The Whispering Verses Chapter 2767: “Watchmaker”


Chapter 2766 “Clockmaker”

Under the influence of the magic eye, mud and stones appeared out of thin air and completely filled the secret room in an instant. The woman turned on the “rapid spell” and ran away towards the top of the stairs. Behind her, the stairs of the secret room were quickly returning to the way they were ten minutes ago.

After escaping from the secret room, the twelve-ring president of the “Tree Hole Association” didn’t stop at all, and quickly fled towards the door of the steam engine room.

The wall where the secret room originally existed had returned to its normal appearance, but soon the wall began to fluctuate like water. He held the [Disaster Card and Gravel Worm] in his left hand in order to use the “Sand Swim Technique” Shade walked out of the wall.

Taking a step forward, he crossed the pipes and condensation pools across the ground and came to the back of the woman. The bright moonlight was split by his left hand, but it only passed through the phantom of the woman.

Shad closed his eyes and sensed it, then took the risk to continuously use “Raglai’s Jump” to take another step forward, so he appeared directly in the square outside the Golden Music Hall building. The actual location of the basement was It’s on the edge of the building.

Turning around and looking back, the “clockmaker” who had just appeared from the door and stood above the high steps of the concert hall also stopped. She squinted her eyes and looked at the handsome young man below, and Shade also looked up at her.

“Give me the stuff back.”

“Are you the one calling the gods?”

Because the concert was still going on at this time, there was no one at the entrance of the concert hall, but some citizens were walking in the distance on the square outside the concert hall.

The lights of the concert hall itself and the street lights of the square illuminated the two of them respectively. Shade stretched his hand to his chest, and the long black staff flashed past the ceremonial matrix at his feet and then appeared in his arms. in hand.

The black-haired woman, who looked to be in her forties, reattached the fallen brass pointer to the hair that Shade had just chopped off, along with the thirteen strands connected to her hair. The pointer pointed at the night sky at the same time, and a crack appeared in the night sky. Then the translucent and ferocious twisted dragon beast forcefully came from the past to the present again, squeezing out of the crack in time and space.

As its body appears in the current time and space, the transparent body is gradually gaining color, but it seems that it will take dozens of seconds to fully arrive.

The “clockmaker” then stood at the top of the steps and asked Xiang Shade:

“Do you want to stop it from destroying the city, or do you want to stop me from escaping?”

Xia De raised his hands and crossed them in front of him:

“Of course I’m stopping you, I’m not a member of the church.”

His whole body glowed and turned into a large cross of moonlight in the next second, rushing straight to the top of the steps. Even if the “Clockmaker” was twelve rings, she didn’t dare to intercept the cross moonlight, and she disappeared again with the help of the magic eye.

Just when she appeared under the steps, with the sound of wings spreading in the air, Miss Owl’s wings glowed with black light, and the black feathers with the death curse were already flying above her head.

When Shade, who missed the attack, stood up from the moonlight, in the foyer of the concert hall, three ring warlocks wearing waiter costumes launched attacks on him at the door at the same time. The president of the [Tree Hole Association] obviously did not The habit of performing tasks alone.

There was a thump sound with the long stick hitting the ground, and as the phantom of the green tree appeared, the three people who had just entered the “rapid spell” state returned to normal speed. The moonlight swept across, and the three people who jointly summoned the shield retreated together after the shield shattered with a click, and then were entangled by the police who rushed out of the concert hall.

Of course they are the ring magicians of the church. Not only Shade and the [Tree Hole Association] are paying attention here, but the Zhengshen Church also knows that this concert hall contains secrets.

At this time, the owl was still flying in the sky above the square under the steps. Although her level has not yet been restored, her ability to cause instant death still worries the twelve-ring “watchmaker”.

The battle between the two was basically one flying and one hiding, and there was no technical content. Shade, who jumped down the steps with a long staff, just glanced at the giant dragon in the air that had completely reached this time, and from a distance. The thirteen-ring “Constructor Master” flying from the Creation Church and the dense brass machinery behind him were assembling the mechanical dragon, and then turned into moonlight again and struck at the woman dodging the black feathers.

The gorgeous moonlight cross was approaching in a blink of an eye. This time, the “watchmaker” who was stared at by the owl did not dodge or use the ability of the magic eye to delete a second at this time. Instead, he raised his hand and faced it. Attack.

Thirteen hands jingled against each other in front of her, and the phantom of the brass clock dial in the sparks was hit head-on by the moonlight cross.

At the moment of impact, the three hands on the clock dial rotated counterclockwise at the same time, but the large moonlight cross, which was supposed to return to its original position due to the reversal of time, instead of retreating, instead made a clicking sound, leaving a spider web on the dial. Like dense cracks – the focus of this defensive thaumaturgy is to avoid attacks through time reversal, but the actual defense is not strong.

But Shade still failed to break through the defensive magic spell cast by the twelve-ring warlock with one blow. When the moonlight cross dimmed, his figure also appeared in front of the translucent dial, and immediately emitted a slight black light. Press forward with your left hand:

“Black Moon Talisman!”

“You are indeed immune to time effects.”

The watchmaker’s expression changed drastically, and he quickly retreated even despite the black feathers falling above his head. So the brass clock dial finally disappeared under the power of destruction, and the twelve-ring warlock who was hit by the black feather passed an instant death judgment with normal luck:

“God Caller, are you also a candidate this time?”


As Shade continued to move forward as he spoke, the woman who was manipulating the thirteen pointers to rotate around her body to draw the ritual matrix had no intention of fighting him again. As a time-gifted person, her greatest ability was almost always the power of time, but the time resistance of the Godcaller in front of her was astonishingly high.

The glass-like magic eye seemed to see through his soul. The thirteen rotating hair tips constantly collided with the feathers in the air, and at the same time started the ceremony. Among the thirteen pointers connected to the hair tips At least half are relics:

“When the Chosen One Ceremony begins, it won’t just be our war. Time returns!”

The magic eye shimmered again, and even though the [Ancient Elf Stability Principle] was still taking effect, she still disappeared. She didn’t feel anything at a distance just now, but now Shade finally understood that her highly dangerous magic eye seemed to have the power to peer into the past, delete time, and reproduce the past.

Her dodge in the short battle just now relied on deleting time, and her disappearance at this time is to return her state to the past, that is, before entering the city. This is not time travel, but recording a state and then reproducing it.

But for this reason, when the “Clockmaker” disappeared, Shade grabbed it and held the time key that was about to land in his hand. This key was immune to the effect of time, so it would not disappear with her:

“This key does not seem to lead to the fifth”

The sound of flapping approached, Shade looked up to the sky, and the owl landed directly on his shoulder.

Higher in the night sky, the summoned “Mechanical Dragon” made of densely packed brass machinery behind the Thirteen-ring Warlock had already collided with the dragon beast. The triggered city defense ritual has blocked the images and sounds of this scene from ordinary people’s senses.

There was a loud bang, and densely packed brass parts continued to splash during the impact, but the mist from the dragon beast’s body that originated from the narrow space of time did not immediately cause the machine to decay.

Mechanical creations are not immortal, but at least they are more durable than flesh and blood at this time.

The woman who had just disappeared appeared on top of the dragon beast while it was gradually being suppressed by the “Constructor Master” Mr. Gerald Delon.

Although the twelve life rings that appeared behind her were not as gorgeous as the thirteen rings, as the life rings rotated, the dragon beast expanded again with a loud roar, and the originally protruding spikes on its back continued. The deformation increased until it turned into two human hands, grabbing the mechanical dragon at once.

While Mr. Gerald Delong temporarily dodged the dragon beast’s tail flick, the dragon opened its mouth and sprayed black flames at the mechanical dragon, causing it to break in half. Then the dragon beast lowered its head towards Xia Xia in the square below. De sprayed out black flames again.

“Big dragon, right? Now that the defense ritual has been started – stand firm!”

Shad warned the owl on his shoulder, and while he was confused, he jumped into the air with a big jump. After entering the aerial illusion camouflage area, the owl only felt that it was constantly bumping due to Shade’s movements, but at a certain moment, the body of the man under him suddenly expanded.

The feeling of the claws touching clothes and flesh became unfamiliar, and soon silver light shone from under the claws.

The howling wind represented high-speed movement. Even without lowering her head, she felt the suffocation caused by the suppression of the essence of life. This was the suppression of ordinary owls by high-level creatures.

And as the silver light waves spurted out from under him and intertwined with the black flames, the owl finally became aware of his situation at this time.

The little owl seemed to be squatting on the head of the silver dragon, and under the moonlight night, the bright moonlight was constantly compressing the power of the black flames with the flapping wings of the moonlight dragon. Every scale of the new giant dragon seems to be shining with silver light. The giant creature not only shocks the owl, but also surprises the magnificent beauty of life.

Of course, Shade has no time to guess Flora’s thoughts at this time. Since this dragon beast from the past has reappeared, as long as he can use “Return of Time” on it once, he can determine its specific details. The time it belongs to can then investigate the story it has experienced.


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