The Whispering Verses Chapter 2717: Time fragments


Chapter 2716 Time Fragments

“The Temple of Time? Is it related to that ancient god?”

Xia De then asked excitedly, understanding that he had gone around in a big circle and finally found a clue.

Mr. Edmond gave a relatively vague answer:

“Relevant, but not particularly relevant. In an era when the ancient gods have not yet left, although the old gods also exist, the belief in the thirteen ancient gods is the mainstream. The believers of the ancient gods in the first era , just like today’s true believers, they have built religious buildings all over the world.

The believers of the ancient tree **** not only left behind buildings used for religious activities, but also left a series of buildings out of the idea of ​​”leaving the past to the future so that our era can be recalled by the past” ‘Temple of Time’. The scale of these temples is usually small, but after solving the puzzles in specific ways, you can often obtain precious documents, alchemical items and even lost relics left by ancient supernatural beings. ”

Xia De was very surprised:

“A temple for hiding treasures? I have never heard of such a thing.”

The old gentleman then laughed:

“Of course you haven’t heard of it. Where are the Temples of Time left over from the First Age, where will it be our Sixth Age’s turn to get rewards for the Ring Warlocks?

In the second era after the departure of the ancient gods, people who knew the secret took away most of the things;

Then the ancient evil spirits became rampant in the third era, and the ancestors would collect everything they could to fight against the evil spirits.

In the dark and chaotic era of the Fourth Age, more ancient buildings were destroyed in the chaos;

Although the powerful witches of the Fifth Age also tried to protect the few remaining ancient ruins, they preferred to take away what they liked first, and then protect those buildings that did not meet their aesthetic pursuits. ”

Mr. Edmond held a tea cup and listened to the sound of rain and tide and briefly summarized:

“So now, the Temple of Time, the Night Temple, and the Dragon Altar have all become legends. Those ruins all over the world, even if you can find them, are mostly meaningless. Like the floating temple At the Dragon Feast Sacrificial Site above Yueyue Bay, you don’t expect to find such an ancient and complete building.”

Xia De sighed:

“So the Temple of Time in the southeast of Coldwater Port City.”

The old man shook his head:

“Oh, this is not empty. That was the best luck in my life. I set foot in the dilapidated ruins, solved the ancient puzzles, and found some. It’s not convenient to tell you, but In short, that was a turning point in my life. You see, my life is so leisurely now, not because I worked hard enough when I was young, but because I was lucky enough.”

He was very satisfied to see Shade’s surprised expression:

“No matter how low the probability is, the possibility of finding a building from the First Era in our era is not zero, right? The pattern you just showed me seems to me to be very similar to the pattern that appeared in the Temple of Time. Similar, so if I guess correctly, you are looking for something, right?”

“I’m not even sure there’s anything there.”

The friendship between Shade and Mr. Edmond has been established since last summer, so he directly told the old man about the concert hall.

Now it was Mr. Edmund’s turn to be surprised:

“The Golden Music Hall was once the temple of the ancient gods?! I thought there was no complete temple of the Tree Father in the material world.

No, the Temple of Time is different from the temple you described. The former is not large in scale and can only be used for small-scale sacrifices and prayer activities in addition to being used as a treasure trove. But judging from the size of the Golden Music Hall, it is definitely the size of a regional main temple. ”

“But it cannot be ruled out that the two places used similar methods to hide things. Mr. Edmond, how did you solve the mystery of the Temple of Time?”

Xia De asked again, the old folklorist did not hide it secretly:

“The decryption methods of different Temples of Time will never be exactly the same. Otherwise, wouldn’t you be able to open all the treasures if you master one method?

When I found the Temple of Time in the southeast of Coldwater Port, I needed to interpret the stars described in the temple murals, and then use mirrors in the temple to accurately reflect the moonlight according to the dates corresponding to the stars, so that it would be projected into the area corresponding to the murals. , and then a hidden grid opens. ”

This does not sound very difficult, but it requires advanced knowledge of astrology, because the murals depict the starry sky of the First Age.

But this also presents new problems:

“But the Golden Music Hall in Vista Grove did not have complete murals for us to interpret before the renovation.”

Mr. Edmond then pointed out:

“The believers of time in the first era seem to have mastered some extraordinary power of time. This power ensures that as long as the secret treasure has not been taken out, the guidance used to crack the mechanism will not disappear. .

Try to find out what traces of ancient times there are in today’s Golden Music Hall. I can give you some reminders. Based on my experience when studying the Temple of Time in my youth, astrology, mirrors, sundials, hourglasses, curtains, and murals may all become the focus of solving puzzles. ”

Xia De wrote down all these contents and asked curiously:

“Can’t you really tell me what you got from the temple back then?”

Mr. Edmond then laughed again:

“Well, since you are really curious, I can tell you that I got three items at that time. One was a book, one was an angel-level relic, and the last one was a small piece of curved glass. I searched through ancient books for a long time before I determined that it was a special material called ‘time fragments’.”

“Time fragments? What can it be used for?”

“There are too many functions – repairing gaps in time, integrating into time relics to permanently enhance their power, and adding them to time rituals to achieve extreme spellcasting similar to the Philosopher’s Stone. Soothsayers can use It can better see the future, and the alchemist can make it into glasses to see through time, or to lift the curse of time, call the guardian of time, and plant trees.”

“Wait, lift the time curse?!”

Shad almost stood up from the sofa, Mr. Edmond nodded:

“Yes, but I don’t know much about what a time curse is. It’s just what the book says. But looking at you, it looks like I can learn this from you.”

“Please wait a moment. What did you do with the fragment of time from back then? Is it still in your hands now?”

Xia De asked eagerly, and the old man understood that someone around him must have been cursed by time:

“In the year 1830 of the Universal Calendar, when you were probably not even born yet, an appalling incident of an unknown-level relic going out of control occurred in the northwest of the Old Continent. The most dangerous relic loss of control known to the material world in years.

You can’t find out about this matter even if you go to check it. Everyone involved in this matter at that time kept it secret. That level 0 relic is called [River of the Future]. It is a location-type relic, but its essence is a part of the concrete river of time. ”

Shad showed an incredulous expression. The consequences of losing control of this kind of thing may be more terrifying than losing control of [time of retrospect]:

“You used that fragment to restrain the relic from going out of control?”

“Yes, but the fragment was only suppressed. In the end, the Church of Dawn completely solved the relic by summoning the gods. But it was not a containment, but a temporary expulsion from the material world. The river and the The confluence of a certain river that has now disappeared from the map of the Old World resulted in a disaster in which more than 30,000 people drank from it before the church intervened.”

The old gentleman’s eyes widened slightly, the hand holding the teacup shook a few times, and then he sighed:

“Do you know about the Great Famine of 1848 in Delrayon?”

Xia De nodded immediately:

“I know, it hasn’t been ten years since this happened. It is said that this is the worst natural disaster in this century. Of course, after this year, maybe the 1854 Great Famine will become the number one.”

The academy’s report stated that it was because of this incident that the stranger’s body fled north from the green town of his hometown in Carlton County to the city of Tobesk, where he met Detective Sparrow.

“There is some evidence that the Great Famine of 1848 was the aftermath of that unknowable relic that went out of control. Hundreds of thousands of people died that year, but the impact may continue until the end of this century. It seems a bit off topic, anyway. There are no fragments of time in my hands, and the materials are used where they should be used most.

During what happened that year, I also inquired about the thirteen-ring warlocks of the Zhengshen Church. As far as I know, no one has this kind of material. But don’t despair, young man, at least you still have a chance. Go check out the Music Hall at Vista Grove, maybe a shard is waiting for you inside. ”

Using the special material “Time Shards” is the third method Shade knows to get rid of the time curse, besides “First Fire and the Chosen” and “Joining the [Forest Hermits]”. And this method sounds not only simpler than joining the hermits, but even faster than the nuns’ method.

The only problem is finding the “time fragments”.

Shad’s exploration of the secret of the Golden Music Hall was originally just because he wanted to help Miss Elf find more “arrows” unearthed there, but he did not expect such a harvest. However, despite the surprise, he did not rush to say goodbye to Mr. Edmond, but patiently held the teacup and talked to him about the current affairs in Vista Woodland.

For this old gentleman who provided important information, Shade not only concealed the identities of Miss Daniste and Miss Winslet, but also told him most of the news that could be told, including “Time Curse” and “Time Travel Rules”.

Of course, he did not mention that he now had three tree holes in his hand, nor did he say that he could ignore the curse and travel through time. As for the remains of the World Tree, Shade briefly mentioned this possibility after much consideration.


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