The Whispering Verses Chapter 2761: Family harmony


Chapter 2760 Family Harmony

“If it’s just a test.”

Xia De thought for a moment:

“So, no need to worry about the tree, the Hoy Manor and the Conde family, right? This seems too deliberate.”

“No, no, no, detective.”

The doctor shook his head again:

“It just wants you to think this way, because normal people will think this way. Therefore, its real purpose is still here.”

Shad was too lazy to ask the doctor what to do if the devil thought the same way:

“So doctor, what do you think the demon is going to do? If it just likes to set fire to things, then if it failed to set fire to Hoy Manor tonight, does that mean it will set fire to it again?”

“That the manor was destined to be burned down by fire, there is no need to doubt that. I was just thinking”

The doctor pondered for a moment:

“Detective, go and check the bodies of the Hoy family who were burned to death three hundred years ago. Since the Hoy family was most likely to have had an affair with the devil back then, go and find the bodies and bring them to me. Even their souls It has been taken away by demons, and I have a way to make them speak.”

Shad nodded, Miss Bell is still investigating this matter:

“There may not be any results. Since the Church of Nature has dealt with the devil back then, those corpses that may be related to the devil have most likely been treated harmlessly by the church, but I can try to find them.

So should you keep this flame or should I take it away, or can you make it into a tool for tracking demons? ”

The doctor shook his head:

“This is just a part of the devil’s power. What I need is its essence. Take it away. Doesn’t your nun friend like special flames? Oh, and what if the devil really takes away a part of it? ’s primordial fire, couldn’t your nun friend trace it accordingly?”

“I can’t contact Sister Devlin for the time being. She told other nuns that she wanted to do some strength improvement training, so she temporarily left the sacrificial site and hasn’t come back yet.”

“Then we can only rely on ourselves. It doesn’t matter if we can’t find the body. The demon of fire, Dizast, is not a very powerful evil spirit. Compared with those we have dealt with in the past, it can only be regarded as an ability. Just a little special.

Give me a few days to prepare. After I arrive at Vista Grove, I can directly sense it. It’s just that its clone ability is a bit tricky, so detective, if possible, you need to try to detect its possible traces. ”

It was already after nine o’clock in the evening when I got home from the doctor. Carina was rarely absent that night, and Vanessa also did not come to visit because of the theater troupe’s performance, so under the warm yellow gas light at home, The only ones waiting for Shade to come back were Luvia and Dorothy.

It is worth mentioning that the fortune teller’s autumn horoscope work has basically been completed, or the data has been collected, and she only needs to write a final report and submit it.

So after Shade came home that night, Luvia mentioned in front of Dorothy that she would move back to the apartment next week.

Of course Miss Writer knows what she means. Although everyone knows that Luvia has a special status in Shade’s heart, and she is indeed the first to strike and succeed, Luvia herself does not want to show this. Since she has obtained it, there is no need to show off everything. Instead, she should maintain unity more.

Dorothy then took Luvia’s hand and said:

“Luvia, actually it would be good for you to live directly here in Shade in the future. I think everyone will have no objection, and it is also very close to the Prophet Association. Judging from the current situation, Shade will The information obtained from Star Forest will be communicated with you every day.

I think instead of Shade running to find you every day, it would be better for you to live here directly. ”

The fortune teller girl immediately shook her head:

“This is not okay, it’s not fair to other people, and I get along with Shade every night, you will definitely have opinions; but if I live here and don’t get along with Shade, I can only listen to you. Sound, I will have my own opinions.”

Then the writer laughed and asked Shade, who was playing with the cat and listening to their conversation:

“Xia De, don’t act like you don’t exist over there. What do you think about this?”

“Louvia, you should live here until the matter in Vista Grove is over.”

Xia De said that of course he is aware of the subtle relationship between girls. Since he has provoked so many people, he must also carefully handle family relationships:

“What Dorothy said makes sense. Too many things have happened recently, and I can’t go to the Prophet’s Association to discuss it with you every day. As for you coming to see me here after get off work every day, it’s better to live here directly. Stay here for now. As for the night, I will convince them to use the Silence Charm.”

Carina doesn’t like to cast the Silence Charm because she wants to show off, Lesia does it because she feels it is more exciting, especially when Luvia is at home, Dorothy can be regarded as Lesia, but Shade thinks that she is actually just He used Lecia as an excuse, and he liked it very much. As for Vanessa, no one seemed to remind her to use the Silence Charm, so Shade didn’t know whether she really didn’t realize it or didn’t like it.

Luvia patted Shade lightly and said angrily:

“I understand, I will move in first, but I will move out later. I hope my colleagues in the association will not spread gossip too much. Tonight belongs to you, Dorothy, and I will abide by the rules at home. “

As she said that, she stood up from the sofa. Since she was going to stay here for a while, she could take out the astrology equipment that she had put away temporarily. Although the college’s autumn astrology activities are over, she still needs to observe the stars herself.

But the blond writer lady held her hand with a smile in her eyes:

“What are the rules at home? Let’s rest together tonight.”

As he spoke, he looked at Shade:

“Our knight has become more and more powerful recently. I feel like he is hinting that we want to come together.”

“Dorothy, I object to your conjecture.”

Xia De said immediately, putting the cat, who was used to not being able to sleep in the bedroom every Saturday, on his lap:

“But to be honest, Luvia, I do like it when you sleep on either side of me. This is a sentence I read from Dorothy’s “The Scandal of Beldran”, This is what the detective in the story said to his friend, the writer, and the actress and thief who appeared in that story.”

Dorothy blushed. The heroine Miss Writer in “Hamilton Detective Stories” is actually based on her. She did not shy away from her real-life relationship with Shade, but she still felt quite ashamed when something she wrote was mentioned.

Then Luvia smiled and joked:

“I remember this plot, but how do I remember that after the detective in the story said such words, he was immediately slapped by the writer lady, and then until the end of the next story “The Fall of Nolan Falls”, Which writer is reluctant to deal with the detective in the story?”

“Oh, Luvia, stop talking.”

The blond writer covering his face immediately said, and Luvia smiled even more happily:

“Shad, you are so serious. I remember when I first met you, you would blush even if I got a little closer to you. Well, Dorothy, didn’t you say that some of your new abilities can be used in Lei’s case?” Have you tried it on anyone other than Xia? I also want to try your and Lezia’s method.”

So that night, little Mia slept in the closet in the bedroom again. Shade also thoughtfully hung a muting charm on the handle of the closet to prevent disturbing the cat’s rest.

And Luvia, just as she hoped, really tried the effects of the new abilities Dorothy and Lesia acquired after improving their space power. The space chosen ones are four people in one. If Grace and Helen are extremely good at large-scale space manipulation because of their tyrannical power, then the writer and the princess are good at fine space adjustment.

The purple-eyed fortune teller is full of praise for the idea of ​​stably and safely generating “space gates” in the human body:

“If it was just between you and Lesia, this can only be regarded as your special talent. But now, with permission, you can create a space door in the body of a third party at close range, which fully illustrates It’s your talent. This can actually be regarded as a healing ability, which is probably what a traceless surgery is.”

She was even more horrified at the idea of ​​Dorothy using the principle of “opening a portal to retrieve objects from the air” to temporarily let her hands and legs enter other spaces to achieve her own “lightweight” and “simplification” With admiration:

“I’m not sure how you came up with this idea, but if you can already operate your own space to this extent, I probably understand where your and Lesia’s talents lie.”

“Please don’t get me wrong, this is not my idea, nor Lesia’s! I know Lesia, and I will explain it to you – Lesia got it from Agelina’s book Inspiration from, yes, Shade’s The Pink Book! ”

Even though she was still being hugged by Shade, the sweaty blonde still had to defend herself. Then, in order to prevent Luvia from asking, “Why do you still need to read those books carefully after Lesia confiscated them?”, she immediately activated her ability again.


Luvia, who was lying aside to rest temporarily, covered herself:


She then pounced on the mischievous blonde, who luckily couldn’t move at all.

So, as the first two girls besides Iluna to appear beside Shade, Luvia and Dorothy have a really good relationship. Shade has been committed to maintaining harmony in his increasingly large family, but it seems he is not the only one aware of the importance of family harmony.

【So, how many people will your big family have in the end? 】

“Didn’t you say you wouldn’t speak at a time like this?”

“She” smiled softly. “She” knew best what Xia De was thinking.



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