The Whispering Verses Chapter 2764: Witch’s piano music


Chapter 2763 The Witch’s Piano Music

Because of the demon’s ability to split, it is more accurate to say that George Kant is part of the demon of fire – Dizast. After all, Shade doesn’t know how many parts the other party has divided himself into.

“But in this case, the mermaid must know what he is. There is no way it could not sense it when it appeared in the lake.”

Xia De thought to himself, raised his head and looked at the oil painting of a giant tree on the wall.

【So, should I go to Yuewan to find it and ask about it? 】

The voice in his ear whispered softly, but Shade shook his head:

“Before I enter the area controlled by the great witch of chaos in the parliament as Chloe said, I will not take the initiative to see it again.”

The giant tree in the oil painting is green and tall, which should depict the appearance of this giant tree in summer when its vitality is at its strongest:

“But this plan is really powerful. Before this, I had no doubt that George Kant was a devil. In the doctor’s description, he was a guy with a head full of flames, but now it seems that he is actually quite powerful. ”

Because he didn’t know how many parts the demon had split into, and the other party was definitely targeting him, Shade pretended not to notice anything and continued to wander around the concert hall.

When he returned to Flora’s dressing room, the witch had already changed into a cool black dress. I don’t know what brand of softener Miss Bell applied to her hair. Now her long gray-black hair is **** with a silver ribbon, making it look extremely textured.

“How was it?”

Seeing Shade standing at the door looking at her, Flora held up the hem of her skirt and spun it around. Shade looked at her seriously for a while, then nodded firmly:

“Quite beautiful.”

“This evaluation is too simple, please say a few more words.”

The witch demanded with a smile, not caring that her followers were also around. Shade then thought about it, stepped forward and kissed her gently on the forehead. Although he didn’t say a word, Flora seemed more satisfied.

Compared with the Moon Dance Festival Concert, the Harvest Concert in Ximu Town is not as well-known, but when the performance started, the audience was still full. The abnormal weather since 1854 does not seem to have much impact on this city in the forest. The so-called “harvest” seems to the people here to arrive just like in previous years.

Shadow and Miss Bell did not go to the auditorium, but had been waiting with Flora in the dressing room. And when it was finally Flora’s turn to appear, Shade accompanied her to the lounge backstage.

Everyone here knows the famous “Miss Winslet”. She seems to be quite popular among her peers, so there will be no provocative plots that only appear in storybooks.

When it was Flora’s turn to come on stage, Shade gave her a hug. Then the confident lady held up her skirt and climbed up the steps and walked out of the curtain. She walked from the backstage to the main hall of the golden music hall illuminated by lights. stage.

Miss Bell and Shade stood together behind the curtain that blocked the view, watching Flora greet the audience with warm applause, and then sat down in front of the piano.

The stage was not decorated, with only a single piano placed in the center of the stage. After the warm applause gradually subsided, the witch looked at the piano keyboard in front of her with a smile before reaching out and pressing the keys.


The long black dress shone under the soft gaslights above the stage, perfectly highlighting her elegance and dignity. The gray-black hair and the shiny silver ribbon complement each other, adding an extraordinary mysterious temperament to her that is different from ordinary people.

Her slender fingers danced on the piano keys, and the sound sounded like weaving a spiritual picture. Every note was given life by her, and as she played, the air in the concert hall seemed to become more alive.

The music is sometimes cheerful and sometimes melodious, making people feel like they are seeing elves dancing, chasing and playing in the forest. The lady’s playing skills are superb. She is immersed in the music wholeheartedly. Every note seems to tell an ancient legend, full of life power and smart beauty.

As the piano music gradually got better, the lights above the stage gradually dimmed, leaving only a beam of light in the center shining on her, as if a goddess from another world had descended into the world.

At this time, the music also gradually changed from a cheerful melody to a soft and quiet one, making people unable to help but hold their breath, as if they were immersed in the forest under the moonlit night.

“Flora named this piano piece “Forest Sonata No. 3″. Does this mean that she has also composed piano music with forest themes before?”

Shad asked as he looked at Flora’s back through the gap in the curtain. Miss Bell on the side looked at her teacher and nodded slightly:

“Yes, those are also elf-style piano music. But the first and second sonatas are Miss Young. They are Miss Young’s early works. Although everyone thinks highly of them, Miss herself thinks that the music is not very good. So she rarely mentioned those works.”

Shad continued to look at Flora intently. The girls around him all knew music and musical instrument performance. Even soothsayers like Luvia, whose parents died young, could play the violin, but he only played the piano. Flora felt an amazing feeling that could not be described in words.

In contrast, although Vanessa has also performed for Shade, her beauty is passionate and unrestrained, while the witch in black dress in front of her is cold and mysterious. Shade really wanted to organize some words now and praise Flora after she left the stage later, but he couldn’t think of anything after thinking about it for a long time.

Of course, he has not forgotten the real purpose of this performance, which is to complete the music and unlock the secret of the “Temple of Time”. Therefore, although his eyes were looking at Flora and his mouth was communicating with Miss Bell, his perception was still trying to feel the traces of elements and spirits.

But unfortunately, until the last note stopped and Flora’s slender and beautiful fingers left the keys, Shade was unable to notice any changes in the concert hall because of her performance.

There was still only one beam of light, shining on Flora who stood up. It wasn’t until she greeted the audience again that the audience woke up from a dream, and a new round of thunderous applause erupted from the audience. Although the finale has not yet begun, most of the audience has already determined in their hearts that Flora Winslet’s performance is the best performance of this concert.

The artist at the peak of her career will probably dominate this stage for many years until she, like Vanessa, gradually fades away from the scene and becomes a new legend.

At the moment when she faced the applause, the smile on Flora Winslet’s face was like the starlight in the night sky. Although it was not conspicuous, it seemed to Shade, who was deliberately watching her, to be particularly calm and quiet.

“Very good, really good!”

Shadow and Miss Bell welcomed her exit. Although this piano sonata was not the finale of the concert, it was also the third to last performance. Next came the local orchestra’s symphony, and there were many people to attend, so the three of them gave way.

Everyone in the waiting room congratulated Flora, and she was very satisfied with the performance. As they walked through the corridor, Shade and Miss Bell couldn’t help praising the performance just now, but when the three of them returned to the lounge, the smile on the witch’s face disappeared:

“Do you feel it?”

“What do you feel?”

“At the end of the performance just now, I suddenly felt that there was a dark room in this concert hall, and now the dark room has been opened. This feels very strange.

Xia De, a reporter should be coming to see me soon. It is not convenient for me to leave here right now. Come, I will tell you the specific location. Now go and see what the ancient people left for us. ”

As expected, the location of the opened darkroom was in the area where the deceased Professor Quinto sleepwalked. That is not the above-ground part of the concert hall, but underground.

To be precise, it was the basement part of the original ancient temple ruins, which is now the steam engine room of the concert hall. The last time Shade and Miss Denister were looking for clues in the music hall, it was not that they had not been there, but Shade was certain that he had not discovered any secret room there.

But this time he searched based on the location given by Flora. He used illusions to deceive the workers in the steam engine room, stepped over the heavy pipes, and stepped on the metal grid floor to cross the condensation blocks. Then, in the remote southeast corner of the steam engine room, I saw a stone door that was obviously incompatible with today’s basement.

For safety reasons, the walls of the steam engine room were treated with fire protection and heat insulation during decoration, so the color of the stone door is not consistent with the wall. The stone door is turquoise, and in the center is the huge Tree Father Holy Emblem, which is a golden tree holding a dial symbolizing time.

The symbol of the Holy Emblem is not static, because the steam engine room is extremely noisy and dim, so when you get closer, you can see that with the subtle clicking sound, the hands on the dial in the Holy Emblem are even still rotating. .

“Unless Miss Daniste and I were really blind last time, there is no reason why we couldn’t see this secret door.”

So this door must meet the conditions before it can appear, otherwise it will not be discovered even if the foundation is removed.

There is no light in this corner of the steam engine room, so the faint golden light of the holy symbol on the stone door is particularly obvious. Seeing that there was no door handle or keyhole on the stone door, Shade stretched out his hand to push it inward, and then found that no matter how hard he tried, the door would not move at all:

“Does Flora have to come in person to open it?”

[Or think differently. 】

“For example, this door does not actually open inward, but pulls sideways?”

Xia De answered jokingly in his heart, then stretched out his hand and pressed it on the Holy Emblem, and the pointer actually moved by him.



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