The Whispering Verses Chapter 2721: The actions of the Tree Hole Association


Chapter 2720 The Actions of the Tree Hole Association

“It is a secret-keeper-level relic [Alley No. 13].”

The witch also sat down on the single sofa, and then found that the red-haired girl did not pour her tea:

“You must know this, I won’t explain it.”

Xia De continued:

“We encountered some surprises, they were people from the [Tree Hole Association]. They seemed to be well prepared, and we can be sure that the [Tree Hole Association] also knew the secret of the Temple of Time. Remember they were there two weeks ago on the moon On the opening night of the dance festival, did the local church attack the Golden Music Hall because they learned the secret of time travel from Father Francois?”

“Of course I remember, do you know the reason?”

“Yes, I originally thought they were trying to eliminate some secrets that could not be known to the church. Now it seems that they simply want to lure the church to investigate the Golden Music Hall, so that the secrets of the temple before the establishment of the concert hall can be revealed. Revealed.

[Tree Hole Association] has been investigating there for a long time, but couldn’t find any clues, so they came up with this method after realizing the actions of the local church. ”

Although Professor Quintu’s soul can no longer be channeled, the two ring magicians of the [Tree Hole Association] also know many secrets.

There were thirteen opportunities in total, and just now they didn’t even encounter a 10% chance of safety. It took a full fifty minutes and after overcoming thirteen abnormal events in the morgue, the two of them managed to escape from the effects of the relics.

These thirteen anomalies are not just attacks by wraiths or awakening of fierce ghosts. Shade and the witch don’t know how this relic works. During the third cycle, all the lights in the corridor went out, and then a A guy who looked like a death angel chased down two people from the [Tree Hole Association]. Of course, that thing was not an angel, but it was definitely not simple either;

On the eighth cycle, a door suddenly opened, even opening the passage to real death.

So it is definitely not an exaggeration to classify this street sign as “Secret Keeper Grade”.

In short, although the two members of the [Tree Hole Association] successfully survived the effect of the relic, when they returned to the corridor of the morgue in reality, they no longer had the ability to continue high-intensity fighting.

After being easily captured by Shade and the Witch, they were taken to the woodland outside the city. Then the witch summoned the “Wall of Sighs” to pull out their souls, which made Shade ask many things:

“[Tree Hole Association] determined that the Golden Music Hall was the temple of the ancient gods five years ago. According to the two people, they relied on a fragment of a poem.

The president of the [Tree Hole Association], the woman known as the ‘Clockmaker’, believed that important items related to the ceremony of the chosen ones should be hidden in the temple, so after they came to the local area, in addition to looking for the local Apart from tree holes and time travellers, the most important activity is to investigate the Golden Music Hall.

After realizing that he was being noticed by the church, the ‘Clockmaker’ tried to get the church, which did not know the secret for the time being, to investigate the temple. However, he did not expect that the church did not send a large force deep into the forest, nor did it conduct any special operations against the golden music hall. Much investigation.

So they can only continue to investigate the temple on their own. Professor Quintu did not hide from his colleagues that he had been here half a century ago, so last week the [Tree Hole Association] locked the professor. They caught the professor this morning, but the professor didn’t give them an answer. He just let them know that someone visited the professor yesterday and asked about the past in the concert hall.

So after killing Professor Quinto, they deliberately waited for our arrival in the morgue. ”

Holding the tea cup, Xia De took a few sips. The temperature of the tea was very suitable.

The witch let her wet hair hang loosely, signaling that her apprentice no longer needed to wipe it with a towel:

“The opponent is not just those two people, there is also a high-level warlock ambushing outside the morgue. He is good at converting himself into liquid form, so even though we were very cautious, we still let him run away. In such heavy rain weather It’s really suitable for the other party to cast spells. Although he is extremely afraid of Shade’s flames, at least we can’t stop him when he wants to escape.”

“I almost stopped him. I wanted to freeze the opponent’s body with extreme cold, but it was still a step too late.”

Shad corrected, Miss Winslet nodded:

“After that, we went outside the city just like Shade said, asked questions, and then threw the two soulless Ring Warlock bodies on the corner of the street where the local Peace Church is located.”

Carrying out such an operation on a rainy night, she seemed a little tired:

“There is other good news. We finally know the reason why the [Tree Hole Association] has not been active in the city recently. They tried to peek into Sha De’s past not long ago, and then were noticed by Sha De, so they were discovered by Sha De Terrified.”

“I don’t know what they are talking about. The two people said that I suddenly turned around and said to the group of people holding the ceremony, ‘You are looking at me, right?’ But I don’t remember saying this recently. words.”

Xia De explained, without linking the other party’s peeking with his own intuition:

“At the same time, we can also be sure that there must be some big secret hidden in the Golden Concert Hall. Regarding the Temple of Time, I have explained it to you in detail during dinner. I plan to visit the Golden Concert Hall and watch the performance tomorrow , the Moon Dance Festival has ended, it shouldn’t be difficult to buy tickets, right?”

“It’s not difficult to buy, just let me arrange it.”

The witch said, and then asked the red-haired girl:

“Is it true that St. Byrons has no clue at all about the Chosen One of Time? Doesn’t the fragment of the psalm in your college’s possession contain any valuable information?”

This time the librarian did not give an immediate answer. The fragments of the college’s poems were too fragmented to be analyzed. But now that she had received such important information as the “Temple of Ancient Gods”, she thought about it carefully:

“I’m going back to the academy to make sure.”

“Okay, it’s getting late, so I’ll go back first. We’ll talk about anything tomorrow. You guys can discuss what to do with that street sign. It’s too dangerous.

Also, don’t tell the church the truth about Professor Quinto’s death for now, otherwise if the church blocks the Golden Music Hall, we won’t be able to enter. ”

This is acknowledging that he wants to investigate the secrets of the temple before the Zhengshen Church, and the witch and the red-haired girl have no objections:

“Okay, good night Shade, we’ll see you tomorrow.”

The ladies said goodbye together, but the witch with gray-black hair stood up slightly and kissed Shade beside her on the face:

“This is what I lost to you.”

The tone was quite natural, as if she just shook hands with Shade.

Xia De blinked in surprise:

“That bet, you don’t have to take it seriously. I’m leaving. See you tomorrow.”

This time he didn’t even let Miss Bell see him off. Instead, he took out the glass slipper, tossed it lightly and disappeared on the sofa.

This was the first time he demonstrated this magic trick in front of Miss Winslet. The witch looked curiously at her friend beside her, but the red-haired girl asked:

“Flora, you did it on purpose, right?”

“What’s intentional?”


At home at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, Luvia and little Mia are still waiting for Shade’s return. After a busy weekend at home, only the purple-eyed fortune teller girl was left at home on Monday night.

When she saw Shade coming back so late, she knew that something must have happened in the Vista Grove. Therefore, he temporarily put down what he was doing to help Shade prepare supper, and listened to him talk about the “Temple of Time”.

In the morning, I bought two clerical relics [Language Expert] from Mr. Edmund, and Shade put them on the table. He ate fried eggs and asked Luvia:

“Although your special divination is invalid for things related to the gods, the secrets of the temple do not point directly to the gods, but to the treasures of the ancestors. Can you try divination?”

“You can give it a try.”

The girl in her nightgown picked up a coin and threw it into the sky. The coin turned into ashes and disappeared before falling. Shade was quite surprised by this, and he and Cat looked at Luvia, who also opened her eyes and was very confused:

“It went smoothly, even a little too smoothly. No, I didn’t know what the puzzle was, and I didn’t know how to solve it, but I knew that the puzzle was related to some musical notes. I went to investigate whether there were any remains in the existing temple There are notes, then play them, and what you’re looking for will appear in front of you.”

Shad nodded, wondering if this was Rapunzel telling him the answer directly. If the things in the Golden Music Hall are really directly related to the Chosen One, then the long-haired Luvia must know all the secrets there.

So rather than saying that it was a divination just now, it is better to say that the long-haired Luvia revealed some information while healing herself.

Because there were no other girls staying at home tonight, Luvia, as the “hostess”, moved into the master bedroom again. But early on Tuesday morning, when she was in a good mood and making breakfast, she discovered that Shade, who had gone downstairs to get newspapers and goat milk, actually led Iluna up.

So the fortune teller quietly buttoned up her nightgown:

“Good morning, Iluna, have you had breakfast? I happen to be cooking.”

“I’m going to wash my hands, I’m here to help!”

Iluna said immediately, but Luvia asked Shade to hold her down again and told her to just wait to eat. But Iluna didn’t come here in the rain this morning just to get some food. She brought new news:

“Yesterday afternoon, the church sent someone to the Blackstone Security Company to find me and asked me to go to the church. They asked me if I rode a chocobo in the Vista Grove on Saturday.”

Luvia in the kitchen and Shade who was warming the goat milk across the table both looked at her worriedly:

“The church will definitely not miss you, Iluna, how did you answer?”


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