The Whispering Verses Chapter 2736: Ouija Board Prophecies


Chapter 2735 The Prophecy of the Ouija Board

“Selling these items falls into a gray area, similar to jewelry that just makes you have better luck. As long as no one reports it, the local witch sheriff will not send people to search.”

Ms. Bullock explained, and Mr. Nelson continued cautiously:

“My wife is responsible for guarding the warehouse because she is trusted. Her job has become easier and she has more time at her disposal every day.

I don’t know what she did in her free time at work, but three months after she was promoted, she came home one day and brought back a Ouija board, which she said was She found it in the warehouse and bought it cheaply with her own money. ”

Under the light of the campfire, the expression of this strong man has become extremely haggard:

“This is not the first time she has done this kind of thing, and I didn’t care about her. Another week later, she suddenly disappeared. I looked for her frantically, but she came back two days later in a state of despair, and then told me”

Mr. Nelson took a deep breath facing the bonfire:

“The Ouija board allowed her to see the end and let her know the inevitable end of the world. She became crazy and I think she was frightened. She couldn’t tell where she had been during those two days. , the whole person became very strange.

I left her at home and wanted to find a doctor to treat her, but she ran out of the house, climbed to the clock tower of our city, rang the emergency bell, and loudly told everyone that the end was coming. arrival. ”

“Has she been arrested?”

“Yes, but before I went to rescue her, she ran back home. I wanted to take her away and live in a new city, but she cried and told me that she couldn’t escape anywhere. , even death cannot escape the end.”

“I’m curious about what she saw.”

Ms. Bullock said, but Mr. Nelson couldn’t tell clearly. After all, Mrs. Nelson was already unconscious at the time:

“So I temporarily hid her at my sister’s house in the countryside, hoping to wait until the storm had passed before leaving with her. But she soon disappeared again, and this time she didn’t come back on her own.

I had no choice but to go to the Prophets Association for help. The witches were also very concerned about this matter, but they wanted to recover the missing Ouija board and determine what happened.

I gave them the hidden Ouija board, and they performed a divination for my wife, and it took a lot of money to confirm that she was here. The witches said they could send me here but couldn’t pick me up, but I came anyway. ”

“So what did the prophets say about the doomsday your wife saw?”

Shad asked again with great concern. Mr. Nelson recalled it carefully:

“They said everything was caused by the Ouija board. They hope that even if I find my wife, I won’t listen to anything she says. Those witches are a little strange. No, I don’t want to slander And insulted them! But when I gave them the Ouija board, they also acted a little scared.”

Miss McConaughey also asked:

“I don’t understand, what does your wife want to do here? There is no one here for her to promote doomsday theory, right?”

Mr. Nelson looked at the flames with a somewhat hollow look in his eyes:

“The soothsayers don’t know, but I probably guessed it. Although she wants to tell people about the end of the world, she is the one who is most afraid of it. I don’t know what she knows, or what It was just a hallucination, but she was driven crazy, she was scared.

She probably wanted to completely forget these things and let her soul completely throw away those terrible things. She herself said that death cannot avoid the end, so starting your life over is the best way to escape those things. ”

“So according to your statement, if your wife disappeared from reality first and then came here, why would you be here waiting for her?”

Shad asked again, but this question was explained by Ms. Bullock, who knew the rules here better than anyone else:

“Mr. Hamilton, your method of entering here is probably different from ours.

Did you see the small town in the distance? Those of us who come here voluntarily always appear in the town over there first, and only after wandering alone for a long time do we set off towards this beach.

It seems that the more eager people are to leave, the more they will be trapped in the town, while those who are still hesitant to leave can quickly come to the dock. ”

Shad was somewhat aware, but Miss McConaughey said softly:

“Is the five minutes up?”

The bottle was handed to Shade. After opening the bottle cap, he directly inserted his hand into the resin and took out the key:

“Very good, perfect!”

Aim the transparent crystal key at the campfire and look at it. The firelight allows him to clearly see every detail on the key. Now all the cracks have disappeared, the elements flow smoothly through the crystal, and the key has been perfectly restored to its original state.

The resin has now been consumed by about half, so Shade can still do many things with it. However, seeing that little Mia didn’t lean over to sniff this time, Shade took the initiative to bring the resin closer to it, and the cat, which smelled the pungent smell, immediately pushed his hand away with its paws.

“It’s really fixed!”

The young witch who got the key back had tears in her eyes. She put the key away properly, then stood up and gave Shade a hug:

“Thank you, really thank you.”

“No need to thank me, thank Ms. Bullock. If she hadn’t persuaded you to stay, I wouldn’t have had the chance to help you.”

In this way, Miss McConaughey’s problem was solved. All that was left was to wait for Mr. Nelson’s wife to arrive, and then Shade could go to see Chloe, which he was looking forward to.

He did not want to waste the fifty minutes at all. After confirming the affairs of Nelson and his wife, he looked up at the dark beach. After making sure that no one appeared in the mist, he suggested:

“I want to see what your wife did with the Ouija board back then. I’m going to ask about the boat tickets. If possible, Mr. Nelson, you can go with me. Ms. Bullock, Mai Miss Connor, please wait for the lady here.”

After making arrangements, he carried the cat to the pier. Although he was worried that he would not be able to get the ticket, he decided to ask first and give it a try:

“I want to go with that man over there to the time when his wife saw the so-called doomsday a year ago. How much does it cost? We still won’t affect the time, just watch.”

The tall figure standing on the bow of the boat held out **** to Shade:

“A little warmth of the soul, a tear of despair.”

Two blank cards flew in front of Shade.

“No need for sin?”

Shad took the card and asked in surprise. He was worried about this just now. And the voice under the black robe made of black mist answered:

“No need, but the return journey should be the same as last time.”

This refers to the punting trip back from Shade:

“Of course, that’s no problem.”

He immediately returned to the bonfire under the dock and told everyone the good news. Ms. Bullock had a way to get the warmth of the soul, and the tears of despair, Ms. McConaughey actually said she had:

“Many of the witch secrets my teacher taught me require tears as casting materials. In fact, we are witches who specialize in extreme emotions and soul state changes. The sword is born of bravery, and the sword is born of jealousy. The curse that comes from love, the power that comes from despair. I cried for a long time when I woke up at the gathering place where the elves who saved me saw the key broken.”

She carefully took out several small bottles as thick as a finger from her robe. All the bottles had no labels, but she sniffed them carefully and handed one of the bottles to Shade:

“This is despair.”

Xia De then asked curiously:

“So do you also have the secret technique about [cowardice]?”

Because “cowardice” itself is not Shade’s sin, after Shade obtained the spiritual rune, he was not in a hurry to learn the corresponding thaumaturgy to prevent it from affecting his character. But since he happened to meet Miss McConaughey, he asked curiously.

The young witch nodded immediately:

“Of course, cowardice is born out of fear. We have secret techniques that can absorb cowardice and turn it into a fear potion. This special secret potion can have different effects depending on its quality. Among the secret potions that the teacher left for me, Some of them can make a pure-blooded dragon unable to move due to fear;

Also, the idea of ​​​​escape due to cowardice can achieve a function similar to space jumping, but it requires some tears of fear as casting materials, and the teacher said that you cannot always escape, so it is not recommended that I use this secret often. technique. ”

She pursed her lips, probably thinking that she came here because she wanted to escape:

“Well, there is another one. The teacher said that many secret techniques can actually be transformed into each other. For example, controlling the power of light can produce darkness, so cowardice can also produce courage in extreme situations, although the teacher believes that this kind of courage usually It would be reckless.

The Witch’s Secret Technique – The Body of Courage, makes the body larger and larger at the cost of consuming one-third of the ether currently possessed. Of course, the physical strength and resistance can also be increased, and the ability to cast spells will also be enhanced during the period of enlargement.

Since it consumes a fixed one-third of the ether, the specific effect is determined based on the consumption. However, if you fight with high intensity, in addition to paying for the ether when performing this secret technique, maintaining the form will also consume a lot of spirit.

After becoming proficient, you can achieve local expansion with less ether consumption, but the upper limit of one-third of this secret technique cannot be broken through. The teacher said that this secret technique would make the girls look so big that they would look unseemly, and that our original appearance was the most beautiful, so she only occasionally used this secret technique to enlarge her arms for some carrying work. ”

PS: Please vote at the end of the month~


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