The Whispering Verses Chapter 2790: Underwater gods


Chapter 2789 The God Underwater

The black-haired human witch didn’t have any problem with the sudden action, nor did she have any problem with being left alone. She was just a little worried and asked the four of them to be careful and not take risks at will.

The location at this time is the fourth floor. If you want to go underwater on the second floor, you need to go to the third floor first. The journey was not far away. After the four of them had gone far, Xia De opened his mouth to inquire again:

“Did any of you light that bonfire? Or did it exist when you found this place? I feel that the flame has extraordinary power, and it is protecting us.”

Eluna shook her head and said she didn’t know. The werewolf girl and the green dragon girl who came earlier thought for a while before answering:

“It was probably Miss Metz who set it on fire. We were all brought here by her. She had been living here for some time before we came.”

Miss Wilder, who had dragon wings, asked curiously:

“What, is there something wrong with the flame?”

“No, I think there’s something wrong with Miss Metz.”

Xia De answered very cautiously, and immediately added:

“I’m not saying she’s a bad person, I just feel like she’s not ordinary. Don’t worry about it, maybe it’s just my illusion.”

“Shadow, Miss Metz can’t be.”

Eluna, who was walking beside Shade, asked half in expectation and half in surprise. She heard Shade summarize that he would encounter gods every time he ventured through time.

“No, no, of course not, Miss Metz absolutely not.”

Shad immediately denied Iluna’s bold guess. Although the **** had not yet appeared this time, he felt that the four girls by the fire were definitely not disguised by that god.

This ancient building whose original purpose can no longer be seen, even though only the walls are left, it can still be seen from the remaining carvings and decorations on the walls that when it was prosperous, it was no less than that of St. Byrons in the Sixth Age. At its peak.

The corridor was extremely wide, but the four people did not walk side by side. Instead, Shade and Iluna walked in the middle together, with the green dragon girl and the werewolf girl watching behind them. According to them, there is no completely safe area here except around the fire.

Not only are there monsters lurking in this dilapidated castle building, but sometimes there are even weird things from the outside that hover here for a short time, so every time you go out is a challenge.

But fortunately, at least this time the four of them did not encounter any danger on the road. They even took this opportunity to exchange their own strengths. Of course, it was mainly the latecomer Shade who shared his intelligence and listened to the girls. intelligence.

He said honestly that he was good at moon spells and had space-time talents. The werewolf girl Miss Bister told Shade that she was also good at moon spells and knew some space abilities.

And because she is a werewolf, she prefers close combat. What she is best at is attaching moonlight to her already sharp claws to cause damage to the enemy.

This werewolf girl is a very rare user of moon spells who is also good at the power of March like Shade, instead of being only good at red moon or red moon like Miss Danister or Miss Olan Nord. Huang Yue’s power.

As for the green dragon girl Miss Elfina Wilder, as a pure-blooded dragon, of course she fights as a dragon and a dragonborn. In addition to the powerful abilities brought by her race, such as dragon breath breathing and the time power she mentioned earlier, she also has some experience in manipulating plants and trees.

It’s just a pity that in today’s “Ashes River Valley” environment, although there are gray moss and lichen-like things everywhere, Shade didn’t even see a normal grass.

The four of them quickly reached the third floor, and then jumped into the water on the second floor through a hole hidden under the podium at the bottom of a staircase room on the third floor. They all have the ability to breathe underwater, but Iluna stopped Shade from trying to summon the light ball illumination:

“Indoor water is just safer than outdoors, but you can’t expose yourself easily with light.”

Miss Wilder gave each person a small piece of tea stem to hold in their mouths. After entering the water, everyone can clearly perceive the position of their companions in the water, and can also speak directly in the water.

Then the werewolf girl led the way, with Shade and Iluna in the middle, and Miss Wilder behind. The group quickly continued swimming downstream in the dark and cold water. The werewolf girl had to show her tail for some reason when she was swimming, but she did swim very fast.

There seemed to be something peeking at the four of them underwater, and occasionally a long sound similar to the roar of a whale came from far away in the water. At this time, Shade would notice that the tail of the werewolf girl in front of him would fray slightly in the water. Of course, he knew that this kind of “peeping” was wrong, but when he tried to look away, he found that Iluna was also look in.

Going through the underwater rooms, bypassing a huge fish skeleton with human teeth in the corridor, and finally the werewolf girl puffed up her cheeks and blew a bubble, making a seemingly impenetrable wall After melting, they finally saw the gap in the floor leading to the first floor.

The gap is indeed not big. Not to mention the three girls today, even the petite Chloe or sisters Grace and Helen can’t even think of passing through.

Shade then waved goodbye to Iluna and Miss Wilder. Because the red butterfly could not be transformed in the water, he directly turned into a cat. Then everyone noticed that the silver cat’s hair was faintly glowing.

The werewolf girl shook her body and turned into a little gray wolf. Although the wolf is much larger than Shade Cat, it can still be described as “petite”, which once again shows that Miss Bister’s real age is definitely not very old.

So the little wolf squeezed into the gap first, and after confirming that it was safe underneath, the silver cat also swam in. Behind the gap, Shade immediately changed back to his human form to maintain a fighting posture, but the werewolf girl did not do so. She may be more comfortable in the wolf form:

“Let’s look around first.”

She asked Shade for his opinion, and then one person and one wolf gradually disappeared into the dark water under the gaze of the two people above the gap.

Xia De was originally worried that there was not enough time this time, but in fact they found an unusual place on the first floor easily.

After swimming downstream for a while, the werewolf girl suddenly stopped. She shook her body, and the “Wolf of the Ancestral Spirit”, which had been restored to the shape of a stone slab, jumped out of the wolf fur and dispersed in the water. There was a faint golden light.

Those rays of light quickly formed a faint golden line pointing into the distance, so one person and one wolf looked at each other, with the werewolf girl in front, Shade grabbed the book and followed her.

The sound of water surging ahead seemed to be that something was being attracted by the glowing book. But before Shade could see clearly, holy silver and blood-red moonlight appeared on the two front paws of the petite gray wolf.

While she continued to swim on her hind paws, she crossed her two front paws in front of her. After slashing forward, the two crossed moonlights flew deeper into the water, so the water that had just surged Then he calmed down again.

“A spell similar to Moonlight Slash.”

Xia De thought to himself, having a general understanding of Miss Bist’s fighting style.

The golden thread guided them to swim deeper underwater. Finally, they entered a small room in a rather remote location, and were immediately attracted by the layout inside.

The light provided by the books illuminates this place, and also illuminates the blackboards floating against the walls, the rows of decayed wooden seats floating in the water, and the vague but still existing paintings on the walls. .

On the chandelier on the ceiling, only the last few lamp holders with luminous crystals are left. However, most of the wall lamps on the side walls have survived, and it can be seen that the black metal lamp holders are in the shape of flowers.

Although when Shade was traveling all the way just now, he also saw the remaining tables, chairs, benches and decorations in other rooms, but this room alone retained the most complete “classroom” style.

The final destination of the golden thread that guided the two of them was the stone podium fixed to the ground in front of the blackboard. The werewolf girl took the initiative to swim over to see what was there, but as soon as she got closer, a stream of bubbles silently came out of her mouth – Shade guessed that she wanted to scream, and then immediately turned around and swam back.

The light under the water was very dim, so it was only at this time that Shade noticed that there was a figure in black robe standing in the water between the blackboard and the podium.

When he realized the existence of that figure, the real sense of oppression from the gods directly interfered with reality. Even though Shade didn’t make any movement, he was forcefully pushed back two meters in the water before he stopped.

He reached out and grabbed the werewolf girl who seemed a little stressed, and then threw her behind him. Taking a deep breath to calm down, he ignored the meaningless words of the girl behind him, such as “this, this, this,” and so on. Instead, he respectfully said to the figure in the water:

“Hello, lord of black robes, **** who inherits knowledge.”

The figure in black robe turned to look at them at the classroom door, and his face became clearer under the water with this movement. Although it was quite impolite and unsafe to look directly at God’s face, Shade couldn’t help but look at?’s face.

The gentle black-haired lady wears a pair of small glasses, which is the image of this **** displayed to the naked eye. The golden light traces reflected in the surrounding water represent that Shade’s “divine afterglow” state also appeared at this time.

The werewolf girl who was scared just now has stabilized a bit, but Shade clearly felt that the gray wolf was lying on his back, as if he was carrying it.

God responded:

“Guests from afar, welcome here.”

“I am entrusted by the tree father to help you complete the last lesson.”

He said again, this time using the common language of Delarion, and the black-haired lady smiled:

“Yes, the last lesson. After completing this last lesson, I will leave.”


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