The Whispering Verses Chapter 2724: The God of Mist and the Swimming Cat


Chapter 2723 The God of Mist and the Swimming Cat

The closeness of our hearts seems to speed up time. As autumn turns to winter, the color of the golden lakeside woodland gradually fades.

As the weather turns completely cold, the arrival of the first snow makes life on the lakeside begin to become difficult, but fortunately both of them are very capable people, so the supplies they need for life are quite sufficient. During the day in winter, when most of the daily work is gone, the two of them can cuddle up together, or sit by the lake, or sit on the roof of the wooden house, chatting about the past, the present, and thinking about the future. They will live here together for many more years.

“I always feel that the happiness I have now even scares me. Do I deserve it?”

This is what Flora Winslet often said when the two of them were thinking about the future, and Shade always gave her a warm hug, but he actually had more questions.

At some point, the curtain that blocked the two single beds at night was quietly removed by the witch responsible for cleaning the room, so the two beds that were born at the same time were finally completely closed on that snowy late winter night. Together, Flora Winslet was finally able to nestle in Shad’s arms, amidst the firelight of the fireplace and the wind and snow outside the window, listening to him talk about things she had never heard of that seemed to come from a foreign land. s story.

Time seems to be fast forwarding, and the warming of emotions makes the boring and simple life become colorful. After the two beds came together to form one, it seemed that the barrier between the two of them had completely disappeared, and they truly became happy lovers who wanted to live in this lakeside cabin forever.

Away from the hustle and bustle, away from the sophistication of the world, away from political disturbances, and away from the many dangers, Flora Winslet is truly immersed in this kind of happiness.

Xia De, who was also wrapped in happiness, always felt like he had forgotten something. He thought that he had forgotten a very important agreement and a lot of things that he had to do, but whenever he thought like this, the gray-black-haired witch would always smile and hug him:

“It doesn’t matter, I will always be by your side.”

But the feeling of disobedience has not disappeared because of this, especially when night falls and the stars shine in the deep night sky, the discomfort will become more intense:

“What on earth have I forgotten? Little Mia is still being taken care of by Miss Denister? Are there three people who have not yet woken up in the cabin next door? Or is there never been a moon in the night here? What have I forgotten?”

He was puzzled, and this confusion also produced more anxiety. Until one day when winter was about to end, after finishing the night’s story and kissing Flora, letting her fall asleep, Shade put on his coat and walked out of the cabin alone.

Although spring has arrived, the nights are still cold. Snow-covered firewood piles were piled next to the wooden house, and the opened fields had been plowed. They were just waiting for the temperature to rise a little before planting food seeds. The swing that Shade had just put up last week moved with the night breeze. Swaying slightly, Shade still remembered that they were sitting on the swing together and he kissed her at that time.

The stars were reflected in the calm lake, but these stars made Shade feel even more anxious. He then went to the woods to relax, but of course, as usual, he wouldn’t go very far.

It’s just that tonight seems a little different, because there is a layer of white mist in the forest.

The fog was not dense, so the curious Shade wanted to trace the source of the fog to prevent them from interfering with the two’s mushroom picking work tomorrow. He walked and walked in circles in the forest, and then he noticed that there seemed to be a figure waiting for him in front of him.

The figure was very blurry, but it looked quite familiar. So Shade chased after him, and the fog became thicker and thicker at this time, until at some point the white fog obscured everything in the forest, and the figure in front also stopped between two big trees. And behind her was a white light.

Shade then saw the woman’s appearance clearly. She had light brown skin and was dressed quite coolly. The upper body is only covered with a tube top, and the lower body beyond the navel is covered with a thin skirt. There is a gold chain around the waist, and gold bracelets are worn on the wrists of both hands and feet. It looks like a desert. The dancer who came from the middle.

“But this is not a desert. Miss Meister?”

This name was blurted out by Sha De.

Her specific appearance was not very clear in the fog, but her smiling voice was very clear:

“Now that you have remembered me, aren’t you willing to wake up from the mist?”

The figure of the God of Mist asked the stranger. The stranger was stunned for a moment and stood there without speaking. So the smiling lady gently shook her wrist, and the sound of the golden bracelets clanking against each other was particularly clear, and struck Shade’s soul:

“The desire for happiness is so deep in the heart, so refreshing, and so intoxicating. Like a poisonous snake with tarsal bones, like a colorful fungus, like a lover’s lies.”

The God of Mists in the fog then asked:

“I know that sometimes you feel too tired and sometimes want to stop and rest for a while, but do you still remember what you promised them?”


The answer to the question seemed to be right on his lips, but Shade felt like he just couldn’t recall it. The feeling of madness made him want to turn around and leave, returning to the simple and monotonous happiness, but he was not the kind of person who ran away because of cowardice, and he would never escape.

So “Miss Meister” smiled and continued:

“Really don’t remember? I’ll give you a little reminder. You promise to stay with them until.”

“Until the end of time.”

The fog in front of me gradually dispersed, and the figure of the God in the Mist also dissipated with laughter. Like waking up from a big dream, the long-lost real fear made Shade open his eyes underwater and take a deep breath and drink the river water. He actually, he actually forgot.

He is underwater at the moment, but he is not stationary but moving. He was breathing in the water without choking, and when he looked forward in that extreme fear, Shade actually saw the cat with glowing hair biting his collar, and quickly fluttering its short limbs to pull him toward the water. .

This funny scene that made him want to cry completely made Shade sober:

“Mia, you can actually swim?”

The little cat was trying its best to pull Shade, but Shade, whose whole body was weak and even a little trembling, could not control his body to move immediately. However, the cat seemed to notice that Shade opened his eyes, so its four short legs flapped faster, and the light on its body became more obvious.

It’s not that the whole body is glowing, but only the orange part of the orange-white hair is emitting light like the sun. This light is so warm that even under the pitch-black water, it still shines on Shade , guiding him in the direction.

The spell “Underwater Breathing” has been activated instinctively, and the orange and white cat finally dragged him to the surface. As his nose and mouth touched the air, Xia De breathed heavily. At this time, there was an orange sunset above his head, and the cool wind of late autumn already had a bit of chill:

“Did I sleep at the bottom of the lake all day?”

Shad felt that he could move a little now, but the cat still didn’t let go of him. It desperately bit Shade’s clothes and dragged him to the lake shore.

In the end, before the cat seemed to be exhausted, it successfully took Shade out of the lake. So Shade was immediately picked up. The red-haired girl ignored that his whole body was still dripping with water. She came to him with a worried and even frightened face:

“Shad! Are you okay, can you talk now? No word from you all day, and your cat has been restless since noon. Towards evening, he started trying to leave the hotel, and I saw him The white fur on my body lit up with a silver light, and I remembered the [Immortal Fire Seal] you told me. It was sensing you, so I took people to follow it to find you.”


The cat stood at their feet. After making sure that Shade was okay, the cat faced the large lake that was reflected red by the setting sun, and barked.

Shad looked around again. Dozens of witch follower girls were standing behind them vigilantly, continuing to perform protection, defense, and exorcisms in the temporarily built camp. The one wearing a brown robe【 Mr. Steve Davis, the great elder of the Forest Hermits Group, looked frightened and cast spells with the three hermits who were traveling with him, as if to calm the restless woods.

The dense ritual matrix was imprinted under everyone’s feet, and the superimposed spells and magic had even formed a mutual resistance effect, but everyone still did not dare to stop.

The setting sun reflects the golden woodland and the calm heart-shaped lake. There is nothing on the lake, but the lake water, which looks black underwater, is almost transparent when viewed from the shore.

As a result, Shade saw dozens of living people, including Miss Winslet, Linda Bennett, and the strangers in the dream, lying at the bottom of the lake with their eyes closed. Apparently he had been lying in the same position not too long ago.

The happy memories of life in the dream came back to my mind, and the reluctance, nostalgia and longing for Flora came to my mind again – the name had been changed in the dream, but when I thought about it again, I discovered the truth behind it. Unreasonable and inconsistent in time.

“When we arrived just now, we saw you, Flora, and Linda Bennett floating on the lake. I didn’t dare to let the girls go directly to catch you. I wanted to cast a spell to make you float back. , your cat immediately bit my finger.”

The red-haired girl, who was still trying to calm herself, showed her right index finger to Shade, with the shallow cat teeth marks still on it:

“Then I saw that you were not on the lake at all, but at the bottom of the lake. Instead, all of us had almost reached the lake. If your cat hadn’t bitten me awake, maybe we would have been by now. We At that time, we all saw that there seemed to be something else at the bottom of the lake.”


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