The Whispering Verses Chapter 2795: Demon King


Chapter 2794 The Demon King

Today is Wednesday, and it will be time to go to work soon, so Iluna did not stay with Shade for too long. After talking with him about the lists of Miss Wilder, Miss Bist and Miss Metz, left.

However, Shade did not immediately take the cat to the Vista Grove, because not long after sending Iluna away, the doctor came to visit:

“Good morning, I was worried that you had left just now. I have made preparations to go to the forest tonight. At twelve o’clock at midnight, you can summon me at any remote intersection.”

He sat down on Sha De’s sofa and looked at Sha De seriously with his blue eyes:

“Detective, are the helpers you are looking for available? If so, we will act together at 12 o’clock tonight. There is no need to drag this matter out. It is best for everyone to end it as soon as possible.”

Xia De understands very well:

“Sister Devlin can be here at any time. I will ask for the location of Miss Elsa Asberg later. But doctor, there are only two split bodies of the devil that I can confirm now, and there are two more You may not have time to find it today.”

He explained about George Kant, the “ghost of resentment” in the deserted village, the Drinol Zionists and the devil in the forest, but the doctor was not worried:

“According to your plan, let your nun friends deal with the ‘Ghost of Resentment’ with the power of the First Fire and the Relic. When I arrived in the forest, I went directly to find the most powerful clone that you said had almost become a natural phenomenon. As long as the three of you can restrain the remaining three clones, I am confident that we can lock it directly.

In this way, today you have to determine who is the devil among the Delin’all Zionists, and then you and the thirteen-ring warlock will discuss who will deal with whom. Of course, if I really can’t be sure, I can still detect it after I arrive, but even though the possibility is small, I’m worried that this will arouse its alertness. ”

“Let me investigate.”

Xia De feels that this is not difficult:

“We should be able to draw conclusions before tonight, but doctor, do we need to take action at the same time? To prevent the split body from escaping?”

“Of course, and I must remind you that, except for me, when you kill the demon, you do not permanently destroy it, but the power of its clones collapses, and a small part of the power returns to the original body, that is, other split bodies.

This leads to the fact that the fewer the demon’s split bodies are, the more powerful the remaining split bodies will be, and the person who finally kills the demon will face the greatest pressure. So I will try to hold off my opponent as much as possible. After the three of you have dealt with the enemy, I will make the final blow. ”

In fact, according to the doctor, if four people can kill their opponents almost at the same time with a similar time, then no one will face the greatest pressure. But this would not only make the battle more difficult, but the more complex the plan, the more likely it would go wrong, so Shade didn’t mention this idea.

The doctor came here this morning to discuss tonight’s plan with Shade, and also to hear about the progress of Shade’s investigation of the demon. Although he was confident that the demon of fire, Dizast, was not an important player, he was not confident enough to really think that he was the nemesis against him.

Of course, Shade also warned the doctor that the demon’s forest clone was suspected of defecting to a more terrifying enemy, and mentioned the old woman’s soul and the witcher’s legacy encountered during the investigation in Gregory Village on Monday.

The middle-aged psychiatrist with blue eyes was quite emotional while holding the tea cup:

“I have been investigating demons for so many years, and I have also heard during my travels that there are still inheritances of demon hunters in today’s era, but I have never seen them. Even if they still exist, their number must be very small. If there are any Maybe, I would like to see them.”

“Now that we’re talking about this, doctor, do you mind if I test my new magic on you? [The remaining advice], you can see some information about the demons who fought with the witchers.”

Shade then asked with a smile. Of course the doctor didn’t mind, or he was also curious about what Shade could see in himself.

So Shade took the [Demon Hunting Seal] and put it on his hand. In order to maximize the effect of thaumaturgy, he even summoned the life ring. The two of them sat face to face on the single sofa in the living room. When the doctor put down the teacup, and little Mia stood on the back of the sofa behind Shade with her eyes wide open curiously, Shade touched the ring on his right hand with his left hand:

“The remaining advice.”

The thaumaturgy was successfully activated, and Shade felt a slight cooling sensation in his eyes, so he raised his head and looked at the doctor who was sitting upright. The doctor immediately shook and said in a rather uncomfortable tone:

“Okay, as I expected, I can directly feel this gaze when you use thaumaturgy to look at me. I even feel that you directly see my soul. This is consistent with the knowledge I have, This is not a power that hunters use when investigating, but a power that prevents hunters from dying too quickly when they face battles with unknown demons.”

Shad did not answer this sentence immediately. He originally thought that after opening the miraculous surgery, he would see information about other demons such as “human pus” that the doctor had devoured, but the reality was different from what he imagined. Very big.

Four paragraphs of sentences written in different languages ​​floated around the doctor. These languages ​​do not exist in the form of single letters, but are similar to Shade summoning Adele in the “past life”. Strings of glowing white runes exist in the form of strings.

And Shade can understand the meaning of these rune strings even without “language proficiency”, because this thaumaturgy itself has the power to allow users to understand the true meaning of remonstrance:

【There is a strong enemy in front of me. I have put my courage here. It is time to give up. 】

“Give up? The strong enemy refers to the thing in the doctor’s body?”

【There is no weakness before, just aim to escape, luck will be very useful next. 】

“Escape? I don’t believe there are enemies in this world without weaknesses.”

[The split devil, the incomplete power, it is indeed it. There are no enemies to fight before, so turn back now. 】

Although this passage still reminds latecomers to leave, it at least provides the effective information of “the divided devil”.

As for the last piece of information–

[Invincible, invincible, this is the king of demons. 】

“Looking at your expression, you must have seen something extraordinary.”

The doctor, who was feeling increasingly uncomfortable with Shade’s eyes, couldn’t help but speak. He now felt goosebumps all over his body:

“In ancient times, demon hunters, the longer they lived, the more information they mastered. Once they died, a lot of information related to demons would be lost, so there was a secret method called [remaining advice].

Theoretically speaking, the more powerful the soul is as a hunter, the richer and more complete the reverberation of the information that resonates will be. Your soul must be considered powerful, so what did you see? ”

“I saw people reminding me to run away, saying that there was a strong enemy ahead of me that I couldn’t defeat. I originally thought they would remind me of your weaknesses, such as you hating seafood or being afraid of the cold.”

Xia De adjusted his expression and said, so the doctor also laughed:

“This is pretty much what I expected, but did you only see information about me? I thought there would be information about the demon I devoured.”

“There is no such thing, which means that this thaumaturgy’s judgment on you is very accurate.”

Shad turned around and pulled the cat that was moving behind his head, and forced it onto his lap:

“Also, this thaumaturgy says you are the ‘King of Demons’.”

At that moment, the expression on the doctor’s face became stiff, which even seemed a little funny.

He and Shade had talked about the “Demon King” before. During the brief **** mission to the academy this year, they even admitted the souls of the former team leader Mr. Sherf Tim and Miss Shana Aya. The disappearance is related to the so-called “Devil King” (Chapter 1653).

The doctor said at the time that the demon was the “original demon”, “the oldest demon” and “the demon of sin”. It was “the first evil spirit demon to be recorded in rumors, the oldest evil, the original demon” .

Although Shade himself had some speculations, the doctor never said that he was related to the “King of Demons”.

At this time, Shade said this matter easily, even a person like Bill Schneider, who never panics easily, was a little at a loss. But looking at Xia De’s expression, he felt that Xia De was not that surprised:

“Detective, why do I feel like you have guessed it a long time ago?”

“It’s not that I guessed it, it’s just a very classic setting that the enemy and we are from the same origin.”

The foreigner said something that only he could understand, and continued to look at the somewhat helpless doctor, but his thaumaturgy was no longer used:

“Furthermore, doctor, you yourself said that the source of your current abilities is the accident many years ago, so of course I have reason to guess that the source of your power is the one who kidnapped Mr. Tim and Miss Aya. The devil. He brought that horrific accident, but he also brought you strength.”

“No, it’s not that simple. It’s not accurate to say ‘my power comes from it’.”

The doctor shook his head slightly hesitantly, but his expression became more serious:

“I can’t explain in detail what happened back then, but my power definitely did not come from it. What happened back then almost caused consequences that were no less than an unknowable relic out of control. It was Mr. Tim and Miss Aya who protected the Even though I was still very weak, I protected this world.”

He put his hand on his heart:

“To this day, I still often see that night in my dreams. They are real heroes, and their sacrifices allow today’s civilization to continue stably. As for me, I am only responsible for guarding the people who were almost taken away. Something, yes, just a little bit.”

What he said was quite obscure, but Shade, who was familiar with all kinds of stories, could not understand it:

“Then let me make a reasonable guess.”


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