The Whispering Verses Chapter 2793: New transformation


Chapter 2792 New Transformation

Girl Gray Wolf continued under the light of the moon and fire:

“This is a unique meditation method recorded in the book “The Wolf of the Ancestral Spirits”. For me, I need to look for the hair of other people of the same race, and then understand their wild ways, so that I can Go further down the road.

But for you, it is my path to understanding. I brought the herbs with me, plus the tea brought by Mr. Hamilton, and now I will prepare a simple decoction for you.

You take the decoction without swallowing the wolf hair, and then meditate towards the moon above the fire – there is no moon here, we use a ball of light instead. If you have enough talent and luck, you should be able to gain something. ”

Although she said this, her own tone was a little uncertain. After all, she could not even arrange a complete ceremony due to limited conditions. So after preparing the decoction that was basically tea leaves, she bit her finger and used the brush made of tail hair in her luggage to draw some strange patterns on everyone’s face.

After that, the four people besides her meditated together in front of the light ball on the campfire. In fact, standard meditation requires closing your eyes, so that you can better let your thoughts sink into the depths of your soul – of course It is also easier to fall asleep, but it is not completely impossible to meditate with your eyes open, which will test everyone’s basic skills.

Xia De, who has been exposed to the extraordinary world for the shortest time, certainly has the worst basic skills. He saw that everyone suddenly stopped talking, so he stopped talking and concentrated on looking at the silver “moon”.

Miss Bister was the only one who spoke, not because she thought she couldn’t always keep her mouth shut during “class”, but because she wanted to increase everyone’s probability of success:

“Now take a deep breath and feel every tension in your body relax. Imagine yourself standing in a vast wilderness, watching the huge moon in the sea of ​​stars under a moonlit night.”

This is easy to do, because Shade no longer knows how many times he has dreamed of this scene.

“Okay, then imagine yourself walking under the moon until you run or fly in the most comfortable position.

Slowly, feel the power within you, like a sleeping beast gradually waking up. With every breath, the power flowing through you becomes clearer. It is not violent, but a pure force of nature, connected to your most authentic self. ”

Girl Gray Wolf’s voice gradually seemed to be mixed with the sound of water outside the gap and the crackling sound of the nearby bonfire. It did not become blurred, but her voice also became a kind of background sound.

Xia De actually looked at the moon on the fire and fell into this kind of imagination. He gradually abandoned his sensory perception of the outside world, and the “moon” unconsciously colored his eyes.

Miss Bister continues:

“If you can feel your wildness that was originally suppressed by civilized society and order, then now imagine yourself breaking free from all the restraints and chains, turning into a beast while walking, running unrestrained in the wilderness under the moonlit night .

You are free, powerful, and fearless. Feel the earth beneath your feet, the silver moon above your head, feel the wind whistling around you, and feel the pure joy of being one with nature. ”

She used her eyes to make sure that everyone was still keeping up with the progress, and then further reminded:

“This power is part of your heart and is with you. You can call it anytime and anywhere.

Despite the many constraints and rules in life, you still have an inner wildness and freedom. Let it shine deep within you and be the source of your strength.”

In Shade’s imagination, walking in the endless wilderness under the moon, he was gradually forgetting everything. After he suddenly fell forward and fell to the ground, he continued running with four paws.

Then everyone was attracted by the sudden light. Miss Bister, Iluna, Miss Wilder and Miss Metz all looked at Shade. Shade’s body was seen being wrapped in a burst of soft silver moonlight, and then his body seemed to melt into the light.

The figure in the light gradually changed from a sitting position to a lying position, and when the light disappeared, a little wolf that didn’t look very big, but had sparkling silver fur, appeared on the cushion beside the fire.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then Iluna said in surprise and surprise:

“Ah! Such a cute puppy, ahem, I mean little wolf!”

This voice also brought Shade, who was meditating just now and letting himself run freely under the moon, to come to his senses. He immediately found that his field of vision had become a little low and everyone was looking at him, and then the sound in his ears “She” smiled and said:

[Outlander, you have mastered the magic of thaumaturgy – transformation and wolf. Transform into a silver wolf (an extraordinary creature). The cost is medium. There is no time limit. You can cast spells in the transformed state. Corresponds to the [flesh] spirit rune. 】

The green dragon girl who was closest to the luggage had found a mirror and stood it in front of Shade. Shade looked at himself in the mirror in surprise. In wolf form, every inch of hair shone with a faint silver light. When he stood up, his size was only slightly smaller than Miss Bister’s gray wolf form:

“How can you learn it so easily?”

“How can you learn it so easily?”

This is also the question of Miss Bist as a “teacher”, but Iluna believes that this is Shade’s talent. He does not have the talent to transform as he claims.

When Xia Tian first transformed into the “Moonlight Dragon” in Yuewan, he encountered difficulty in transforming back, but that was because he swallowed the flesh and blood of the nameless dragon and was affected by it. The transformation into “Silver Wolf” this time is normal learning, so it can be transformed back.

Compared to the shapeshifting cat, the animal form of the shapeshifting wolf is significantly larger and more powerful. This is a transformed posture that can be used in battle. Although anyone who looks at it will think that this is a wolf cub, even at this size it is much larger than little Mia.

According to Shade’s experience and “her” narration, the “Silver Wolf” himself in the transformed state is not an ordinary animal, but an extraordinary creature such as the Red Butterfly and the Moonlight Dragon.

The werewolf girl agreed with Shade’s point of view after Shade was restored. She seemed very happy because Shade had really gained something:

“You have acquired a new transformed form because you are following my wild way. This is of course not an ordinary wild wolf.

Your silver wolf state should inherit some of the advantages of my werewolf form, such as sharp claws and excellent speed. Maybe you will also notice that the application of certain secrets is smoother when you cast spells in the future. This is an extraordinary wolf, which indicates that you are also qualified to take the wild path. ”

Then she immediately changed her story:

“You should have a deeper understanding of the moon than I do, so don’t change your direction because of this study.”

Although she said this, she was still very happy that her knowledge and power could be passed on to people like Shade who also respected the moon.

Of course Shade did not forget to express his gratitude to the werewolf girl, but he could not say anything more. This time adventure is coming to an end, and he must deal with Iluna’s matter first.

“There is something I haven’t mentioned just now. In fact, I can’t stay here for too long. I need to leave for a while and then come back.”

The girls had different expressions, but none of them raised any questions. Shade also tried to keep his words simple:

“But that’s okay. Do you need any special ritual materials or props for your future teaching? If you need anything, you can tell me now. I can bring it when I come next time, or what are the daily necessities? Is there a shortage? If there is a shortage, I can bring you one.”

“I’m not surprised that you are leaving. After all, you were mysterious when you appeared. But is Miss Bayas going to go with you too?”

Miss Metz asked, Iluna looked at Shade and motioned to Shade to speak.

Xia De held her hand:

“Of course I hope Iluna can leave with me, but this may be difficult. Can you make me a list of things I need first? I want to talk to Iluna alone.”

After obtaining everyone’s consent, he pulled Iluna away from the bonfire and came to the gap in the wall. Iluna asked, half worried and half expectant:

“Can I really leave? But the effect of this angel-level relic has not ended yet. Can I go back? And do Miss Wilder and the others still need me? Once I leave, four teachings will be required. Is it true that the ritual that can only be completed can never be completed? ”

Although she dislikes this place very much, she is also worried about these new friends she has just met.

“Don’t think so much. The problem now is that I can’t send you back for the time being.”

Shad looked back, then lowered his voice and asked Iluna:

“Have you used the power of the Chosen One here?”


The eighteen-year-old girl shook her head quickly:

“When I first came here, my other self reminded me that this is the fifth era. My powers inherited from the ancient divine judges had better not appear in this era easily. Of course, it is not that it cannot be used at all, but if It’s best not to use it if it’s not necessary.”

“What will happen if I use it?”

“It won’t matter if I ask, but…”

“Although it will not cause a time paradox, some hidden consequences may have an impact on the great prophecies of “The Whispering Cantos”.”

The sudden sound startled both Shade and Iluna. Iluna quickly looked towards the corridor behind Shade. Shade also turned around and saw the man wearing a black robe and loose clothes. A gentle lady with black hair and glasses is smiling and standing on the bright edge of the bonfire.

The three girls who were still discussing something with each other by the fire were unaware of the arrival of the god. Iluna, who realized who it was, hid behind Shade.

PS: Comparison of three deformation postures:

[Transformation – Cat]: Transform into a cat. It consumes very little. There is no time limit. You can cast spells in the transformed state.

[Transformation-Wolf]: Transform into a silver wolf (extraordinary creature), medium consumption, no time limit, you can cast spells in the transformed state, and have an amplifying effect on certain thaumaturgy.

[Transformation-Dragon]: Transform into a silver moonlight dragon, which consumes a lot of money. You can cast spells in the transformed state and receive form amplification, but the consumption will be intensified.

Picture of this chapter “Transfiguration-Silver Wolf”


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