The Whispering Verses Chapter 2775: Sage-level relics linger in resentment


Chapter 2774 Sage-level Relic-Remaining Resentment

The basic undead thaumaturgy of “Resentment Dispelling” exerted a strong effect in the hands of the Cat Witch. As the spirit and elements spread from Shade’s chest, a series of bang bang bang came from the surrounding area. ~The sound of explosion.

The burnt smell in the air became more and more serious, and the shape of the exploding monster seemed to be really made of ashes.

But after Flora’s round of thaumaturgy ended, the sound of ?????? appeared again soon. The enemy stretched out his hands and crawled out of the ashes on the ground, and even if the witch summoned a strong wind to blow away the surrounding ashes, soon the ashes seemed to be secreted from the ground of the village and spread all over the place.

Not only that, Flora’s blowing away the ashes seemed to activate some kind of power in this dark village. In the darkness that their eyes could not see through, they clearly felt a giant hand stretching out from the ashes. Then with the slight vibration of the ground, the giant made of ashes and resentment crawled out of the ground.

In the silent and dark uninhabited village deep in the forest, the appearance of such a high-level monster makes the scene even more bizarre and bizarre. This thing is over ten meters tall, but the sound it makes when it appears and moves is exceptionally soft.

The thing quickly came to the front of Shade, and after punching the ground, Shade looked like it was rising from the ground because its body expanded, so he raised its fist and pushed it back.


As soon as the two parties came into contact, Shade felt the curse spread to his body, and the power of the First Fire failed to dispel it immediately.

But there was no time to pay attention to the curse for the time being. Under the effect of Thaumaturgy – Body of Courage, Shade’s body grew to the same size as the Ash Giant and punched through its body. But Ashes does not have the fatal weakness of humans. When Shade’s fist penetrated it, the Ashes Giant also punched Shade in the heart.

Even the cat, which seemed extremely petite at this time, felt that the curse containing extreme malice immediately wrapped around Shade’s body. At the same time, she observed the position where Shade’s skin came into contact with the ashes. The traces of ashes stayed on the surface of his skin like staining.

Just when the witch was about to tell Shade this, she immediately thought of another question:

“Since vision doesn’t work in this darkness, why can I see the marks on your skin?”

“Because I can shine – the shadow ball!”

A black sphere appeared from his hand. After the darkness, which had the power of petrification due to the “twisted earth origin”, came into contact with the ash giant, it immediately stopped trying to open its arms to hug Shade. .

The petrification resistance of this monster is pitifully low. In just a few seconds, the ten-meter-tall giant completely solidified into a stone statue. Then with Shade’s strong kick, the giant’s stone statue fell to the ground and broke into two pieces.

But of course it’s not over yet. A dense crowd of human-sized ash monsters has already surrounded the giant Shade. After the Ash Giant fell to the ground, they all rushed towards his body. In the distance of the village, huge arms were constantly protruding from the ground, and dozens of Ash Giants appeared together.

By canceling the spell and returning his body shape to normal, Shade avoided the attacking monsters in the darkness, allowing them to collide one after another above his head. The ashes were falling, and then Shade pointed his finger at the sky, and a silver ball of light emerged. All the monsters around him disappeared in an instant as if they were wiped out under the light. However, the appearance of the light also caused the raging bear to appear three seconds later. Fires and loud crackling sounds appeared from all around.

It seems that the two people just concluded it right. In the dark state, vision will be disabled and a steady stream of ash monsters will appear, while the appearance of light will cause a fire that seems to be able to burn the world.

The burning flame completely illuminated the darkness, and Shade also looked down at his arm at this time. A curse of resentment from being burned clung to his skin trying to make him burn, which of course failed. And as he took a deep breath, fiery red cracks appeared on the surface of his skin and clothes. Those curses were slowly disappearing, but the speed was really slow:

“How does this curse seem to resist the power of the First Fire?”

During the breath, the surrounding flames and high temperatures are absorbed by the body and transformed into spirit. This is also the blessing of the first fire. But of course he didn’t want to use the “Ember of First Fire” form to fight the surrounding fire. He only had high flame resistance but was not completely immune to flames. As the power of the flames increased, sooner or later he would be unable to bear it.

Fortunately, after the transformation between light and darkness, Flora finally realized what they had encountered:

“This is an event-type relic, sage level – [Remaining Resentment]. This type of event-type relic occurs for a dying person, and only for individuals with resentment.

After the event occurs, two different environments, “scene hazard” and “resentful evil spirits”, will be generated within a certain range based on the cause of death and one’s own resentment, and the two environments will be converted due to conditions related to the cause of death. ”

“Let’s talk about this later, the flames are coming again!”

Xia De rummaged through his pocket and found a piece of star-silver jade. With a slight shake, the jade glowed from the palm of his hand and extended to both sides until it turned into a sage-level relic [Star Trace] longbow:

“The Witch’s Secret Technique-The Arrow of the Night!”

The ink-colored arrows condensed in his hands and were shot high into the sky. Then the arrows fell and pierced the burning earth at Shade’s feet. So the night smudged out from under his feet like ink, and even though the flames still existed, all the light disappeared.

In the quiet night, even the sound of burning became faint. This was the secret technique that Miss Feliana left to Shade before she left. It was also the one that defeated the demigod witch in one blow at the end of the Battle of Moon Bay. The secret technique of “Light Chaser” to transform evil things.

It’s just that Shade didn’t use it to attack something, this time it was used to create a dark night environment.

The dizzying darkness eventually transformed the entire environment within a hundred meters into night. So the lightless fire within this range gradually subsided, while the fire outside this range was still burning, trying to illuminate the dark territory.

Visual vision does not fail in the dark night environment created by “Night Arrow”, so this time Shade could clearly see how the scrawny ashes humanoids climbed out of the ashes on the ground.

Probably due to the influence of the dark night venue, their speed is extremely slow, as if their hands and feet are held back by silk threads transformed into the night.

“How to solve this relic? Find the dying person who is the core of the resentment? How to find the other party?”

As Shade asked, he drew his bow and shot an arrow. Black arrows were shot out one after another. While killing those ash monsters, he was also protecting the night environment from being eroded by the surrounding fire.

In this night created by him, not only the generation speed of the ash monsters was significantly reduced, but the ash giants did not even appear. But on the outskirts of the night, raging fires had engulfed the entire world. In the depths of the flames, several tall figures that were very similar to the “Fire Demons” Shade had seen were slowly walking towards them.

If this is really the sage-level relic that Flora said, then this should be the top-level sage-level relic. The world of darkness and fire is undergoing violent evolution, and the monsters and scene hazards that have emerged are by no means something ordinary ring warlocks can deal with.

The witch gave the answer:

“Killing the core of resentment is indeed a way, but we shouldn’t be able to do it now.

Although I don’t know what this relic is attached to this time, but it has evolved into this, which is definitely not something that ordinary human beings can do with resentment. Although you are very powerful, it is difficult to successfully deal with something possessed by a sage-level relic without preparation in advance.

Leave temporarily by other means. We cannot destroy the dying man, but we can leave this place filled with resentment through the escape method he failed to achieve. However, this will directly draw the other party’s attention to us, so be careful. You need to block it for a while while I sense the direction of escape. ”

Looking at the surrounding environment, you can tell that the dying person must be burned to death by fire. Therefore, there is no need to make any inferences. As the two of them cast spells together, a large area of ​​water above the night sky was created out of thin air, but it was evaporated before it fell.

“It’s really not that easy. Do you have a way to make a special liquid? It seems that ordinary water cannot exist here.”

The cat on the chest asked again. Shade raised his hand and shot an arrow, scattering the fireballs thrown by the tall flaming figures in the distance in the air:

“If there is no water, can snowballs be used? Spell – Summon a big snowball.”

This miraculous magic was obtained by Shade when he met the God of Winter [Winter Maiden] in the Silver Mountains. Although it is only a spell, and the effect of the spell is only slow to hit the target, the huge snowball falling from the sky is It was not easily melted by the flames, but accurately hit Shade below.

As a result, the field of vision suddenly turned completely black in an instant, and all the surrounding sounds disappeared.

But soon as Shade broke free from the snowball, he discovered that he had not returned to the deserted small village in late autumn.

Under night, a raging fire is spreading in Gregorian Village. There were screams of panic and pain everywhere, but the villagers living here could not escape from the village because the flames blocked all exits from the village.

In the center of the village that had almost been razed to the ground, a five-meter-tall fiery red monster was crawling and watching everything.

“Very good, we succeeded! The dark world and the sea of ​​​​fire world just now are just worlds of deep resentment constructed by relics. This is the village closest to the real thing! Hold on, I will sense the direction of escape!”

Although the cat on his chest said it was easy, Shade felt that he might have really met his opponent this time.


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