The Whispering Verses Chapter 2763: Ancient traditions and the appearance of the devil


Chapter 2762 Ancient Tradition and the Appearance of the Devil

“Let’s wait for the further development of the matter. Since the devil took the initiative to show its power because I was disturbed by me, it is impossible for it not to take action later.”

Shad’s decision is quite strange. After all, in Flora’s view, he has never acted passively like waiting for things to develop. But she didn’t ask much. Instead, she asked after the two left the manor and she turned into an owl and flew into the sky:

“Are you really going to wait for things to change?”

“Of course not.”

The cat caught by the owl said:

“The resentful spirit that led me to discover the secret room last night now seems to be clearly controlled by the devil. How could I possibly tell the truth in that secret room? The so-called waiting for things to change is actually waiting for someone.”

“Sister Devlin?”

The owl asked as it flew.

“No, it’s my friend who knows demons very well. He is a professional hunter. He actually told me that everything will be solved when he comes. All we need to do is to keep the demon away before he comes. Something more serious happened in the city. Then after he found all the clones of the devil, he arranged for people to defeat them all at the same time.”

The howling wind sounded from the owl’s side:

“I’m not doubting your statement, but are you sure your friend is really that powerful?”

Xia De still has great confidence in the doctor, as long as the doctor is not allowed to gamble on luck:

“Of course, don’t worry about this. So I will arrange for people to monitor the Kande family, but don’t get too close to them. I’m worried that you and Miss Sylvia’s followers will really provoke the devil. Then arrange Miss Bell, we frequently exchange information with the church, pretending that we are actually working hard to investigate.

In this way, regardless of whether the devil believes that we are waiting for the situation to develop, the advantage is actually on our side. As for the connection between the Hoy Manor three hundred years ago and the Kant family today, there will be plenty of time to investigate after we defeat the devil. ”

Miss Owl heard what he said lightly, but still felt uneasy:

“But this is an evil spirit and a demon after all. Forget it. You can do it if you think it’s okay. Daniste also said that I’ll just listen to you. So what else are you going to do today? It’s only eleven o’clock in the morning. ”

“Of course I’m watching your performance. Isn’t your performance more important than the devil?”

So after returning to the Accordion Hotel at noon, Shade did not go out all afternoon. Instead, he stayed in the room chatting with the two ladies about various things until three o’clock in the afternoon.

Flora needs to perform on stage in the evening, so of course it is impossible to put on makeup and go directly to the backstage to wait. She had been assigned a separate dressing room, so it was almost time to meet. Miss Denister stayed to guard the two tree holes. Shade, Miss Bell and the other three “musician’s assistants” followed Flora there. the Golden Music Hall.

It was still raining in the morning, but the weather was exceptionally good in the afternoon, and the clear blue sky in autumn made people feel relaxed and happy. I don’t know if it was because of what Shade said at noon, but the witch seemed to be looking forward to tonight’s performance even more than yesterday.

The Harvest Concert uses the main hall of the Golden Music Hall, so the dressing room assigned to Flora is also the best. She is not the finale musician of this performance, but she can also be regarded as the most important musician of this concert.

After all, she did not participate in this year’s Moondance Festival concert, but people are still looking forward to Flora Winslet’s performance.

The air in the dressing room was very fresh, so Flora chatted with Shade while asking her followers to help with makeup. Since she has good skin and is young and beautiful – this is definitely not a boast, she doesn’t need heavy makeup, just simply draw eyebrows and apply lipstick.

When it was time to change into the performance dress, Shade stood up from his chair in a very gentlemanly manner:

“I’m going to the bathroom.”

The gray-black-haired witch originally wanted to say, “Just turn around,” because that’s what they did in the dream, but she didn’t have the nerve to say this in the end. After all, there were only two of them in the dream, but now there are four girls here.

The backstage of the concert hall is very large, and both sides of the long corridor are dressing rooms. Solo musicians like Flora can put on their makeup in their own dressing rooms at leisure, but the orchestra that needs to appear together is already busy doing it.

Considering that standing in the corridor would block other people’s way, Shade had already seen the girl holding the dress almost tripping, and also saw the reckless young man holding the saucer and almost letting the teapot fly out, so he simply He left directly from the dressing room corridor and stood in the corridor at the entrance of the side hall of the concert hall, which was less crowded.

This performance hall was named “Banyan Tree Hall”. At this time, the door was ajar, and the sound of violin practice could be heard inside. Based on the time that Dorothy and Luvia changed their dresses each time, Shade estimated that it would take him about half an hour to an hour to go back, so he looked up at the paintings on the wall, and then thought that he might as well go next door. Take another tour of the museum.

“Mr. Watson, have you read “Ximu Town and the World Tree”?”

A familiar voice came from behind, and I turned around to see that it was indeed Professor Uke Wood whom I met at the charity auction last night.

The old professor waved to Sha De:

“I came to the museum here to do some things. I just saw you standing here from the window, so I came over to say hello. How about it, the content in that book is interesting, isn’t it?”

“I just got the book this morning. I left it in the hotel and haven’t had a chance to read it yet.”

Xia De also nodded to the professor, then continued to look up at the landscape oil painting with the big tree:

“But do folklore books also have interesting content? I always thought that such professional books were boring.”

The white-bearded professor smiled:

“”Ximu Town and World Tree” is not written in the form of an academic book. It is more like a travel note, recording the author’s experiences in Ximu Town. Some of the above content is actually very interesting, except for the description of that In addition to a temple of time that cannot be found today, it also contains the author’s description of the local lost ‘Tree Hole Ceremony’.”

Seeing Xia De showing interest, he continued to explain:

“This is a local tradition that has been lost before the age of steam industry. People believed that after the autumn harvest, the most precious foods were stored in tree holes in the forest. When they were taken out the next winter, these foods He has been blessed by trees and forests.

The passage of time itself symbolizes the contract signed between man and time, that is, people offer sacrifices to the tree and time, and the tree and time give people the strength to overcome the difficult years. ”

Xia De asked curiously:

“But it sounds like the townspeople just store food in a special way. Although it seems strange to take it out after a year has passed, it is probably just a strange habit and cannot be called folklore.

And during the month I stayed in Vista City, I also studied many local customs, but I had never heard of this matter. ”

“Because this happened a long, long time ago, when many towering trees in the forest were just saplings, and the kingdom under our feet did not exist yet.”

Professor Uke Wood said, looking quite sad:

“Anyway, if you have time, read the book “Ximu Town and the World Tree”. Although there are many fallacies in the content of that book, there is a lot of interesting content. Especially when discussing the traditional folk customs of Ximu Town Chapters, many lost traditions are still recorded in them.”

“What about the World Tree?”

Xia De asked again, and the old professor hesitantly touched his beard:

“Those already involve myths and legends. They are things from an older era. You can judge the authenticity of the content by yourself.”

He raised his hand and pointed at the oil painting that Shade was looking at just now:

“If you go to some important local places, you can actually find that oil paintings with images of giant trees are hanging in almost all places. This is not because the tradition of worshiping giant trees is still spread locally, but that it is local The residents unconsciously revere the trees as tall as the World Tree.”

“Is this a belief passed down by our ancestors and still affecting future generations? This statement does not seem to be scientific.”

“It is the power of the tree that still affects this woodland. It has never left here.”

Professor Wood left quickly, and Shade looked at his back and didn’t know what to say:

“A very strange person, and he is also a first-level warlock. Euke Wood”

However, it didn’t take much time to communicate with Professor Wood. Considering that Flora still needed some time to change clothes, Shade decided to go to the museum.

Then he just turned the corner of the corridor and saw young George Conte walking with Mr. Bennet. Shade’s appearance at this time was a little different from how he often appeared in the hotel. This was the effect of an illusion. Therefore, although Mr. Bennet had seen Shade many times in the city, he was obviously not impressed by him.

The young man who was rescued from the lake of love took the initiative to say hello with a smile:

“Mr. Watson, we meet again. I’m sorry for the poor reception at last night’s auction.”

“It doesn’t matter, at least I bought what I wanted.”

Shad shook his head, then shook his hand, and then watched the two of them leave along the corridor. The Bennet family and the Kant family are distantly related, so of course young George Kant and Mr. Bennet have a good relationship.

I just don’t know if Mr. Bennet still wants to find a marriage partner for his daughter this time. If so, then the Bennet family is very unlucky:


Xia De looked down at his hands, and he had to admit that the other party’s disguise was really good. But when the two parties shook hands just now, he still sensed what George Kant was:

“This is the first time I have come into contact with him since he emerged from the bottom of the Lake of Love. This is indeed a good idea, pretending to be the victim of the last incident, and also the victim of that serious incident, George. Kant is the demon of fire, Dezast.”



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