The Whispering Verses Chapter 2729: Man, cat and fish


Chapter 2728 Man, Cat and Fish

At the bottom of the lake, the water that appears clear from above is completely dark under the water. Shade, who jumped into the water without taking any protective measures, almost immediately felt a little tired and sleepy. The lake water under the starlight was actually quite warm, which made him think of amniotic fluid for some reason. Fortunately, it was only this level of sleepiness that made him completely Tolerable.

He already remembered Flora’s location clearly, so he did not let go of his senses to explore what else was at the bottom of the lake, but focused on swimming in the direction of the witch.

The further down you go, the more obvious your sleepiness becomes. When he finally held Flora’s cold hand again, he could hardly keep his eyes open.

He pulled the chain around his waist to inform Iluna on the shore that he had successfully reached the witch. After a moment, the chain was pulled upwards, and Iluna responded with “received”.

Shad, who was in the underwater breathing state, spit out a stream of bubbles from his mouth. He pulled gently and found that Flora couldn’t be pulled, so he gently touched Flora’s sleeping face and closed it. Eyes, he pressed his forehead to hers.

The dream begins again.

Shad, who was half-floating in the water, slowly fell to the bottom of the water as if being hung by a heavy object, until he and the witch were hugging each other.

At this moment, the battle on the lakeshore has begun, but the dim water is still calm.

Just a few seconds later, a sudden shadow swam above the people under the water. Ten seconds later, white arms that seemed to be glowing under the water appeared from behind Sha De and hugged his neck. , and the astonishingly beautiful “mermaid” head also appeared in his ears, and the part under the head could not be seen clearly in the large shadow behind him.

It did not dare to put its head directly on Shade’s shoulder. The stunning face looked around, and then its red lips whispered in Shade’s ear:

“Won’t you show up to stop me?”

No one responded to it, so the pair of purple eyes similar to Luvia revealed a cruel and crazy look that Luvia would never show:

“Even he can feel the malice of my temptation this time. Do you just trust me so much? Are you so trustworthy that you let me appear by his side?”

The whispers in the underwater world can only be heard by the ears pressed tightly by the red lips, but there is still no response. After all, Shade has gone to sleep:

“The end is coming soon, so do you believe that even I will help him who is chosen by you?”

It spoke softly, but the emotion in its eyes was no longer human at all. The crazy, weird and greedy expression represents its essence, and after the final inquiry, it chuckled underwater:

“Is this because you trust me too much like he does, or do you not believe that I really dare to take action against him?”

It opened its mouth and bit Shade’s neck, but behind those two rows of white teeth was not a pink and tender cavity, but densely packed tiny teeth.

But it didn’t bite Shade’s neck after all, because at the last moment it hugged Shade’s neck and looked up, seeing a brand new figure appear in the water.

What “Desire” sees is purple eyes, which is one of the sources of its current image. It had only known the existence of Luvia Anat in the past, and this was its first close contact.

But the moment the two pairs of purple eyes looked at each other, the evil thing that originated from the oldest era retreated.

Most of its body was hidden in the darkness at the bottom of the lake, and the smile on its beautiful face had disappeared.

The long-haired fortune teller holding the [Staff of Yggdrasil] looked at it from above the water with an expressionless face. The staff and his eyes glowed slightly in the water. Even just watching, “Desire” has already felt pressure that it has not faced for a long time. That kind of indifference and calmness that emerges from absolute madness, that kind of look that was born from witnessing the most terrifying and desperate things, and that strength.

Its slender tongue stretched out and licked its chin and the tip of its nose:

“I knew that the girls he could like were indeed extraordinary. But, who are you?”

The long-haired Luvia pointed the tip of her staff at it, but the “mermaid” hugging Shade smiled instead:

“If you could really show up, instead of being a shadow now, I would have retreated long ago. But you are just a phantom, and he is in my hands.”

It hugged Shade’s neck harder and was about to continue whispering in his ear, but suddenly discovered that at some point, a glowing cat had stood on top of Shade’s head and looked at her.


The amber eyes and the tip of its tail were ignited with golden flames. The cat was not angry, but just grabbed Shade’s hair with its claws, and then looked at the “fish” very close to itself. The orange lines on the cat’s body exude a faint golden light, while the white lines are the light of the “moon fire” given by Shade.

The most beautiful human face looked at the most beautiful cat. After a moment of silence between the underwater man, the cat and the fish, as bubbles came out of the woman’s head, it lightly let go of Shade’s neck:

“So you are here too. Just now I was wondering why cats can”

It smiled and nodded:

“In this case, I probably understand that this is indeed a sound plan, but I don’t know if he can make it to the end.

As long as he completes this debt collection, I will help him until the end of the world. In fact, this is not bad. Harvesting his soul at once is almost the same as watching him perform those performances about desire and greed.

Very nice, isn’t it? Yes, it’s very good, the tragedy of desire, the struggle of human nature, the hero on the road to despair, and…”

Its eyes widened, taking in the sleeping man, the staring cat, and the indifferent girl with purple eyes:

“Do you really want to be so cruel to him?”

It murmured in a low voice and gradually retreated until it truly disappeared into the lake. In the water, the long-haired Luvia’s phantom had quietly disappeared, while the cat continued to scratch Shade’s hair, then curled up on top of his head and fell into a peaceful sleep.


A small string of bubbles came out of the cat’s mouth. Just like Shade didn’t know that little Mia, who hated water, could swim, he also didn’t know that the cat could even breathe underwater.

Dreams in the past always started with the feeling of falling, but this time it started directly like a time jump.

The night was getting dark, and Shade, who had regained consciousness, found himself standing in the forest by the lake, but there was no longer the thick fog when he left. Only then did he have time to think that what he just saw was actually the “God of Mist”. He was very sure that this old **** who was very friendly to him had left in the fifth era, and just now…

“Is it because the blessing God gave me in the desert was activated that I woke up from the fog?”

He wasn’t quite sure about the time-changing ratio between dreams and reality, so he didn’t stay in the woods for too long before turning around and returning to the lake. This dream was so real that even if Shade entered it in a awake state this time, except that he could not see the moon in the night sky, he could not detect the illusion here.

Back in the wooden house, the gray-black haired **** the bed with them was still sleeping. The starlight illuminated her side face from the window, making the witch who usually looked capable look somewhat coquettish at this time.

Xia De smiled subconsciously, and then quickly patted his face to prevent himself from indulging in this moment of happiness again.

“Wake up, wake up~”

Xia De then stood beside the bed and shouted softly. The sleepy girl opened her eyes, but when she saw it was still dark outside the window, she turned her body lazily and ignored Sha De:

“It’s not yet dawn, let me sleep a little longer. I know we have to repair the roof tomorrow, but wait until dawn before asking me to get up and make breakfast.”

So she was pressed by Shade’s shoulders and turned over again. Seeing that she was still unwilling to open her eyes, Shade lifted the quilt from her body.


The witch in her nightgown screamed, then sat up reluctantly:

“Really, Shade, what are you going to do? You don’t want to call me to see the stars now.”

“It’s time for us to go. It’s not about stargazing or hunting, it’s about getting out of here.”

Xia De held her hand, so the witch asked doubtfully:

“Let’s go? Isn’t this our home? Where are we going?”

“Do you remember Miss Bell? Charlotte Bell.”

Xia De stared into her golden eyes and asked, Flora said subconsciously:

“Of course I remember, she is my apprentice and assistant, the best I have selected.”

She pursed her lips and frowned, obviously realizing something was wrong:

“Speaking of which, have I not seen Charlotte for a long time?”

“Do you still remember your identity? What do you belong to?”

“Parliament, have I not attended a meeting of the Parliament for a long time?”

“So do you remember Carina?”

“Of course I remember, wasn’t she your lover in Tobesk?”

At the same time as these words were blurted out, Flora Winslet was stunned as if her head had been hit by a giant hammer. Shade knew that she was about to wake up, and was just waiting for her to recover, but he didn’t expect to see two lines of clear tears flowing down the witch’s fair cheeks.

She sat on the bed and looked up at Shade with tears in her eyes:

“I am, this lake, Vista City, Tobesk, autumn to winter, our house, this home. So, our current life, everything here is… fake? No, I don’t believe it, all of this, us, you and me, this family, all of this.”

“Listen, even if this is all false, I’m sure it’s true.”

So Shade hugged her directly:

“It’s time to wake up, Flora, we have really slept for too long.”


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