The Whispering Verses Chapter 2800: The Truth Society and the Difference Engine


Chapter 2799 The Truth Society and the Difference Engine

Both countries, North and South, are aware of the value of this automated computing machinery, and therefore have their own design and manufacturing plans.

During the Fort Midhill incident last year, after Lesia learned that Kassenrik was seeking information from the Delarian Academy of Sciences on the “automatic mechanized gear calculator based on steam power”, she informed General Shade through Shade. Drawings missing key parts were passed to them (Chapter 655).

In that intelligence, Shade called this machine a “difference engine.”

For this reason, Kasenrick thought that thing was called a “difference engine.” After MI6 later stole the information from the Royal Academy of Sciences in Kasenlik, the name was brought back to the Northland, so the Northland also began to call it the “Difference Engine”.

“I know this, and I am also concerned about the current development of cutting-edge science and technology. Is the [Truth Society] busy with this?”

The thirteen-ring warlock who created the church nodded:

“During the Battle of the Pantanal last winter, when the now-crazy Lykins Priscia held the Chosen Ceremony, didn’t the light of enlightenment help many people gain knowledge and wisdom?

The church’s insiders received information that the vice-president of the [Truth Society] who was present at the time, Miss Pavo, who is now the president of the Nine Rings, received enlightenment related to the manufacture of the difference engine. And we are almost certain that the difference engine she wanted was different from what ordinary scientists imagined.

Miss Pavo has always been mysterious, but we know that she specializes in mathematics, and she must have a deep understanding of this kind of machinery. ”

Seeing Xia De showing interest, Mr. Delong shook his head again:

“This is all we know. Information about the [Truth Society] is not easy to obtain.

You also know that the power I am good at is related to mechanical and steam power, so I have been paying attention to Delrayon and Carson Rick’s ‘Difference Engine’ project from a long time ago, and I am also very clear about its value. .

No matter what Miss Pavo of the Truth Society knew at the time, I have a hunch that the project they are working on related to the difference engine will probably be the craziest plan in the history of the Truth Society. ”

“Then the church didn’t investigate and go to the academies of science of the two countries to determine whether there were insiders planted by the [Truth Society]? Even if Miss Paavo obtained enlightenment, the [Truth Society] could not design such a complicated system from scratch on its own. Large machinery? ”

“It’s useless.”

The thirteen-ring warlock shook his head:

“[The Society of Truth] is not a simple organization of ring magicians. Crazy ordinary ordinary scientists and mechanics are also part of the [Society of Truth]. In fact, in my opinion, one-third of the members of the Academy of Sciences of the South and North Everyone has the potential to become a member of the [Truth Society]. In this crazy era, the most indispensable thing is crazy people with talents and ideas.

I have made suggestions to the church, and the church is already monitoring the progress of this project. We have not let down our vigilance. It’s just that manpower is needed everywhere in the material world. The matter of the [Truth Society] and the Difference Engine is obviously not the most urgent matter. ”

He moved his left arm, and Shade clearly heard the sound of gears and bearings:

“In short, I am personally willing to trade with you any information related to the [Truth Society].”

“That Miss Paavo is mysterious. Although I have met her a few times, I don’t have any information about her yet.”

The last time I saw Miss Paavo was before the Battle of Moon Bay, that lady should also appear this time.

And I thought of the prophecy made by the old fishman priest of the [Scarlet Order] before his death during the Coldwater Harbor incident last fall – it said that Mr. Gerald Delon, “You, as a human being, tried to abandon Flesh and blood.” Shade not only speculated that the thirteen-ring warlock from the Church of the Machinery was interested in the Difference Engine, but actually wanted to use the “Difference Engine” to complete some kind of incredible experiment.

Of course, this is just suspicion, and he is not going to question the church ring warlock that he actually doesn’t understand.

Considering that it took too long for him to “go to the bathroom”, Shade also planned to go back, so he asked the real question he came over to talk to:

“Speaking of which, Mr. Delong, are you here because of something wrong with this afternoon tea party?”

“Aren’t you here too?”

The ring wizard who created the church asked with a smile, and then explained:

“I am idle in the church, and occasionally participate in social activities. Maybe I will encounter some ‘surprises’. For example, didn’t I meet you on my trip this afternoon?”

As he spoke, he looked at Shade again:

“So what’s wrong here?”

“At least not yet. This is the city center. Who dares to cause trouble here?”

The two nodded to each other, and Shade turned and left the venue.

After staying in the bathroom for a while, making sure that he was not being followed, and using his senses to repeatedly check whether there were any small mechanical objects nearby, Shade returned to his disguised appearance and returned to Flora. .

As expected, the witch teased Shade for being away for too long, but then she took a fashion magazine from someone she didn’t know where and asked Shade if the clothes on it were suitable for her.

This question is not easy to answer. Simply saying “all are suitable” is obviously too perfunctory. Therefore, Shade could only ask “her” to help, and then chose two sets of dark skirts.

Flora praised him for his “very good vision”.

Although Mrs. Shatara is a foreigner, her communication skills are truly extraordinary. In just two months after coming to Vista City, almost all the local nobles and businessmen know her.

Because of this, she seemed very busy at the afternoon tea party. Shade and Flora didn’t have the opportunity to approach her until four o’clock in the afternoon, or it could be said that she came to them on her own initiative.

This was not a plan by Shade and the two of them, but Sir Wayne briefly said a few words to Lady Shatara, who seemed to have nothing to do with him, so the noble lady knew that Shade had power in his hands. The “high-end goods” passed down by word of mouth among the ladies of Rendell.

“What a handsome young man~”

She came to the sofa waving her fan and extended her hand to Shade, who stood up and took her hand, then kissed her fingers.

[Yes, devil. 】

“She” whispered in his ear, and Shade tried very hard not to make a disgusting expression. But no matter what, the four fragments of the devil were finally gathered together:

“Hello, what can I do for you?”

Mrs. Shatala is a noble lady with blond hair and a plump figure. Although Miss Bell said that she is close to forty, she looks only in her thirties.

When she covered her face with a fan, squinted her eyes and smiled, the description of “still charming” was really suitable for her.

At this time, Shade was glad that he brought Flora with him to conduct this investigation, because Flora, who also stood up, almost immediately showed hostility to Mrs. Shaitala without any concealment. And this hostility can help Shade cover up his findings, so Flora’s acting skills are really good.

[Honestly, do you really think she is acting? 】

“Good afternoon, Mr. Holmes, I just heard a gentleman say that you have Willondale’s ‘gold yarn’ in your hand, right?”

“Gold yarn” is the name people in Willendale give to the high-end stockings that Miss Sylvia does not sell. “Gold” represents nobility and rarity, and “yarn” represents that it is a textile.

“Yes, but this fabric is not available for purchase. To be honest, this was a gift from my business partner.”

Xia De explained, so the lady who covered the lower half of her face with a fan smiled and asked:

“Well, sir, I’m really sorry to say this. I have always heard of Willendale’s ‘Golden Yarn’ and have seen other people using it at cocktail parties and banquets. But… you intend to transfer a pair of two. Pair? I can buy it at a high price.”


Shad looked at Flora in embarrassment:

“Those golden gauze have been given as gifts to my female companion.”

“I don’t have the habit of giving away my clothes to others.”

So the witch said, glaring at the rather “coquettish” looking woman without showing any signs of weakness. She knew that she was a latecomer compared to Carina and others, so she had no position to evaluate Shade’s love life, but she did not want such a person to get close to Shade. This was the consensus of the witches.

As long as Mrs. Shatala is not stupid, she will certainly feel the hostility of the young female companion beside Shade, but she doesn’t feel anything is wrong:

“That’s really a pity. For us outsiders from Willendale, it’s very difficult not only to break into the circle of those noble ladies, but also to wear clothes with the same taste as them.”

After she said goodbye politely, she turned and left. Flora was still a little unhappy. After sitting down, she did not forget to warn Shade to stay away from such people.

Although the identity of the devil has only been confirmed now, it seems that the relationship between the Hoy Manor that burned three hundred years ago, the Kant family today, the antiques in the cellars of the deserted village, and the Delinall Zionists, It can all be straightened out.

This split body of the devil still has no traces of the curse of time, so the treasure of the Hoy family was brought by an ordinary man, Sir Wayne, from three hundred years ago.

Part of the “Hoy Treasures” was kept by Sir Wayne himself for him to do business in order to strengthen the power of the Delinall Zionists; the other part was used as a transit point through deserted villages. The gift was given to the local police chief Mr. Kant, and the subsequent treasure was used as a temptation to manipulate him into contacting the upper-class nobles of Willendale.

As for why Sir Wayne gave the antiques to Director Kant, there should be guidance from “Mrs. Shaitala” who is also a Zionist. Shade even speculated whether Director Kant had been cooperating with the Delinall Zionists.

If this is the case, Shade can only say that the demon of fire, but in fact, it is not impossible to change his name to “the demon of provoking war”.

PS: Please vote at the end of the month. Will update another chapter tonight.


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