The Whispering Verses Chapter 2727: The God of Temperance and the Origin of the Great Lakes


Chapter 2726 The God of Control and the Origin of the Great Lake

At the same time as the wet stone tablet fell to the ground, the elements of whispers that were not strong were already spreading in the camp. However, Grace and Helen walked over together and reached out to touch the stone tablet, and the whispering element was suppressed as if it was sealed.

“The relic is a derivative, but it is not a derivative of this lake. This lake is indeed not a relic.”

Sister Grace in the white dress said softly, while Helen turned to Shade and said:

“Sir, come and take a look, this is an unknown text.”

The stele itself has no idea how many years it has experienced underwater. Although the surface is mottled, most of the words and patterns are still clear. The stone tablet has no base and is inserted into the soil at an angle.

At this time, the side facing away from the bonfire was covered with words. Shade bent down and brushed away the water drops and mud:

“This is the year 1080 of the Fourth Era. The Temperance Seal is unrecognizable here.”

Below this sentence is a pattern of a holy emblem. The holy emblem is not the usual round shape but in the shape of a shield and is decorated with thorns. Shade didn’t know this, so Grandma Cassandra and Miss Denister, the most knowledgeable people present, came forward. After a short discussion, the two came to a conclusion:

“This is the holy symbol of the [God of Ascetics], also known as the ‘God of Temperance’, ‘The God of Thorns’ and ‘The God of Pain’. But be aware that this **** is an evil god, and he is still alive today. It exists, but its followers rarely appear, so the Zhengshen Church doesn’t know much about its organization.”

Xia De nodded. The evil **** is not incapable of doing good deeds, such as those who helped him during the Battle of Moon Bay. Therefore, those sealed by the evil **** are not necessarily good things.

He continued to translate the text under the holy symbol:

“Please do not enter this place without permission. If you enter this place for unknown reasons, please abide by the following rules:

If a human body sinks underwater, please record the individual characteristics and exit the area in time. Do not touch the lake or attempt rescue;

If there is a human body floating on the water, reality has left you, and it is an endless dream at this moment. Please maintain a clear understanding and wait for rescue. May God bless you;

If there is a human body standing on the water, please turn around and leave immediately regardless of the cost. Do not communicate, look at each other, perceive, or remember. ”

This is the entire content of this side of the stele. The decorative patterns on the periphery are not text and therefore do not need to be translated.

“What is sealed here? If I understand correctly, is it sealed here by the gods?”

Eluna asked softly, and the Hongdie sisters said with certainty:

“Whatever was sealed before, that thing is definitely gone now. The lake is ’empty’, and if the seal still exists, the stone tablet should be warning people by the lake, not in the lake.”

“The Fourth Age, the era of darkness and chaos. It was too far away from now. What is behind it?”

The eighteen-year-old red-haired girl asked, so Shade lifted the stone tablet and turned it over. But there is no writing on the back, or nothing at all. It is a fairly smooth stone surface.

Shad frowned slightly, and Granny Cassandra reminded her:

“Antiquities unearthed in the Fourth Era sometimes require blood to solve puzzles. In that dark and chaotic era, intelligent beings were united by ethnic groups and believed that only common blood was real. People at that time paid great attention to this. ”

Miss Swift behind her directly cut her palm and pressed the **** handprint on the stone tablet. Then the smooth stone surface shone slightly, and after a moment, a vivid and exquisite mermaid pattern was etched on the smooth surface of the stone tablet.

The mermaid is bound by several chains, and her depiction is extremely detailed, and her beautiful face can even be said to be a bit coquettish.

“So, is the seal here still related to the mermaid race? Or, the one who is sealed is a mermaid.”

Miss Danister, who was not sure of the situation, guessed, but found that most people were looking at Shade. Shade took a deep breath and watched the light and shadow dancing on the tilted stone monument.

For a moment, he clearly saw the mermaid bound by chains on the stone tablet winking at him.


Another sound of tail slapping came from the lake, causing the cat to bark menacingly again. Luvia put her hand on Shade’s shoulder, and Shade stood up from the stone monument:

“Everyone stays in the camp and I go to the lake by myself.”

“That thing?”

Eluna asked a little unhappy. She hated the guy who said she was innocent.

“Maybe, but this time she went a little too far.”

He picked up the cat and handed it to Tifa. The maid looked worried:

“Do you really want to go alone?”

“I’ll follow Shade, I’ll take the [Night Watch]. Emilia, don’t say anything, even if you bring [Ocarina of Time] it’s not enough.”

Eluna said, and the blond elf girl nodded. Shade then looked around again and looked at the people watching them:

“Including Grace and Helen, you are all waiting for us in the camp. After Iluna and I left the camp, we immediately sealed the camp from the inside. Unless little Mia recognized me and came back, we could not let it go under any circumstances. Anyone in or out.”

Xia De had a serious expression when he said this, so the Hongdie twins who originally wanted to go with them had no choice but to nod in agreement.

It was just that before Shade left the camp with Iluna, he took off the black key hanging on his chest and turned it into the [Staff of Yggdrasil]. Shade handed the long staff to To Luvia:

“I don’t know what happened this time, so get this for me.”

The confused girl with purple eyes took the long stick. She didn’t understand what it meant. But looking at Xia De’s expression, she didn’t ask any more questions:

“Wait a minute, I’ll tell you again. Let’s go again. There are still three coins left.”

“Use coins if something unexpected happens.”

Shad nodded to her, then held hands with Iluna and walked out of the camp fence gate.


The cat meowed and jumped out of Tifa’s arms, but instead of following Shade, it jumped onto Luvia’s shoulders and squatted down. This was extremely rare.

The purple-eyed fortune teller also subconsciously reached out and touched it, and then he was surprised to find that he felt familiar with this action. But you know, little Mia is rarely so close to her.

The night was already very dark, and then everyone cast spells to completely seal the camp. Shade couldn’t even easily sense whether the camp still existed without turning around. The firelight from the camp also disappeared, and only the moonlight, starlight and the silver torches erected on the edge of the lakeshore still provided light.

The two came to the lake together. As Shade threw the perfume bottle into the lake, the calm lake surface that was originally exuding starlight suddenly became rippled.

In the sound of water, the perfume bottle floated for a distance into the lake and then sank directly into the water. Then a huge shadow flashed under the water again, followed by a crash, and the beautiful woman’s head came closer. Shore locations popped up.

In an instant, all the silver flames on the surrounding torches were suppressed to the center of the flames, while the starlight in the night sky projected the colors of the starry sky onto her head like a spotlight.

The starlight illuminated her wet cheek, and the light reflected from her black hair made her black hair look extra textured and more gorgeous.

Eluna didn’t say anything, but just clicked her tongue to show her dissatisfaction. She and Shade both felt strange emotions and thoughts when the other party appeared, but Yiluna already instinctively disliked this “mermaid”. Luna will never change her attitude just because of her appearance.

“What do you mean this time?”

Xia De asked, and the woman’s head looking up at the two people on the lake shore asked with a smile:

“How rude. I thought you would greet me first and then report on the progress of debt collection.”

The voice is lazy and hoarse, as if just waking up from a beautiful dream:

“I know what you want to ask. Yes, in the fourth era, some very capable and rough guys called the gods and sealed me in this lake. Speaking of which, it was already a very long time. It happened a long time ago, I got out of trouble later, but probably because I stayed here for a long time, this lake has my power.”

“How do I feel that you hate this place, so you put the most vicious curse on this lake before leaving? Otherwise, the lake did not become a relic. Why did the stone tablets in the lake become relic derivatives instead? Isn’t this proof of your strength?”

Iluna asked, so the woman’s purple eyes looked at her. Iluna stared at her with her own heterochromatic pupils without fear. The woman’s head in the lake, illuminated by the stars, smiled. This made Iluna feel even more slighted.

“What does it matter whether it is yes or no? But interesting soul, I did not lure you and the witch here, it was you who broke into the Lake of Love yourself. I like this name, who would hate love, Who hates happiness?”

There was a splashing sound in the water, as if feet were gently swaying in the lake. The lake reflecting the sea of ​​​​stars is obviously translucent, but neither Shade nor Iluna can clearly see what is under the head. This is quite scary.

“Although we followed Linda Bennett here, didn’t you bring Linda Bennett here? Otherwise, I can’t think of a reason for her to come to a place like this.”

“Of course I didn’t cause it.”

The woman immediately denied it. She did not pretend to be aggrieved, but looked up at Shade with a smile:

“If you investigate carefully, you will find that Miss Linda Bennet has known the secret of this lake a long time ago. The bold girl took the water from the lake and fed it to the Dead Apostles York Bronte wanted to win his eternal love, and she really succeeded.

It’s interesting, isn’t it? The opponent you regard as a powerful enemy, the immortal who actually escaped death to a certain extent, was actually successfully raped by an ordinary girl. ”


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