The Whispering Verses Chapter 2791: The Way of the Wild


Chapter 2790 The Way of the Wild

After hearing these words from the god, Shade roughly understood that what happened this time was similar to the story he initially witnessed in Hope Town. They were both witnessing the last story of an old god:

“What do you need us to do for the last lesson? I already have four girls with student status. Do you want to come and teach them?”

The language used here is the language of the Fifth Age used by girls. Obviously the wolf girl lying behind Shade understood it, because she shook even harder.

The gentle black-haired lady shook her head. Her shiny black hair was floating in the water. The dim water environment could not hide her intelligence and elegance at all. Her divine gentleness was really very friendly. :

“The last lesson I am here to tell requires preparation in advance just like any mortal lesson. Do you mind helping me complete this ritual?”

“Of course I don’t mind, what exactly should I do?”

This is what Shade is here for.

“You have obtained four books from this academy, and now you need each of them to teach others a lesson based on the content of the books in their hands. Anyone, including you, has learned something new in this way. , which means that one quarter of the ceremony is completed, and I will take the initiative to show up.”

This does not sound difficult. After all, although Shade’s time here is limited, the girls by the fire can always communicate with each other. In addition, the gods only said to learn new things and did not specify the difficulty level. Shade even thought of some rude ways to cheat.

Of course, he will never play tricks in the ceremony required by the gods, it will only make him unlucky.

“See, that’s all we need to do?”

Xia De asked again. The black-haired lady wearing decorative glasses smiled and shook her head:

“Every time after you decide on a teaching candidate, those books will guide you to see me, just like this time. I will give your courses meaning, otherwise simple teaching will not be enough to arouse my power.

Foreign guests, this ancient college is about to disappear into ashes. I will walk around the college to connect the last remaining strength of it. That way when the final session comes, not only do you help me complete the ceremony, but everyone also gets a gift. And this ancient academy, which has existed since the First Era, has not completely disappeared.

In the distant original era, I also taught students here. In today’s fifth era, all this will end here. I need your help, foreign guest. ”

“I understand. Thank you for your generosity. I will bring them to see you before each of their classes.”

“Actually, this college still retains many precious books and treasures. If you have time, you can also take a walk here.”

God reached out to Shade, and the glowing book floated out of his hand.

The stone slab was suspended in the water. With the slight movement of the god’s fingers, the holy emblem symbolizing the “Lord of the Black Robe” was engraved on the back of the originally unpatterned stone slab, and then the book floated back to Shade’s hand. .

Since the conversation between Shade and the **** just now, the wolf girl behind him did not dare to move anymore. At this time, he buried his head and waited for a while. When he saw that the light at the edge of his field of vision gradually dimmed and Sha De stopped moving, he asked in a low voice:

“Can I speak? What happened again?”

“Nothing, the gods have left here.”

Xia De said while holding the stone slab, the black-haired lady had turned into light and dispersed.

In this way, the process of this time adventure mission is very clear. First, take a girl to find the god, and then let the girl give an effective lesson to complete the ritual.

Finally, let the inheritor of the black robe perform the “last lesson”, so that not only Shade’s mission can be completed, the girls can leave here, and everyone can even get strength or gifts from this ritual. .

“I like such simple and clear tasks. It is much simpler than waiting for people at the pier. It seems to be easier than waiting for people at the pier.”

With this thought in mind, I planned to return. Most of the time for this mission has passed. Now I still have time to discuss with the girls how to complete the god’s ritual:

“Miss Bister, let’s go back.”

He said to the gray wolf behind him, and after a few seconds, the girl whispered a response, and the bubbles flew upward one by one:

“We really can’t stay here for too long. It’s not safe here. They are still waiting for us to go back. Can they carry me for a swim first? My legs are a little weak.”

“She” chuckled softly in his ear, and Shade tried to keep his tone normal:

“No problem, then hold on tight. Iluna and Miss Wilder are obviously worried about us.”

So the gray wolf lay on Shade’s back and let him swim forward. The situation underwater was extremely complicated, and he had encountered enemies when he first arrived, so Shade did not dare to relax.

But in order to prevent the atmosphere from becoming awkward, he took the initiative to raise the topic:

“Did you see what was that thing that made the sound of water when we came here just now?”

“It seemed like a water snake with a human face. That thing smiled at me.”

She described it in a low voice, and the wolf eyes shone slightly in the water:

“Well, Mr. Hamilton, can you let me take another look at your moonlight?”

The wolf girl said embarrassedly, and Shade stretched out his finger backwards, and a little light appeared on his fingertips. You cannot use too strong light in the underwater environment, but this is enough.

Miss Bister praised:

“I once went alone to the ‘Roof of the World’ in the Eastern Continent and saw the light of a giant moonlight wolf running in the wilderness under the full moon;

As a guest, I visited a hidden vampire family in an ancient town in the Western Continent, and saw their blood-red moon;

I once lived for a period of time with those ascetic moon worshipers in the vast snowfields of the northern continent, and learned from their moonlight that guided the way;

I was also rescued by a beautiful elf witch deep in the forest of the southern continent. In the tree house of the elf clan, I discussed the secrets of Silver Moon with the elderly elves under the moon.

But I have never seen moonlight like yours. In fact, I wanted to say it just now when you proved to us that you are a normal person. This moonlight is really charming. Miss Wilder and Miss Metz may still be wary of you, but I’m sure you’re not a bad person. ”

Shad felt her breathing become faster, and then Shad was very worried that her moonlight would cause her to fall into the madness of a werewolf during the full moon. But if you think about it carefully, the high-level witch can completely suppress such instinctive impulses. Miss Bister sounds like a strong enough person, and she should not suddenly bite Shade’s neck.

“Many people have praised my moonlight like this, and some even called me ‘son of the moon’.”

Xia De said as he continued to swim forward:

“Although I don’t know what the Moon Child is.”

“I know this!”

The gray wolf **** the back immediately said:

“This is a lost title, referring to those mortals who are most favored by the Moon God. They are beautiful and elegant, devoutly believe in the moon, and are even qualified to ascend the moon during ceremonies and have their heads touched by the Moon God.

The moon **** gave them moonfire, and they hold the silver flame and walk at night and under the moon, guarding the peace of the earth and our world. Under the watchful eye of the Moon God, some of the most powerful Moon Children are even able to participate in the God Wars. Even in the era when the ancient gods have passed away, there are still legends about the children of the moon controlling the secret fire to suppress the evil creatures when they were rioting in ancient times. ”

Her tone was very exciting:

“When I was traveling alone, I often wondered if I could be born in an era when the moon **** was still there, and whether I could become such a person with my piety. There is probably no hope, in that ancient world In that era, there were far more people who were better than me than now, but we werewolves were not discriminated against at that time.”

“Have you always traveled alone?”

Xia De asked curiously, swimming sideways through the cracks in the boulders. The gray wolf girl behind her immediately nodded, she was quite proud of this:

“Yes, we werewolves are like this. After graduating from the Little Witch Preparatory School, I originally planned to enter the official Witch Academy, but before going to school, I planned to travel around the world, and then I accidentally left. Now.

I am a werewolf who pursues wildness, and I am destined to run alone under the moon in the wilderness. My current level proves that I have chosen the right path. ”

Of course, she did not forget to defend herself:

“It’s not that I’m not good at getting along with others. You see, I get along very well with Miss Bayas, Miss Wilder and Miss Metz. I always meet all kinds of people on my journey, and this is also One of the joys of traveling alone.”

She is young and optimistic. On the road to pursuing the wild and the moon, Shade obviously feels that she has gone further than everyone he knows. This is not to say that Miss Siebel Bister’s talent on the moon is better than that of Miss Olanold or Miss Denister, but that she is the only one who realizes the wildness symbolized by the moon at night.

That is one of the appearances of the moon and one of the connections between the moon and nature. Shade didn’t know what the werewolf girl would experience after leaving here, but as long as she was not blocked by death, it would not be impossible for her to become a demigod.

After all, Miss Bister was too embarrassed to let Shade carry it to the gap. After chatting with Shade for a while, she felt that her condition was much better, so she took the initiative to let go of him, and then behaved like a petite gray wolf. Continue swimming back with Shade.

There was no danger on the way back, but when the silver cat and the gray wolf passed through the gap in the second floor floor together, they did not see Iluna and the green dragon girl who were supposed to be waiting here.


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