Exiled Stranger

The giant Bill Schneider looked different from his normal appearance. His scarlet eyes, crazy expression, and dark liquid in the cracks in his skin made him look even more terrifying than the demon just now.

In short, the doctor who leaned over opened his mouth and swallowed the burning demon core in one go.

The screams came from the doctor’s head, and the arrogant and malicious laughter made Sha De cover his ears. After a while, the doctor who raised his head again disappeared for the third time, and the sky of the dark world gradually cracked, revealing the brilliant stars tonight and the moon above his head.

This is a hidden space in the forest, so the surrounding forest is still burning with raging fires.

Seeing the darkness disappear, Shade felt as if a big stone in his heart had been kicked away by little Mia. He was still standing on the crown of the giant tree he had just jumped on, and then he watched the doctor slowly fall from the air.

The doctor’s condition does not look very good, and the “word of sublimation” is not a power that can be used casually. But at least he looked quite excited. After all, this was considered a big thing accomplished:

“I finally succeeded. This thing is much stronger than I thought. Now the thirteenth demon has been solved, and I can start my plan.”

Then he saw Shade pull out the [Night Watch] and point it at him. The doctor shivered subconsciously, but Shade didn’t react much when he saw the sword, and then he felt relieved:

“This is the first time I’ve seen you use your mid-level word of sublimation, which is really evil. When you first used the low-level word of sublimation at Lakeview Manor last summer, I just felt that it was very powerful. , which feels very different from this time.”

“Evil? I don’t really like the adjective you used, but okay, you’re right.

But at least the effect is pretty good, right? First it tears the body, and then devours the soul. However, the demon has no soul, so what it devours is the essence of the demon. This is the purest attack sublimation. If I can’t defeat the enemy with this blow, then the enemy will defeat me later. ”

The doctor said with a smile, and in contrast, Shade’s low-level sublimation words belong to the “summoning type”. Although he also has a burden when using the word of sublimation, because of its type, the burden is far less than that of a doctor.

But no matter what, the demon that had been hiding in the Vesta Grove three hundred years ago and triggered countless stories in the local area was still defeated. This is the most important thing.

As for the special space the two of them are currently in, it is not a natural formation. It is the product of the collision of the power of doctors and demons. There are also doctors who use the power of the “demon of the labyrinth – Yaru” to build a special space. credit.

Seeing that the doctor was still a little weak, Shade wanted to use a “moonlight ring” to create a flame isolation zone around the forest area so that the doctor could take a rest first.

But before he made a move, the two people who were talking and laughing just now closed their mouths at the same time.

The two stood on the canopy of the tree, looking around alertly. At some point, there was no sound in the burning forest, and the stars in the sky stopped twinkling.

The wind has completely stopped, the flames no longer produce sparks, and all the colors in the world are becoming extremely dim.

After noticing the abnormalities around them, their hearts suddenly started beating faster. The extreme depression and the sense of danger that made their scalps numb could not find the source at all. This was even more… It’s like everyone around them is malicious towards them.

The two gradually became back-to-back, constantly rotating clockwise and watching everything around them.

“What is that?”

The doctor suddenly asked loudly. Shade turned to look in the direction the doctor was facing. Then he was surprised to see a giant tree standing in the forest under the dim starry sky. ,

This is a true giant tree that connects the sky and the earth. Even in late autumn, the tree is still lush with leaves, its roots are deep underground, and its crown is gradually covering the night sky.

It’s just that it’s different from normal trees. The trunk of this tree is black, and the leaves on the crown are all decayed gray-yellow. As soon as the wind blew, large tracts of fallen leaves fell onto the burning forest below, turning the already ignited forest sea into a sea of ​​fire.

In the center of the dark tree trunk, as the bark cracked, a green vertical pupil was exposed. The length of the eyes was probably three meters long, and when he saw the dense green in his pupils gathering, Shade immediately jumped up from the tree crown.

The green ray penetrated the top of the sea of ​​fire in the next second, and then hit the long sword in Shade’s hand with the rotating galaxy hanging above his head. [Night Watch] danced as his body rotated, and finally threw the green energy back in the form of thunder:

“Adele’s regressive principle!”

Shade was about to breathe a sigh of relief after performing the thaumaturgy, but the doctor was shocked to see that the emerald green thunderbolt had just turned around, then turned around again the next moment, and then directly hit Shade with a loud noise.

The doctor immediately jumped into the air, trying to catch the falling Shade, but in the air twisting due to the heat, a huge black dragon beast appeared out of thin air, its tail suddenly expanded and attached with gray-green light.

It flicked its tail and hit the doctor directly. The doctor didn’t even say a word, but it shot into the distance like a cannonball.


Shade, who was hit by the revolving green thunder, felt as if all the life force in his body was being stripped away. He landed on the tree crown and continued to fall, but the next moment invisible force pulled his limbs and made him fly into the air again.

Under the moon, at the two ends of the sea of ​​fire were the giant black tree with vertical pupils and Shade, who faced it with open limbs.

There were no surprises next. The four rays hit Shade separately from the vertical pupil. Then behind him, a gap opened in the space, and the white mist in the narrow space of time escaped from it. come out.

The invisible force pulled the seriously injured Shade and threw him directly in. Then the crack disappeared and the vertical pupils on the giant tree closed. As soon as the wind blew, large tracts of dead leaves drifted above the sea of ​​fire, and then the giant tree disappeared.

And when the doctor limped back, holding a wooden stick and suppressing his own injuries, both Shade and the giant tree had disappeared.

In the chaotic white mist, Shade felt as if he had fallen into a raging river, being pushed and swayed by various forces. He was still awake at this time, so he could hear “her” prompt:

[Outlander, you have been exiled into the narrow space of time. Please get out of here as soon as possible, otherwise you will enter an unpredictable time. 】

The life ring appeared silently behind him, and the core spiritual rune [Time and Space] bloomed with dazzling brilliance. There seemed to be countless familiar or unfamiliar pictures flashing through the white mist.

Luvia was crying and saying something, Emilia was kicked off the tree canopy, Agelina covered her head and laughed crazily, and little Mia was happily wearing eight rings on her long tail. Running around

Knowing that he could not stay awake for long, Shade tried his best to see a familiar scene in one of the pictures. So he used his last strength to reach out and touch the picture, and he fell into the time and space chosen by him.

The present world, the sixth era, year 1821 of the universal calendar, midsummer, night.

Collins Manor is still holding a lively wedding banquet. After the black-haired lady dealt with the land contaminated by Shade’s use of “Corrupted Blood Mist”, she stood alone in the quiet woods outside the manor. Keep looking at the moon (Chapter 2677).

Compared to the lively banquet, she prefers to enjoy the night alone. It used to be in the academy, now it’s in the woods.

Thinking of her current young students and the equally talented students her students would recruit in the future, she couldn’t help but smile. Although her end seems to be doomed now, young people will inherit her knowledge and ideals, and they are better than her.

And she could still do something before leaving.

In the era when the great prophecy of “The Whispering Cantos” officially begins more than thirty years later, Daniste and Shade will still encounter many, many troubles. And although she had died at that time, she could still die for them.

She looked up at the top of her head. As the invisible white mist separated from the space, Shade, who had just left, fell from the air.

She jumped up and reached out to catch him, and then realized that Shade had fallen into a coma.

With a sudden frown, the black-haired Ms. Helena Carter stretched out her hand to unbutton Shad’s shirt, and then saw countless small root-like things squirming under the skin of his body. Constantly extracting his vigorous vitality.

Then the light of the red moon appeared in the palm of the thirteen-ring sorceress, and then she slowly pressed the light towards Shade’s chest. As if the moonlight resonated with each other, a silvery moonlight appeared on Shade’s body.

The power from the tree could not be destroyed under the combined influence of the two moonlights. On the contrary, these non-physical tree roots absorbed Shade’s vitality more quickly, thereby counteracting the damage from the moonlight.

The black-haired lady could only temporarily stop her thaumaturgy. Since she could not suppress Shade’s curse, she wanted to heal Shade’s injuries, but she soon discovered that Shade’s restored vitality would immediately be destroyed by the power of those trees. Pull away.

She had no choice but to stop casting the spell, hugged Shade and hurriedly walked deeper into the forest, and soon disappeared here.

Xia De had a dream in which many people appeared, but he could not remember them all clearly.

When he opened his eyes, he felt pain all over his body, and even his head was buzzing.

I tried to sit up while holding on to the bed, only to see that I was lying in a wooden house. It looked like it was still dark outside, and the lighting in the room came from the lantern on the bedside table and the few lanterns hovering on the roof. A warm yellow ball of light.


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