The Whispering Verses Chapter 2738: Forget


Chapter 2737 Forgetting

The foreigner was originally worried that he would not be able to row a boat in the air, but when he stood on the bow and tried to control the boat, he found that it was not more difficult than driving on the water, but it only required consuming extra energy.

So the boat returned towards the starry sky along its original path, and at a certain moment it suddenly entered a thick fog.

Xia De and Mr. Nelson successfully returned to Heisha Pier. Just as they were walking down the trestle, on the beach in the distance, a staggering woman’s figure was already heading this way. Coming.

“Is it her?”

The two witches beside the bonfire also stood up, and the four of them looked at the figure who had even lost his shoes. When she got closer, Mr. Nelson immediately rushed forward:


It is no coincidence that this lady happened to appear right now. Shade then looked back at the “boatman” at the dock, and then watched Mr. Nelson pull his wife to the bonfire.

Compared with the woman in the attic whom I saw a few minutes ago, this woman has not changed much. It’s just that she was sane originally, but now she’s acting crazy like a mental patient.

She was trying hard to resist Mr. Nelson’s strength and desperately wanted to board the dock:

“George, for my own good, please let me leave. Those memories, those experiences have been torturing my soul, and I can’t find peace even if I die. Please let me leave by boat, George, if You still love me, please let me go.”

“Can you calm her down?”

Shad asked Ms. Bullock, who then put her hand on the woman’s forehead, and she immediately passed out.

Mr. Nelson immediately thanked the witch, and then carefully placed his unconscious wife on the sand beside the bonfire.

Shade put the very honest cat on his shoulder, squatted down and put his hand on Mrs. Nelson’s forehead. After a moment, he said:

“It seems that my guess just now is correct. She has indeed seen the end of the world with her own eyes.”

“The end?”

Miss McConaughey covered her mouth, and Ms. Bullock taught:

“All mortals are mortal, and all things must eventually perish. This world has a beginning and an end. There is nothing surprising about this.”

Xia De also said:

“You all can rest assured that although the end will surely come, at least it will not come in your time.”

The young witch breathed a sigh of relief, while Ms. Bullock raised her eyebrows, feeling that she had probably guessed where Shade came from:

“I originally thought that even if there were unpleasant memories, I could delete those memories through the secret technique of the soul, but now it seems that the impact on her is directly rooted in the soul. If I delete the memory, it will cause the soul to Damaged, she becomes a different person.”

“Wake her up again, I want to talk to her.”

Xia De said again, and the witch woke up the unconscious woman. Sure enough, after waking up, Mrs. Nelson immediately wanted to run to the dock, but was suppressed by Shade with one hand.

She looked at the handsome young man’s face and saw the serious expression on Shade’s face:

“What on earth have you seen?”

The campfire crackled, the cat on the shoulder yawned, and then watched Shade doing things with great interest.

“The end, I saw it”

“I don’t want to hear the words, I want to hear the specific details. Why did you know it was the end? What did you experience?”

Then a look of horror appeared on the woman’s face. She tried to open her mouth but could not speak. She tried to gesture with her hands but no one could understand her.

The corner of the life ring appeared behind Shade, whispering – the light of the Terminator Rune flashed:

“Mystery Lock – Tobesk, the City of the End!”

Of course he didn’t want to activate the Mystery Lock, but only activated part of its power. Neither Mr. Nelson nor the two witches could understand what Shade was doing, but Mrs. Nelson shed tears immediately:

“This is it! This is it! I saw it, I saw the sunset on the last day of the world, I saw the last touch of color in the world in the yellow sand sky”

She even reached out and hugged Shade, and Shade patted her back understandingly. Mr. Nelson stood aside looking a little at a loss, so Shade pushed the poor woman away again:

“If you can’t tell me what you saw, can you tell me how you got back?”

The crying Mrs. Nelson then replied:

“I don’t remember. I wandered there and came back after losing consciousness.”

This is probably destined to be a mystery, but it also shows that she did not actually stay in that era of yellow sand for a long time. After all, even when Shade used the black time key for the first time, he almost fainted on the spot.

But there is still a doubt about this matter. Anything from the doomsday will carry the power of the doomsday. Shade was fine because he used the time key, long-haired Luvia reshaped time, and Adele either borrowed the power of the council or relied on Shade’s magical means.

But as an ordinary person, Mrs. Nelson, after returning from the doomsday era, nothing else happened except her own insanity. Doomsday’s power does exist in her, but it’s very slight.

“I have also witnessed the scenery there. It is indeed scary, but at least I can guarantee that you do not need to face that era. It was far away from you at that time, very far away.”

Mrs. Nelson looked at the stranger in the firelight:

“If you have seen what happened to all of us, sir, why are you not panicked or scared at all?”

“Because I really have to face that era. I don’t have time to panic and fear. Even if I am scared to death, I must be strong and face the ending that I and my family and friends will surely face. .”

Mrs. Nelson’s mood calmed down a little, but when Shade released his hand on her shoulders, she still looked at the dock. Emotional calm cannot change reality, she still wants to escape from everything she knows.

Mr. Nelson said upon seeing this:

“Melanie, if you really want to leave, let me leave with you.”

He had been waiting by the campfire for so long and was already prepared.

So the couple held hands together again, but Shade blocked them:

“Although I came here just to ‘wait with the mortals for those who are about to leave’, it stands to reason that my mission has been completed. But after waiting for so long, I am still not willing to see you leave like this. I’ll try again, please wait.”

He asked the four people sitting around the campfire to sit down again, and then he boarded the dock and came to the side of the boat:

“Can you help me? Erase Mrs. Nelson over there’s memories of the apocalypse and make her forget all about it.”

Only God can do this here, but God did not answer Shade’s request.

So he said again:

“It’s okay to pay some price. You can make an offer first, and if it doesn’t work out, you can send them away. I won’t force it. After all, those doomsday forces cannot stay in the Fifth Era.”

The tall boatman under the black robe then spoke:

“I can wash away some memories of mortals, but you have to.”

“Meow Meow~”

“Can’t be so rude!”

Xia De hurriedly scolded the cat that suddenly barked at the boatman and stuffed it into his clothes:

“Sorry, please continue.”

“Did you bring the frozen soul?”

“I brought it. I want to exchange this for a one-way ticket later to visit the Ice Witch Emperor, Ms. Chloe Marquez.”

Shad couldn’t help but smile at the thought of seeing Chloe soon. Only half of the fifty minutes has passed. When they see Chloe later, they won’t just have time to hug and say a few words.

It would be great if the tree father could be persuaded to extend the time, but even if the tree father disagreed, although twenty minutes was short, it would at least be enough for the two of them to take a walk together, then say goodbye formally and agree to see each other next time.

“Sacrifice this frozen soul to me, and I can make that mortal forget the memories he shouldn’t have.”

God then made a request, but Shade refused without thinking.

Although he doesn’t mind doing good deeds, the prerequisite is that it doesn’t affect himself. This frozen soul was originally related to the power given by Chloe. If he didn’t see her in the end, then Shade would really have no shame in seeing Chloe again:

“Forget it, you can send them off, but can they still be lovers in the next life? Oh, this seems to be a bit too much. I will inform them to board the ship, and when you come back, I will send the other two off. The witch returns to reality.”

No matter what, at least everyone should be satisfied with the result, so Shade has no psychological burden. He turned around and was about to call someone. He didn’t want to waste a second now, but the “boatman” stopped him again:

“Or, there is another option.”

Seeing Shade turning back and looking this way with the cat with his head exposed on his chest, God said:

“Keep an item for me.”

“Keep what?”

God handed him the oar.

Soon, the four people around the campfire, each with their own concerns, saw Shade walking down the dock, holding a cup in his hand. Only Shade and the cat knew that the cup contained water from under the boat, but the water was brought by the gods themselves:

“Drink it and you’ll be fine. Forget all your worries and all your fears.”

Shade handed the cup over, and Mr. Nelson took it hesitantly, somewhat unable to believe that the matter was solved so easily. So Mrs. Nelson took the water glass from her husband’s hand and drank the liquid in one gulp.

The cup fell to the sand without making much sound. The woman who was about to become agitated again just now let out a long moan, like the last cry before death, and then closed her eyes.


“I’m fine”

The woman opened her eyes again, but her eyes were full of confusion:

“Where am I? Yes, at the dock I feel like I have forgotten something very important. George, why are you crying?”


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