The Whispering Verses Chapter 2713: Palace of the Temple


Chapter 2712 The Past of the Temple

“Nature worship, Professor, have you recorded all the runes, ancient texts and murals you discovered at that time?”

Shad asked again, while Miss Danister pretended to record from the side.

The professor answered:

“Although the construction workers destroyed some parts, of course we recorded a lot. Unfortunately, according to the inspection rules for temple-type buildings, most of those records were taken away and sealed by the local Natural Church at that time. A small amount of information was Taken back to school by the tutor.”

“Those small pieces of information will not be given to his friends abroad, right?”

Shad asked tentatively, expecting to hear Professor Tiris Manning’s name again, but not this time.

“Those materials were left to me after my mentor retired. I made a copy of them after my retirement. The original manuscript is still in Willendale. I brought the manuscript back to Ximu Town. They It’s in the museum’s reference room now. I’ll have someone take you to see it later. You can copy them, but you can’t take them out of here.”

The professor replied, quite proud of this matter, and Shade gave a small compliment:

“This is really amazing. Your sharing spirit is the cornerstone of the development of history. Oh, professor, it is said that when inspecting this kind of ancient temple architecture, some unusual things sometimes happen. You encountered it back then. ”

Professor Quinto laughed:

“You young scholars always like this kind of story, okay, I admit that I was also very curious about this kind of thing when I was young. But sorry, young people, the inspection process was quite boring, and we were just We only work when everyone is here during the day, and we go back to the town to rest at night, so there is no chance of encountering unusual incidents.”

Miss Danister, who was sitting across the coffee table from Shade, rubbed Shade with her foot. This meant that Professor Quinto was lying.

“Is that so? Since it is an ancient relic, a lot of stone tablets and ancient sacrificial objects should have been unearthed, right? Are these things also in the museum now?”

The professor shook his head awkwardly:

“Construction had already begun when we arrived. Due to insufficient early protection, the construction workers sold the antiquities they found here, leaving us with not many valuable antiquities.

However, it is said that this also gave them a curse. None of the construction workers who resold antiques lived past the age of 40. A few people who were over 40 years old at the time of construction also passed away soon after the completion of the project, and they all died of natural causes. ”

The red-haired girl rubbed her foot against Shade again, which meant that this sentence was also a lie.

Of course, Shade himself also felt suspicious. If there were no special reasons, it would be impossible for a professor in Willendale to care specifically about the time and cause of death of a group of construction workers. After all, according to him, only a few people died naturally and it was not a mass death, so this should not cause much concern.

Xia De nodded again and said to the professor according to the previous plan:

“I have an antique here that is said to have been exported from the local area. Please help me take a look.”

Professor Quinto was a little surprised, and then saw the red-haired young female assistant taking out a box. The moment the box was opened, the old professor’s eyes immediately went blank and he fell into a hypnotic state.

Miss Danister took out the piece of agarwood that was used as a spellcasting material in the box, and placed it in the incense burner that Shade had transformed from the toy form to ignite it.

After making sure everything was OK, Xia De asked again:

“Professor, did anything unusual happen when you were inspecting this temple building?”


Professor Quintu replied expressionlessly that it would be difficult for an elderly man like him to wake up from deep hypnosis no matter how much his mood fluctuates:

“Actually, this happened before we arrived. Some workers would sleep directly in the construction site at night. Many people mentioned that they had dreamed of many, many people in their dreams, and even some of them were only in the story. Elves, dwarves, etc. will appear and come to this temple to worship.”

“Have you dreamed about it too?”

“Yes, my mentor and I have rested here. My mentor’s dreams are normal, but I dreamed about it. I doubt that it was a scene from the past, because the temple in the dream is not just a simple building complex. There is also a huge green tree growing in the center of the temple, which is the same as the traces left in the ancient temple ruins.”

“What else?”

“No exception.”

“What about the antiquities unearthed from the ruins?”

Professor Quinto was obviously silent for a moment before speaking:

“Most of them were sold by the workers before we arrived, but we found some underground antique dealers who were in contact with the workers-most of them were active near Willendale. In fact, they were not strangers. But something is wrong.

After they heard that we were looking for those antiques, they sold those antiques to us at a very low price. Since the prices were so low, the professors bought them with their own money, so the ownership of these antiques became ours. ”

Xia De has already foreseen the direction of the next story:

“And then something went wrong?”

“Yes, within half a year after that expedition, all the professors who took away the antiques went crazy. I was just a student on the team and was lucky enough not to participate. What I know about this Not much, but when the church asked me about the situation afterwards, I heard that the surface of their skin began to look like wood.

The church strictly prohibited me from talking about this to anyone, and the antiques were eventually taken away by the church. Experiencing something like this in my youth made me cautious throughout my subsequent academic career, which is also an important reason why I was able to live healthily until retirement. ”

Shad sighed. If this is really the case, then it seems that the clues provided by Professor Quinto have been checked by the church half a century ago.

But there is another thing that the church absolutely did not know half a century ago:

“After experiencing something like this, why did you return to Ximu Town after retirement? Are you still working in this ruins?”

The red-haired girl cast an approving look at Shade, and Professor Quintu replied:

“I want to find an answer. Over the years, I have often returned here in my dreams, wandering unconsciously in my dreams. I have seen a psychiatrist, but the doctors just said that I have too many impressions of this place. So profound that it is impossible to escape from the past.

I don’t believe in the nonsense about ‘look forward, don’t look back’. I feel like there is still something here that attracts me. So I’m back. ”

“So what did you find?”

“No. But it doesn’t matter. I have made up my mind to live my whole life in Ximu Town. Even if I find nothing in the end, dying here is still a good thing.”

“So among the antiques unearthed that year, have you seen some arrows?”

Xia De asked this question at the end, but the old professor’s impression of the antiques from that time was already very shallow, and they only recovered some of the antiques, not all of them.

Later, under the guidance of Miss Danister, Professor Quinto explained his dream to the two of them. In the dream, he appeared in a random corner of the renovated Golden Concert Hall. Then an inexplicable attraction made him wander around the building, but he could never find where the attraction was.

Ordinary people’s memory of dreams is often not very comprehensive, so Professor Quinto’s description is not particularly detailed, so Miss Danister came up with a way:

“Since he is always roaming in dreams, how about we let him sleepwalk in reality?”

This sounds difficult, but it is just something that a sorceress can solve by casting a spell.

The action went quite smoothly. Professor Quintu stood up from the sofa while remaining absent-minded. He ignored Shade and the two of them and staggered towards the door of the reception room.

Shadow and Miss Danister followed immediately to ensure that others in the exhibition hall would not notice the professor’s abnormality.

But the professor did not just wander around the exhibition hall, but soon came to the concert hall through the small doors connecting different areas of the building. For this reason, Shade and Miss Danister had to use illusions to hide the three of them to prevent others from being discovered, and Shade did not forget to record the professor’s wandering trajectory.

This wandering in dreams continued until 3:30 in the afternoon, and Professor Quinto still had not reached his destination. Seeing that the time was almost up, Shade nodded to Miss Danister, asking her to release the professor from his sleepwalking state, and then took the professor back to the museum’s reception room.

After simply compiling a memory about the afternoon conversation for the professor, the hypnotic state was also lifted. After waking up, Professor Quinto felt a little tired, as if he had been walking for an hour or two, but he only thought it was because he had been talking all afternoon.

“It’s getting late. We also want to take a walk around the museum and then check out the materials and documents you mentioned. So, professor, we’ll see you later. Thank you very much for your help.”

Shadow and Miss Danister stood up to say goodbye to the professor, and Professor Quinto happily sent them to the door of the reception room. But when the two sides said goodbye, Professor Quintu asked again:

“Since you are from Tobesk, do you know Professor Tiris Manning?”

Xia De had been waiting for this name to appear for a long time, and he nodded without surprise:

“Of course, Professor Manning is an academic leader in history in the North. Why, do you know Professor Manning too? Professor Manning has also been to Vista City?”

Professor Quintu said happily:

“Of course I know him, but he didn’t come to us. I met Tiris Manning when I went to Tobesk to attend an international conference more than thirty years ago. He is a little younger than me, but we It was a great conversation. I’m the kind of academic who likes to stay in offices and classrooms, but Manning has traveled a lot.”

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