The Whispering Verses Chapter 2799: “Constructor Master” Gerald Long


Chapter 2798 “Constructor Master” Gerald Delon

Flora obviously understood what Shade said and praised softly:

“Maybe you really have a talent for acting. The writer in your hometown wrote about you like that. It doesn’t seem to be an exaggeration. Are most of the plots in the book true?”

Although Xia De knew that she said this on purpose, he was still in a good mood:

“We have just contacted Sir Wayne. If we go directly to the lady, it will be very conspicuous. Let’s take a look around at the tea party and go there later.”

“Okay, do you want to play Rhodes? I saw you looked over there several times just now.”

“Let’s forget it this time. Also, are you teasing me on purpose?”

Because there were also ring warlocks from the church attending this tea party, Shade didn’t want to attract too much attention. He originally wanted to have a cup of tea, sit on the sofa, and wait until an hour later to create an opportunity to meet Mrs. Shaitala.

But at three o’clock in the afternoon, he saw a very unexpected person appear here:

“‘Master Constructor’ Mr. Gerard Delong?”

Flora was sitting next to Shade at that time, talking about this winter’s clothing with several ladies who were also resting. After being reminded by him, I saw that the thirteen-ring warlock who created the church was actually here.

She was very surprised, and what was even more surprising was that Shade stood up right after:

“I’m going to the bathroom.”

“Do you need me to go with you?”

The witch asked with a smile, making the ladies sitting around laugh.

Xia De then waved his hand:

“I’ll just go by myself. I’ll be back soon. Remember not to run around.”

The encounter with the thirteen-ring warlock who had just dealt with them not long ago was not planned, and the other party did not seem to notice Shade and Flora, but Shade still decided to get in touch with the other party.

This is not only because Shade has met Mr. Delong since last fall, but also because he is curious about what the other person is doing here:

“Is the church also ready to take action against the devil?”

He first went to the bathroom as he said, and then used illusion magic to add another layer of disguise to his current appearance. Although I know that the “Constructor Master”‘s illusions are not very powerful, I still have to be cautious when facing the Thirteen Rings.

In short, after changing his appearance, Xia Decai returned to the hall where the tea party was taking place. Mr. Gerard Delon did not hide his traces. He was standing at a long table filled with afternoon tea snacks, seemingly choosing delicious food for himself.

This gentleman did not show that he belonged to the church. Looking at him in formal clothes, if he were not too tall, he actually looked more like a smart and capable middle-aged factory owner.

“Good afternoon.”

Xia De then walked over and took the initiative to say hello. The man holding the plate replied in surprise:

“Hello, may I ask who you are”

He has very ordinary dark brown hair and brown eyes. Judging from his appearance, he is about forty years old, and even looks younger than Dr. Schneider.

Xia De then introduced himself:

“We met last autumn in Coldwater Port in the North Country. Didn’t we also meet in the square outside the Golden Concert Hall last Sunday when we listened to the Harvest Concert?”

Hearing what he said, the gentleman with the Thirteen Rings was startled, looked at Shade up and down, and then laughed:

“Yes, yes, look at my memory, what a coincidence, we met here again.”

As he spoke, he extended his hand to Shade, and Shade shook his hand. Knowledgeable people can often judge a lot of information from the marks on the palms, but Shade is not that kind of detective. He only knows that Mr. Delong’s hands are rough.

Both of them knew that Shade could not appear with his true identity, so Mr. Delong did not explore too much who Shade was playing at this time.

After shaking hands, the two did not leave the long table filled with afternoon tea snacks, and Shade also went to choose his favorite snacks. Fortunately, little Mia was being taken care of by Miss Denister in the hotel, otherwise she would have gone “crazy” when she saw the things on the table.

“This is the first time you have taken the initiative to contact us. Before, you either met by chance or sent messages through witches.”

Mr. Delong said in a very relaxed tone:

“Actually, you don’t have to be so wary of the church. We have long wanted to talk to you face to face. You should also understand that we are definitely not enemies.”

“I agree with what you said, but now is not the time.”

Shad put the cookie with ground almonds in his mouth:

“I just want to talk to you about the Chosen One. Do you know about the Time War?”

Shad did not ask the witches to tell the church about this news, but it was impossible for the church not to hear the thirteen bells that sounded in the Vesta Grove last Sunday. Considering that the church has the largest number of psalm fragments, Shad actually It’s more likely that they know about it too.

As expected, Mr. Delong nodded:

“I know, actually one of the candidates this time is a person from the local church, but I’m sorry that I can’t tell you the identity of the other party.”

Shad raised his eyebrows. With the addition of Emilia, Luvia, the fourth candidate for the twin princes, and most likely the “Clockmaker”, the seven people participating in the Time War will be five. One:

“I also found the fourth candidate, but the other candidate directly saw the ending of the story in this woodland through a thaumaturgy that was stronger than ‘future vision’, so he was frightened and gave up voluntarily. If you lose your identity, you will not participate in the time war, so there should be six candidates this time.”

In return for the information provided by Mr. Delong, Shade also said, but did not mention that the candidate’s power is now in the umbilical cord:

“Also, the president of the [Tree Hole Association], the ‘Clockmaker’, is very likely a candidate.”

“We will pay attention.”

The Thirteenth Ring Warlock nodded slightly and picked up the strawberry cream cake on the plate with a fork. Although it was free time, there was not much noise in the venue, and everyone was paying attention to the volume when talking.

His eyes looked at the sand table in the center of the venue that had not been removed:

“So, Godcaller, what do you think about the eighth chosen one?”

“I don’t know what this means.”

“With the ‘Proof of Time’ ritual you provided, the Church of the Five Gods discussed the matter of the eighth chosen one before sending a large force here. This is too dangerous, especially the Time War, although this is The ancient gods allow time travel, but no one knows when the time paradox will disrupt the time and space we know.

Even thirteen-ring warlocks like us don’t dare to explore the secret of time, and the land beneath our feet has buried countless past events related to it. ”

He turned his attention to Shade again:

“If you are confident that the candidate you support will be the chosen one and solve the biggest problem in this woodland, the church’s candidate can choose to back down, that’s not a problem.”

Xia De also looked at him:

“What’s the biggest trouble in this woodland?”

Mr. Delong did not give a direct answer, but turned to look at the mural on the wall of the venue. Except for the portrait of King “Leon the Lion” that seemed to be hung up to flatter him, most of the murals here are landscape paintings by famous artists.

The painting that the thirteen-ring warlock was looking at at this time had a scene of giant trees in the forest. Just as Professor Uke Wood said, many local official institutions have similar themes or Composed paintings.

“The biggest trouble is probably this.”

Xia De didn’t say anything, just guessing how much the Zhengshen Church knew about the evil being transformed into the “remnants of the World Tree”. He got this clue from the Dead Apostles’ dreams, but the Church obviously didn’t.

It’s just that this topic cannot be discussed here. The entire Vista Grove is not safe now. Moreover, there are some things that both parties just need to have a tacit understanding of, and there is no need to know everything like buying and selling information.

“Of course I want the candidates I support to perform the last rites, but I don’t want your candidates to give up easily. Prepare to directly open the qualifications. The church definitely hopes to clarify some ancient facts through this time travel. Something?”

Shad asked, it would be good to reduce the number of competitors for Emilia, but he still wanted Emilia to experience it, or in other words, it seemed a bit too cruel to directly let Emilia face off against the “Clockmaker” , and at least the church’s ring warlocks can’t kill people, and they can also contain other opponents.

The two of them walked aside to get tea each, and Mr. Delong nodded again:

“The matter of Vista Grove requires the cooperation of both of us this time. I hope everything goes well. Although I rarely come to this small town, I quite like it here. Unfortunately, Vista Grove Parish There is no need for the Thirteenth Ring to be permanent.”

“If thirteen rings are needed here, then you may have a headache.”

Xia De said with a smile, so Mr. Delong also laughed:

“Tell me something else. Have you met anyone from the [Truth Society] recently?”

“No, have they reached Vista Grove?”

“We received intelligence that we are here, but we don’t know what we are doing.”

He slowly stirred the sugar cubes he had just put into the teacup with a teaspoon:

“Since 1854, although the [Truth Society] has appeared several times where the Battle of the Chosen took place, they don’t seem to have done much.

We also know about the cooperation between the [Truth Society] and Laplace Howard, and we also know about the dragon beast experiments they conducted with the [Dragon Feast Order] in Moon Bay, but the frequency of their activities is compared to before. It’s really too low. ”

Mr. Delong sighed slowly:

“When it comes to this topic, I have to ask a question first: Do you know the difference engine?”

Of course Shade knew that this name was the first one that Shade said. In fact, this thing should be called “automatic mechanized gear calculator based on steam power”. It is a kind of machine that has design principles and composition, but Large-scale mechanical equipment that has not actually been manufactured yet.


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