The Whispering Verses Chapter 2756: Charity Auction


Chapter 2755 Charity Auction

Xia De held an umbrella and inquired a little, and found out that Mr. Kant had actually lent his manor to a charity auction here tonight, and the money raised will be used to buy food and donate it to the poor in winter. .

Being charitable is also one of the sources of fame for Director Kant, and this is not the first time he has held a charity auction, so people in Vista City are accustomed to it.

Now people in the manor are preparing for tonight’s auction, because Prince William of Anjou, who is staying locally, is said to be there tonight to participate in the bidding, so Mr. Kant attaches great importance to this, even the auction The experts and appraisal experts were specially invited from the Cassandra Auction House in Willondale.

Because there were many people coming in and out of the manor at this time, it was not difficult to sneak in. However, Shade and Miss Danister did not do this. Instead, they inquired about the fire in Hoy Manor in this old city.

Although three hundred years have passed, for these old people who live in the old city and are unwilling to leave, they have heard these things as stories since their childhood.

The old grocery store owner, the manager of the used bookstore, the old man in the flower shop, everyone can say something about this.

Shad also learned from this that the former Hoy family was almost the most famous noble in Ximu Town three hundred years ago. However, after a fire, the entire Hoy family was almost wiped out, and only the remaining The bloodline is only a distant relative, and they all left the local area after inheriting the family inheritance. Therefore, the surname “Hoy” can no longer be seen in the Vista Grove in today’s era.

When it comes to the fire, the old people can vividly tell Shade and Miss Denister many details from the stories they heard in their childhood, as if they were present at the scene:

“The fire started in the restaurant. The Hoy family was having a dinner at that time, but I heard that there was a conflict within the family. Everyone got involved and accidentally knocked over the candles, and the whole family was burned to death. ”

“When the fire burned, it was actually a heavy rain like today. The fire was very abnormal. My grandfather’s grandfather said that the flames lit up the whole town like a tornado, but except for Hoy Outside the manor, the nearby buildings have been preserved.

How do I know? My family’s grocery store has been in business since 1500, and the sign outside doesn’t lie. ”

“This is God’s punishment for the Hoy family, who enjoy a wealthy life by sucking the blood of the entire town.

The Hoy family used to control almost one-third of the lumberjacks in Ximu Town, and they had to pay a tax for every load of wood that left Ximu Town. So that day a thunderstorm set the house on fire and burned those nasty vampires to death! ”

“My great-grandmother’s cousin worked as a maid at Hoy Manor. She was one of the survivors of that incident. I heard the elders tell the story there. After the Hoy family was accidentally burned to death, many people People believe they have a staggering amount of secret treasure buried beneath the manor.

Before Director Kant bought the ruins, more than one person wanted to find the money. ”

The old man who runs a flower shop selling potted plants, green plants and fresh flowers provided the most outrageous rumors:

“The Hoy family who were burned to death are still in the manor.

Why do you think the police chief bought this house but doesn’t live here? Aunt Yulia next door was right. They also wanted to find the treasure from the past, but they were also afraid of the ghosts of the Hoy family. ”

But in fact, there are no rumors of haunting in Hoy Manor. If the fire that year was really caused by demons, it is impossible that the church’s monitoring of the manor could not detect the souls that were unwilling to leave.

Although there are various rumors about this manor, taken together, there may be something wrong with the fire three hundred years ago.

In addition, near noon, when Shade and Miss Danister were eating in the small restaurant facing the street, they saw the church team appear at the door of the manor and enter it. This further proved that this manor was three hundred years old. There was something wrong with the previous fire.

“Don’t you have a way to observe the power of demons?”

The red-haired girl across the table asked:

“Does this manor seem normal to you?”

“There is something abnormal. I can see the faint black smoke, but it is very thin. I am not sure whether this is because the sun suppresses the evil power during the day, or whether there is really just a few traces left here. Traces of a hundred years ago, but in fact there is nothing.

Since a charity auction is going to be held here, let Flora think of a way to see if she can get an invitation. I’ll go back for a meeting in the afternoon, and you’ll come with me to the auction in the evening. ”

Xia De then said, and the eighteen-year-old red-haired girl put her elbows on the table, tilted her head and looked at him. This action was quite girlish:

“So you really want to go back to attend your group meeting in the afternoon? I don’t quite understand. You have nothing to report to the college recently. What if you tell me directly that you can’t?

The college probably hasn’t issued any targeted tasks for your group, so what are you going to do in the afternoon? After lunch, don’t you want to continue the investigation with me? ”

As she spoke, she casually put the spoon into the soup bowl with her free left hand and stirred it. This action made her question seem careless, but Shade answered it very seriously:

“Of course it’s not that I’m unwilling to continue the investigation, it’s just that I took leave last week and I can’t take another leave this week.

Besides, isn’t there nothing else to do here in the afternoon? The girls can do the peripheral investigation. As for this manor, I don’t think anything will happen here until dark. ”

Miss Denister did not understand his special feelings towards the weekly study meetings, but she did not try to persuade him. Her rose-red eyes looked up at him. She put down the spoon and asked with a smile:

“Then I will wait for you to come over at night, but Flora may ask her to follow you herself.

Since waking up from the lake, she will almost certainly mention your name once every three sentences we chat. Answer me, Shade, if you had to choose, who would you like to attend this auction with you tonight? ”

This question is really easy to answer:

“Do you have time?”

“This method of answering questions with questions can only be regarded as a small trick.”

The smile on the face of the eighteen-year-old sorceress continues:

“But I have time.”

“Well, please come to the auction with me tonight.”

After lunch, Shade sent Miss Denister back to the Accordion Hotel, then threw away the glass slipper and returned home.

Just like what the sorceress said, he really didn’t have anything important to participate in this group study meeting, and he was just showing up to prevent himself from not showing up for two consecutive weeks.

Similarly, late autumn is the middle of the autumn semester, and the four people except Shade don’t have much to do. So everyone just shared what they had seen and experienced this week. However, Priest August’s eye that seemed to have a problem had returned to normal.

“I have one more thing. Next week I may go with the detective to the Vista Grove, which is about my sublimated words.”

When the meeting was coming to an end, Dr. Schneider said that everyone still remembered this incident, and Priest August also gave a similar warning to Shade last night:

“So, you have decided that the high-level sublimation language will use a new core spirit rune? Bill, this is no joke.”

“Doctor, are you ready?”

Dorothy also asked, so the middle-aged psychiatrist hesitated for a moment, but thinking of Mr. Sherf Tim and Miss Shana Aya, he nodded firmly:

“I have already decided. When the time comes, I will let the detective help me. If something really happens, I will let the detective help me end it all. If I can’t come back, let him take over and become the team leader. ”

“Doctor, don’t say that.”

Shad hurriedly stopped, while Luvia took out the divination cards and asked the doctor to draw one randomly:

“We still believe in Shade’s ability, and over the years, doctor, although you have been a bit unlucky, you rarely do things without insurance. Give it a try, and fate may tell us the answer.”

The doctor then chose the last card, and the face of that card was “Upright Demon”. He then glanced at Shade. For other divination, this was a very bad result, but for what they were doing, Luvia’s divination was a little too accurate.

Because everyone had nothing to do, the meeting ended early this afternoon. Of course, Shade did not forget to apologize to Dorothy before returning to the Accordion Hotel again:

“I have to do some things in Vista City tonight, so I may be back a little late.”

After all, Saturday is Dorothy and Lesia’s exclusive teaching time.

“It doesn’t matter, it’s not like we haven’t postponed classes before.”

Dorothy said generously, lowering her voice in the carriage:

“But I will wait for you at home. Even if tonight’s night class cannot be held, it cannot be that tonight’s ‘night class’ cannot be held, right?”

Xia De then handed over little Mia who was dazed from her nap:

“Then I will leave little Mia to you. I will be back in time.”

It was only four o’clock in the afternoon when we returned to the Accordion Hotel, and the ladies were all in the hotel.

Flora has already obtained the invitation letter to the charity auction tonight. Shade doesn’t know what Miss Daniste said, but in short, Flora is interested in Shade continuing to have **** with Daniste tonight. The lady has no objection to going out.

Shade had dinner with them in the hotel, then changed into a formal dress and set off with the eighteen-year-old girl with her long red hair tied back.

The rain that lasted all day was still falling. Although it was not as fast as in the morning, when the wheels of the carriage ran over the puddles that were constantly rippled by the raindrops, there was still a large splash of water.

Even the rain did not disturb people’s interest in participating in the charity auction. The manor located in a remote place in the north of the city was brightly lit in the night rain, and the servants were already holding umbrellas and waiting for the arrival of the guests.


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