The Whispering Verses Chapter 2735: Wait


Chapter 2734 Waiting

Since the number of tasks given by the tree father is three, then the person who has to wait will definitely come on the third time:

“Before that, let me mend Miss McConaughey’s key.”

Shad put the lazy cat on his lap, and then dug out the bottle of resin given by the priest. After explaining its effect, the young witch carefully took out the broken pieces of the key, and then pieced them together into the shape of the key.

Ms. Bullock cast a spell, causing the fragments to fly into the resin while maintaining the shape of the key.

“It will take about five minutes for the repair to be completed.”

Shad put the lid back on the glass bottle and asked Miss McConaughey to keep it. The young witch carefully held the bottle in her arms, seemingly not intending to let go before Shade announced that the time had come.

“I want to ask you something.”

Shad said to Ms. Bullock again, lowering her voice slightly after nodding to prevent Mr. Nelson and Miss McConaughey from hearing:

“I want to ask you about an ancient evil object. That evil object is already a relic, and it is the highest level relic – desire. Have you heard of it? It is said that it is the incarnation of the purest desire.”

After finishing speaking, he glanced towards the black water, but it was obvious that the **** was standing on the boat. Even if Shade asked, the mermaid could not appear here.

The thirteenth-level candidate great witch is quite surprised:

“I know a relic that is very similar to what you are talking about, but why would you want to mention it? That thing has never appeared in its true form from the beginning of this era to the present, and there are only a few cases related to it. Accidents are just the remaining effects of its power.”

“You put it this way, I am basically sure that we are talking about a kind of relic. So do you know its origin? Or its weakness? I only know now that that thing is related to the God of Love [Lock of Hearts] There is some connection, and it is also related to the source of the witch’s power, the ancient **** [Chaos Witch].”

Ms. Bullock frowned deeply and looked at the young girl guarding the glass jar and the man opposite the bonfire:

“If I were not in a place like this, I would not talk to you about this kind of topic. First of all, I need to make a statement: it is not a god, and when it is talked about in the book, it will not be directly called the name you mentioned. That name is called ‘Mermaid’ instead.

You can think that when you know its existence and actively mention that name, it can sense that you are mentioning it, and can even know the characteristics of your soul. Many documents of the Fourth Age have recorded that sometimes just mentioning this name will immediately lead you to be infected by passion and fall into madness. ”

The bonfire illuminated Shade’s face with a slightly stunned expression, which was even more exaggerated than the power it showed in the Sixth Age:

“So is there any way to check and balance it in the book?”

“I didn’t write it, I just said don’t have anything to do with it. Even if you do encounter it, don’t look, don’t listen, don’t think, let alone try to talk. Wait until it thinks you are a boring and rigid person. Man, there is a chance it will let you go.”

So when Shade met it under the Aurora mansion in Coldwater Port, his approach was already wrong.

“Can’t the demigod witch suppress it?”

Shad asked again, but this time Ms. Bullock could not answer. After all, she was not a demigod, nor was she an official great witch with a seat.

The five-minute waiting time was a bit boring, and after chatting with Ms. Bullock for a few words, Shade approached Mr. Nelson again:

“I bet your wife will come soon. I am in a hurry this time. After sending you back, I will take advantage of the remaining time to take a boat to see my lover. So, can you tell me now, Why on earth did your wife come to this place?”

Shad also asked before, but Mr. Nelson just didn’t say anything. But when he heard what he said, the middle-aged man with a slovenly beard was finally willing to speak:

“My wife is just an ordinary person like me, but she is a member of a witch organization and does some clerical and accounting work.”

Xia De nodded with understanding:

“Ordinary people obviously have cheaper wages, and there is no need for witches to take on those jobs. So, what happened to her cannot be that she cheated on the witch during marriage, and then she felt sorry for you and the other party, just Do you want to leave this world?”

“No, no, of course not, and witches don’t like women who marry men.”

Mr. Nelson immediately denied it and was not angry at Shade’s conjecture because the matter was more serious:

“People like you who have great power probably don’t know that ordinary girls actually imagine that they have become a witch with eternal youth and amazing power since childhood, my wife.”

“I need to correct that.”

Ms. Bullock on the side interjected:

“Witches do not stay young forever. Although witches are also very powerful, most girls can only stay at the low level. Maybe it seems good to ordinary people, but in fact, most witches are only engaged in The only difference between those lower-level girls who help higher-level witches with chores, assistants, or running errands is that they can rub fireballs.”

“Fireball rubbing” should refer to those relatively simple basic secret spells.

“I have reached this point not only through hard work but also luck. Miss McConaughey over there was able to meet a high-level witch who was willing to impart knowledge to her as a teacher, which is something that ordinary witches would never dare to dream about.

I admit that witches do have great advantages over ordinary people, but don’t think that life becomes simpler after becoming a witch.

After awakening your talent and becoming a witch, you still have to find a way to enter the witch academy. This requires you to find books to study by yourself, or go to a big city to attend a witch preparatory school. In a small closed room, crowded together with other girls, looking at the steam-powered combination blackboard, a middle-aged frustrated witch who came from nowhere stood on the floating board and talked about various boring topics.

Then when you apply for Witch Academy, the average number of times you have passed the exam is now more than five times. Most of them can only go to the kind of school where the dean can barely reach the advanced level. Even if they pass the exam, it will be open to the public. Graduate schools that recruit students cannot compare with top universities like Zarath Academy, which can only rely on connections, talent and luck to recruit students one-on-one. ”

Ms. Bullock climbed up from the bottom step by step, and is quite familiar with the ecology and society of witches.

Mr. Nelson nodded, of course he did not dare to refute what the high-level witch said:

“My wife is the kind of girl who has dreamed of becoming a witch since she was a child, but unfortunately she has no talent, nor does she have the luck like in the story of meeting strange people in a toy store and awakening to become a witch.”

This story seems familiar, and the story of Hope Town took place in 1068 of the Fifth Era, a thousand years before 2025.

“She maintained her desire to become a witch, and it wasn’t until she was 26 that she admitted that she probably really had no talent, so she married me. In the kingdom we live in, a girl who doesn’t marry until she is 26 is already an old girl.

But fortunately, she loves me very much, and I love her very much. But I know that she still has a childhood wish in her heart. Joining that witch organization and becoming an ordinary staff member is probably related to her childhood wish. ”

He looked dejectedly at the bonfire in front of him and sighed deeply:

“I thought that since she married me, she should understand that she never wanted to become a witch, but… I don’t know if she really never gave up, or if she looked at the witches around her and picked up her wish again. .

In short, after she joined that witch organization, she often went to observe the witches casting spells, and sometimes even secretly took home the materials used by the witches in casting spells. ”

Ms. Bullock didn’t speak this time, she almost understood.

Xia De sighed softly:

“I can almost guess the next story. Please continue, haven’t you advised your wife? Her behavior is very dangerous.”

“I tried to persuade her, but I couldn’t persuade her at all on this matter. I was worried at first, but it went on like this for several years and nothing happened, so I stopped talking about her.

About a year before I entered this dock, she came home from get off work one day and happily told me that after being assessed and approved, she could now do more critical work in the organization. ”

“What job?”

“Look after the warehouse. No, don’t be so surprised. Of course it’s not the witches’ magic material warehouse, nor is it a library. It’s just an ordinary item warehouse. Their organization also carries out some business for ordinary people, so there are also some common supplies. ”

“Speaking of which, what organization did she join? Is it a large organization?”

Miss McConaughey also held the jar and asked, Mr. Nelson shook his head:

“It’s not big, there are only five or six branches in the Western Continent where we live. I don’t know about the witch, but it is said that it can only be considered medium-sized. The Prophet Association, yes, that is the name.”

Miss McConaughey shook her head and said that she had never heard of the “Prophet Society”. She had traveled around the material world with her teacher before, but she had not lived in the Western Continent for too long.

Ms. Bullock, who was born in the Western Continent, has some impressions of this organization:

“Is it that organization composed of diviners? I heard that they have existed for a long time, and their fortune-telling skills are pretty good, but they are not very famous because they have never produced a thirteenth-level great witch.”

The outsiders living in the era when the Prophet Association has become the largest ring warlock organization under the Zhengshen Church by selling “Rhodes Cards” nodded in surprise:

“I know something about the Prophet Association”

Even because Shade’s lover Luvia also works in the association, he actually has a better impression of Mr. Nelson:

“So your wife is responsible for looking after the divination supplies?”

“Yes, just ordinary divination supplies. Compasses, divination cards, pendulum pendants, Ouija boards. It is said that in order to make money, they sometimes sell some marginal extraordinary items to ordinary people, which is illegal. behavior.”

PS: Please vote at the end of the month.


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