The Whispering Verses Chapter 2807: The madman stalking in darkness


Chapter 2806: The Madman in Darkness

When the doctor was summoned by Shad at a remote crossroads in the forest half an hour ago, he had already informed Shad of the specific location of the demon’s most powerful split body. Therefore, after separating from the three ladies, Shade flew directly in that direction.

To be honest, he is not very worried about Sister Devlin. With the seal of the relic and the nun’s restraint on the power of fire, plus the check and balance of death and resentment by the Death Chosen, the four will face tonight Among the demonic people, Sister Devlin is the safest.

As for the doctor who confidently said that he would have no problem, Shade did believe that he could solve the problem on his own when the devil was not suspected of getting help from the remains of the World Tree. But now that George Kant has shown abnormalities, the doctor may also be facing an unexpected situation.

Considering that doctors have always been unlucky, the probability of an accident is even greater.

With the “Forest Trail” magic, traveling in the forest is quite convenient. Even though a big event like hunting a demon happened tonight, outside the battle venue, the forest was still so quiet.

He first turned into a red butterfly and flew, and then turned back into a human and ran in the forest. After all, he didn’t want to involve the chocobos in things related to demons.

But while running under the moon, he thought of the words of Miss Bister, a werewolf girl from the fifth era, about “liberating the wild”, so he transformed into the silver wolf in the silver light and continued Running under the moon.

Feeling the wind, the moon, and nature, he tried to empty his mind according to the meditation method taught by Miss Bister. So unknowingly, the silver wolf running through the forest at a very fast speed almost turned into a ray of light and moved forward.

This feels quite good. There is nothing to think about and nothing to do. If the so-called liberating the wild is just this, Shade feels that he has grasped the trick.

However, this did not bring him a new spell or thaumaturgy, but in his “Transformation-Silver Wolf” form, he could move very fast, which was an additional way to rush. method.

In just ten minutes, Shade arrived at the location pointed out by the doctor. This is a place where humans have not set foot even in today’s steam age, and due to environmental protection and military strategic arrangements, Willondale will probably never develop this area.

It’s just that although there are traces of the battle here, there is no sign of the doctor or the devil.

There is a huge pit in the depths of the forest that is tens of meters deep and the size of two St. Teresa Square. All the rocks in the huge crater have crystallized due to the high temperature, and black smoke and heat are even rising at this time, making it look like it has turned into a volcanic crater.

Although the forest here is not on fire, traces of the trees and land being corroded by black energy can be seen everywhere.

In addition, a bright red mark appeared on the ground, as if it had been slashed by a giant sword. Moreover, this forest area is darker than other places. There are still not many clouds in the night sky, but the stars and moon just can’t illuminate this place.

It can be seen that the doctor also experienced a big battle here, but he can’t tell from the traces who lost and who won. Shade took a few steps forward, and then he noticed the abnormal spatial fluctuations nearby, and then understood that the doctor and the demon should still be here, but the space was hidden:

“Powerful spatial awareness!”

The complex spatial structure immediately came to mind. Shade took a few steps to the left. After bypassing the big tree blocking the road, he swung his sword and slashed the air in front of him. The most vulnerable position in the space was immediately removed. be opened.

He then jumped forward sideways and disappeared into the forest.


Dozens of flame tornadoes formed by extremely ferocious flames circled in the burning forest. The flame tornadoes seemed to connect the earth and the starry sky.

But even with such a powerful force, the giant monster with burning antlers, horse hooves, tiger body, leopard tail, cow face, monkey ears and human hands still continued to retreat after a violent impact, even though there were forest fires around it. , but the burning forest below has almost turned into a wasteland.

Opposite it, Bill Schneider, wearing a black coat, floated above the sea of ​​fire. The doctor’s eyes lit up with red light, and the red rays he fired drew right-angle traces in the night sky and changed directions. Two rays shot towards the demon holding the flame tornado. The demon immediately grabbed the fire tornado and blocked it forward like a javelin.

But the ray hit the flame, and the flame was completely broken down like a solid substance, and even caused one of the demon’s arms to disappear.

It crawled on the ground and made a sound like a beast. Then the horse’s hooves kicked the ground violently, and its body hit the little man in the air like a cannonball.

The doctor had no intention of dodge, because from the shadow of the burning forest beneath him, a giant eight-clawed human spider crawled out in a completely black posture. It has the same size as the “beast”, with a human torso standing on the spider’s body, and the human torso and the spider’s face combined have more than a hundred eyes.

This is the poisonous spider demon Sergei hunted by Bill Schneider in 1845 of the Sixth Age before the strangers came to this world.

The huge spider demon pushed forward to withstand the fire demon, and then its black body suddenly disintegrated, letting dense black spider silk wrap around the opponent’s body.

The spider silk with strong soul-corrosive effect made the almost irrational “beast” roar again, and then it was cut in half by the huge moonlight wheel falling from the sky.

The demon in the flames recovered quickly, and the doctor looked at Shade standing on the canopy of a tree not far away. Shade shouted to him:

“Doctor, get rid of it quickly.”

“Do you think I don’t want to?”

The handsome middle-aged psychiatrist in the air gave a helpless answer:

“In this forest, this thing is almost immortal. The forest is blessing it. It is now a natural phenomenon in the forest. I can’t swallow its power now.”

“So you can only inflict fatal injuries again and again and weaken its core. Can you only take action when it cannot maintain such a huge fighting body?”

Xia De asked, but the doctor shook his head:

“I’m waiting for you. I want to use my Central Sublimation Word, but even if I am prepared, I will have a period of weakness after that, so I can only use it if you are there.”

He had no intention of wasting time and asked directly:

“So detective, are you ready?”

“Wait, what should I prepare for? Aren’t you going to use the language of sublimation?”

“I mean, don’t be scared by me!”

The whistle sounded long under the night sky, and the bells echoed above the sea of ​​fire. Although the ring magicians can summon their life rings anytime and anywhere, Shade has always felt that the most fashionable way to summon the life rings is when the ring magicians are floating in the empty air.

The nine-ring life ring belonging to the doctor emerged from the steam mist, with dense spiritual runes engraved on it. He raised his right index finger and pointed it on his forehead. When the finger left his forehead, a pure black light was drawn from it:

“The madman stalking the darkness, the light that destroys the soul.”

Core spirit runes – [Light of the Soul], Blasphemy – [Darkness], Profanity – [Walk], Whisper – [Madman], Profanity – [Destruction], the five spiritual runes were lit in sequence, and with Centered on the black that the doctor drew from his heart, the night was also being invaded by deep darkness, until the entire sky was completely blackened.

The starry sky, the burning forest, the fire tornado, the moon, the darkness seemed to swallow up all the light and all the heat. After just a few seconds, everything around turned into pure black, and only Shade was still shining. , the doctor with the life ring suspended behind him, and the demon with the flames all over his body suppressed to the limit.

It looked quite uneasy, trying to struggle but being restricted by the black spider silk. It has the most powerful power among the four demon splinters, but unfortunately also has the lowest intelligence among the four splinters.

Gradually, even the doctor himself was swallowed up by the darkness.

The light around Sha De converged, making this dark world seem like only demons entangled in spider silk, and then low hahaha~ laughter came from all directions, even if Sha De was not the sublime language target, he still felt seriously uneasy.

For the first few seconds, Shade didn’t realize how the world would change, but then he noticed that the demon was no longer struggling, and was frozen in place as if time had stopped.

A deep ink-colored light spot appeared on its chest, and then, amid wild laughter, a big hand with black liquid was torn out from the demon’s body.

Shad didn’t want to use specific words to describe how disgusting the next scene was. To put it simply, the swollen Bill Schneider was torn out of the demon’s chest, and in the process Completely tear the demon into pieces.

But it’s not over yet, because although the demon’s body has been destroyed, the core of the demon that represents fire in the darkness, Dizast, still exists.

Because all other split bodies have been destroyed, the core at this time is the most complete core of the demon. The expanding fireball floated in the darkness like a burning dark red gem, and the doctor who was torn out also disappeared into the darkness again.

At the same time, the low and annoying laughter became louder and louder, until two red suns seemed to appear in the sky.

But when he looked carefully, he discovered that the two huge red “suns” were slowly approaching downwards. Then Shade realized that those were the doctor’s eyes, and the huge doctor was leaning down to look down.


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