The Whispering Verses Chapter 2794: The Secret of the Green Dragon and Iluna’s Return


Chapter 2793 The Secret of the Green Dragon and the Return of Iluna

The **** stands in the shadow of this ancient corridor, but he is not hidden in the darkness. After all, the **** himself has a soft light.

Xia De bowed to him:

“Hello, so if I want to try to let Iluna use the balancing power of the chosen one, plus my thaumaturgy, to return her to the time she belongs to, is this actually risky?”

The black-haired lady smiled and nodded, not making Shade too embarrassed:

“Leave her book behind, and then you can hold her hand and leave this era with her.

It’s just that she is different from you. Her mission here has not yet been completed. The next time you come, you must return with her. Moreover, the time of her return is the second after the time you left, and the time of your return is still decided by the tree father. ”

This means that Shade can leave with Iluna this time, and they will also use the key together next week. But to the three girls by the fire, Iluna just disappeared and returned in an instant, while Shade would reappear after an uncountable long time.

“That would be great, as long as I can go back. Thank you for your help. I am worried that if I disappear for too long, everyone in the future will worry about me.”

Iluna, who was hiding behind Shade, showed her head to express her gratitude. She looked very reserved when facing the god. God smiled at her and nodded, then turned and walked deeper into the corridor, and his figure quickly disappeared.

Now that Iluna has a way to leave, Shade’s time adventure has truly come to an end.

Although the book cannot be taken away, the materials required for Iluna’s “lecture” can allow her to guess and raise things by herself after returning to the Sixth Era, and the Green Dragon Witch, Miss Maze and Miss Bist Then they all made a list for Shade – although Shade learned something from the werewolf girl, she obviously wanted to teach more.

The list of the dragon witch is relatively simple. After all, her book is “Delicious Black Tea and Dessert Making”. Although this is also a book that records ancient skills and secrets, the difficulty of learning is obviously much lower than the other three books.

For this reason, Miss Metz was a little unsure when handing Shade the list:

“I only skimmed through “The Blessing of Books,” and I’m not sure I’ve listed everything I need. Mr. Hamilton, I’ll probably be able to read it all the next time you show up. Finished, can I give you a new list then?”

“Of course, I’m not just here for the next time.”

Xia De nodded and said, he himself did not believe that he would be able to handle all the courses of the remaining three people next time. At this time, white mist had appeared around him. Counting the time, this adventure was about to end, and Shade solemnly put away the three notes:

“While I am away, you can also try to teach each other and make progress together, but it is best not to meet the **** alone. I am worried that there are other dangers in this castle.”

This is actually very strange to say, because his level is actually the lowest, even Iluna is now at the ninth level.

“Don’t worry, we don’t have the guts.”

The werewolf girl said cautiously, and Miss Wilder, who had dragon wings on her back, also nodded.

So Shade didn’t say anything else. He took Iluna’s hand and sat by the fire again, then disappeared with her into the twisting light.

But soon, as the air twisted again, Iluna, who had changed her clothes and seemed to be in good spirits, reappeared. She had a strong sense of time separation at this time. Even if she didn’t have the gift of time, she could tell that there was a long gap between her and the one who left just now.

“Yeah, unlike what Shade said, I went directly back to the fire and didn’t appear in a dangerous place like him in the river valley!”

Iluna said in surprise, and then she remembered to say hello to her friends, and the three witches who were watching the “Great Transformation” by the fire also said hello to her.

This strange phenomenon also caused the four people to discuss it for a while, but they did not come to any conclusion.

The luminous ashes all over the sky continued to fall in the academy’s castle. Amidst the soft crackle of the bonfire, the voices of conversations gradually became quieter until they disappeared. Without Shade here, they all seemed to have lost the desire to talk, and time seemed to flow here only when Shade was here.

Eluna lowered her head to look through her “Glorious Sun”, and then noticed that the green dragon girl was packing away the tea sets used “a week ago”, so she suddenly asked:

“Miss Wilder, speaking of which, I remember that you are the only one among us who went to Witch Academy. Which academy are you from?”

So the green dragon girl said proudly:

“St. Byrons Witch Academy!”

This is the year 3733 of the Fifth Era. More than seven hundred years have passed since Shade first met Miss Feliana and Miss Olanold in the Forest of Thousand Trees. St. Byrons has already become famous. The entire material world is a witch academy.

“That’s great. I tried to pass St. Byrons back then, but unfortunately I failed, so I later thought about traveling for a few years before looking for other schools.”

The werewolf girl said enviously, so the green dragon girl said humbly:

“Actually, I’m not very good, at least not as good as you. The reason why I was specially recruited into the school is because I’m better at maid jobs like living room cleaning, making black tea and making snacks.”

She had never taken the initiative to mention this matter to the three of them before, mainly because she was embarrassed:

“At that time, my teacher said that she needed to find some maids to help with the work. I originally thought that the college was recruiting maids, but I didn’t expect that they would give students status after joining the job.”

Seeing her say this, others also shared other secrets about themselves, and the atmosphere by the fire became lively again, but soon the excitement fell silent again. Iluna felt clearly that this time and space would really be very different whether Shade was there or not.

But what she didn’t know was that the Green Dragon girl shared these stories not because she completely trusted them, but because she still had a secret that she couldn’t tell——

She actually does not belong to this time and space.

(Little Mia is running.)

In the late autumn of 1854, it was Wednesday, the fifteenth day of the month of dead leaves.

Walking out of the study room at home, Shade looked at the cat lying on the sofa, then turned and looked behind him. Behind the open study door was an empty study. Because the curtains in the study were open, the early morning sunlight that broke through the morning fog could shine in. Shade could even see clearly the bits of flying dust floating above the desk.

“Didn’t Iluna come back with me? So when did she return?”

While I was thinking about it, there was a knock on the door downstairs.

Shade then took the cat downstairs to take a look. After opening the door, the early morning noise of Saint Teresa Square immediately entered the house, and the eighteen-year-old brown-haired girl immediately hugged him:


This appearance made Mr. Smith, the next-door neighbor who had just returned from walking his dog, shake his head.

Shade then welcomed Iluna in. She looked really excited, because she even said “good morning” to little Mia at the top of the stairs, but the rude cat just hit her Yawning, he swung his tail and jumped up the stairs again and ran towards the second floor.

“Iluna, when did you come back? I turned around just now and didn’t see you, so I thought I failed.”

Shade was also very happy to hold her hand, while Iluna smiled and explained:

“I was sent to the Fifth Era by that robe last Friday. Only half an hour had passed when I came back, but the old secretaries in the Holy See were almost frightened crazy.

I explained the function of this robe at the time, but I also explained that I had to go back as the characteristics of the robe. I did not talk about gods or anything like that.

Return to the correct time on Friday, and I actually returned to Tobesk last Sunday, but I remember you said you used the key on Wednesday morning, so in order to prevent a time paradox, I returned I came here, but I never dared to come to you. I didn’t even go to see Luvia. I just wrote to tell her that I was back, but I couldn’t tell you. ”

So the fortune teller lady has always known that Iluna has returned, but she has not mentioned a word. She is a person who is good at keeping secrets.

“This is the right thing to do. You can never be too cautious when it comes to time travel.”

Xia De said with a smile, leading Iluna to the second floor:

“Now that you are back, has the church told you when to go to the Vista Grove? The witch has shared the ‘Proof of Time’ ritual with the church, and you should also be doing a large-scale mobilization Are you ready?”

“Of course, but the church’s [Eternal Youth Leaf] reserves are not enough, and the expensive ‘Time Cicada’ magic item is currently being produced as a replacement. So although the first batch of support will arrive this week, the real big Troops may not arrive until later next week

I am one of the first reinforcements to reach Vesta Grove this weekend. This time I will take the steam airship, which will be very fast. The specific departure time has not been decided yet. I will make another trip tonight. Luvia should be at home too, right? ”

“Of course, she will stay with me until the eighth chosen one is over.”

Shad nodded and poured tea for Iluna, but asked curiously:

“From the information I have obtained, the production of magical items like ‘Time Cicada’ requires the help of gods related to time. Which sect of the old **** has the Zhengshen Church found?”

“Why are you looking for the sect of the old gods?”

Eluna asked him curiously:

“Although Mr. Dawn, the righteous god, is called the ‘God of Light and Shadow’, he actually also has powers related to time.

According to the Church of Dawn, the alternation of light and shadow gave birth to the dawn, which symbolizes hope, which also means the change of time. Shade, aren’t you a believer who calls yourself Mr. Dawn? How come you don’t even know this? ”


Seeing that Shade was speechless for a moment, Iluna laughed happily again.


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