The Whispering Verses Chapter 2716: Temple of Time


Chapter 2715 Temple of Time

The ladies did not mention the suggestion that Shade move out of here and find a larger residence in the city. After all, they all knew Shade’s feelings for this house, and it was impossible for him to give up No. 6 Saint Teresa Square.

That night, Sirius was also invited to stay overnight, but she and Luvia went to live in Room 2 on the second floor. On the surface, Luvia said she wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with Sirius, but in fact, the purple-eyed girl just knew what the duchess wanted to do.

Sure enough, when there was a movement that night, the silver burning moon-shaped “Eternal Fire Seal” automatically appeared on Carina Cavendish’s right arm and immediately caught Vanessa’s attention.

After learning about Shade’s magical effects, she asked Shade to leave the same mark on her just like other girls. But this time, Carina didn’t even need to “hold her hostage”, she took the initiative to extend her arm to Shade.

Because things went so smoothly, Carina quietly asked Vanessa early the next Monday morning while everyone at home was washing up:

“Have you not considered asking Shade to leave the fire mark on other places on his body?”

The blond lady who was drawing her eyebrows at the dressing table shook her head slightly:

“I didn’t think about it. I know Shade doesn’t like strange marks on our bodies, so the arms are enough.

Carina, do you think it would look better if I made my eyebrows longer? I have to hide my good looks, otherwise the girls in the troupe will gossip. ”

“They all look good.”

Carina said perfunctorily, and what Vanessa thought was a natural answer made the duchess fall into self-doubt:

“Does Vanessa know Shad better than I do?”

However, this self-doubt did not last long, because the atmosphere of the family sitting at the dining table, laughing, talking about the newspaper, and their plans for the new week was so warm that after breakfast, Carina was completely Don’t care about these things anymore.

Today is Monday again, so Xia De naturally didn’t forget about this week’s gift. However, [God’s Gift Box] is now at Miss Elf’s place, so Shade will not deal with this matter until he visits Professor Manning.

As expected, the professor who lived in Mao Tail Alley hadn’t gone out early on Monday morning. After the maid brought Sha De in, the professor who had just finished breakfast and was reading the newspaper was still very happy:

“I haven’t seen you in about a month, Detective. Are you in trouble again? Otherwise you wouldn’t have come to my place early Monday morning.”

As he spoke, he stood up from the dining table and came to the living room with Shade.

“Yes, but it’s not a big trouble.”

They sat down on the soft fabric sofa, and Shade briefly described what happened to Professor Quintu. Professor Manning has a very good memory and still remembers this friend whom he met more than twenty years ago.

However, he had almost completely forgotten the details of that conversation, so he could only go to the study with Shade to look for information. Because he didn’t know any clues this time, even the search function of Shade’s thaumaturgy [Moon Library] couldn’t work.

This search lasted all morning, and even Durut Giles, who had made an appointment to visit last week, helped search. However, Rusty Edwards, who was in his soul state, did not help. Instead, he drifted around and watched the three of them working in the study.

Fortunately, this search was not meaningless. When it was three minutes before eleven o’clock in the morning, Professor Manning finally happily shook the notebook in his hand at Shade:

“Found it! I just said that these materials were transferred to my home when the school office was soaked by water. I have never been in the habit of losing books or notebooks. I have treasured all the materials in my life.”

The three of them went back to the living room downstairs to talk. The little girl’s soul wandered closer to Shade, showing curiosity but also a little fear of him.

The young history lecturer Durut Giles did not discipline her this time, but listened to Professor Manning’s story with Shade:

“The ruins similar to the Golden Music Hall that I mentioned to Professor Quintu back then are located in the city of Eskares, the ‘City of Golden Spikes’ in the great plains of central Drarayon. Recently, this place has been frequently featured on the News, that’s the largest grain-producing area in Delrayon.”

Professor Manning said:

“The location of the ruins is in the north of the city. My eldest son was just born at that time. I received the letter from the postman at the excavation site. So many years have passed in the blink of an eye. Oh, I digress, you guys Take a look, these are the inspection records and photos I left back then. I really miss them.”

The ruins that Professor Manning participated in the excavation are in much worse condition than the concert hall in Vista Grove, and it is not an exaggeration to even say that there are only ruins left there. However, the few decorative patterns that remain on the unearthed stone building materials do show a similar style to the Golden Concert Hall, and even some of the patterns are exactly the same.

Shad’s knowledge of elves only gave him a rough understanding of the art of ancient elves, so he could not draw any conclusions based on this.

And Professor Manning only has this information here. The ruins he participated in the excavation contained nothing but ruins.

Seeing that the clue was about to be interrupted again, Rust Edwards, who was floating around, stretched his head to look at the photo in Durut Giles’ hand, and then suddenly said:

“Giles, I’ve seen this! There were similar patterns in the ruins my father visited before! I’ve seen the photos!”

The little girl has lived with Durut Gilles for half a year, and her tone of voice has become much more mature now, but Shade doubts that she is deliberately imitating the way adults speak.

Shad and Durut Giles both looked at her, while Professor Manning, an ordinary person, was a little confused because he couldn’t see the floating soul.

“Where are the photos your father left now? Are there other records? Did he say anything else about the ruins?”

Xia De asked, so the floating little girl put her hands on her waist and proudly made the request:

“Although my father’s inheritance has been given to you, I remember that you want to marry my brother’s descendants. So now you call me ‘great-grandmother’, and I will tell you what you want to know.”

In fact, it’s okay to call her great-grandmother. After all, she is indeed the sister of Megan and Audrey’s great-grandfather. Shade was about to speak, but Durut Giles stopped him:

“Mr. Hamilton, you don’t have to be like this, and you don’t have to meet all the children’s requests.”

As he spoke, he sighed and raised his hand to hit Rusty Edwards on the head.

“Ah~ you bully me!”

So the girl pretended to cry again and grabbed Durut Giles’ hair. After having enough fun, she told Shade that the photos she had seen were sandwiched in the notebook, and they are now in Green Island. in the large library.

It can be seen that Rust Edwards and Durut Giles have a very good relationship. Now that the strangers have arrived, Durant Giles will not be like in the past, just during the Green Lake Incident. As soon as he landed on the island, he was thrown into the space turbulence by Laplace Howard and became an “intelligent prophet”.

The young historian may be able to accompany Rusty Edwards through this life, of course, provided that the end does not come before the end of his life.

So he said goodbye to Professor Manning, and Shade returned home and went to Green Island through the [Space Maze]. It’s embarrassing to say that it has been less than half a year since he got the island, but Xia De has not read even one percent of the astonishing number of books on it.

The notebook Rusty Edwards pointed out falls within the scope of what he has not read yet. Green Island is located on the opposite side of the real world, and there are still followers of Megan and Audrey on the island who are counting the fortune of the fortune teller.

Shade said hello to the girls, and was glad that after such a long time, the notebook was still in the corresponding position of the big library in the little girl’s memory.

Laplace Howard seems to have obsessive-compulsive disorder when it comes to recording inspections and experiments. Every record is meticulously written and supported by photos, texts and even physical objects. The little girl’s memory was indeed correct. The pattern on the building’s decorative wall in the photo enclosed in the notebook was indeed very similar to the ancient pattern style of the Forest Concert Hall.

However, the Thirteen Rings fortune tellers back then did not investigate the ruins carefully, but only recorded interesting places during their travels.

When Shade determined the location of the relatively complete ruins in the photo, he unexpectedly discovered that the place was actually southeast of Coldwater Port City:

“Okay, let’s go to Coldwater Port!”

It was rainy in Coldwater Harbor in the autumn. When Shade broke into the old lighthouse guarded by Mr. Edmond on the top of the sea cliff amidst the sound of rain, he even startled the old man who was making tea on the stove:

“I thought someone was going to rob me.”

“Have you really encountered a mugger?”

“Of course, the old people living alone outside the city are easy targets to be robbed. Are you interested in the fate of those people? There are several interesting experiences here.”

“No need for the moment. I have something to ask when I visit today.”

The last time Shade came here to fish with the old folklorist was nearly two months ago. At that time, the Moon Bay incident had just ended, and Shade came here to talk to him about Dragon Island. After all, it was Mr. Edmond who first mentioned Dragon Island.

When Shade mentioned the ruins in the southeast of Coldwater Port on this rainy autumn Monday, the old man nodded in surprise:

“Of course I know where it is, but please answer my question first. How do you know that I know where it is?”

“I don’t know, I just know that the most knowledgeable person I know in Cold Water Port is you.”

The old man was quite pleased with the compliment. He smiled and poured hot tea for Shade:

“Then you have really found the right person. There is indeed no one in the local area who knows the ‘Temple of Time’ better than me.”


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