The Whispering Verses Chapter 2789: Textbook


Chapter 2788 Textbook

Eluna cuddled up to Shade by the fire, which made the eighteen-year-old girl feel at ease, and at the same time she felt a little happy:

“Xia De, these are just everyone’s speculations, but this is the only thing we can do here.

It is not easy to explore this castle that is mostly submerged in water. Our progress is very slow. At present, we have only inspected the third, fourth and fifth floors of the building on the water, and then discovered these. ”

While the werewolf girl was distributing food and clean drinking water to everyone, Shade checked the four girls’ current harvest. It was not a stone tablet or magical prop with important clues etched on it, but four rectangular stone slabs the size of letter paper.

Although the materials of the four stone slabs are slightly different, they feel very similar to the touch. The white and gray color can easily remind people of the luminous ashes floating in the sky.

“Speaking of which, will those ashes cause environmental harm?”

Xia De asked suddenly. The werewolf girl who had just wiped the apple on her skirt and was about to open her mouth quickly took the red apple away from her mouth. Her ears were slightly raised. She looked at Xia in the firelight. Virtue’s face:

“Miss Wilder said that although the ashes exist physically, they are essentially a space-time phenomenon.”

The green dragon girl who was elegantly controlling the pots and pans brought by Shade and preparing to cook nodded:

“I have never been exposed to such a weird space. I only heard my teacher talk about similar situations before. This space is not only a time chaos, but its own disordered time flow is also accelerating the direction of everything in it. Decay and collapse

To put it simply, those ashes represent the collapse of time. Although the impact on us time-resistant living people is not significant, it is obvious that the collapse of this castle is strongly related to it. I suggest that you do not Time touches those ashes. ”

The green dragon girl has beautiful emerald-like eyes, and she seems to be gifted with time as well:

“Although I haven’t been taught like the secret records here, I have gained a lot from these ashes. It is difficult to find other places where I can come into contact with this strange phenomenon. I want to use this to develop A secret technique based on the collapse of time, this trip is not in vain! ”

Probably because of the strength of her race, she was in the best mental state among the four girls present. And I don’t know if it was the fourth son of the dragon’s blessing that “all mortal dragons will know your nobility”. Although she was vigilant just now, her words were not different from Sha De at all:

“Speaking of which, Mr. Hamilton, are you a dragonborn? I smell the scent of a dragon on you. What kind of dragon are you?”

“Don’t ask my friend like this, Miss Wilder, Shade is human!”

Eluna immediately hugged Shade’s arm and said, and the green dragon girl cast a suspicious look.

The four small stone slabs are all blank on one side and have text and patterns on the other. However, the contents of the four stone slabs are different. The four girls had evidently inspected them, and therefore paid no attention to what Shade was doing with them.

The green dragon girl and Miss Metz were busy cooking on the bonfire. With the food, everyone wanted to eat hot food. The green dragon girl even made black tea; after the werewolf girl finished eating the red apple, Then he went to continue sorting out the supplies that Shade took out.

Iluna originally didn’t want to move, but seeing everyone busy working, she was too embarrassed to just lean on Shade, so she took the initiative to help Miss Bister pack her things.

The hot chicken rice was ready in five minutes, and with the sauce brought by Sha De, the smell even made Sha De, who had just eaten breakfast, feel the aroma.

Because Xia De was here, no matter how hungry the girls were, they would sit by the fire and eat their meals very reservedly, so Xia De asked again:

“Have you read all these four books?”


Four pairs of eyes looked at Shade from the heat:

“What book? Wait, you mean, these four stone tablets are books?”

Miss Metz, who was the first to come here, asked in surprise, Shade nodded:

“Of course. I know some secrets from the First Age. At that time, in order to preserve precious books for a longer time, they usually used some techniques to make the books like this. These stone slabs were actually covers.

I have been fortunate enough to come into contact with precious documents from the First Age. The feeling is no, no, I don’t have to put down my job. I mean the manufacturing technology of these books is consistent with those ancient books. These four books themselves are definitely not from the First Age. product. ”

Because they did not trigger Shad’s magic “Ancient Voice”, and the knowledge about ancient books came from the Gaddis Library in the Valley of Death more than 600 years ago, when Shad came into contact with “Yager” “Long Scroll” and “Unnamed Book of Sacrifice” (Chapter 722).

“I remembered, you mentioned this before.”

Eluna, who was huddled next to Shade with her rice bowl in hand, said:

“It seems that you have to read the names on the books before you can open these books.”


After consulting the four girls for their opinions, Shade read out the words on the four stone slabs:

“The first one is “The Wolf of the Ancestral Spirits”, then “The Glorious Sun” and “The Blessing of Books”, and finally “The Making of Delicious Black Tea and Desserts”?”

After he finished speaking, the four stone slabs placed by Shade in front of the fire glowed simultaneously. After waiting for a while, the warm firelight illuminated the four rolls of parchment. Judging from the weight, each parchment contained a lot of content.

The four books are all ordinary items. When Shade raised his hand, they all flew up. Seeing that the girls holding the rice bowls were still looking at him, he made a small deduction:

“Assuming these four books correspond to the four of you who came in college uniforms, then “The Wolf of the Ancestral Spirit” is obviously related to Miss Bister.”

The first volume of parchment flew towards the werewolf, and then the second volume flew towards Iluna:

“”The Glorious Sun” belongs to Iluna, and then “The Blessing of Books”.”

This name is not very recognizable. Shade has seen Luvia use this name in the Randall Valley before (Chapter 1320). It was a defensive thaumaturgy.

While hesitating, the human witch Miss Metz whispered:

“This should have something to do with me. I am proficient in the secrets of knowledge and inheritance.”

So when the third roll of parchment flew towards her, everyone looked at the green dragon girl, who also realized something, raised her neck and said:

“Making black tea and snacks delicious is of course a great ability. Don’t look down on this ability. Every capable girl should have her own secret recipe for black tea and snacks.”

She said something that no one understood, but at least Shade knew that the green dragon girl would not be disappointed with this knowledge.

“So, is this what we are here for?”

They did not look through the books in a hurry but continued to eat. Iluna expressed her doubts in a timely manner:

“After we learn the contents of these books, can we leave here?”

“It shouldn’t be that simple. This is a so-called college, not a library. I still insist on my point of view. We need to find a teacher and have a class environment to complete the course.”

The green dragon girl said, and everyone else agreed with her. And if these four books now can be regarded as “textbooks”, then they are undoubtedly one step closer to achieving their goal.

“We may be able to leave this way, but what about this gentleman? He doesn’t have a college uniform, how is he going to get out of here?”

The werewolf girl was still concerned about this, but Shade told her not to worry:

“The way I came here is different from yours, and the way I walked is also different. But teacher, are you sure you haven’t seen anyone else here?”

The mission given by the tree father shows that the “Lord of the Black Robe” should be nearby. But since Eluna and the other four said they didn’t, maybe the first thing Shade needs to do this time is to find that god.

Although the girls did not fully explore the nearby area, at least there were some clues left for Shade to investigate. That’s what Miss Werewolf Bister mentioned. In fact, she is the highest level witch here. Although she is only at the eleventh level, judging from her age, she can be called a real genius:

“There is a passage on the flooded second floor of this building that leads to the first floor. This is the only passage we have found so far that leads to the first floor. The water outside is very dangerous and we basically will not enter it. , the indoor waters are better.

But the passage in the second-floor floor was narrow and could not be easily enlarged, and Ms. Metz said there was a risk of collapsing the entire building. The four of us are physically unable to pass through there, and secret techniques such as spatial movement are prohibited underwater. The material of the castle itself strictly prohibits passing through walls and turning fossils into mud. ”

She gestured and said while eating:

“However, I can barely crawl through that hole after turning into a wolf form, but Miss Metz can’t tell what’s going on in the water below, so I’m not allowed to do it alone. We never do it alone. Explore.”

Xia De became energetic:

“I am also proficient in transfiguration. I can turn into a cat and go see it with you.”

After saying that, he stood up directly. Although he unexpectedly met Iluna on this journey, it was obvious that he could not waste time easily:

“Miss Bister, take me to have a look. If possible, the two of us will go to the first floor now to investigate the clues. You finish your meal first, and we will set off when you are full.”

“No, no, no, I can leave now. Please wait for me.”

She pushed all the food in the bowl into her mouth at once. The girl with wolf ears puffed out her cheeks like a hamster and chewed a few more times before swallowing all the food with a gulp:

“Okay, let’s go now.”

“I’ll go with you too. Although I can’t go down to the first floor, I can wait for you at the entrance of the passage in the water.”

The green dragon girl said that she put down her job, and of course Iluna would not stay:

“I’ll follow you, otherwise you’ll have to stay in the water on the second floor. Miss Metz, please stay and take care of the luggage and the bonfire. We’ll be back soon.”


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