The Whispering Verses Chapter 2715: Thirteenth level and space expansion


Chapter 2714 Level Thirteen and Space Expansion

Miss Winslet originally wanted to talk to Miss Sylvia and Vanessa alone. When the Duchess sat down, she thought about it and did not object.

After everyone else left, only the four great witches and Tifa, the witch apprentice, were left.

The great witch of death looked at the other three witches:

“I discovered something when Margaret arrived in Vista City this week. Vanessa, Emma, ​​have you known Shad for a long time?”

“I thought there was something important that made us stay.”

The female opera singer said with some dissatisfaction. She was still thinking about returning to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, worried that Shade would be bored at home:

“Yes, we have known each other for a long time, so can we end the second part of the meeting now?”

“Wait a minute, what are you three doing? Do you want to split the parliament? Why do you keep hiding the existence of Shade from others?”

Miss Winslet immediately criticized, but compared to the impatient Vanessa, Miss Sylvia was much kinder:

“Flora, we all have our own concerns. Just like you now, Shade has helped you so much, will you really tell others about him?”

“I think she is just dissatisfied with us hiding it from her, rather than being dissatisfied with us hiding it from everyone.”

The Duchess also added, and Miss Owl, who was somewhat exposed, raised her face:

“Don’t look down on me so much. I just want to warn you to be more careful and don’t let more people know about Sha De. After all, not everyone is as kind as me. Sha De is the God Caller. ”

Then she saw the expressions of the three witches who were not surprised:

“You can find out if you go and see for yourself. Doesn’t Shade not intend to hide it from you?”

“Then besides you three, who else in the council knows about Shade’s existence? Don’t try to hide it from me anymore. I’m sure there are others besides you three.”

Now Carina, Vanessa and Miss Sylvia all laughed, so Miss Winslet said worriedly:

“Don’t say that except for the current Speaker and me, everyone knows Shade. You plan to win over me and then seize power.”

“Flora, you have such a rich imagination. There are not that many witches in the council who know about Shad, and you are definitely not the second to last one.”

Miss Sylvia comforted her, so the great witch of death said suspiciously:

“Am I the third from the bottom? No need to answer, I am almost sure that Bella also knows Shade. Shade’s elf friend once appeared in Moon Bay with a sword. I guess he must be there too. Carina, Can’t you take care of your lover?”

The duchess was smiling there, she wanted to tell the other person that it was not her turn to take care of it:

“Do you want to ask anything else? Since this is in parliament, as long as you ask, we will answer you.”

“Yes, Flora, just ask.”

“Whether it’s Sha De’s identity or his past, we can answer it.”

“I won’t ask, I want to figure it out myself, which is more interesting than you telling me the answer.”

So Flora Winslet stood up from the table, hesitated for a moment, then looked at them worriedly and asked:

“Apart from things related to Shade, you shouldn’t be hiding anything else from me, right?”

Carina and Miss Sylvia both shook their heads, while Vanessa thought about it:

“Have I told you that I am already a thirteenth-level witch?”

“You are already thirteen. You are already thirteenth level?!”

She suddenly raised her voice, and her clear voice was exceptionally clear in the empty parliamentary space. But Vanessa didn’t mind, because she showed a somewhat proud smile, and other people would be so proud:

“Yes, I think the Speaker should have noticed it, but because my level of ring wizard is still twelve, she hasn’t asked me yet. I plan to tell everyone after a while to prevent you from being too surprised.

It’s really incredible to think about this now. I always thought that after the Speaker, the next thirteenth-level witch in our generation would be Miss Moon or Megan who solved the mystery of the soul. , Sister Audrey. ”

As she spoke, Vanessa released her Golden Stairs as proof. Because the structure of the Parliament is a circular open space at the bottom, surrounded by endless stairs that spread upward into the fog, her Golden Stairs is almost the same as the one behind it. Those gray stone steps are parallel.


The great witch of death looked at the familiar stairs and was stunned for several seconds before looking down at her again:

“But why? If I remember correctly, didn’t your promotion to level 12 happen at the beginning of this year?

Why did it become level thirteen so quickly? Don’t say that you have amazing talents. We are all sisters in the Council. How can I still not understand you? ”

So Miss Sylvia on the side also asked curiously:

“Actually, I also have this question. When we chatted last time, Vanessa, you suddenly said that you were the thirteenth level. I was very curious about how you did it.”

Then the young witch asked the duchess:

“Carina, do you know how Vanessa did it? She has always been mysterious and refused to say it.”

Then they saw the red-haired witch showing an angry expression, but she couldn’t tell the reason why she was angry:

“I don’t know, let Vanessa herself say what it feels like.”

She said dryly, and the beautiful Earth Witch tilted her head and thought about it:

“My soul and body feel warm and at ease.”

So Carina Cavendish became even more angry, because she was sure that what Vanessa was talking about was definitely not the feeling of promotion.

Because of this little incident after the meeting, Vanessa seemed to be in a good mood when she returned to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, so she didn’t even notice that Sirius had changed into a new set of clothes.

Carina, who arrived later, seemed a little angry. The evidence was that her walking voice was a little too loud when she went up the stairs.

“Shad, she told Flora that she is the thirteenth level!”

The Duchess said to Shade as if she was complaining. Shade, who was reading the information on the Moonlight Sword given by Ms. Helena Carter in the study, said without raising his head:

“Just tell me. At most, let her question me a few questions tomorrow. Miss Winslet is a very easy-to-get-together lady, and this is all a small matter.”

After finishing speaking, he didn’t hear a reply. He raised his head and saw the duchess standing at the door of the study, pouting and looking a little unhappy. Shade put down his notebook and stood up and walked over:

“Although I don’t know what happened, let me give you a hug first and tell me about your meeting tonight.”

Luvia did not return home until eight o’clock that night, but because the maids were there, the supper had been prepared long ago. At this time, Carina was smiling and sitting on the sofa with Vanessa. , talking about interesting things about Yodel Palace, it didn’t look like he was still angry just now.

Luvia said to Shade while sitting at the dining table eating:

“Recently, I feel more and more that the space at home is actually not very big. Now that Vanessa and Sirius have come to Tobesk, it seems that the room is a bit insufficient. What will we do if more people arrive in the future?”

Shad was sitting on the short sofa in the living room, and when he looked up he could see Luvia in the dining room:

“I thought about buying the houses on both sides and opening up the walls to expand the space, but unfortunately, neither Mr. and Mrs. Smith at No. 5 nor the researcher at No. 7 planned to sell the property here.”

He caught the apple pushed off the coffee table by little Mia, wiped it on his clothes and handed it to Vanessa, who took a bite:

“Shad, speaking of which, before Miss Feliana and the others left, didn’t they give you a list of relics that could expand the space of the house? You said that was written for you by Miss Drago. (Chapter 2514)”

“There is a list, but none of the relics on it can be obtained immediately.”

He recalled the contents of the list:

“Relics that can harmlessly increase the internal space of a house are at least Keeper-level relics. If you want to meet the needs of larger use space and concealment, then even Keeper-level relics are not enough.

Among the relics Fiona listed for me, I am more interested in the sage-level relic [Uncle Tom’s Cabin]. This relic opens up a large enough space to make the current No. 6 Saint Teresa Square larger. At least twice as much, but the use of this relic requires the presence of slaves in the house, which is too inhumane;

There is also a sage-level relic [Gate to Infinite Space]. Installing the relic on the wall at the end of the corridor can extend the corridor, and the extended part copies the existing corridor and can be nested in multiple layers, but this relic It is said that it is used to seal ancient evil objects. I am worried that putting this kind of thing at home will cause big trouble. Think about it, when I went to the toilet at night, I suddenly found myself entering a corridor I had never seen before

Of course, the angel-level relic [Bell’s Mechanical Cat House] is also good. As long as there are cats in the home, it meets the conditions for use. But the problem is that this relic disappeared in the middle of the Fifth Era. Even Fiona and the others did not have it in their time. Only the containment information was left behind. ”

Little Mia, who continued to play with rolling apples on the coffee table, barked, probably understanding the word “cat”.

“There are others besides this, but either the negative effects are too strong or the relics cannot be found at all.

I now feel that instead of trying to expand the space at No. 6 St. Teresa Square, it is better to wait until Dorothy and Lesia are stronger, and let them, Grace and Helen find a way to directly connect this place to Carlene. The semi-permanent portal of Na Manor. ”

“This is a good idea! Just like during the Battle of Moon Bay, we connected the Radiant Messenger to Belindle Manor.”

The Duchess said immediately, so even Luvia, who was eating midnight snack, looked at her with a smile:

“The space environment of Shade’s family is very stable, and it is not easy to open a teleportation gate. Moreover, this is the city center, and there are still issues of safety and concealment when establishing a teleportation gate. But I don’t think this matter should be so easy. Don’t worry, other girls won’t appear in Tobesk at the same time in a short time. Shade has plenty of time to think of a solution.”



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