The Whispering Verses Chapter 2783: 【Edge without Edge】


Chapter 2782 [Edge without Edge]

After speaking, Miss Danister patted the sofa next to her:

“What are you doing standing there? Sit down and talk.”

“Aren’t we going back to Vista City now?”

Xia De asked, so the red-haired girl pretended to be angry:

“Why, do you dislike going out with me so much? Now that you’ve returned to the academy, of course you won’t leave immediately.”

She saw Shade sitting down next to her again before continuing to speak:

“Drink this cup of tea first, and then wait for me to pick up the relic.

As for the devil, there is no good solution here in the academy. Studying demons and tracing the history of demons may attract their attention, so the few projects related to those evil spirits in the academy are probably not as useful as our own investigation in Vesta City.

But the inheritance of the witcher that you and Flora mentioned today made me think of something. The hunters of the Third Era left behind a lot of good things, and the academy housed some of the useful equipment.

There is a relic that I have been hesitant to give to you before, but since your encounter with the devil seems inevitable, I am not worried anymore. ”

She did not go to get the relic herself, but sat with Shade and continued drinking tea and chatting. After a full twenty minutes, two girls who appeared to be less than 1.3 meters tall and wearing uniforms and robes of the seventh grade college came over carrying a heavy wooden box.

The two look almost identical and should be twins:

“Professor Danister, we have brought the relic.”

The two placed the wooden box on the coffee table and asked Miss Danister to sign the order before leaving.

Miss Denister also told Shade:

“This is Sister Taya, a halfling from the School of Library Management, who is the president of our major’s student union.”

“Can there be two student union presidents?”

Xia De asked curiously, the sorceress smiled and shook her head:

“Of course not, but people can’t always distinguish the two of them very well – this is their talent, and they are also happy to exchange identities, so everyone finally assumes that both of them are student union presidents. .

Okay, let’s not talk about this for now, let’s open it and take a look. ”

The slender wooden box contains straw. A square rough gray stone is placed in the straw, and a scabbard is embedded in the stone.

The scabbard looked to be made of metal and was completely black. After Shade took it out, he felt that its weight was even more exaggerated than it looked:

“It’s so dense, what kind of metal is this?”

There are almost no decorative patterns on the scabbard, except that there is an engraving that is exactly the same as the [Demon Hunting Seal] near the bottom, and some light white marks on the surface of the scabbard form a short sentence:

[The sword is hidden here, and it will be brought out when encountering a demon. 】

Xia De fell in love with this at first sight.

“The Keeper-level relic [Edgeless Blade], yes, even though it looks like a scabbard, it can actually be used as a sword, but it is not very easy to use because of its length. The academy is in This relic was already contained in the Fifth Era and has been studied thoroughly.

To put it simply, if this scabbard is used as a weapon, it will have extraordinary damage effects on those ancient evil spirits and demons; any sword-like weapon can be placed into this scabbard for more than twenty-four hours. After that, you will be able to have special damage effects on demons for a period of time; finally, any sword-like weapon will look ordinary after being placed in this scabbard. ”

She obviously focused on the third characteristic, although this characteristic is not as powerful as the first two:

“This allows this scabbard to contain some dangerous sword weapons, even angel-level weapons. But for you, if you put your [Night Watch] in it, you can Perfectly hiding its whispering elements.”

Shad is still playing with the scabbard. He really likes this relic:

“The whispering element of this scabbard itself is not strong. Although the pattern on the surface is easy to recognize, it is not a problem to camouflage it a little. This relic is very good.”

The red-haired girl smiled:

“I knew you would say that. But there is a problem with this relic itself. It is one of the witcher’s inheritances. If you own it, it means that the path of inheritance has begun for you.

Although this does not mean that you will definitely be able to become a demon hunter, the probability of encountering demons in the future will definitely increase greatly. I was worried about your safety before and didn’t want to mention this relic to you, but judging from your behavior in Vista City, I probably understood that you left faster than I thought. ”

After speaking, I couldn’t help but sigh:

“I finally made up my mind to accept an apprentice. I haven’t felt the joy of being a teacher yet, and you are even better than me.”

“I’m far worse than you.”

Shade immediately corrected him, but Miss Danister shook her head:

“Looking at your current progress, I’m afraid the Nine Rings are not far away. Please put the scabbard away. Your identity as a school director will not be exposed for the time being according to your wishes. This is a gift I bought for you from the college. ”

“How can this work?”

Xia De looked at her:

“How can I spend your money?”

“I’m your teacher, so what’s the point of using my money to find a suitable scabbard for your long sword?”

After saying this, she tilted her head again, feeling that this statement was not very appropriate:

“If Flora gave you something, would you refuse it like this?”


Shad thought for a while, if it was Flora’s gift, although he would refuse it for a while, he would definitely accept it in the end.

“Look, I have known you earlier, but you think that the beautiful witch is closer to you.”

She shook her head, looked at Shade with her rose-red eyes, and her voice became slightly softer:

“So, you will accept this scabbard, right?”

“Yes, I accepted it.”

She then stood up and took a few steps forward with satisfaction:

“That’s what you said. Let’s go back. Or…”

She put her hands behind her back and turned to look at Shade with a smile:

“Do you still want to walk around the academy with me? Anyway, there is nothing to do tonight. I will take you to visit the academy. As for Flora, she probably won’t mind if we go back a little later.”

The two of them stayed in the college until nine o’clock in the evening. They said they were visiting the school, but in fact they were in the library the whole time. After all, the library was big enough, and her current state was not suitable for being in the university. Appear in front of many people.

However, Miss Danister promised Shad that after the incident in Vista Grove was over, she would take him on a real tour of St. Byrons:

“As long as you make time and the girls at home don’t have any objections.”

This was what the girl who had returned to her eighteen-year-old appearance said when the two were preparing to return to the Accordion Hotel from the academy that day. Shade didn’t understand the meaning at first, but when he dropped the glass slipper and appeared on the first floor of his home, bending down to pick up little Mia, he realized that this seemed to be another satire on his love life.

But no matter what, the tiring day is over again. I returned to my familiar home and took a deep breath, as if all my worries disappeared without a trace at this moment.

This is probably what home means.

When Shade came to the second floor of his home with the [Night Watcher] inserted into the scabbard, he found that only Luvia was at home tonight. She seemed to have returned home early. Shade was writing a report in the study when he came to the second floor.

“Look at this scabbard, it’s a gift from Miss Denister.”

He did not forget to show off to Luvia:

“How about it, can you still feel the elements of [Night Watch] now?”

Luvia, who walked out of the study, didn’t even look at what Shade was holding, but leaned against the wall and said:

“Tell me about what happened today. I feel like you are very busy today.”

A lot of things did happen today, from the “Ghost of Resentment” in the deserted village to the death of Sister Devlin, from the investigation of demons involving the herbal medicine company, to seeing me at St. Byrons tonight. Emilia.

After Shade finished speaking, Luvia frowned:

“I don’t know the real reason why you and the doctor always pay attention to demons. Maybe there really is a tree hole in the hands of demons in the woodland, but these are insignificant things compared to the Battle of the Chosen Ones.

Before Amelia goes to the woodland, Shade, I hope you can resolve this troublesome matter with the doctor as soon as possible and not waste too much time on it. I have already made an agreement with Lesia, and I will take leave under the pretext of being seconded by the royal family, and go to the forest with the witches to join you. ”

Shad then became serious. Luvia was right. His main mission in the Vista Grove was the Chosen One of Time:

“There may be four split bodies of that demon, and we must defeat them all to be considered a victory. Now I have found two of them, and there are still two more to go.”

“The flame that the devil split last time you mentioned is the flame that you and the witch got. Is it still at home?”

Luvia then asked again, and Shade immediately nodded:

“Still, in the lantern, I was going to let Sister Devlin help dispose of it.”

“Okay, take it out, and I will help you divine the locations of the remaining two clones of the devil. Don’t let this continue to take up too much of your energy.”

Even the cat standing on Shade’s shoulder noticed that he did not move immediately. Shade hesitated:

“Luvia, are you sure you want to divine the devil?”

The purple eyes looked at him, with a smile clearly in their eyes:

“I know what you are worried about, but I felt a little bit during the horoscope this autumn. Recently, I have always felt the traces of fate in my dreams. In addition, tonight is one of the brightest nights of the year. First, let me try to use the starry sky as the trajectory of the ritual, trying to capture the traces of the devil.”

Xia De nodded:

“Well, where should we do the divination? If we are using the stars for divination, it shouldn’t be inside the house, right?”


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