The Whispering Verses Chapter 2792: The teachings of werewolves


Chapter 2791 The Werewolf’s Teaching

Fortunately, Iluna and Miss Wilder were not in danger. When Shade and the werewolf girl were looking around, the two slightly embarrassed girls swam over from a distance. They looked like they had been through a battle, but none of them were injured, but they were just in a bad mood:

“I don’t want to talk to you about what we just encountered, but I’m grateful that the supplies you brought included the beautiful new dresses.”

Miss Wilder said dryly, trying to tighten the wings on her back, and Iluna also looked particularly angry:

“Shad, remember, never fight a monster that uses “throwing feces in the water to poison people.”

So the gray wolf girl who cherished her beautiful hair was immediately glad that she had not stayed here just now. Then she realized something and immediately held her breath in the water.

Although the green dragon girl and Iluna were a little unhappy, at least they were happy to see Shade and the werewolf girl return successfully, and it seemed that they had gained something.

Except for encountering an inexplicable circular space event during the return journey in the water, everything went normally. After the group of people came ashore through the hole in the floor on the third floor, Shade, Iluna, and Miss Wild immediately controlled the flames to dry themselves.

The petite gray wolf, after being pulled into the water by Iluna, avoided the three of them and shook its body violently. After shaking off all the water from her hair, she dried and returned to her human form.

For some reason, Shade felt that her movements were very similar to those of little Mia. The cat’s movements when drying itself after taking a bath were like this:

“Speaking of which, I think I planned to wash the cat last week. If I haven’t done it this weekend, remember to remind me.”

[Okay. 】

“She” then smiled and agreed.

When the four people returned to the fourth floor, the bonfire was still providing heat and light steadily. Miss Metz, who was very worried about the situation of the four people, immediately stood up to greet them when she saw them. She was relieved to see that they were all safe:

“Sit down and take a rest. I’ve prepared hot tea. I’ll talk about anything later.”

“No, I want to change clothes first!”

The green dragon girl and Iluna said together.

So Shade avoided it first, standing at the gap in the wall away from the bonfire and looking outside. The girls cast spells to create a mud wall and eliminate the sound, while Miss Metz and Miss Bister stood aside. help.

They quickly changed into the clothes that Shade had brought. Of course, they were still wearing the college uniforms and robes outside.

Then Shade and Miss Bister also explained their experiences on the first floor.


The five people sat around the campfire, not evenly distributed of course, but gathered in a sheltered position away from the gap and close to the wall. Everyone was wearing blankets and holding teacups. The green dragon girl sighed softly, feeling somewhat lucky that she had stayed in front of the crack instead of following in.

Eluna was not surprised by this, or she had already guessed it. As for the human girl Miss Metz who stayed here, she showed a somewhat strange expression:

“Are you sure that **** is the ‘Lord in Black Robe’, the guardian of teachers and knowledge inheritors?”

“Of course, I’m pretty sure.”

Shad nodded, so far he had never encountered two gods in a time adventure. Although he does not rule out that such a situation will occur in the future, at least this time he feels that it is definitely not the case:

“Miss Metz, are you a believer in this god, right?”

He almost said this sentence in a declarative sentence, and the black-haired human girl did not hide it:

“Yes, I have been a follower of this great man since I was a child, and therefore embarked on the path of a witch. However, I am not a very important figure in the order, and I have never heard of it. Records of our Lord’s divine descent in the past few hundred years.”

“So does your coming here have something to do with your beliefs?”

Eluna, holding a black tea cup, asked curiously. Miss Metz nodded slightly:

“Yes, I found information about this academy in the Order, and then I made up my mind to come here. As for the reason, part of it is that I want to pursue new knowledge and power just like you, and part of it is because I found The document said that my Lord came here in ancient times. I want to come here to find traces of my Lord’s journey.”

This is not a rare situation, because the gods in this world really exist, so believers go to various places to look for traces of the arrival of the gods, which is considered a very pious behavior. These believers are usually called “Pilgrim”.

The three girls who went out with Shade just now all remembered that he mentioned that something was wrong with Miss Metz. In addition, at this time, she admitted that she was a believer of the **** who had appeared. There seemed to be a problem. It became very big.

It is worth mentioning that because of the blessing of the fourth son of the dragon and the moon, the green dragon girl and gray wolf girl who just met Shade now trust Shade more than Metz, who has known them for a long time. Miss.

However, Shade did not continue to talk about this topic. There was not much time left this time, and Iluna’s matter would need to be resolved later:

“Although the appearance of gods is not in everyone’s plan, at least we know what we should do – find the gods in this academy and obtain blessings, and then teach the contents of the books to others, Finally, God will give us a final lesson.”

This is easy to understand and does not require much discussion. Shade put down his tea cup and looked at the four young faces in the light and shadow of the bonfire:

“Now that Miss Bister is the first, the question we face is, is the content in these books you got difficult? Or, can the above knowledge be easily taught to others?”

At this time, the girls around the bonfire all put down their teacups and reopened the parchment rolls in their hands according to Shade’s pronunciation just now.

Those parchment rolls were heavy enough, so they could only browse the general contents first.

Shad did not disturb them, but picked up the clothes that Iluna had just changed. The eighteen-year-old girl immediately looked over from the corner of her eye.

“The journey back in time!”

Nothing happened, but it was not that the thaumaturgy was ineffective. Shade felt that the thaumaturgy was successfully performed, and he was “pushing” these clothes that did not belong to this era out of this time and space, but the problem was that he pushed Not moving.

This is somewhat similar to the feeling when you successfully cast the “Key of the Door” but cannot open the lock. In other words, “The Return of Time” still takes effect on Iluna who was sent to this era by the relic at this time. However, due to the power of the relic, the current weird time and space state, and Shade not being strong enough, he couldn’t let Iluna go back immediately.

“Can you make a deal with the tree father? I don’t want Iluna to stay here forever.”

Xia De asked in his heart, and “she” gave the obvious answer:

[You cannot trade with the Shadow of the Ancient God unless you complete the task. 】

This is not surprising at all, but it does not mean that Shade has nothing to do about it. As a chosen one, Iluna has a very special status for the Sixth Era. It is impossible to let her disappear without a trace in the Sixth Era, so we can use this point to try it out later.

The four girls also roughly browsed the general contents of the parchment roll in their hands while Shade was meditating on Iluna’s clothes. The situation of the other three people can be understood later. They have already obtained the old information on the back of the book cover. Miss Bister of the Holy Emblem is now the most important.

The gray wolf girl said with some embarrassment:

“The book “Wolf of Ancestral Spirits” records the wild ways of werewolves and the methods of calling ancestral spirits. Most of them are secret techniques and techniques unique to us werewolves, and a few of them are even extremely demanding. You are qualified to study only if you have certain environmental conditions, such as an open field under a moonlit night.”

“Then there should be something that humans or dragons can learn, right?”

Miss Metz asked, and the girl with furry wolf ears lowered her head to look at the parchment roll in her hand:

“There are some, but very few. I am worried that if these are used as teaching content, it will be disrespectful to the god.”

“It doesn’t matter, my Lord is a generous and tolerant god, especially for young people who are eager to learn.”

The human girl said seriously, because there was still some time, Shade suggested:

“Would you like to try to teach us some simple secrets now? If you think this is too simple, you can teach others later. After all, God didn’t say you can only teach it once.”

The girls also agreed with Shade’s proposal, and seeing everyone looking at her, Miss Bister was quite embarrassed;

“Okay, let me look for it. There is a lot of content here.”

She hurriedly turned over the parchment roll in her hand again, and quickly set her goal:

“Let’s take this. Are any of you allergic to wolf hair? It’s fine if you don’t have it. This is the first thing you need.”

She lowered her head and grabbed her big tail, pulled out four bunches of wolf hair from it and handed it to the four people, and then explained with a blush:

“This is very clean, don’t worry, I just washed it in the water. Now put these wolf hairs in your mouth, but don’t swallow them, but press them under your tongue.”

The magic materials used by witches and ring wizards are all kinds of weird, and everyone has seen even more disgusting things, but of course the werewolf’s wolf hair is not a problem. So the four of them put the wolf hair into their mouths, and then Miss Bister took out a round silver ball of light, but after thinking about it, she waved it away.

She said to Shade:

“Mr. Hamilton, come on, let the moonlight ball float above the bonfire and ask for silver moonlight.”

With the wolf fur in his mouth, Shade made a no-questions-asked gesture. After the silver-moon-like light ball was in place, the surrounding area became much brighter.


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