The Whispering Verses Chapter 2722: Chocobo Permits and Missing People


Chapter 2721 Chocobo Permit and Missing Person

“I said that I somehow ended up in Vista Grove on Saturday afternoon, and then somehow ended up back in Tobesk after being inexplicably involved in a strange fight.”

Iluna reached out to touch little Mia, but was dodged by the cat who was looking forward to breakfast:

“So the church punished me for riding a chocobo illegally without obtaining a chocobo riding permit.”

She was quite unhappy about this, while Shade was puzzled:

“Do you still need a license to ride a chocobo? But you don’t need a license to ride a horse. Riding a chocobo is much easier than a horse.”

Iluna covered her head in annoyance:

“That’s because chocobos are extraordinary creatures, but their intelligence is not comparable to highly intelligent alien creatures such as unicorns. Therefore, according to the “421 Regulations” promulgated in 421 Universal Calendar, which is also known as “Category II” According to the “Regulations on the Breeding and Use of Exotic Mounts”, riding a chocobo does require a license. I remember that no one would take the test for this kind of license every ten years. How did they suddenly think of this?”

“So you were deducted your bonus or vacation?”

Luvia placed the bacon in front of Iluna. Iluna thanked her softly and then turned to look at her:

“There is no punishment, but the church asked me to go to the Holy See within a week to get the certificate. I think although they don’t know how I got to Vista Woodland, they probably wanted to find an excuse to remove me from Tobesk. Come on, you don’t want me to go there again anytime soon.”

“The church is also thinking about you. No one is immune to the attraction of the out-of-control tree hole. If you, the chosen one, are lost in endless time, what will you do in 1854?”

Xia De comforted.

“You will definitely get me back.”

Eluna said this, and Luvia smiled and took off her apron and sat next to Shade:

“Eluna, your recent trip to the Holy See is a good way to relax and unwind before the Battle of Vesta Grove. The round trip will only take a week at most, and I think your Sun Church will probably prepare for you to fight. The method of time power.”

“I don’t need other people’s methods, this is enough.”

She pointed to her heterochromatic pupils, and Luvia smiled:

“Are you ready to go when?”


The eighteen-year-old girl was very unhappy and poked the bacon with her fork:

“I’ll leave tomorrow morning and probably come back on the weekend. After I pass the chocobo riding permit test, I’ll take the chocobos Emilia raised to Tobesk, and I’ll ride them to and from get off work every day. Chocobos, and change one every day! ”

Of course this is a joke, you cannot bring alien creatures into the city even with a permit.

So this morning Iluna came to say goodbye to Shade and Luvia. In addition, she also brought three new special coins:

“This is what the church of Yuewan Diocese promised me. After waiting for so long, I thought it could give me a lot, but it turned out there were only three.”

The three coins were uniformly packed in a small brown bag with a drawstring. The three coins were the same relic. As soon as Shade poured the golden coins into his hand, little Mia, who was still eating, was immediately attracted to it.

But Shade didn’t blame it for being so curious this time, because he himself was immediately attracted to these coins. It was not because he was greedy for the value of money, but because he felt the warmth from his heart.

Luvia put down her knife and fork and reached out to twist one of them, and then she was very surprised to recognize what it was:

“Yuewan Diocese is really generous this time! Poet-level relics [Pure Light], which are coins made from the gleam of souls voluntarily donated during the Demonic Era of the Third Age. They are specially used to improve witchers. Power against evil spirits

Nowadays, the technology of casting these coins has long been lost. Even if it is turned into a relic, [Pure Light] is still used one less. These are the few items that demons are willing to accept and can be used as sacrifices to the gods. Of course, the gods would not accept it after it was turned into a relic. ”

“What is the function? Gaining the power of witchers?”

Shad asked curiously, Luvia immediately shook her head:

“No, it is to increase the upper limit of soul capacity. This is a very complicated concept. You can understand it as the professional system of witchers, which requires a strong enough soul to contain the spells to fight evil spirits.

For us ring warlocks, using this coin can immediately and unconditionally increase the strength of our souls and cleanse the quality of our souls. In other words, it can change the soul qualifications of the ring warlocks and improve the talents of the ring warlocks themselves. ”

If [Eternal Youth Leaf] is just far more expensive than ordinary poet-level relics, then [Pure Light] has completely deviated from the normal pricing standards for relics.

This is a valuable item that is as priceless as sage-level relics and angel-level relics. Luvia even thinks that it is too wasteful to consume this kind of coin for divination.

Eluna doesn’t care how Luvia uses these coins. She is only responsible for bringing the coins and letting Shade and Luvia make the decision. In the division of labor among three people, it is not her job most of the time to make plans or arrange actions.

In short, Iluna left after eating the breakfast made by Luvia this morning. Before leaving, she said that when she went to the Holy See this time, she could help Shade ask questions about asking God. Why? no result.

Shad and Luvia went downstairs to say goodbye to her. The week should be almost over by the time they see Iluna again.

Because today was working time on Tuesday, the purple-eyed girl left No. 6, Saint Teresa Square shortly after breakfast. Shade was not in a hurry to go out. He was thinking of waiting for Priest August to send him a relic that could repair the damage to the dead angel’s eyeballs.

But when it was past eight o’clock, I only waited for a letter sent by the priest. The priest has determined the corresponding relic, but because of some accidents on the way, the relic may not be transported to Tobesk today, so Priest August apologized and asked Shade to wait one more day.

Shad had no objection to just waiting for a day. Seeing that the time key would not be used today, he took the cat that was not taken care of today to the Vista Grove. When he brought breakfast to the elf girl as usual, he also received good news. The second Paradox Bug shell obtained from James Cumming had completed the preparation of the potion.

This is also the second paradox insect potion that the elf girl has completed. She seems to be getting more and more skilled at brewing this potion:

“The first bottle of potion allowed Teacher Daniste, I mean Miss Denise, to recover from the seventh ring to the eighth ring, but this bottle will probably only allow her to release more power. I want her to recover from the eighth ring. To restore to the Nine Rings, we need the third Paradox Bug Shell potion we got from the coffin.”

“I’m curious, why does this potion only restore her strength, but her age is still eighteen years old?”

“Well, it’s very complicated to explain, so you don’t need to understand so much about elf potions.”

So Shade continued to take the cat to the city. When he came to the Accordion Hotel, he planned to immediately share Luvia’s divination results about the “Temple of Time”, and then take Miss Winslet to the Golden Music The hall was looking for the so-called “musical notes”, but this plan was interrupted by another thing.

“Linda Bennet committed suicide again.”

It seems that the ladies who just finished breakfast brought this news to Shade. Now the witch followers are continuing to monitor the Bennet family, so they can get the first-hand news.

“This is what happened in the middle of the night yesterday. The silly girl broke the mirror and tried to commit suicide by cutting her wrists with the mirror fragments. Fortunately, the sound she made was heard by the Bennet servants, and she was stopped. .”

The witch’s tone was quite helpless:

“About an hour ago, Linda Bennet cut her servant with a hidden mirror fragment and ran out of the house alone. The Bennets had asked all the servants in the house to go out to search, and Sil Via’s girl followed her, saw her walking into the forest, and then lost her.”


Shad handed the potion to Miss Danister, and then asked in surprise:

“Isn’t this a joke? Linda Bennet is just an ordinary person, why should she throw away Miss Sylvia’s followers?”

“This matter is difficult to explain. You should ask the girl yourself.”

The red-haired girl who got the potion said, so Miss Bell called the girl named Jane Alba into the room. Miss Sylvia is currently the youngest great witch and does not have many followers, so Shade also has an impression of this Central girl.

Miss Alba, who has blond shawl hair and looks about 27 or 28 years old, holds her hands together and hangs them in front of her body, looking very embarrassed:

“There are three people in our surveillance team. When Linda Bennett left the house, I took the initiative to follow her. She did not wander around the city, but left the city directly from the west of the city. This is of course very abnormal, But Miss Winslet said we couldn’t appear in front of the Bennet family unless absolutely necessary, so I didn’t stop her from going deep into the jungle.

It was just dawn, and everything was normal at first, but as she walked, she suddenly started to run faster. I immediately chased after her, but after she walked around a big tree, I could no longer find her trace. ”

Of course Miss Jane Alba has tracking magic, which is a more traditional tracking spell based on breath. This kind of magic works very well in sparsely populated forests, but she just can’t find it. An ordinary girl.

And Miss Sylvia’s followers all have more or less spatial talents. Miss Alba has the power to perceive spatial abnormalities, but she did not find any problems with the space in that woodland. In connection with the local disappearance cases, most of them were related to time travel. Therefore, after it was determined that Linda Bennett could not be found, she immediately came back to deliver the news.


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