The Whispering Verses Chapter 2806: Wolf Knight


Chapter 2805 Wolf Knight

The moonlight shines on the giant wolf’s hair, and the wolf hair, which is already exuding silver luster, looks even more magical. This is a giant wolf transformed from a brand new transformation technique combined with the “Body of Courage”, and it is obvious that Shade cannot sustain this form for long.

Although Iluna didn’t understand what she was riding, she could at least feel that it was Shade. She then climbed up and stood on top of the giant wolf, and the silver giant wolf, sensing that she was ready, took a step back and kicked the ground with its paws, and then suddenly rushed forward.

While being carried forward and charged forward, Iluna waved the [Night Watch] in her hand again. While the wolf rose into the air and pounced downwards, the eighteen-year-old girl shouted “Sunshine Great Sword” “, and then the golden sword with the bright sunshine actually hit the demon who could not dodge before the giant wolf.


The demon’s remaining two hands clamped the brilliant golden sword blade, and then he was knocked to the ground again by the silver giant wolf. This time Shade didn’t give them another chance to stand up. The wolf’s claws stepped on the demon’s chest, and he didn’t feel any pain even though the flames licked the silver wolf fur.

The demon then struggled desperately while casting spells to call the surrounding flames to bombard the giant wolf stepping on it in turn.


But as the wolf raised its head and roared at the moon in the night sky, fine flame cracks gradually appeared between the pure silver hair, until finally even the fluffy wolf tail ignited sparks.

The flames could not harm the silver giant wolf. Instead, Shade remembered the gray wolf girl’s fighting method, so the giant wolf raised its right paw with moonlight and swung it, and the demon’s body was removed from the body. Divided into two in the middle.

Eluna on the head of the wolf took this opportunity to raise the [Night Watch] high again. As the dark golden scale emitted a faint light, after a rumble of golden lightning hit the long sword, she grasped the The huge thunder light penetrated it to the ground:

“Sunshine Gun!”

Xia De could not hold the sword because of his wolf claws, so he simply pointed his mouth at the silver moon in the sky:

“Moonlight Sword!”

The moonlight gathered in its mouth, and it struck the ground with the giant sword that seemed to come out of the moon.

The golden sunlight and the silvery moonlight intertwined together. Finally, the thunder and moonlight exploded at the same time, and the shock wave swept across the forest. The witches and others on the ground cast spells and opened shields to prevent themselves from being too embarrassed. In the smoke and air waves, the ear-splitting roars of the demons were their last sounds:

“So what if you kill me? The plan has been successful, the war is about to ignite the whole world, and I will come back sooner or later!”

The sunlight gun and moonlight sword destroyed most of the demon’s power, and then the remaining power of the demon completely self-destructed. In the chaotic firelight and smoke, two clusters of fist-sized black flames fled in different directions.

“Iluna, split up and chase! Chains of sin!”

Shad turned back into a human form and chased the one on the left. The chain that shot out rapidly from the smoke locked it at the last moment when the flames rose into the sky, and then quickly pulled it back.

Even in an uninjured state, a demon split body cannot escape the blockade of the Chain of Sin, let alone the state where only the core is left. Therefore, it was successfully pulled back to the front by Shade without resistance, and then Shade directly pierced the center of the flame with the ice needle given by the doctor.


A strange sound came from the flame, and then the flame gradually extinguished until it was completely annihilated in the air. Shade blinked his eyes, and the “seeing demon” state confirmed that the battle was finally over.

But Iluna’s pursuit of another cluster of flames was not so smooth. Her control thaumaturgy was not as complete as Shad’s, even though Shad had finished his work and threw several halos of confining light towards this side. , but still a step slower.

And Iluna continued to chase the target in front of her in the sea of ​​​​fire in the forest. The “sunshine gun” she threw three times in a row only hit once, but she failed to keep it.

When the flame suddenly soared into the night sky, she wanted to blow the bone whistle to call out her mount, but the owl that flew past her shoulder also flew into the night sky. .

Miss Owl flew over the sea of ​​​​fire under the moonlit night as fast as the flames. She spread her wings and flew above the forest. No matter how sharply the flames turned in front, she could not get rid of her.

The owl’s eyes reflected the light of the forest fire, and her movements showed that she was the best “predator” in the night sky. It and the flame soon flew away from the burning area of ​​the forest. At this time, the vast sea of ​​​​forests under the moon was next to them. Seeing that the distance between the two was close enough, the owl flapped its wings violently, and the flames hit the gray wall that suddenly appeared in front of it.

That’s why Xia De said that the magic technique of “Wall of Sighs” is really omnipotent.

It flew so fast that it seemed to be embedded in the wall. Even the flames from the devil’s core could not melt the wall that symbolized the separation between life and death. When it wanted to escape, it was caught by the densely packed undead arms extending from the wall.

In desperation, the devil’s core self-destructed again, destroying the witch’s miracle. The even dimmer flames didn’t take off again before they hit the howling cold wind.

Countless fine ice crystals froze the dim flame in just one second. Then Miss Elsa Asberg, who walked out of the cold wind, pierced it with the ice needle in her hand. In the flames.

After the same cry of unknown meaning, the black flame was extinguished in the cold wind. The owl circled around a few more times. After confirming that this time it was really over, the two ladies left. It fell in the air towards Lin Hai below.

The four of them met up after a moment, and Shade had already picked up his scabbard, while the girls with high rings were controlling the fire in the sea of ​​​​fire behind them. This fire is no ordinary flame, and it is necessary for a high-level warlock to suppress it.

Although he looked a little embarrassed, Shade, who had almost recovered, briefly explained the situation to everyone:

“Although we encountered an accident, there was no problem in the end. I didn’t expect it to know in advance that we were coming, and it even prepared the door of the old **** as a surprise for me, but fortunately Iluna came in time.”

“But what exactly is helping it?”

Miss Asberg, who didn’t know much about Vista Grove, asked, Shade shook her head cautiously:

“I’m worried that there will also be problems with the nun and my friends. Iluna, Flora, Miss Asberg, you take these girls to the deserted village to find the nun and see if her side is over.

I’m going to find my friend. His side is where the decisive battle will take place. ”

“I’ll go with you.”

Eluna said immediately, but Shade shook his head. He didn’t want others to know the secret of the doctor’s use of demonic power unless he had to. He believed that Iluna would definitely be willing to listen to him and keep the doctor’s secret, but there was really no need for Iluna to be burdened with such a secret that had nothing to do with her:

“There should be no problem over there. I’ll take [Night Watchman] away, and you should be careful. Did the fighting in the city make such a big noise?”

Shad pointed to the sea of ​​​​fire behind her, and Miss Asberg shook her head. This lady seemed to be in good condition:

“It’s nothing serious. Although it fired fireballs from the air and ignited several houses before entering a door that suddenly glowed, no citizens should have died.”

“That’s good. If things go well, we’ll see you soon. Just be careful.”

He took the sword in Iluna’s hand, jumped up and turned into a group of glowing red butterflies, then flew to the distance of the forest like a flowing stream of red light.

Flora looked at his back worriedly, and then watched Miss Asberg summon an ice storm to help everyone suppress the forest fire, and a group of eight people rushed to the ruins of Gregory Village.

Because Flora and Shade had been here before, she turned into an owl to lead the way. The other girls followed the faintly glowing owl in front of them and moved quickly. And when they arrived at the outskirts of the deserted village, they saw the forest illuminated by flames.

They continued to approach after getting ready for battle, but when they arrived at the entrance of the village, they found that Sister Devlin had already walked out of the village.

Originally there were only ruins left in the ruins of the village, but now it was like going back in time. All the houses and furnishings were restored to the night of the fire a hundred years ago, and were then burned by the flames just like they were then.

At this time, the flames in the village were burning fiercely, but Sister Devlin at the entrance of the village looked intact, not even looking like she had experienced a battle. She lit a bonfire at the entrance of the village, with the [Ashes] sword stuck in it. The nun stood by the fire with her head slightly bowed, as if she was resting.

“Sister, has the problem here been solved?”

As everyone came closer, Flora asked softly. Sister Devlin looked up at them, first nodded to Miss Elsa Asberg, and then said:

“The devil has been killed, and I have taken back the first fire. The power of the relic [The Dying Resentment] is fading away, and the villages and souls burned by resentment will continue to walk in the long river of time.”

The ladies who just arrived did feel that there were still souls lingering in the burning Gregorian village. Some of the people who died in the fire a hundred years ago were devoured by demons and could never come back, but Because of the actions of the demon hunter, more souls were preserved and sealed in the relics together with the demons. At this time, they were all free.

After a while, the souls that do not want to leave need to be completely sent away to complete the story of this deserted village, otherwise this place may become a “haunted dense forest deserted village” in the future.

“Where did Shade go?”

The nun asked again, this was to Iluna, so the eighteen-year-old girl briefly explained what happened on the previous battlefield. Sister Devlin listened silently, then raised her head to “look” into the darkness farther into the forest.

[Spiritual Cult] believes that all things are animistic, and this nun has the ability to sense the “spirituality” of a certain area. Iluna felt that she must have discovered something at this moment, but the nun did not talk about it:

“After defeating the demon’s split body, I found the witcher’s relics and will give them to Shade later.”

“Are we going to help Shade now?”

Flora asked again, Sister Devlin shook her head:

“Since he said he doesn’t need it, it means he doesn’t need it. Wait for him here, and you guys can take a break.”

So the girls who followed the witch spontaneously went around to check the situation in the deserted village, while Iluna, Flora and Miss Asberg sat down by the fire.

Flora looked worried, Iluna looked at the flames with her face in her hands and didn’t know what she was thinking, and Sister Devlin looked indifferent and had no expression at all. Therefore, Elsa Asberg, a believer in the God of Winter [Winter Girl], feels that the current situation is much more interesting than tonight’s battle.


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